
May 19, 2023 01:29:12
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill

May 19 2023 | 01:29:12


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

On this week's OTR, Burrill is joined by Jesse and Luke from the Country-Rock band, Lakeview. These boys have been longtime members of the Raised Rowdy family, and bring the party on and off stage! 

Jesse and Luke share their experiences in the hardcore scene, what makes Pittsburgh different, how they found their sound, stories of the road, degenerate activities and more! 

Check out Lakeview on all the streaming platforms and visit their website for info on tour dates, merch and more! 

Theme song Ryan Nelson 'Two Trick Pony'

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 What's going on here, buddy? It's your boy. Matt Rell here to tell you guys about my friends from a big friendly productions. Now they specialize in creating merchandise for bands, artists, and even lifestyle brands. With their in-house equipment. They can provide shirts, branded hats, and more, as well as gra some graphic design services. They offer order fulfillment to handle your online orders and ship your merch straight to your fans from their shop down and go to Old Birmingham, Alabama, baby. Now, whether you are getting your first shirt, you're just starting out, or you're going on a 40 show run, hit them up for all your merchandising needs. Check out their website, big friendly, or shoot them an email [email protected]. Now we're gonna get into the episode. This is Outside the Round with Matt Bell. Also, make sure you guys like rate, subscribe, tell your mama and them and for more details. And, uh, to get in touch with the rest of the familia, visit rays Now let's get into it. Outside the round with me, Matt Bell Raises Rowdy podcast. Speaker 2 00:01:06 Come Speaker 1 00:01:07 On. Speaker 3 00:01:09 This is Outside The Round with Matt Baril Raises Rowdy podcast. Speaker 1 00:01:15 What's Speaker 0 00:01:15 Going on everybody? Happy to have our boys from Lakeview here. Yeah, buddy. Jesse and Luke, how the hell are you boys doing? Speaker 4 00:01:22 We're Speaker 2 00:01:22 Good. Good. Fair out. Busy, but good. That's always a good thing, Ray. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:01:27 Yeah. We, we've reached the end of the workday. We've got the, the cocktails, the liquid death, the, the non-alcoholic bruise here. And, um, it's, it's cool having some, some fellow Northeastern guys here. Cause Oh God, people down here don't always fucking get it, you know, it's, Speaker 2 00:01:42 Yeah, that's right. That's right. Speaker 0 00:01:43 It's, um, like, you, like you guys say in the song, it's hard to understand it, you Speaker 2 00:01:47 Know, it's, you know, if, you know, if you don't, you don't. Man, that's that. We, we, we talk about that all the time. I was just saying earlier, like, when I first moved here, everybody just thought I was pissed all the time because I just cuss all the fucking time. Yeah, same bro. And I was like, dude, relax, relax. I'm like, no, man, I'm not mad. It's all good. I'm just, that's how I talk. I'm not mad. I'm Speaker 4 00:02:09 Mad. I'm just a piece of shit. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:02:11 Same bro. Same. Honestly. Speaker 4 00:02:14 Yeah. I remember we played our, when we first started working with our buddy Matt, our manager now, um, shout out to Matt Woodson. Um, we played our first show and he was like, afterwards, he was like, dude, guys, I fucking loved it, but like, maybe we just like, shouldn't cuss so much on stage. Fast forward to like the other week, he texted us a video. He, now he works with, uh, Ernest and all those guys. Oh. Sick. And he texted us a video like Hardy on stage, and he was like, Hey, I take back what I said at the beginning and it was like Hardy on stage being like, what Speaker 2 00:02:42 The fuck is up? Everybody Speaker 4 00:02:43 Get the fuck. Yeah. It was like, yeah, I told you. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:02:46 You know, it's like, Hey Matt, we didn't listen anyway, Speaker 0 00:02:50 Dude, <laugh>, that's, that's my, my thing. Cause I do, I do the rounds over at Live Oak that I host, and I'm always like, Hey, live Oak, how are we doing? Then if they're not loud, I'm like, live Oak, how the fuck are we doing? Then everybody gets loud, you know, it's, it's, um, be proud to be from the Northeast that's, you know's Right. Know a bunch of, bunch of damn Yanks. And, um, so Jesse, you're from New York, like I am. We're actually not far apart at all. Yeah. Are you? No. You originally, you yinzer through and through. Speaker 2 00:03:16 Yeah. Born and raised, raised Pittsburgh, Speaker 0 00:03:17 Man, fuck. Speaker 4 00:03:18 Yeah. Yeah. My whole family. Um, I, I attribute all my love for Pittsburgh to my uncle. He was like obsessed with the Steelers and everything. Praise God. Pittsburgh. So, God bless. And what I learned very quickly is that like, people who love the Steelers, there's not really any other people like that. Like people like casually will like their own sports teams and shit. Yeah. But man, there's just so little to live for up there that like, you gotta, you, you gotta hold on what you Speaker 0 00:03:47 Can. The Rooney are Gods. Oh, the Rooney are Gods. And, and that's why I want to get up to Pittsburgh because I'm, I'm a big baseball guy. Like, I live and die with the Yankees. I saw my phone going off. That's a Yankees update. They're playing the fucking Blue Jays tonight. Yeah. And, um, like, I'm die hard with that and I, I like the Giant, I'm big Giants fan too, and like the Rangers and, and the Knicks or whatever, but like the Steelers fans, like you said, are just Yeah. Wild. It's another like, Speaker 2 00:04:11 Yeah, man. I mean, it, it, it, it, uh, it, if they win or lose it dictates the whole entire week. <laugh>. Like, it dictates if someone's gonna live or not. Yeah. Uh, if someone's wife, Allegheny General Hospital, someone's Speaker 4 00:04:25 Wife is definitely getting beat. Speaker 2 00:04:27 Or if someone's gonna get shot in the street or they're just gonna wave and say, ah, that's all right. Come on over. You know? I mean, whatever. It's crazy how how intense it can get there, but it's good, man. I love it. I love it, Speaker 4 00:04:40 Man. It was weird coming to, when we first moved here, we went to a Predators game because our, our friend used to work there and we went during like the Covid thing. So there, granted there weren't that many people, but as we're just watching, we're realizing like, we're sitting there and we don't even like the predators that much, obviously. It's just kinda like, yeah, we're we live here, dude. We're like fucking freaking out screaming like, fucking kill him. Everyone around us, everybody around us is like, we're like, are you okay? We're like, dude, we're just fucking, we're vibing out here, dude. Speaker 0 00:05:11 Yeah. That's how I get too. And, and luckily as a, as a New York sports fan, I don't run as a Giants fan. I don't run into the thing with the Titans. Like, I can, I can pull form a little bit. You guys a little bit different with the Steelers. They're all both in the afc, but the Preds, it's nice cuz they're in the Western conference. So it's like you can pull form, right? Yeah. Right. You can pull for Speaker 2 00:05:29 Well there's, there's that like, uh, what, what, what year was that? Where they said that we stole the Stanley Cup from them or some bullshit? Speaker 0 00:05:35 No, but you guys had said the kid and just dominated. Speaker 2 00:05:37 There's, here's the, yeah, here's the deal. Speaker 4 00:05:39 Here's the best of all time. Speaker 2 00:05:40 Hey, we won. Get over it. Fucking lost. Yeah, dude. Yeah. Have I lose all the fucking time, man, we wrote a goddamn song about it. What do you mean? Like, sometimes you just fucking lose Doesn't mean you that you should hold a grudge against the best team at the, that year. You know what I mean? Whatever. It's not like the Patriots. Speaker 0 00:05:59 It's, yeah. Are you guys baseball guys like remotely or not? No, not really. Speaker 2 00:06:02 Uh, I mean, I, I actually love baseball. Um, and I love the Pirates, but Speaker 0 00:06:07 Are legit. Are they legit this year? Cuz they got off to a great fucking Speaker 2 00:06:10 Store. You got Cutback baby. Come on. Speaker 0 00:06:12 You got, you got Cutback, which is Super Story book. I enjoyed his time with the Yankees, but it's story years old. It's a storybook that he's finishing off with the Bucks. Um, and then fucking you guys finally decided to pay somebody fucking Bri. You paid Brian Reynolds. I don't know. Which is a huge deal for Pittsburgh baseball. You guys actually kept someone. Speaker 2 00:06:29 Yeah. Because Yeah. You know why? Because that, that franchise, and it sucks because like it in Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh just loves all of our sports, but that whole franchise has always been just like a, a money making franchise. They're like, all right, we're gonna always get all these new guys and then halfway through the season we're gonna trade 'em all off and make fucking tons of money <laugh>. You know what I mean? It's like, and that's what they've done for us at least since I've been alive. Yeah. I don't know. But I think, I think, you know, I, I sound like a fucking broken record saying it, but I'm like, yeah, this is our year, bro. This Speaker 0 00:07:04 Is it. I was saying that to Nicky t I'm like, dude, the, the Pirates might be legit this year. He's like, bro, fuck the Pirates. I'm like, what do you mean? Ah, and he's like, dude, every five years they go through this cycle and then they're good and they tease us and then they, they get rid of everybody. Like Yep. He's, because Nick Nick's Nicky's in his forties, so he's experience like he remembers the, the nineties Barry Bonds Yeah. Pirates. Yeah. You know Barry Bonds before he discovered a needle that can go in his ass to make him the home run team. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:07:30 But Speaker 0 00:07:30 That was kinda Speaker 2 00:07:31 Yeah, but I missed steroids in baseball, man. Dude, that Speaker 4 00:07:33 Shit was the hot take. Is Speaker 0 00:07:34 They so Speaker 4 00:07:35 Fun. Yeah. The hot take is let 'em do whatever the fuck they want because it's such a boring sport. It's like, I want to see a superhuman hit the ball, 9,000 acres and just be absolutely reed out his mind. Speaker 2 00:07:48 I basically, I basically want the pitcher to hit the fucking batter with the ball or a home run. I want it to be home run derby or, or like a basically let fight Yeah. Speaker 4 00:08:00 WWE clear the benches. Just somebody fucking, Speaker 2 00:08:03 Somebody in the put some fucking trampolines in the outfield might as well Speaker 0 00:08:06 Them jump around like our moon shoes and shit. That Speaker 2 00:08:08 Shit would be sick. Speaker 4 00:08:09 Dude. Baseball moon shoes Speaker 0 00:08:10 Be like Space Jam. Okay, Speaker 4 00:08:11 Here we go. Just the flying. Hey, sharks got a sick idea. <laugh> baseball, but with moon shoes, Speaker 2 00:08:15 Right? Hey, sharks Speaker 4 00:08:17 Be like, we need 5% for $700 million. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:08:21 That'd be fucking wild, dude. That, that would be, that would be, that would be a lot of fun. Um, yeah, cuz like, there's like, the rule changes this year with everything with like the pitch clock and the this and that, which speeds the game up a little bit. So Speaker 2 00:08:32 I do like that. Actually, I, Speaker 0 00:08:34 It's nice not watching a four hour baseball game. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:08:36 Dude. It Speaker 4 00:08:37 Doesn't speed it up as much as I want because Speaker 2 00:08:39 Baseball's sick, but it's sick when you're fucking playing it. Yeah. You know what mean, I grew up playing baseball my whole life. I loved it. I was great at it. And, but sitting there watching baseball, I'm like, God damn dude. I'm like fucking thirsty and like fucking hot here. And like, dude, man, dude, I'd just much rather be at a bar watching this. And then when I'm at the bar, uh, one commercial comes on, then like, I end up talking to somebody and I'm like, oh shit. Half the game's fucking over. Speaker 0 00:09:07 Yeah. It's not hockey or football. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:08 Oh yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's, you, you can't scream at the TV the whole time, which is, Speaker 0 00:09:14 I, I do, I scream, I'm a New Yorker. It's in my blood that just yell. Like, Nicky t gets so frustrated with me because his, so his older brother, he's got, he's got, um, I believe, uh, two older brothers and older sister and one of his older brothers is so passionate about the Steelers that Nicky grew up going to games and his brother just yelling the entire time. So like, traumatized him. Oh yeah. So now when Nikki goes to a game with me, like even the Sounds Games, I'll sit and write field in the little, I'll pay, pay the $10 a little hack for you. If we going to a Sounds Game by the $10 ga. Oh yeah. And take there's always seats open. Yeah. Oh, always fucking seats open. Yeah. Walk down. But all get on, I'll get on my phone and I'll look up who the visiting right field there is. I'll find him on Instagram. I'll find out his girlfriend's name. I'll find out his mother's name. I'll look up where he's from. I'll look up his, I'm fucking all of them dude. And I will, I will let him hear it the whole game. I let him hear it so bad. One time that they moved, I dig Speaker 2 00:10:07 Through their trash can Speaker 0 00:10:08 The right, the right field, or they Speaker 2 00:10:09 Moved, I've wiped their ass with their underwear. Speaker 0 00:10:11 They they moved. They moved, they moved the left field over the right field. One game. Cause I was on him so much. I feel like I was on him so much. And did they just swap? Cause I'm like, why else would you, would you middle of the game, defensive substitution, swap the corner out the Speaker 4 00:10:24 Poor guys. I was probably just like, yeah, I sprained my arm like my, my shoulder. I'm just trying to, I'm trying to work back to the MLB and he's in the, this fucking guy Speaker 2 00:10:31 Over there just like screaming at him. I, I've been dying to go to a Sounds game and, and let's do it, you know, Elijah too. So that we've been saying like, bro, we need to go to a fucking sounds game. We all of us gotta go, bro. Let's do it. Because I I I love fucking screaming at fucking games, man. Yeah. I just want to yell at people and Speaker 0 00:10:50 Shit. I had my first game that I didn't yell my first sporting event probably in my life. Cause I grew up as a little kid going to Yankee games. We'd go to like 10, 15 games a year when they got a Deckey Matsui, they did like $5 Fuji film nights in the upper deck for like, out of division games. And I'd go on like a Tuesday night, whatever. But Yankee Stadium, everybody's always fucking young. We have the reputation we have because we are assholes. Yeah. We do like to yell. I went to a game recently with my girlfriend and her daughter and her friends and her four year old daughter. And I was like, all right, this is gonna be a good test. I told Nick, I'm like, this is gonna be a good test. This is gonna be me going to a baseball game and not heckling anybody. I was kidding. I didn't heckle with the kid and it was good. The the kid. The kid. And um, and Aaron kept me occupied. But it just, there's something in me even at like a fucking soccer game. Yeah. Kids, Speaker 2 00:11:33 Kids, kids can put you back. You know, they can put you, Speaker 4 00:11:36 They fucking ruin everything dude. <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:11:37 Yeah. I mean, Speaker 0 00:11:39 Yeah, Speaker 2 00:11:39 Kind of. Yeah. She just Speaker 0 00:11:40 Wanted to go up, she just wanted to go down the slide that's in the outfield or whatever. Yeah. It's like, Hey, try to watch, Speaker 4 00:11:45 Watch Scream at this outfielder. Okay, we can go on the slide after Speaker 0 00:11:48 I paid $10 to make this person's life miserable. Yeah. You know, that's what I'm me do Speaker 2 00:11:53 <laugh>. Yeah. They have like a little playground at PNC Park and I'm, and, and, and I remember going to a game and, but I was dating a girl that had a, had a, a kid at the time and this kid just like, literally just wanted to play on the fucking playground the whole time. And I'm, and like, it's like, I don't know, two innings in and, and kids still fucking playing on the playground. I'm like, dude, why, why did we come here? Could've Speaker 0 00:12:17 Just got the playground for free and drank some Speaker 2 00:12:19 Beers. Yeah, no. I'm like, dude, this is the most expensive shitty playground ever, dude. Like, this is the biggest waste of money ever. But, you know, kids are awesome, man. You gotta fuck Speaker 0 00:12:28 It. They Speaker 2 00:12:28 Are. But they're the only piece. That's the only time, like where I'm like, all right, shit, I feel really bad for cussing any other time. I'm like, man, fuck you dude. I don't give a Speaker 4 00:12:37 Shit. Yeah. We played in Pittsburgh. Uh, we opened for Eli Young Band. Oh, sick. We played, we played at the, we played at the Wild Thing stadium. Speaker 0 00:12:43 That's an interesting Speaker 4 00:12:46 Combo. Yeah. Guess what? It was, it was sick. No, it Speaker 2 00:12:49 Was weird. We didn't, we didn't swear at that show, Speaker 4 00:12:52 But we got a sick, we got a sick ass email after that. Speaker 2 00:12:54 Yeah. Yeah. This was what that tell Yeah. Speaker 4 00:12:56 She was, she was like, I, she found her email and emailed us and was like, I just wanna let you know, I bought tickets to Eli Young Band. It was marketed as a family event. Like, we didn't cuss because we knew Eli Young Band is like they're they're great crazy Speaker 0 00:13:10 Girl. Speaker 4 00:13:10 Yeah. But it's like, it's like, you know. Yeah. It's a very Speaker 2 00:13:13 PG dude. The way she laid up this fucking email sounded like we, we brought out fucking strippers and like Yeah. Speaker 4 00:13:18 Started like, chopping Speaker 2 00:13:19 People's heads off, started shoving shit up Jessie's ass way through the shot. Like, it was crazy as how serious she Speaker 4 00:13:25 Said that we at one point screamed something about like, come on now. Suck. Suck this dick. Or something like that. I was like, oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:13:32 Yeah. I was like, Speaker 4 00:13:33 That. Speaker 2 00:13:34 Never Speaker 4 00:13:34 Came out Speaker 2 00:13:35 Of my mouth. Definitely never said, suck this dick. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:13:38 That's definitely like my vibe. Yeah. We, we ly turned into Limp Bizkit out of nowhere. Speaker 0 00:13:41 I mean, God bless Fred Durst. And Speaker 4 00:13:43 So shout out to that lady. Uh, fuck. Who knows. But yeah. Yeah. It was funny. Speaker 0 00:13:48 Yeah. That's something that, um, you guys have to get thrown into some interesting opening slots. Yeah. Um, because you got like, cause you guys do have country on man. Y'all are Yeah. To me, like you as a, as a country rock duo that's gonna rock your face off and give you, give you the the best fucking high energy show. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:14:08 That's what it is to us too. That's, that's, yeah. Speaker 0 00:14:10 You nailed it. Cause I Cause I've, cuz I've seen, I just remember you guys showcase, I think it was last year at Allred. Yeah. I remember going to that I've seen you guys do stuff with, with, um, with Nikki, with, um, with Razor. I remember Mike Stolls event. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Um, shout out to Mike Stoll. Shout up our boy. Let's go. I can tell you guys our frequent Mike Stoll customers with all the on the arms, the Body We love, we love Mike. Um, but Speaker 4 00:14:32 That's, we definitely do get into some weird situations. But I mean, I think the most, I think Luke would agree with the most one, the one that was the most shocking was we were given the opportunity to open up for Easton Corbin for three shows, which was awesome because as country music fans, Speaker 2 00:14:47 I was so stoked on that. He's absolute Corbin. He's an Speaker 4 00:14:50 Absolute beast. Um, so like we were, and we were doing like an acoustic, like hybrid acoustic thing, but even still, like, just the content of our songs is very, like, it's either like heartbreak or getting really drunk. It's like those, those two things. And like, we were shocked, but we have Speaker 2 00:15:06 Other songs, but we didn't, we weren't playing 'em that. Speaker 4 00:15:08 Yeah. Yeah. But like, the, the response was awesome. People loved it. When we went out with Mitchell a bunch, shout out to Mitchell. Um, we also were kind of concerned because Mitchell's very similar in that way. I think people are have a misconception because Live Mitchell slaps Speaker 0 00:15:24 Dude. Oh, dude's. Like, it's Speaker 2 00:15:25 Like he brings him, man. Speaker 4 00:15:26 He rocks it, man. He does. It's Speaker 2 00:15:27 Not, he's so good. He's so good. Every, every, every single night too. Like, I, I, I, I think I've, I mean, we've, me and me and Jesse both have been doing music live since we were literally children. And I, and I've been on tour with some really fucking amazing bands and I've worked for a ton of huge fucking bands. My whole in, in my life. But like, you always see like an honor or an off day. I mean, we have them, it happens. We have 'em for sure. It's part of Speaker 0 00:15:56 It. Speaker 2 00:15:56 Yeah. Mitchell, dude, that dude fucking slaves kills it, man. Yeah. He's, he, he just, he just doesn't miss bro. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:16:04 See, some of our best shows were with him. Like the people, the reception, you would might, you maybe would listen to some of his stuff and be like, and then listen to like home team or some shit. You'd be like, there's no way this would match. People love Speaker 0 00:16:15 Him. I could see that. I could see Mitchell actually being a good fit. Because it isn't, to me, anything that's not super traditional country that isn't, isn't what I call it. Like church country almost, you know? Yeah. Like, like born here, live here, die here. We're in church four nights a week. Like, talking about like, the context of those songs. I feel like Mitchell actually is a, is a vibe because he does rock out on stage. Yeah. He's up there running around in the Jordans. He's telling people, I I don't fuck with bitches no more. Yeah. You know, like he, he's, and he's, he's that guy and he's authentically him. You guys are authentically Speaker 2 00:16:44 You. I don't want, I don't wanna speak for Mitch, but he, the dude is so fucking cool. Yes. The first time we met him, we actually met him at a rite that we wrote. We wrote a song together. It was me, Jesse and, and Mitchell and, uh, will Weatherly. Yeah. Oh Speaker 0 00:16:59 Dude, I fucking love Weatherly. Speaker 2 00:17:01 Yeah. He's so sick. I love that. I love that. Dude. Motherfucker. It's so, it's so funny, like, immediately how we found out that we knew a ton of mutual people from when we were like teenage kids playing in, you know, scene bands. Like, like Mitchell was a scene kid, you know what I mean? That, that grew up in Nashville and his mom was part of the, the, the major music industry here. And just, I mean, growing up here, I couldn't imagine growing up here. Yeah. And also like doing music here and, and, and just being like, oh shit. Well, it, it, you feel like it should all be handed to you, but it, it, it's so totally not. And I feel like it was even more not for Mitchell, like his, him going to radio. It was so late like that. He had all those great songs for so fucking long. Yeah. And every, every card in his pocket, he could, he could fucking pull. I'm sure you, I don't know if he did or didn't pull 'em or just, just to prove a point or whatever, but like, dude, he's been good for so fucking long. But he literally does not give a shit about playing the, the, the, you know, the circus that they want you do, the little dance they want you to do here in Nashville. Speaker 0 00:18:14 Yeah. He's a, he's not a monkey dancer. Speaker 2 00:18:15 He really, he really isn't. And I mean, the first five minutes I think we, we were all hanging out and it was like deadass during Covid and shit. And we were all kind of like, okay, you know, you're meeting a new guy, a new dude. And I, I, I've been a fan of Mitchell for a while and like truly a fan. And I was like, this is, this is sick. I hope we write a good song. And, and he's just like, you know what? Don't don't fucking do shit for anybody here in this town. The fucking bass that y'all play for is fucking in the middle of Nebraska somewhere, blah, blah, blah. Don't fucking do one thing for, you know. And I was like, bro, I love this dude <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:18:53 I fucking, he Speaker 2 00:18:54 Doesn't know me from a whole, I could be trying to cancel him and the height of cancel culture at that time. Yeah. I could have been trying to cancel him on the internet. He didn't give a shit. And I fucking love that dude. That dude earned my respect for life. I'll die for that dude. I'd fight anybody for Speaker 0 00:19:09 Mitchell Town. Yeah. I got to see him. Um, I got, so being off the road now I'm entrenched in the, the raised rowdy mm-hmm. <affirmative> front rower Don't Go Culture, which you guys are very familiar with. And I'm looking forward to front or don't go at the end next week. I'm super stoked for that show. Ready to Rock out. We got to go to the, um, we, Nikki t went both nights. I only went the one night, um, to, uh, the Luke Combs stadium show here at Nissan. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And that, that Friday show, getting to see Mitchell open up at Nissan Stadium, him and his whole crew wearing the titans jerseys. Yeah. Him rocking out and having a moment. It was, it was really fun. Cool. Yeah. And Mike Stoll was at that show with us. And I know again, we're, we're gonna give Mike a lot of love. So We love you Mikey <laugh>. Um, I know Mitchell is a Mike Stoll disciple as well. Yeah. And I believe he's had some work done. Yeah, for sure. By Mike, which is, which is really cool. Um, and I gotta say you, you referenced home team. Yeah. Nikki and I have been going to the gym cause we're getting in the festival season. Praise Speaker 2 00:20:05 Summer be, Speaker 0 00:20:06 Could be wearing crop tops and cutoffs and all, all that shit. So we've been going and we, we, Speaker 2 00:20:12 We, I want Nikki in a crop. Speaker 0 00:20:15 I got pictures of Nikki team. Speaker 2 00:20:16 Oh, no, no, I know you will. I know Speaker 0 00:20:17 You, I I have photos of Nikki t and a and a Trey Lewis crop top at Rock the South a few years ago. Drunk. Drunk. God, that's hard. His name Drunk. Drunk is pissed. We'll, we'll we'll get like, dude, that Speaker 2 00:20:26 Quickly, dude's, he's like two bush lights away Speaker 4 00:20:27 From Trailer Park Boys. Speaker 0 00:20:29 I love it. I mean, he's, he's the man. It's premium premium, premium premium Speaker 2 00:20:33 Love. He really is. I mean, dude, he is, he is the vi he makes me want to fucking throw something at somebody's face immediately. Like Yeah, fuck Yeah. Drunk in a parking lot somewhere. I just want to get like being Ray's rowdy. Like he is the embodiment Yeah, exactly. Of that. When you just look at him immediately you're like, oh, holy shit, I, I wanna do something. It's, it's, it's a man from white trash man. Speaker 0 00:20:53 Immediately. It's a man. It's a man from the, the the PA, West Virginia line. That's right. That grew up in Connellsville and That's right. Spent time in Pittsburgh and has been to all the dive bars and had Penn season tickets when Sid, the kid was just a rookie and went to a bunch of wet backyard brawl games with Pit and WVU and all that shit. But, um, I was, what I was getting at, we've been, we've been hitting Planet Fitness hard, you know, whereas I used to, I like to call it planet fatness for guys like us that are trying to cut down on the guts. Speaker 2 00:21:18 Grab a Tootsie Roll on the way out. Oh, Speaker 0 00:21:19 Bro. Yes, yes, yes. We, um, so we, we like to do the machines. We don't get too far off. We're, we're, we're easing our way into it. Yeah. But we always do 30 minutes of cardio at the end. And the other day, um, I, I ended up going 35 minutes because at the end of my workout I was like, I'm gonna bump some lake view, let's fucking, and I threw on Soneva and then I threw on home team and you guys added an extra five minutes to my cardio session. Let's go. I was just like, let's fucking go. Especially in the line in son where you guys are talking about being a Yankee and doing this. I'm like, this is the, the rock that I grew up on and the country music that I love mixed in together. Thank you. And you guys blended so well and thank you right now is such a, such a man. Good time for that to be happening because there are no rules in country music. There are no rules in rock. And rock is fucking coming back. Speaker 4 00:22:05 Oh, yeah, yeah. Speaker 0 00:22:06 Oh yeah. Countries just continuing to rise and it's, it's, it's cool being buddies with you boys and seeing the scene that you guys are in fucking take off like a rocket ship with other artists that are doing it and what you guys are doing. And to be doing it fucking in independently Yeah. Is fucking dope. Thank you. So I gotta say it's very, as, as a rock, as a, as a rock country fan, or as a rock fan and a country fan, I love what you guys are doing. Yeah. For real. Like, thanks probably. And, and I mean, so where did that identity kinda like come from? Of like, was it just growing up and being in scene bands and then being like, I fucked with country music too? Or like, where did that come from from Speaker 4 00:22:40 You guys? Yeah, I mean, I think me and Luke have such a similar trajectory. I mean, we crossed paths like at this point 15 years ago, Speaker 2 00:22:48 <laugh>. Yeah. I mean like the first time I ever met Jesse DeNiro in person, his, it was our old bands playing together in Kissemee, Florida. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> at a church Speaker 4 00:22:58 Second Saturday showcase. He shut up Speaker 2 00:22:59 That, that, that that shut down. I mean, they shut down the church after the show. Like it was so, fuck. Um, so much shit got broken. Jesse punched out like all this fucking kid's fucking teeth. Yeah. It was sick. This was the first night I ever met him. I was like, yo, this dude's pretty fucking cool Speaker 0 00:23:15 <laugh>. Wait, so, so, so some context. Speaker 4 00:23:18 We, so we opened for him, for his, Speaker 0 00:23:19 And, and, and these are like, I'm guessing these are like hardcore bands Speaker 4 00:23:22 Yeah. Back in the day. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, we grew up like, I mean, I grew up in kind of like a more suburban, rural area of New York. I mean, I used to like listen to Toby Keith and Brad Paisley, I kinda, Speaker 0 00:23:36 Or Orange County Speaker 4 00:23:36 Baby. Yeah. I missed, I missed the, like, the 80 seventies and eighties stuff. Um, but I got into like that early 2000 stuff a lot. Um, so I always had that, like, love for that did like some solo stuff that was very like country adjacent at times. And then, but I've always had this love for like heavy stuff. So that's how we actually cross paths. And then Luke gets, he has like the love for country from his dad with like Don Williams and all those guys. And like, it just all, we did this thing, we tried this thing for so long and then somehow we ended up right back where we were 15 years later. And we just, we basically set out just to write songs. And it just ended up organically being like, like poor me was like one of the ones where we were like, yeah, this is kind of it. It's like, well, you Speaker 2 00:24:27 Gotta go. But even before that, like, dude, we, we were both like done. Yeah. We basically caught with music. Like Yeah, music has ruined my fucking life. Speaker 0 00:24:37 The hardcore scene is tough. It wears, wears you the fuck out. Speaker 4 00:24:41 The issue is, the issue with that scene is that it's like there's not a lot, there's not a ton of Yeah. There's not a ton of money in it. Speaker 0 00:24:47 Yeah. There's no money and you're just breaking your body. Speaker 4 00:24:49 And the reason there's no money is because nobody drinks. So the venues can't pay you because the four guys there will have like a pbr. Everybody else is fucking straight edge and shit. Like, they don't want to. Right. They're not there to drink. They're there to fight people. Speaker 0 00:25:02 Yeah. So, which is, to me, the wild thing about you would think everybody wanna be fucked up at the hardcore show running around in the pit. But I know the straight edge thing is such a big culture. Speaker 2 00:25:10 I, it, it, it was, I don't know if it is know if Speaker 4 00:25:12 It's now, but when we were doing Speaker 2 00:25:14 It's, but I mean, you're from New York if, I mean that was, I mean that whole like, area Speaker 4 00:25:19 Area, Speaker 2 00:25:20 Yeah. Just the east, like was just fucking insanely militant. Like death edge shit. Like fucking gangs. All, all in hardcore. Man. That shit was wild. Speaker 4 00:25:31 Yeah. So I think it just kind of like, we basically were like, dude, we're fucking done. And then, uh, I was like basically homeless for a little bit. Luke and his brother took me in and we all lived together. And then me and Luke were working together as bouncers. And then at night we would be like, we would get home and we'd be like drunk basically from like drinking after the shift. And then we would just like start writing songs. And we just started writing and we didn't really under know what they were. And we just made the decision one day like, we should go meet this guy down in Georgia and record these songs. He used to be a fan of those who feared Luke's old band. And Luke was like, yeah, let's just go fucking do it. It's gonna be not that much money. What Speaker 0 00:26:15 If what we got to lose? Speaker 4 00:26:16 What do we have to lose? Because right now our lives are fucking terrible. And we're like, I was like, you know what? Yeah dude, let's do it. So we literally bought a, a full pack of cig. We bought a whole cart and a cigarettes. We drove all the way for Pittsburgh. All the way to lj. Speaker 0 00:26:30 What, what kind of, what kind of SIGs were y'all smoking? We Speaker 4 00:26:33 Were going straight, straight marble, Speaker 2 00:26:35 Menthol, you know, menthol too. Speaker 0 00:26:36 Oh, that is some, that is some, that is some yinzer trashy shit. Yeah. I was a Marlboro guy for a long time. Diet. Marlboro, Marlboro Lights here. Speaker 2 00:26:46 Here's the thing, man. We put on Cookie Monster pants before we go into the gas station to buy, just Speaker 4 00:26:52 Buy cigarettes, cigarette cigarettes. You know, I, I have like, I have like a Batman fitted that I throw, Speaker 2 00:26:56 Throw my wife beater in fucking cookie monster pants. Yeah, dude. And some hat that has a bunch of puzzle pieces on it and shit. And just roll in and just say, all right, you know what, Speaker 4 00:27:06 Just shred it dude. Speaker 2 00:27:07 Give me a pack on They know on the house. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:27:10 Fucking house. Dude. Agree with that. I always say, do you have any, Speaker 2 00:27:14 Do, do you ever go into a fucking gas station and you go, what? Do you have any specials going when someone's trying to get cigarettes? I'm like, funny, Speaker 0 00:27:22 Funny, funny story about specials with cigarettes. Um, I went down to, I think we were going Toro. We were going to Rome, Georgia, and it was with Nikki t and some of our, some of our concert crew. I forget what, which show it was. Um, but we went down there and we stopped at a gas station on the way and it said fire sale. And it was all the bottom shelf packs of cigarettes for a dollar? Speaker 2 00:27:44 No. Oh Speaker 0 00:27:44 Yeah. Dollar packs of like, Speaker 4 00:27:46 What's your favorite bottom shelf? Speaker 0 00:27:49 Well, first pack I ever bought when I quit drinking was Maverick Red one hundreds. Speaker 2 00:27:53 I love that. You're like, when I quit drinking now I, I bought the shittiest fucking pack of cigarettes I could buy. Speaker 0 00:28:00 I didn't know what to buy, buy. And I was like, Speaker 2 00:28:02 Eagle love. I love you do even, do you even smoke prior to you're just like, nah man, I need another vice. You know what? Nah, I'm done drinking. I was the kid. Let's get hooked on something else. Speaker 0 00:28:11 I was one of those ADHD kids that crew up with the pill cocktails of Ritalin. Oh yeah. And Viva and Adderall. Then they finally landed me on Concerta 54 milligrams. And then I got off Concerta when I went to college. Cause I'm like, I don't wanna risk becoming a drug dealer. So I got off it and then I started drinking. Yeah. And then the drinking to say Speaker 2 00:28:30 Did, that's like the right side of being, you know, on the drug thing is like, you're just a deal dealer. Speaker 0 00:28:35 The dealer. Speaker 2 00:28:35 Yeah. No, I mean, you should have been the dealer. Let's do it. Those like, I mean, no one's dying on those things. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:28:41 You're fine. And in college outta private school in New Jersey, Speaker 4 00:28:44 Apparently hell maybe, maybe. Speaker 2 00:28:45 Dude, that's like, that's the real good shit, dude. That's, that's where everybody got the fuck money baby. Speaker 0 00:28:50 Yeah. The Speaker 4 00:28:51 12 favorite leases. My favorite, uh, bottom shelf of SIGs were the Eagles. Speaker 0 00:28:56 Oh, dude. I've bombed Eagles. See now I'm in a state where I'm, I used to have AIG have Sig by SIGs and by these, and I would call these my, I would call this my car cigarette. Like if I was driving the van with the guys on the road, or I was in like an, an airport places where I couldn't smoke and it was frowned upon the dip, I'd be ripping this. Now I'm just doing this. But I bum cigarettes and I'm, and we have the, we have the joke on the, we have the joke on the road. Like, if I don't smoke, I don't have a lighter. So it's like, if you don't have a lighter, you don't have cigs, you're not a smoker. But now I'm the guy on the Live Oak patio while I'm hosting, being like, Hey, look at a cig dude. And I know, and but I've developed is I've developed a collection of degenerates that come to raise rowdy events and my outside the round events that I do, where I know there's gonna be a handful of guys and girls that are, are smoking on the patio. So I know I can pop out there and get four, five SIGs in, in a four hour period. Speaker 2 00:29:47 Well, dude, you know what's crazy? Like healthy, you know what sucks? Like is healthy. I, I, I basically smoked cigarettes like my whole life until like, I don't know, fucking 23, 24. I was like, all right, that's it. I'm done. You know what I mean? I'm, I'm just done. I like quit like everything. I quit drinking for like a whole year and shit. Wow. All like one. I was just like, I'm done. I think I, I think I was like super fucking depressed or some shit. And I was like, all right, I'm done with everything. And I just did. But, uh, dude, I like, I wish I, I first off just a disclaimer, I fucking love cigarettes, man. I do too. Cigarettes are so, first off, you look cool as fuck. Speaker 4 00:30:25 Look cool as fuck, dude. They, Speaker 2 00:30:26 They, they, they, they taste great. They feel great. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Now I'm smoking this stupid dude, look at me and look at what this thing I'm holding. Look at this bullshit. Speaker 4 00:30:36 Look at insane Speaker 2 00:30:38 The Speaker 0 00:30:38 Dude. Look how big of a Speaker 2 00:30:40 Fucking pussy I look like right now. Dude. Speaker 0 00:30:41 What's the, what's the brand on that thing? I don't even know. Trey, Ken Speaker 2 00:30:45 Smokey, Kendo car, Ken card, Cardo bar. Speaker 0 00:30:47 I get these little views, Altos, and it's like, I don't, I, the common one is the menthol one, but I'm, again, I'm not, I'm just not a menthol guy. I've never had, well, Speaker 2 00:30:56 Menthol is actually really bad for you to breathe Speaker 0 00:30:59 In. I You can't go, you can't go to space If you smoke menthol, it cuts holes in your lungs. Yeah. Shit. You die if you went Speaker 2 00:31:03 Space. Isn't that fucking wild? Oh, Speaker 4 00:31:04 I guess we're not gonna fucking space dude. Speaker 2 00:31:06 <laugh>. Yeah dude. Yeah. Fuck. Well that better cancel next month. So, Speaker 0 00:31:09 So much for going to the moon. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:31:11 So much shit. Speaker 0 00:31:12 But I, I do this like golden tobacco and take the 5% thing. I don't even get a nicotine buzz anymore, bro. That's how far into it I've been. I don't even get a buzz. Speaker 4 00:31:19 Well, it's just an oral Speaker 2 00:31:20 Fixation. You know what you gotta do, man? Do you, you gotta go to church, man. You gotta go back to church. Yeah. <laugh>. You neither. Why? Because you come out, you come out of there and then you fucking rip that bad boy pH right to your fucking sack, man. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:31:33 Dude, Speaker 2 00:31:33 Dude. Oh yeah. You just feel, you can't feel shit. Your teeth. I just want like you feel, I'm like, God punched me in the mouth right now after I I I just came outta church and ripped this fucking dumb pink box <laugh>, I'm, you could punch me right in the fucking teeth, dude. And I wouldn't feel shit. I'd be like, I'm invincible, dude. I'm like a crack head after I show. Speaker 0 00:31:53 Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. The nick nicotine being a nicotine fiend is, um, has has been a big part of my life. And then the worst part was I moved down here. I started smoking a lot more because I'm used to paying fucking Yeah. $14. Yeah. New York prices. And then Jersey, we used to go over to Pennsylvania when I was, I went to college at a place called Ryder, Ryder University. It's in central New Jersey. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:32:13 I know, right? Speaker 0 00:32:14 Yeah, right on. Right on the pa. Speaker 2 00:32:15 Right. I used to see, I used to get commercials like locally. I got commercials for that, like growing up. Speaker 0 00:32:19 Yeah. Yeah. So it's like right outside of Trenton, which is right on the border of Yeah. Of, of sketchy eastern pa like Right. Like Philly suburb kind of trashy played. Speaker 2 00:32:29 I played Eagles clubs and VFWs there my Speaker 0 00:32:32 Whole life. Oh bro. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what we used to do, I had my student job, uh, working for the sports, sports information department and then the radio station. And we'd, I'd cash my little, my little 150, 200 bucks, whatever I got that week. And we'd go, me and my buddies would go across the Pennsylvania line, get bottles of liquor, get cartons of zigs, get fucking, um, the pipe tobacco. I was a pipe tobacco guy, which was a, the whole stupid decision. And Speaker 2 00:32:56 Everybody went through that phase. I feel like Speaker 0 00:32:58 Black and mild wine, wood tips. Speaker 4 00:33:00 Ooh, what's it want? And Speaker 0 00:33:01 Then tubs of s stokers Speaker 2 00:33:03 Dude. Tubs of Speaker 0 00:33:04 Stokers. Speaker 2 00:33:05 You're, when you're in that weird fucking pipe tobacco phase thing, you, you, you like justify by sailing. Oh, there's no like, fucking chemicals in this shit. And yeah. It's so dumb. And you're like, it smells good. Like this is how it's supposed Speaker 4 00:33:18 To be, but you just look like an absolute tool. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:33:20 You look like a jerk off. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:33:21 What? Yeah. What are you a fucking detective dude? Speaker 0 00:33:24 Mylock forties. Sherlock Sherlock Holmes. Yeah. Dude, you're, you're at, you're at the fraternity kegar and you're sitting there hitting a pipe. Nothing Speaker 4 00:33:30 Says, I've never had sex like smoking out of a pipe. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:33:33 Oh dude. When I never had sex, I definitely was like, yo shit, I'm gonna make a pipe. That thing, dude, I remember whiting a fucking pipe out of like wood when I was a kid. Yeah. And it was like, like a sumac tree or some shit. It was like poisonous for me to fuck dude. Did you smoke like sticks growing up? Oh Speaker 4 00:33:50 Dude. Oregano sticks. Speaker 2 00:33:52 Oh dude, I would find sticks that you could smoke and like smoke Speaker 4 00:33:55 'em. Well he didn't. Did you grow up in church? Speaker 0 00:33:57 I grew up in EPIs, in Peco. Didn Up church. Episcopalian. Yeah. We're like, we're like some weird, we're like Catholics minus the pedophilia and we can smoke. You know, it's Speaker 2 00:34:05 Like Yeah. That's hard as nail. Yeah. That's a cool one. Speaker 4 00:34:07 That's a cool one. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:08 That's shit's Speaker 0 00:34:09 Protestant as fuck Speaker 2 00:34:10 That is. Yeah. Up Speaker 4 00:34:11 Dog. When you grew up, when you grew up in church, you just end up doing some weird stuff like smoking, smoking a oregano with your friends cuz you're just like, dude kind of looks like drugs. And we're like, okay Speaker 2 00:34:21 Bro. I grabbed like just a sheet of like computer paper and like roll. Like anything. Speaker 4 00:34:27 I'm fucking put sugar in there. Speaker 2 00:34:29 There's gonna be a fucking commercial. You know those commercials where it's like lawyer's Speaker 4 00:34:32 Thing there. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:33 And it's like, yo, did you ever smoke like this fucking brand of computer paper? I'm like, holy shit bro. That's Speaker 0 00:34:40 Me. Give me my money. Speaker 2 00:34:41 That's why I'm so fucking tired all the time and shit. I felt, I'm like, I always said like growing up I was like, man, I'm gonna probably die when I'm like 40. And I still think that a little bit sometimes we, Speaker 0 00:34:51 How far, how far do we have to go? Speaker 2 00:34:52 Uh, like five more years man. Okay. Speaker 0 00:34:55 We're gonna make it a great five years Speaker 2 00:34:56 Bro. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:34:57 We're gonna smoke so much computer paper this five Speaker 2 00:34:59 Years. I'm just gonna find a whole stack of old computer. I You can't smoke the new shit, man. No. Speaker 4 00:35:04 They don't make it like they used to. Speaker 0 00:35:05 That that Chinese paper. Fuck that. Speaker 4 00:35:07 Fuck dude. That communist paper. Speaker 2 00:35:08 Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying to support. Yeah. I don't want no kids pressing my paper. Speaker 4 00:35:11 Yeah, dude, come on. Speaker 0 00:35:12 I want that shit coming out of a, a wooden fucking pa out of an old paper mill. I I Speaker 2 00:35:17 In America. Stinky Speaker 0 00:35:18 In America in a shitty town. Stinky, Speaker 2 00:35:20 Disgusting, smelly paper factory from Cleveland, Ohio. Speaker 4 00:35:24 Yeah. Shout out Cleveland. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:35:25 Just, you just pull through there and it just smells. Uh, dude, I love how people get like paid for how bad it smells around those things. Speaker 0 00:35:34 Do they really? Speaker 2 00:35:35 Yeah. Do you ever, like you never met anybody who lives around like a, a beat uh, factory or like a they'll Speaker 4 00:35:41 Pay you cuz it's so Speaker 0 00:35:42 Disgusting. Speaker 2 00:35:43 No, it, it's so fucking vile and, and like a, I don't even know a hundred miles. It's like, they're like, Speaker 4 00:35:50 Hey, sorry, here's a thousand dollars a month. Speaker 2 00:35:52 They like pay you a stipend. Like, Hey dude, sorry we just ruined this like, fucking dude, you might as well just drop a bomb here. It's so disgusting. Jeez. Speaker 0 00:36:02 Yeah. I did not know that was a thing. Speaker 2 00:36:04 Everybody's like, oh no, you get used to it. And I'm like, nah dude. No, you don't Speaker 0 00:36:07 Get used to it. Speaker 2 00:36:08 We're really fucking headaches. Speaker 4 00:36:09 We're really fucking ripping roar in here, dude. Speaker 0 00:36:12 Yeah, dude. That's what happens when you get, when you get, when you get three folks from the northeast on a podcast after long days of work. So, so what were you doing today? You were out doing fucking like contract work or something? Speaker 2 00:36:23 Yeah, I, I'm a landscape contractor. Speaker 0 00:36:25 Landscaper. Speaker 2 00:36:25 Okay. So I do, I do like, uh, so when you say you're a a landscaper, everybody just thinks you just mow grass all day. Oh, Speaker 0 00:36:32 It's a lot more than that. Speaker 2 00:36:33 And, and I always say, man, dude, I miss fucking mowing grass all the time because that was like, I just love mowing grass. He just listen to music the whole time. You know what I mean? I love fucking listening to music and mowing. Fucking Speaker 0 00:36:44 Grass ass. You ever rip AIG on the ride? On dude? Speaker 2 00:36:47 You know, I did. I I used to do that shit all the time. I fucking love it, dude. I did such fucking junkie. I looked like a junkie ass fucking idiot. Like riding around on a mower, smoking cigs chief Speaker 4 00:36:59 In a fucking Speaker 2 00:36:59 Eagle. Dude. Even if I quit cigarettes, like I remember I would always bomb a cigarette off my buddy at that I worked with back home. He would always be, oh man, here you, you need a cig for Luke. Cuz I would like have to weed whack everything. Ohs feel bad. You sucks here to smoke a cigarette. But, uh, yeah. So I just, I I, here I do uh, I do everything. I mean it like being a landscaper doesn't really justify like what I do. I built, we build, I mean Jesse used to work with, with, with Us too. Um, he works at Lakeside Lounge Speaker 0 00:37:33 Now. Yeah. We've seen you. We've seen you over there. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:37:35 I worked last night. I worked till four o'clock in the morning. Speaker 0 00:37:37 You are the perfect vibe of what I expect a bartender to be. Fuck yeah. At the Lakeside Lounge. Praise God. Because it is a one of a kind establishment. Speaker 4 00:37:46 Clip it, send it to my boss. Speaker 0 00:37:47 It's, it's a, oh, we'll get him to watch it dude. It it's a time machine. Yeah. I feel like I'm, I'm on the set of um, cheers. Cheers. I feel like I'm on the set of, uh, slap shot. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like this old old Milltown seventies, eighties Paul Newman movie vibes. Yeah. Right. Like the fact that I can get a greasy patty melt and then I can sit in a booth that has a little fucking mini TV on the wall. Speaker 2 00:38:09 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:38:09 Yeah. It's just cool man. And it's, and you don't feel like you're in Nashville. It's such Speaker 4 00:38:13 A, it's vibe. It's, it's hard to find places around here that don't make you feel, that's why it's, when you find those places, you gotta like keep it online. Speaker 0 00:38:22 Do you guys, do you have regulars over there? Speaker 4 00:38:23 Oh yeah. Yeah. During the day. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. It's a cool spot. Shout out Lakeside lunch. I love you guys. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:38:28 That, that bar is definitely, Speaker 4 00:38:29 Yeah, we filmed, Speaker 2 00:38:30 Definitely turned into my favorite bar. Speaker 4 00:38:32 We, me and Luke showed up when we filmed the video for home team. We showed up at six o'clock in the morning, opened the bar. They let us graciously film there for free. So we filmed, I, we like literally set the bar up and then got out before anybody showed up. It was crazy. So you, yeah. It's just funny having those connections and shit. It's great. Speaker 0 00:38:52 What's the most, who's like the most like, interesting? Cause I feel like it's a good spot for like, big name people to like kind of hide and not cause folks that are, that are in, in that scene. East Nashville Vibes, you don't GM in East Nashville. It's kind of the vibe where if anything they're snickering like, fuck that guy. You know? That's just, that's just east n that's how I view, I sense. Speaker 2 00:39:11 It's so, I I just feel Yeah. Yeah. It it it's just Nashville in general. It's, it's so fucking weird. Like, I remember me and Jesse, uh, when we were still both landscaping at the time. We went and we went to Sam Hunt house and gave him a bid on a massive drainage issue he was having at his house. We met House. Yeah. And he just comes rolling up like, and I mean, he had no idea we'd do. I wasn't gonna be that fucking Speaker 0 00:39:38 No, Speaker 4 00:39:39 We, we gave him a demo. We were like, dude, take the cd. Speaker 2 00:39:41 Yeah. I was like, yeah dude. Five bucks after I, after you give it to him. Five bucks cd. Hell, Speaker 0 00:39:48 What about me? Cuz what about me? Cause Speaker 2 00:39:50 Yeah, but, uh, I feel, I feel like that's just Nashville. We, we were bartending steeplechase, uh, was that two years ago? Oh Speaker 4 00:39:57 Yeah. We did it Speaker 2 00:39:58 Every, it was every fucking per, we had like a v p tent or some shit. Every single person who came up to the fucking bar was like, wait, you guys are you guys are Lake View? We're Speaker 4 00:40:10 Like, yeah, what do you want? Speaker 2 00:40:11 Yeah, dude, get a fucking, you want a vodka soda drink? Get the fuck. What do you want bitch? Like, trying to make some fucking money, dude. Speaker 4 00:40:18 <laugh> dude. Yeah, it's wild. Yeah. I mean, uh, the, uh, like Speaker 0 00:40:21 Lake. So who was some interesting folks for, Speaker 4 00:40:22 I mean, Theo Von goes there a bunch. I mean, he's sober, but it's, he comes there, he was there with Caleb Presley there. They're super cool. Oh, sick. Um, all the guys from Old Dominion are always there. Wow. So I've built a, I mean, I don't, they don't know who I am, but I've served them a bunch. Speaker 0 00:40:37 I've heard they're good guys. Awesome, Speaker 4 00:40:38 Awesome. Speaker 0 00:40:39 Heard. I've heard they're good guys and they cut their teeth. People don't know, a lot of people don't know this. They started as a Broadway cover band. That was how they, they they used to play on Broadway. They played the circuit on Broadway as with the name Old Dominion for years. Speaker 4 00:40:52 Uh, candy. Is that the name of the album? Yeah. Yeah. One of, one of dude one The best albums. Speaker 2 00:40:57 Insane album. Cut Speaker 0 00:40:58 The Back. You guys ever heard the Meow Mix version of the the record? Speaker 4 00:41:01 No, but that sounds insane. Speaker 0 00:41:02 So it's, it, it's meow. It's like Cat, it's like a cat meowing dubbed over all their hit songs and it's, they put it out during Covid. I'm like, how much pot did these guys enough have to be sitting in a basement being like, well fuck it. Let's just put out the meow mix Speaker 4 00:41:20 Of money. Like Speaker 2 00:41:21 Someone had the Tim Allen, uh, doom. Yeah. Did you ever see that? No. Where everything in Doom is Tim Allen. Like the walls, the guns, everything. And then the, all the sounds are Tim Allen. It's the best dude. It's the most insane shit. It was a legendary YouTube video Speaker 0 00:41:36 The day. I gotta check that out. But I'm like, somebody had to sit and produce this Meow Mix. Oh yeah. Yeah. Someone had to go back and take the stems of these songs and just put Speaker 4 00:41:44 Like cross fade meow and show. Speaker 0 00:41:45 Just put and just put Matt Ramsey. Cuz it's, it's Matt's voice singing it. Oh, really? Like, so it's old Dominion's voice going Meow, meow, meow. And like the harmonies, it's like harmonic meow. We'll listen to it after this and shit. Um, but, um, you guys were, um, talking about Steeplechase. Yeah. So I've, you guys, I'm sure follow Scoop Nashville, right? You guys follow? Speaker 2 00:42:02 Yeah, Speaker 0 00:42:02 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's one of my favorite accounts to follow. Um, just because you see crazy shit on there, like, oh yeah. Back in the, I remember the Broadway on Censored days. Like you just seeing crazy shit. And the week, which steeplechase just happened, but like the week after steeplechase, you just see so much. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> shit because it's all these like, preppy folks. All the frat boys just getting drunk and doing dumb frat boys shit. Oh yeah. In a high class society setting. Yeah. Right. So I'm sure you guys saw some shit when you were there. Yeah, Speaker 4 00:42:28 We saw like half the cast of Love Island, Speaker 0 00:42:31 So Well, but I'm saying like just drunk debauchery. Oh dude. But Speaker 2 00:42:33 Like, people dressed up. Speaker 4 00:42:34 No, no. The guy, the one guy who owned the tent didn't wear a shirt or shoes the whole day. A steeple Speaker 2 00:42:39 Chase. We showed up, I think we showed up at six 30 in the morning and, and we didn't stop actually physically like serving drinks for like, 13 hours straight. It was Speaker 4 00:42:51 Literally 13 Speaker 2 00:42:52 Hours. Like, I didn't even fucking take a piss, like nothing. It was terrible. It was insane. And it was just all like, every, every fucking person you would, you would consider like a moderately known person in this town, if not like in the whole entire world. Just, just barging at this bar that me, Jesse, and one other guy are working. Speaker 0 00:43:15 Oh, it's only three of yous on the bar. Speaker 2 00:43:17 It it was in the middle of a track. Speaker 4 00:43:18 So at Steeplechase, like you as a general admission, you just sit in the stands. But like if you are cool and famous, you go to an actual like, VIP Speaker 2 00:43:29 Tent for cool famous like us. You get asked to work there, Speaker 4 00:43:31 You get asked to work there. But yeah, like you get Speaker 0 00:43:33 Paid, Speaker 4 00:43:34 You get paid to be there. Uh, poorly. But yeah, like we were in the largest v i p tent. It was like probably 500 people. It was fucking huge. Um, but yeah, it was just like open to close insanity. Just, I don't, I actually don't even know what steeplechase is. I don't even know what happened there. Speaker 2 00:43:51 See, I didn't see one fucking horse there a time. Is Speaker 4 00:43:53 There dogs? Is it dog racing? I, Speaker 2 00:43:55 It's it's horses. I think Speaker 0 00:43:56 It's horses jumping over shit. I listen Speaker 2 00:43:58 To talk radio in the morning on their way to work. They were just talking. Oh yeah. Dude, dude. Speaker 4 00:44:03 Shout out the fucking friend and radio buddy. Dude. Oh Speaker 2 00:44:06 Yeah, dude. Yeah. My far and yeah, that's, yeah. Brian Wilson. Yeah. Um, fuck yeah. Anyway, uh, the Steeplechase is a race from steeple to steeple. So like back in the day they didn't have like, it was just like a cross country race on horses. And the only landmark they could see were steeples of churches. Oh. So they would race from town to town. Speaker 0 00:44:30 It all goes back to church. Speaker 2 00:44:31 But it, yeah. And dude, I know man. That's what I'm saying. Speaker 4 00:44:34 That's why we smoked Speaker 2 00:44:36 My first everything was at church man. Speaker 0 00:44:38 First everything. Church parking lot. Speaker 4 00:44:40 Church camp. Speaker 2 00:44:40 There was camp, there's yeah, there's church everywhere. Speaker 4 00:44:44 Yeah. We physically can't even get into dude. Speaker 2 00:44:46 Yeah. Don't, don't even start. Don't Speaker 0 00:44:48 Even, what, what level, what level of church are we talking Are we talking like reaching in the box and there's a snake? Are we talking like No, no, no, Speaker 2 00:44:54 No, no, no, no, no. Speaker 0 00:44:55 Are we talking like rockstar church? That's what I call like, like megachurch stuff. I call it rockstar church. Cause I grew up where churches don't have a, a concert where like, you go to like a megachurch down here. It's Oh, Speaker 2 00:45:07 I grew up, grew up in concert, Speaker 0 00:45:08 Grew in a concert church. You, you go to concert, A concert with a little bit of JC in there. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 4 00:45:12 Oh yeah. It's very little bit, Speaker 2 00:45:14 Dude. Speaker 4 00:45:14 Oh yeah. You're like, is this about God? What is happening? Speaker 2 00:45:17 <laugh>? Yeah. Speaker 4 00:45:18 Sick light show though. This is his, Speaker 0 00:45:19 Yeah, it's like, cuz McElroy over there. Sweet boy. He grew up, um, was it Pentecostal? Mcil? He grew up Pentecostal. So was Speaker 2 00:45:26 Like, dude, Speaker 0 00:45:28 Tongues and shit. Speaker 4 00:45:29 You know what a Assemblies of God is? Uh, yeah. Yeah. I used to lead worship out at Assemblies of God. Really? Speaker 2 00:45:34 I grew up, I grew up, uh, Speaker 4 00:45:36 Callies of God. We'd have alter call, we'd, oh yeah, dude. Speaking of tongues. Gettings slain in the spirit. Same slain down baby, you know, Speaker 2 00:45:42 Know SL spirit, you know, that, uh, let the body hit the floor video like that. That dude I Speaker 5 00:45:47 Sent, did I not send that to you Speaker 4 00:45:48 Other sent the other Speaker 5 00:45:50 Day? It was some dude just dancing to something. I got it in Speaker 2 00:45:53 Here. So. Oh, yeah, dude, there's Speaker 0 00:45:54 Somebody, is this like the scene in Borat where he like walks up and he's like, tell me about my friend. Like, tell me about my friend Jesus. And like he, they put the hand on the head and he's talking in tongues and borras like shaking on the floor. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:46:05 Yeah, yeah. Okay. So What's that? Yeah, I mean, it was pretty much, that's Speaker 4 00:46:08 Not how I grew up, but we Speaker 0 00:46:09 You've seen that. Speaker 4 00:46:10 Oh dude. Yeah. I've been a part of it. Speaker 0 00:46:11 You've been to like the revival things? Speaker 4 00:46:13 I've played it. I was leading worship. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:46:15 Oh, Speaker 0 00:46:15 Singing. Oh wow. You were the star of the show. Speaker 4 00:46:16 Oh dude. Yeah. It was dude. So for my ego, that shit was banging. Dude, Speaker 2 00:46:20 Dude. Speaker 4 00:46:21 Honestly Sold out show every night. 3000 people multicast too. Let's fucking go. Hell yeah. But yeah, no, I mean, I, I grew up in church. My mother was a worship leader for 25 years. My dad runs a men's group. My mom now is like, she helps like rehome women of domestic abuse. It's, it's pretty fucking sick. Yeah. Uh, but like, I just grew up in that. Like, we were like the Partridge family. But with worship music, I Speaker 0 00:46:45 Feel like there's a correlation to guys and girls that grow up in church, to rock music and like, the hard Cause I've, I've seen, like my roommate when I first moved out, his name's Dakota and his dad used to work with a band called Audio Adrenaline. Speaker 4 00:46:57 Adrenaline. Speaker 0 00:46:59 So sick. Yeah. So he was, so he was like audio adrenalines. Um, or I guess they're referred to as aa. Yeah. Which is kind of cool being a sober guy. So I've been to aa Yeah. Not one of their shows, but the, the ones with the coffee and the cigarettes, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but, um, I guess he was their, their touring sound engineer for a while and now he works as like the, um, he has like a produ, he's a producer down in Spring Hill and Cool. Does like a lot of that stuff. But I didn't realize like how many like players there are and bands there are in Nashville that come from that world. Like, look at the guys in Bradley Gilbert's band. Like Noah, Noah from Speaker 4 00:47:27 The Pillar. Speaker 2 00:47:28 Yeah. Noah's, Speaker 4 00:47:29 We freaked out. We met Noah at Kins Tallboys last year and we were fucking freaking out because I, we used to listen to Pillar when we were kids. I think me, we grew up in a cool time where rock music in the Christian space never existed. And then out of nowhere it started to happen. So like, when, when we're growing up we're we're like, we were part of a genre of music that just became something. Like, before all that stuff, it was just really like Michael W. Smith and like Right. It was like worship music adjacent. It wasn't like, there wasn't anybody who was like, yeah, we're a c Christian rock band. Like Pillar or something. Like, or like Skillet and Cutlers and all this cool. Oh, Speaker 0 00:48:06 Skillet. Yeah. Skillet crossed over to Mainstream. Didn't Speaker 2 00:48:09 All those Band Foot Crutch. Speaker 4 00:48:11 Crutch, like, there's a bunch of bands that like, those people help prop things. Yeah. They helped like pioneer this. Like, you know, now looking back at it, you listen to some of the songs, you're like, this is fucking ridiculous. But at the time, as a kid, you're like, dude, this is sick. Speaker 0 00:48:24 Flyleaf was Christian too, right? Yeah, Speaker 2 00:48:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. From Pittsburgh. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:48:27 Oh, they're Pittsburgh as well. Yeah. I didn't know, I didn't know they were from Pittsburgh as well. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:48:31 P o d obviously too. Pod is. Speaker 0 00:48:34 Do you, do you consider Creed pretty Christian? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:48:37 Yeah. Oh yeah. Cause Speaker 0 00:48:37 My, yeah, my, my buddy Anthony, his dad, um, his dad, uh, Jerry used to pick us up from football practice and he would Bump Creed. Yeah. Would play sick album. They were devout ca Italian Catholic, like Catholic Italian folks from, from New York. Like grew up in New York City and then lived in the suburbs like where I was from Rockland. Yeah. And, um, he would be like, he's singing about Jesus. He's singing about Jesus's, why I don't, don't, Speaker 2 00:49:00 Don't worry about He's singing about Jesus. It's Speaker 0 00:49:02 Fine. He's singing about Christ listening up boys. He's singing about Christ. Speaker 4 00:49:06 Yeah. That human clay, dude. I mean, I remember back in the day, we Speaker 2 00:49:08 Would Yeah. Was massive Speaker 4 00:49:09 Man. We'd get a, our youth pastor would sign up for these like subscription services and they would send you like whatever the new CCM like Christian band was. And you'd get a box and it would be like, it would be like Switchfoot and, you know, whatever, whatever plan guy and all this random shit. So good. That's how I would like find music when I was a kid, would be from these like, weird church subscription boxes. And that's how I like found like p o d and all these other guys. It's fucking wild. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:49:36 Oh yeah. There was a lot of really, really amazing, uh, Christian like metal rock, uh, punk. I mean, dude, there was a ton of really good bands. Mx px. Mx PX was lot of people like Yeah, MX PX was dude, I mean, there was a, a super tone. So that was like a squad band. They were fucking amazing. Speaker 0 00:49:54 I grew, I grew up listening. I didn't grow up. I listened to a lot of Scott in college. Speaker 4 00:49:58 Five Iron Frenzy Speaker 0 00:49:58 Going to college. Oh, streetlight Manifesto. Speaker 4 00:50:01 So Five Iron Frenzy is a ska band, but they're like a Christian Sky band. Speaker 0 00:50:05 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know any of the Christian ones, but we, I've, I've been in a skank pit a time or two in my life. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:50:10 Sounds insane to say it like that. But yeah. Speaker 2 00:50:13 Skk, Speaker 0 00:50:13 That's what they call it though. You like, you go, you got Speaker 2 00:50:15 Snk, you Speaker 0 00:50:16 Snk up. Go and see, you go and see Streetlight Manifesto at the Starland Ballroom, formerly known as the hunk of Bunker back in the day where Bon Jovi and Springsteen, all them got their start. And you go and see streetlight like they sell out cuz they're all, they're from that, that section of Central Jersey, the real armpit of America jersey looks like a physical armpit, but the center part is really an armpit. Oh yeah. Really bad. Love you New Jersey. Um, but you go to those shows and it's just, Scott's cool because it's like, we know the world's fucked up, but we're still gonna smile about it. Yeah. Like, it's all gonna be okay. It's like this happy feel. But if you listen to the words of those, some of those sky songs, they're, that comes out in that emo kind of era. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Oh yeah. We know the world's fucked, but we're gonna still smile and dance around <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:50:54 Yeah. It's sick. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:50:56 Like everything's burning. But check out this fucking trumpets solo shit. Speaker 0 00:50:59 No, no. Yeah. Like real big fish. Fucking gold fingers Speaker 2 00:51:02 Piss. Can you be when there's fucking dudes ripping on horns Speaker 0 00:51:06 13, 13 piece band with a horn section. Like just Speaker 4 00:51:09 Crazy. They all smell so fucking bad, dude. Speaker 0 00:51:11 Oh dude. Yeah. And the people there are wild. I've seen, I've been to ACO show on Halloween and I ate a, um, I ate a brownie before Speaker 4 00:51:19 That sounds like hell Speaker 0 00:51:20 Dude. It hit and, and right bef and before the show it was this guy just solo acoustic like hippie guy actually. He had tracks behind him. He had some, he had like the little tambourine on the foot and all that shit. And he was just playing weird songs. And one of 'em was called Love Flame and he just kept saying Love Flame over and over again. And the crowd was loving it. And then the edible kicked in and streetlight comes on and I'm just like, what dimension am I end? Yeah. <laugh> it was, and it's Halloween, so, and it's the Scott crowd on Halloween. Yeah. So like the bands in costumes, there's people running around and all kinds of costumes and shit and they get really into, it's like, Halloween is a crazy big thing in the Scott community. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:51:53 Dude. Speaker 0 00:51:53 It, it artsy people. It's, Speaker 2 00:51:54 It's crazy. Like, I remember, um, like some of the early on like first country shows I was, I was going to cuz I always listened to it, but like, I grew up going to hardcore shows. Yeah. So like, I I, up until, up until then, like I, no one was like fucked up at all at these shows because you had to be like, ready to defend yourself. Oh yeah. At any given time. Like, you almost didn't even go there to have fun. What was the like Speaker 0 00:52:23 It was like, you know, that Speaker 2 00:52:25 Shit Speaker 0 00:52:26 Hardest, hardest band that you saw? Speaker 2 00:52:28 Hardest band. Like, Speaker 0 00:52:30 Like, like where the crowd where you're, you're like bracing. You're, you're, you're, you're stretching before you walked through the doors because you're like, this is gonna be wild. Speaker 2 00:52:37 We, it was actually a show that my old band played and it was in Pittsburgh and it was, it was Advent and they're actually a Christian man from North Carolina. So, so, so good. Um, they, they, we played this like, it was funny, my buddy who booked it was like, oh, let's put those who fear on it because they're also a Christian band. So I was like, this is gonna be sick. It was at this place in the hood of Pittsburgh. It it, it's called Ribo Project or what's it, it's in, um, Wilkinsburg. They used to call it Wilkinsburg Kills burg. Yeah. And, uh, you could probably, I mean, dude, it's probably the size of this fucking place right here. Like, you could probably fit maybe the worst like 60 people in there. Like you're stacking people on their head. There was probably at least 90 people at this show. And you just knew like it was gonna be fucked up. Like, I, I remember my girlfriend at the time coming with me to the show and I said, you gotta go outside right now. She's like, no, I wanna see the band play. I said, you can't be in here. You're gonna, I remember my brother lost his back tooth that, that show broke our fucking March table, bro. I mean, everybody got fucked up. And these are like my friends. I know everybody at the Speaker 0 00:53:48 Show. This is a, this is a Christian band? Yeah. Oh yeah. So it's all in the name of Christ. Oh yeah. All Speaker 4 00:53:53 In Christ Beating Ass. The name of Christ as Speaker 2 00:53:55 Name of Christ. My, my old band was a Christian band and we got banned from, uh, li Elizabethtown, Kentucky by the state. Speaker 0 00:54:02 Really? Speaker 4 00:54:03 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we shut a venue down together. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:54:06 Yeah. So go back to that. You get the full story of that. So, so, so your, how did you search? So, so your band was called what? Speaker 2 00:54:13 Those who fear Those Speaker 0 00:54:14 Who fear, what was your was called? Speaker 4 00:54:15 It was called Von Wolf. What? Vaughn Wolf. Vaughn Speaker 0 00:54:18 Wolff. Okay. So Von Wolf and those who Fear. Speaker 4 00:54:20 Yeah. We were, we were playing and then, um, yeah, we, we kind of crossed paths there. And then after that we, Speaker 0 00:54:29 Well, I want to hear about the ch I want to hear about why this was like, you guys closed that venue. Like what happened at this show? Speaker 4 00:54:34 What was it it about the show? So they start, so I knew all of, I knew his drummer and his other guitar player before I met Luke. Cuz I lived in Florida at the time. Okay. So I was just excited to be there and it was like, we were part of the scene and there was a bunch of people and it was all my friends. So we were, we were excited to see them play and they were like, they came out, hit one chord and we ran from the back of the stage off and just absolutely started beating Just so much ass. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:55:04 Crowd kill. Just Speaker 4 00:55:05 Crowd killing and just like dancing Speaker 2 00:55:06 Shit. Yeah. Like when you think of Moosh, do you think of me ramming you with my shoulder? That's that's Speaker 4 00:55:10 Not what it was. Speaker 2 00:55:11 Not that is absolutely not even close. Like you, we wouldn't make fun of somebody doing that and probably beat his ass when we were like coming up in this scene. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:55:19 Years ago. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:55:20 That was, that was it. But is it the, does it have the culture to it to where if someone fall, like you pick him up kind of thing? Like, is there that, because I feel like there's, if Speaker 2 00:55:27 You know em Speaker 4 00:55:28 Yeah. <laugh>, I mean at that time, Speaker 0 00:55:30 Because I feel like that's a big part of the culture. Like if someone falls down, pick him up. But Speaker 4 00:55:34 That's, we don't want anybody, Speaker 0 00:55:35 We don't want anybody Speaker 4 00:55:36 Dying. Yeah. Well these are like, yeah, see these are different because these shows are not, these aren't like, it's not like Lamb of God or something where okay. Where it's like these everybody there is at the time in the, in the context of what year it was and the scene and how it was, it was like, it was like, who can be the most dangerous, the heaviest, the most violent. It didn't really matter about the music per se. It was just like, who can create the most intense, insane experience? And that's kind of what we all were like, how do we do that? You know, like Luke's band, people would get their teeth break broken in and like, what I would do is at, in the middle of the set, I would literally get up, take my bass drum and like throw it at somebody's head while I'm playing. It was just like, so it was just like, what can we do to be so insane and like violent? And that's what we did. Yeah. And, um, so that's, yeah. Speaker 2 00:56:28 It, yeah. I mean it was, Speaker 4 00:56:29 You get knocked down, you don't really, Speaker 0 00:56:30 So is that scene still like that or has it changed over the years? Speaker 2 00:56:33 No, but it's starting to come back. Yeah. And I kind of was hoping that cuz what it was when, when the, when that genre started blowing up, it's so weird to see like, bands like Knock Loose, like I fucking love Knock Loose by the way, they're great. Um, like my old band was like that band like in the same genre. Speaker 4 00:56:52 Yeah. Very similar. Yeah. They Speaker 2 00:56:53 Playing these massive shows. Speaker 4 00:56:55 They played Coachella. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:56:56 They played Coachella. I'm like, dude, we couldn't even fuck it. Like we'd play like three massive shows a year and they were all Christian shows be, and that was like the only time we only got to play 'em because we were a Christian man. Yeah. But like any other time you're playing a fucking, like, we'd play a Chinese restaurant. Mm. Uh, Speaker 0 00:57:14 What's a, what's a hardcore show at a Chi? So is this the Speaker 4 00:57:18 It's sick venue? It's in, it's in, uh, Panama. Panama City. Panama City Pan. Panama Speaker 2 00:57:21 City. I played Speaker 4 00:57:22 It. It's above a Chinese food restaurant. Yep. You have to walk through the restaurant. Oh yeah. Speaker 0 00:57:26 It is McElroy. We're gonna McElroy make a note. We're gonna do, we're gonna go there. We're gonna do Speaker 2 00:57:30 That. Then the Salty Goat Speaker 0 00:57:31 And then the Salty Goat. Dude, it's on the beach. Speaker 2 00:57:34 I played, I played the back of a truck stop in Alabama. Where Speaker 0 00:57:37 Do you do, do you remember where In Alabama? Speaker 2 00:57:39 Dude, you got me man too. I I've all, Speaker 0 00:57:42 I've been to some truck stops Speaker 2 00:57:43 In Alabama. Dude, this is the most insane. Definitely Speaker 4 00:57:46 Gets Dick truck stops. Speaker 0 00:57:47 No, Speaker 2 00:57:48 No. Speaker 4 00:57:49 He's been to Speaker 5 00:57:49 Wesley's Boob Trap. No, Speaker 0 00:57:51 I West. No, no, no, no. Shout out to Danny Trey's bus driver. He says that that $5 doesn't get five $10 gets you what? $5 used to, that's what Danny Re's I driver says inflation mess messing things up at the, at Wesley's, um, what'd you call it? Not g Wesley's Booby Trap. Wesley's Booby Trap connected Speaker 5 00:58:10 To a gas station. So Speaker 0 00:58:11 Yeah. Um, but is this, is this scene that you guys are talking about similar to the, or probably sounds like the exact same scene as the the legendary What the fuck is up Denny's? Speaker 2 00:58:21 Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh Speaker 0 00:58:22 Yeah. So that's the world you we're in. Yeah, Speaker 4 00:58:24 Absolutely. There a so there's a, there's a chain pizza place called Fox's Pizza Den. Oh, I've, Speaker 0 00:58:28 Oh shit. Speaker 4 00:58:28 It's horrible. Pizza. Pizza. It's just a pizza place. Horrible pizza. What? You don't know about it? Speaker 2 00:58:32 I've never eaten the pizza there. I played a bunch. Speaker 4 00:58:34 They, they, they would put on shows and not even like, oh, well, you know, we know Chris and Louisville who owns one and he put shows on like, it was like a thing that Foxes did was, Speaker 2 00:58:44 Dude, imagine they know what Fox is to get Speaker 4 00:58:46 A pizza. They put shows and Speaker 2 00:58:47 There was like literally like 90 some kids there, Speaker 4 00:58:50 17 year olds just beating the fuck out of each other. Speaker 2 00:58:51 Yeah. And they have like fucking like knives and fucking brass knuckles and shit. Yeah. And you're just like there with your family trying to get a pizza. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:58:59 They're just crushing a slice. Some Speaker 2 00:59:00 The shittiest sounding band ever goes on. They're just like, and does, people are just getting hit with shit. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:59:08 Well I feel like the, you that's, yeah. I'm not a big fox. I Speaker 4 00:59:11 Once it's, it, it was like tin roof before tin. It's, Speaker 2 00:59:13 No, I don't really like foxes pizza, Speaker 0 00:59:15 Tin roof, tin roof for the hardcore scene with really shitty pizza. At least 10 roof's got tater tots and the messy nachos and all that. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:59:21 They got the, I'll tell you Speaker 2 00:59:22 What, shot out 10 roof if if Yeah. 10 roofs sick. Uh, I would go on another 10 roof tour immediately. You Speaker 0 00:59:28 Guys' done the 10 roof tour? Speaker 4 00:59:29 Twice? Speaker 0 00:59:30 Twice. Okay. Speaker 2 00:59:31 We, we've been through it. Speaker 0 00:59:32 Okay, sweet. Speaker 4 00:59:33 So we come out, we've served. So Speaker 0 00:59:34 Yeah. We've, you've done You're Speaker 2 00:59:36 Welcome. For our service, Speaker 4 00:59:36 We've got our time. We, Speaker 2 00:59:38 So Speaker 0 00:59:38 It's funny you talk about Tin Roof. So I've been to, I've been to a few of them, but, um, my connection with, with, with Musen, I and Bloodline and with Trey Lewis, they were both early on the tin roof circuit. So the, literally the week that Dick down in Dallas came out for Trey, they were playing a tin roof and they were playing the tin roofs in North and South Carolina and sleeping in the van. So like the tin roof circuit. Yeah. That's a big where're. So you guys played all of them? Speaker 4 01:00:04 We did. Like, not all of 'em. We did, we did us almost every single one we did. You do Delray? No. Speaker 2 01:00:09 Delray Beach. Beach. No. No. We, no, we just went there after we, so there's like a big, uh, gas right outside of that across the street. Uh, we played with Easton Corbin. Yeah. And then we went and hung out at it. Yeah. Yeah. But Delray is sick. Speaker 0 01:00:23 Tin Tin roof. Birmingham. Yep. Speaker 4 01:00:25 Oh Speaker 0 01:00:25 Yeah. Tin Roof, Birmingham. Speaker 4 01:00:27 I don't wanna, I don't wanna talk shit, but God Speaker 2 01:00:28 Fucking Speaker 4 01:00:29 Insane there, dude. Speaker 0 01:00:30 Yeah. Tin Roof. Birmingham. Birmingham is a hole is wild. There's bars in Birmingham where you can get, like, you can get like your, your membership card. Like you pay the $5 cover and they give you a membership card and the bars are open 24 hours. Speaker 4 01:00:40 That's wild. Bi Birmingham's Speaker 0 01:00:42 Wild Speaker 4 01:00:42 Birmingham. Birmingham. We were supposed to play at seven. They didn't play till 11. Speaker 0 01:00:45 Yeah. That's, that's not going even tell you that. That's, that's Tinder, Birmingham. Speaker 2 01:00:49 They didn't know how to turn on the sound system. Yeah. Yeah. They didn't even know how to turn Oil dog. Speaker 0 01:00:54 Yeah. Typical. Speaker 4 01:00:54 It was fucking crazy. Speaker 0 01:00:55 McElroy. They used to play that gig once a month. They used Speaker 6 01:00:58 To call me. I didn't even have a, I wasn't even payroll there. And they called me to like, and I lived an hour and a half away. Speaker 2 01:01:04 <laugh>. God bless your heart, man, for fucking playing that shit, Speaker 4 01:01:07 Man. I'll say, shout out St. Louis. Shit. St. Louis 10 is Speaker 0 01:01:10 St. Louis is a whole a pretty Speaker 4 01:01:12 Dope. But St. Louis, I'll say this Tin roof there is like really, really fucking nice. Speaker 0 01:01:16 One of the new ones, Speaker 2 01:01:17 If they let you play when people were actually there, it would, it'd be a lot different. But they don't, they don't, they, they make sure you play when lights. Dude. The only like, you know, there's like always like, well aside from Nashville, every, every other tin roof, like from like four to like six, there's literally people just trying to eat dinner. Yeah. They're not even drinking. Yeah. They might have a a a fucking dread. Speaker 4 01:01:41 A little cocktail. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:01:42 So that's when they want you to play. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:01:44 You can't be playing half. But you've seen us live. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:01:47 You guys are not a dinner band. Speaker 4 01:01:48 You're not a fucking dinner man. No, no. But we, but we are, you know, unfortunately. But we are. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 01:01:53 But Speaker 4 01:01:53 Dude against our will, we're a fucking dinner band dude. Speaker 2 01:01:55 And, and it just takes me back except Speaker 4 01:01:57 Like, holy shit, Speaker 2 01:01:58 Dude. I'm like, dude, thank God. The only difference. I'm like, it's not a door deal. Yeah. Like it used to be. Speaker 4 01:02:03 We got paid day. Yeah. We actually got, I think I will say, I think that's something that I'm grateful for of our, like, as much as we look back on it and go, man, that was really fucking hard to tour like that and do those things. Like, we are so accustomed and like trained in playing to nobody. Yeah. And like, if there are four people, I feel like most artists would be like, dude, there's only fucking four people. And we have that moment, we're like, dude, there's only fucking four people. But then at, at like, right as you go on, you're like, oh, still Speaker 2 01:02:34 Not, not the worst show we've ever played. Not the worst show you ever Speaker 0 01:02:36 Played, dude. Still. What? What would be, what would be the worst thing? Either, either dude, dude with Lakeview or with previous projects? Shreveport Speaker 2 01:02:43 Whole. Definitely previous God, definitely previous project. Speaker 4 01:02:45 Yeah. Lakeview. We haven't like really played them. Speaker 2 01:02:47 No. Lakeview has never seen it Speaker 0 01:02:50 Touched what Speaker 2 01:02:50 Those Oh, shitty shows. Just not even, Speaker 4 01:02:52 I showed up to Shreveport, Louisiana. First off, God. Definitely the opposite of Shout out to Shreveport lot. Lot Speaker 2 01:02:58 Of hothead. Fuck. Ok. Fuck. I love Shreveport. Wait, do you play the Burger Speaker 4 01:03:02 Place? No, I played at a bar. It, there's no one there because they built a casino and everybody's addicted to gambling there. <laugh> and dude, we go to this bar, I show up. I, we, I've been gone for 60 days. Okay. I show up, I go inside and the, there's a bartender and then there's a server and they're standing there. And I was like, Hey, I'm, they Speaker 2 01:03:21 Don't even know the show's happening, Speaker 4 01:03:22 Right? I'm like, Hey, I'm Jesse, I'm playing tonight. And they go, no, you're not. There's no show. We're actually closing early because there's an event at the casino. And I was like, no, no, I'm, I'm playing. I pulled up this email. Oh yeah. And they were like, oh, okay. Well, they said, oh, do you want to get on stage and play some songs? And I said, and I had a full band with me. And I was like, yeah, sure. So I got up, just me and I played with an electric guitar and amp and I sang to the bartender and the fucking server. I sang three songs I left and they paid me $35. Speaker 2 01:03:54 Dude, that's actually not bad. They paid you 35 bucks. Speaker 4 01:03:57 They gave me 35 bucks because Speaker 2 01:03:59 Holy Speaker 4 01:03:59 Shit. And it came out of her wallet. Like it didn't, it wasn't like, Hey, sorry, this is all we could do. And wrote me a check. Like, it almost felt like, she was like, wow, this is fucking sad. And she like, legit, just like, gave me cash. Now Speaker 0 01:04:11 Tell me you went to the casino and doubled that $35. Speaker 4 01:04:14 I did, I did not double it. I lost it all. <laugh>. But I Speaker 2 01:04:16 Did casino Speaker 4 01:04:18 And it's a pretty nice casino. But yeah, I was asking her, I was like, is do people live here or is this, is this Chernobyl? Is this a fake place? Am I in, in, am I in an alternative dimension? Like, did I smoke weed and go to a streetlight show? Like, what the fuck is going on? And she was just like, no. When they built the casino, everybody left. And now the streets are empty and they just go to the casino. And it was the worst thing ever. And I fucking hate you report Speaker 2 01:04:40 Some native dude opened up a thing and was like, yo, I got, I'm gonna hook this whole fucking, I hope these motherfuckers fucking, Speaker 0 01:04:45 Yeah. They opened up Bubba Gump Shrimp. Bubba Speaker 2 01:04:48 Gump shrimp. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:04:49 So, yeah, it was, uh, it was terrible. That was the worst show I've ever played. I got the Speaker 0 01:04:52 Place. So that was, where is Luke? Speaker 2 01:04:53 Oh man, dude, I, I don't even know if I could think of the Speaker 4 01:04:56 Worst dude. Tell him the story about the lady in the wheelchair with the tubes. Speaker 2 01:05:01 Oh, am that show? Am I able Speaker 4 01:05:03 To take a Speaker 2 01:05:04 Piss sick? Speaker 0 01:05:04 Yeah. You go, can I take Speaker 2 01:05:05 This show? Speaker 4 01:05:06 Go sick. Tell him that story. Cause that story amazing. Speaker 0 01:05:07 Go, go right through that door to Mac Wayne's, um, bathroom, uh, bathroom bedroom, Speaker 2 01:05:11 <laugh>. So, so there, there used to be this place. First off, shout out Louisville, Kentucky. Man, I I didn't say l Louisville. Uh, I Speaker 0 01:05:19 Love Kentucky. I love, I love Kentucky. Speaker 2 01:05:21 Oh, me too, man. Dude, I, I have so many fucking friends there. I, I love that place. That's always been like my second hometown as far as music. And I'm like, my whole musical career. I've, I, they're like, aside from your hometown, where do you wanna play? I'm like, first off, I'd play Louisville, Kentucky over my hometown. I fucking love it there. It's just, these people are the best there. Anyhow, there used to be this place called Bulldogs Cafe. Oh, Speaker 0 01:05:44 It sounds delightful. All right. Sounds premium. Speaker 2 01:05:47 And I don't know if it was even a fucking cafe, man. I don't even know why they called it a cafe. And I think back in those days, they just call everything that was just like a fucking building for lease. In the meantime, kids would book shows there through MySpace. And that's how we would book off. We, we booked, we were touring the whole nation when we were like teenagers Speaker 0 01:06:09 Off MySpace. Off Speaker 2 01:06:10 MySpace. Yeah. And, but we were like playing places like this. But anyway, bulldogs Cafe, this like, lady, uh, owned it that was like <laugh> Speaker 0 01:06:22 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:06:24 She was like restrained to like, I'm sorry, I shouldn't even laugh, but restrained to a chair. She couldn't get outta this chair, you know? And she had tubes like that, that kept her like breathing. Oh. Oh no. Like in her nose and down her, like down in her mouth. I think. I don't, maybe they weren't even down in her mouth. I don't know. But it looked like some straight up fucking like Blade two meets X-Men shit. You know what I mean? And so she, she is in charge of the venue. She can't even like actually talk. Alright. Now you got a bunch of anywhere from 16 to fucking 25 year old dudes booking a show and, and, and here. And they're like the heaviest bands alive Alright. Are playing this place. They've, I don't even know if they've even had shows at this point there. Alright. And they're, you could tell the place is just doing whatever they can to make some extra money. How big, Speaker 0 01:07:23 How big, how big is the stage? Speaker 2 01:07:25 Oh, I don't even know if we played on the stage, dude. Oh, on the crowd used be super cool to play on the floor. Even if they had a stage. Well, yeah, your band was cool as fuck if you played on Speaker 0 01:07:33 The floor. Yeah. When you're, when you're, when you're crowd fighting, that's you're already in the crowd. Speaker 2 01:07:36 Absolutely. <laugh>. Anyway, this lady is like, I mean, Darth Vader in it up in the back, dude, just shh. Like, and there's fucking tubes like ran. Seriously. Like, it's like she could get everywhere because there was so much like fish tank tubing everywhere. Speaker 0 01:07:50 Oh, so she was traveling the tubes, like, like a rollercoaster on the Speaker 2 01:07:54 Track? Well, no, there was, the tubes were attached to it, but like, there was a lot of fucking tubing, man. Like the head pressure on the shit, like, I don't know if you, anybody out there does construction, but the like, plumbing, the head pressure of this shit had to be amazing. Like, I wanted to see the fucking system that was pumping air into this lady. It was fucking incredible. It was so much tub bitch. Anyway, her like, I don't know if it was her son or whatever, like opened the place. She comes in, rolls her in, hooks her up through all of her tubes, and then he just fucking leaves and goes, all right, yeah, just let me know when you're done. And I was like, dude, I don't know if you even know what's about to happen in this motherfucker. This lady just sitting in the back of the room. We start playing. I was like, it it, it immediately, there's a partition wall that's like that separated. Uh, the bathrooms like the women's room from like the whole entire, like we a restaurant, we'll call it a restaurant. I still don't know if it was even a cafe, but it was called Bulldogs, cafe <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:08:55 Immediately, soon as we start playing, they break this couch and then knock down the whole entire fucking wall into the women's room <laugh>. And it was okay cuz there's no women there ever. No, there was no girls out this shit ever. Seriously. Like you were like, bunch Speaker 0 01:09:10 Dicks Speaker 4 01:09:11 Were not dicks. Speaker 2 01:09:12 You were not getting laid in this, this world. Alright. And, and this lady is just, just can't do anything about it. And I remember just seeing her trying to, to like, say something. Well, well, while we're still playing and she just can't, she was just stuck there. I mean it almost sounds sad, but it wasn't, it was pretty fucking badass actually. It was insane. A huge fight After that bunch of these like rednecks dude dudes came down called, called this black kid at the show. The N-word turned into a massive fight, broke the front window of the, of Bulldogs out. Dude lady's still in there. Dude. Speaker 0 01:09:52 The chair. She's still hanging Speaker 2 01:09:53 In there. There's nothing she could do, man. Nothing she could do, bro. Just still in there. Just fucking just tubed up dude. Tubed up, tubed up hard. Yeah. And, and, and, and they'd break the fucking window. What's Speaker 0 01:10:04 The staff? What's the staff look like? Like who else is there? Speaker 2 01:10:07 There's no staff. There's no staff. Rob. Dude bro. We didn't play places that had staff. Yeah, that's crazy. Speaker 0 01:10:12 No bars Speaker 2 01:10:13 There had staff infections. That was Speaker 4 01:10:14 It. There's never no bars. We never you never played bars? Oh Speaker 0 01:10:16 Yeah. Cause everybody's fucking sober. Oh Speaker 4 01:10:18 Yeah. Everyone's fighting. Yeah, Speaker 2 01:10:19 Dude. I remember like some of the first real venues I got to play like I was blown the fuck away. Speaker 4 01:10:25 Yeah. When they had a sound system. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:10:27 I was like, holy shit. There's a sound guy here. Yeah. Holy Speaker 4 01:10:30 Fuck. Yeah. The bar is set very low for us as far as like our expectations, you know what I mean? Like Speaker 0 01:10:34 Yeah. Speaker 2 01:10:35 They're like, yeah. Sorry guys, there's only like 200 people here. I'm like, Speaker 4 01:10:38 Yeah, sorry. There's, I know the green room is a little small. I'm Speaker 2 01:10:41 Like, it's fucking insane. There's Speaker 0 01:10:42 A green room. Like Speaker 4 01:10:42 That's cool. Speaker 2 01:10:43 Yeah. I'm like, how did you, how the fuck did you get 200 people to show up here? <laugh> fucking Speaker 4 01:10:47 Amazing. Why are they here? Yeah. Speaker 2 01:10:49 Why? What? Speaker 0 01:10:50 So so speaking of people showing up somewhere, you guys have been announcing tours? Yeah. Been announcing the tour for, for this year. And um, I love seeing you guys get out there, fucking do the thing. Doing the headline thing. Doing the opening thing. And I'm so fucking excited for next week cuz I've never been to the end. Yeah. But I hear that it's more that rock vibe. Yeah. It seems like the perfect place to take in a Lakeview show. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and the folks that are opening up for you guys are, are good friends of, of ours, raised good friends of, of y'all. And it's like they all kind of have a little bit of a different vibe. Yeah. Like you have Jason Cross, who is the, the purebred horse cat of Michigan. He is to me, there's only one man that can rock aole it be that heavy set. Yeah. And wear a Speedos Speedo and look that good. Yeah. And it's Jason fucking cross. Then you got Bryce Malden, Florida boy who's more that middle of the road country. And you got the fucking Canadian young Canadian rockstar, former head in Montana, impersonator Royal Lynn. Yeah. And then you boys coming in to kick the fucking doors down. Yeah. So I'm so stoked for that show. Where else are you guys going? Do you guys know off the top of your head? Speaker 4 01:11:49 Yeah. Yeah. We're going, uh, I think after that we're gonna go to Cruzin in Peoria. Oh. Speaker 0 01:11:55 Have you guys been there before? Oh Speaker 4 01:11:57 Dude, we are. Speaker 0 01:11:58 I love Wayne. Speaker 4 01:11:59 Wayne and Austin are, Speaker 0 01:12:00 Wayne is the man. Speaker 4 01:12:02 So Wayne, Austin, and uh, their whole team are awesome. We've built Billy too. Yeah. Yeah. Billy, we've never been great Speaker 0 01:12:07 Dudes. Speaker 4 01:12:08 Yeah. I mean they treat, they treat you. It's, it's one of the first times we've ever been treated as like a, where they, where they would assume we will end up one day. Like, does that make sense? It's like Speaker 0 01:12:21 Yeah. Well there's hospitality. Yeah. It's like folks to believe in Speaker 4 01:12:23 You. Yeah. It's like, hey, we believe in you and we're gonna treat you nicely. Not because somebody told us to, but because we know that when you do eventually become successful, we can fucking brag about it. Yeah. We can be like, yeah, we told you guys, we put we put them on, we, Speaker 0 01:12:36 We got Lakeview for this price. Now you motherfuckers have to pay this price. That Speaker 4 01:12:40 Kind of thing. I think, I think they have that little chip on their shoulder and that's why they're so good at what they do. That's why Tailgates and Tallboys is one of the best fucking Speaker 0 01:12:46 Country. I cannot wait festivals for that festival. So super stoked. Um, not, not, we haven't announced yet Formula raised Rally, but we will be in Bloomington, Illinois, tailgate and Tallboys. Um, super stoked. These boys will be there too. We're really excited. Speaker 4 01:12:59 Yeah. Opening up in the last Speaker 0 01:12:59 Day. Yep. So you guys got Peoria, where else? Speaker 4 01:13:01 Uh, we're doing like Louisville and Chicago. Okay. Louisville. Speaker 0 01:13:04 There you go. Speaker 4 01:13:05 We're gonna Ho Box Cafe. Oh yeah. I wish man. Yeah, we're doing, uh, we're playing with our buddies in Devil's Cut at Zanzibar, which would be cool. Um, yeah, we're doing like, oh yeah, Chicago at the Beat Kitchen. We're coming back home to Pittsburgh playing Gurgles. Um, fuck you. We got a lot of, we got a lot of cool shows. I think we've been kind of in this spot now as being like unsigned and kind of doing whatever we want is we can't just kind of sit around and wait to get that like super juicy little support slot, you know? Well, here's the thing, no one, no one's, no one's gonna give us one. Yeah. So we're basically just, it's just not gonna happen. Yeah. So we're just like, fuck it. We see, we see that people want to see us live. People are consuming what we're doing. Streaming Speaker 0 01:13:45 Numbers are pretty fucking solid boys. Speaker 4 01:13:46 Yeah. So we're just, so at the end of the day, it's just like, we used to do this. We used to just go out with no data and just be like, yo, let's drive 14 hours to go play a show at fucking Bulldogs Cafe. You know? It's like now we at least have some data behind it and some something to support doing this now. So yeah, we're just kind of, we just booked all of our own headlining shows. We got local support or some of the homies in town and like, we're just gonna see if you show up if people show up. We did it in California. We went out there and played three shows and they all sold really good, actually sold out one of the shows. So we were like, oh, people exist that wanna see us, us live, Speaker 2 01:14:23 You know, Speaker 0 01:14:23 I Out Lake You had long shows. Yeah. I, Speaker 2 01:14:25 I I couldn't believe, uh, just be, I mean we obviously never went out west as Lakeview ever. And, uh, being out there first time people not only turned up, but they knew they knew almost the whole set. Yeah. Knew all the songs. Yeah. I mean, I thought, I, I was like, okay, yeah, we're gonna get some pump on like loser and, you know, uh, son of a and maybe something else. Somebody will know. Dude. I'm like, bro, they're singing, they're singing all these songs. Yeah. Which kind of blew my mind because I, I've see, I've, I've worked for YouTubers throughout the years and like, you know, the TikTok craze shit and it just never converts for a lot of folks. Um, but man, I couldn't believe it. I was Speaker 0 01:15:12 The unfounded. I think it's, I think it speaks to country fans and rock fans, particularly Rock fans. There's, there's this, this, this fucking sense of community to supporting the the up and coming independent act where Yeah. They, they, they're, they're your, your fans, but they be, they, they feel like family. Yeah. Right. And they're just like, you guys and they're gonna buy the tickets. They're gonna buy the merch and they, they're gonna be proud to say, we, we saw fucking Lakeview at, at so-and-so. And like, it's, it's that fucking energy of rock and what rock and country have within the underground of it. That's super fucking Speaker 2 01:15:49 Exciting. That's, that, that's why we, we did intentionally put this show here in Nashville at the end. Yeah. Uh, we love the people that work there, but also like the, just the whole vibe of that place is like, that takes us back to that. That's us. Yeah. That, that Bulldogs Cafe vibe. But I mean, way better Without Speaker 4 01:16:07 The Tubes. Speaker 0 01:16:08 Nicer Without the Tubes. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:16:10 Yeah. Tablelist. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:16:11 Like bring some tubes. Speaker 4 01:16:13 Yeah. I mean, like we did, we've, we've done some of the like, um, showcases and things like that and no knock on those. But I just think, uh, for us it's like we wanted to bring, you know, we wanted to bring people into what we are as a band and like our DNA and really understand who the fuck we are. And it's like that show at the end will be exactly who we, who we are. Fuck Speaker 0 01:16:34 Yeah. You know? Speaker 4 01:16:35 Cause I, it's not gonna be a fucking Broadway where the, the whole fucking staff of Sony is like standing in the back. It's like, no, we want you involved. Like you're in Illinois. Speaker 0 01:16:44 Yeah. I enjoy, I enjoyed watching you guys at Old Red, but at the same time I'm like, what are we, what are we doing here at, at Old Red? Cause Old Red to me is like the, the family establishment on Broadway for sure. It's not, it's, it's different. Like, so I'm really excited and super stoked to see you guys at at the end. Like, it's just a purpose. Speaker 2 01:17:03 It's always, isn't it? Doesn't it bug you at all? I mean, for anybody out there that, that lives in Nashville or has been here a lot, and, and if you are here to visit, I, you don't, you kind of want just this Nashville experience. You want to hear whiskey glasses sang by over a thousand different fucking people. Yep. But like, living here, going to shows, like, my friends come through on tour all the time, go to all the shows. I was just at the end last night, uh, seeing my friends play. Speaker 0 01:17:31 Oh yeah. Speaker 2 01:17:32 And it, it, everybody says the same thing. And I've always said it too, but it's always the weakest show of the whole tour. Yeah. It is a fucking snooze fest at these shows. It's like a, it's like an open casket funeral because I don't know if everybody just is like, oh, okay, well we all do this too. So, uh, ain't gonna do anything. Speaker 4 01:17:55 It's just, it's just, it's just viewers. It's like, yeah. They don't need, this is the thing. It's the same, it's the same. Going all the way back to why people love the Steelers. It's cuz they need to love the Steelers. It's like when we go to Idaho, it's not just another one of the shows in Idaho. It's the show happening in fucking Idaho tonight. Yep. Like, no matter who you are, you could be us. You could be fucking the big Luke Combs. Yeah. Like, it doesn't, it, it's the same energy of like, I've worked so hard, I've been looking forward to seeing this band I don't know anything about. Right. I don't really give a fuck. Right. I'm here to have a good time. Where in Nashville it's like, because you're so inundated with it and the industry is here, it's like, I think sometimes it just becomes more of like this viewing spectator sport, which is what frustrates us. And that's what we're trying to like combat by going to the end and being Speaker 0 01:18:44 Like, well I'm, I'm very excited. And we got a big crew of Ray Rowdy folks that are, that are planning to come out. Yeah. And you know, we're, we're gonna bring the fucking party. Oh yeah. And, and, um, and all that. And I'm super, super excited to just, I'm ready to fuck. I haven't seen home. When did you guys start playing home team? Cuz it came out this year, right? Dude, Speaker 4 01:19:05 We haven't played it live yet. Speaker 0 01:19:06 You haven't played it live Speaker 2 01:19:07 Yet. Yeah, it just dropped and we haven't, first Speaker 4 01:19:09 Time we're ever gonna play it live is at the end. Speaker 0 01:19:11 Oh dude, I'm gonna freak the fuck out. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:19:13 You better hit somebody, dude. Uh, Speaker 0 01:19:14 I don't know about that. Get Speaker 4 01:19:14 The tubes out, bro. Get Speaker 2 01:19:16 The dude call, call up the tube later Speaker 0 01:19:19 And Speaker 2 01:19:19 Fucking slap somebody. Speaker 0 01:19:20 What, what, what do you guys <laugh> <laugh>. What are you guys touring in as far as like the touring vehicle? Speaker 4 01:19:25 Oh, you have no idea. Oh Speaker 2 01:19:26 Dude, we just spray painted the whole inside of our tour vehicle. Speaker 4 01:19:28 Yeah. We bought a, we bought a tooth there. Here she's a bitch. Speaker 0 01:19:32 Okay. I've torn, I've torn in a few different things. So Speaker 4 01:19:33 We've, we've, we've Speaker 2 01:19:35 Ben after touring this, just realized this is still the nicest tour vehicle we've ever had. I've ever had. Speaker 4 01:19:40 So we used to tour in my Durango, uh, it had a third row. So one person would always get fucked in the back, but we'd bring, we'd run over U-Haul trailer. Um, we did that for the last however many years. Um, but then we finally were able to buy a 2003 Freightliner Sprinter 2,500 with the, with the, with the diesel in it. The Turbo. It's a nice little vehicle. How many Speaker 0 01:20:02 Miles? Speaker 4 01:20:03 200,000. Hey. So not bad. Not so not bad for diesel. Not bad for diesel. Diesel, diesel at all? Not bad. Uh, it was an absolute garbage shape. So we Yeah. Speaker 2 01:20:10 Yeah. It's from Pittsburgh's. Yeah. We Speaker 4 01:20:12 Were salt. It's it's all rust. Speaker 0 01:20:14 Oh, so it's from Pittsburgh. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Perfect. Speaker 4 01:20:16 Yeah. So we Speaker 2 01:20:17 Covered in fucking Speaker 0 01:20:19 I'm, as much as I'd love for you guys to have the luxury of a, of a new sprinter or a bus, I'm like, I'm like oh three, 200,000 miles. Fucking got some character and it's a fucking Ys. Yeah. That buddy is what Lake Buddy p needs to Speaker 2 01:20:31 Be torn. True enough. Rustin is that even exhibit wouldn't put a fucking fish tank in back in this thing for really? Yo Speaker 4 01:20:36 Dude be like, I can't do that. Speaker 7 01:20:38 He'd be like, nah man. Nah, I can't do it. What about this key forte? Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:20:42 Uh, nah man. So yeah, we, we replaced the floor in it. We taped everything off. Me and Luke over the last couple, couple weeks he's been coming over and we've been like, just making it livable in there. So we built the wall in there, we fucking spray painted it, cleaned it. It was disgusting. So she's ready to rock. Speaker 0 01:20:58 Fuck yeah. Yeah. She's ready to go. Will she be at the end? Oh. Speaker 4 01:21:02 Oh yeah. Oh, Speaker 0 01:21:03 Okay. Might have to, might have to do a throwback. This used to be raised rowdy content where Nick t would like, like back in the day when Jordan Fletcher was driving around with the, um, with the, uh, the camper on the back of his truck. Yeah. Following the musket on guys around. And he did like a tour of that. We might have to get some, do a Speaker 4 01:21:19 Little cribs. Yeah, Speaker 0 01:21:20 Do little, do a little, do a little cribs. You guys have a name for Speaker 4 01:21:22 Her? Not yet. You guys can name it. Speaker 0 01:21:25 That's a lot of pressure for us to name it. Speaker 2 01:21:27 Think about it. But you should think about it for a little bit. Speaker 0 01:21:29 We gotta we gotta figure out the name of the tube lady and name it after the Tube Speaker 2 01:21:34 Lady. Dude. Dude, you know what man, I've, ive asked. It's so funny, man. There's actually, I, I know like a bunch of people that still bring that shit up to me that, that show because it was, it was just insane. You know, you get old and you like look back on shit. I'm like, God damn, I feel so fucking bad about that. But now I'm like, eh, Speaker 4 01:21:52 It's funny. Speaker 2 01:21:53 Yeah. It's so funny. But I'm like, is that like, what is that still around? Like, dude, it just like closed up and disappeared and like, I'm like, where, where's that lady at? Like, where's her son at? Like, no one even knew who they were. Speaker 4 01:22:06 Okay. You think they were real? Speaker 0 01:22:07 Okay. So yeah. You think they were real? Were they part of Speaker 2 01:22:09 The Matrix? No. Absolutely. Ab absolutely not. They were apparitions there. Absolutely not. That's why I don't feel so bad about it. For all the people who were listening, like, don't actually, I don't give a fuck if you try to cancel me anyway. <laugh>. But like, like I, I, I work for a living. I got shit to do. I wouldn't know if you were canceling me anyhow. <laugh>. Uh, but she wasn't real well even though she was Speaker 0 01:22:30 There. Well if there, if there are people out there that someone does know that the, the Bulldog Cafe knows the, knows the, the, the, the matriarch saint uh, the tube lady. I just say the tube lady. The tube lady. The Tube Speaker 2 01:22:44 Angel Speaker 4 01:22:44 Tube. Angel Tube Angel. She's probably a fucking angel now to be honest. Speaker 0 01:22:48 Honestly. Um, she's, we need, we need, we need to get in contact with the, uh, the former, um, the former staff. Yeah. Or the, the management of the fine establishment. The Bulldog Cafe. Cause I know we got people in Kentucky, um, that watch this shit. And I know that we've, I there could be someone, there could be people that were at that show. Dude, that's my mom. <laugh>. Yeah. We might get the guy. Like, so if you're, um, if the two ladies out there and, and we wanna Speaker 4 01:23:13 Send you a shirt, give us your Speaker 2 01:23:14 Size. I'll send you a cart and a cigarette. So Speaker 0 01:23:17 It wasn't, it was Louisville, right? Yeah. Speaker 2 01:23:18 Oh yeah. Yeah. It was out outside L's right outside of Speaker 0 01:23:21 Louisville. Okay. So Louisville's not far away. So, uh, anybody that was connected to that show, that was, that was there the night that Luke and the boys, uh, kicked the, kicked the door in and all that crazy shit happened. Come down to Nashville and we'll take you out to lunch. Mexican lost Palmas. Ooh. Get some chips. And ca I know. Luxury. Right? Luxury. Luxury. Um, and we will, we will make that happen. Um, but fellas, what do we got on tap? As far as I know, um, home team came out recently. Yeah. Um, what's, what's it look like as far as more new music coming out? I know we got a lot of touring. Yeah. And usually you're, when you're touring, that means he got some more shit in the tank as far as music. Yeah. So what does that all look like right now? Speaker 4 01:23:56 Yeah. I mean, we got a bunch of stuff in the tank and the hopper. Um, I think right now we're just focusing on getting that baseline for this tour and figuring, kind of getting the temperature on what the, you know, if there are people out there that wanna see us live and shit. So we're kind of focusing on that now. But I mean, definitely gonna put out a bunch more music before the end of the year and then fuck Yeah. Uh, thinking about doing maybe an album or something like that. So we'll see. Dude. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:24:19 That'd be awesome. Speaker 2 01:24:20 Yeah. Yeah. I think, uh, top of the year we're, we're, we're trying to do like a, a complete piece of work as I think we have a couple more singles this year, but just I think going into next year, you're gonna get a full, complete piece of work from Yeah. Sick. Lakeview Speaker 0 01:24:35 Sick. Um, and now I gotta ask, uh, a question before I go up to Pittsburgh with Nikki t at some point this year, it's two in the morning, I'm high as fuck. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> man, we walk up, we walk up to Peris. Yeah, sir, what do I have to get? Speaker 4 01:24:49 Caper. Egg cap. Egg and cheese. Cappa cola egg and cheese Speaker 2 01:24:52 Cap. That's a long, Speaker 0 01:24:53 You guys do Capa Cola Egg and Cheese, bro. Yeah. You guys do cap, egg and cheese french fries on this too. Speaker 4 01:24:59 It'll, it'll literally taste like Speaker 2 01:25:00 Someone's french fries on everything, man. Dude. French fries on everything. Everything. Salad. The Pi Pittsburgh thing. Salad. Yeah. Salad. Salad. Even a salad. You get a salad somewhere. You're getting fucking french fries on Speaker 4 01:25:08 That. Yeah. No matter what you want, dude. It's all fries. Yep. And Speaker 0 01:25:10 Then any other places I need to check out when I'm in Pittsburgh? Like what, what is, what is like outside? Cause I've heard as much about Perman. I've been to so many sheets. I've done, I've done that whole thing. Yeah. But like, where's another spot in Pittsburgh? I'd be like, Nicki, we gotta go here. Speaker 4 01:25:23 I mean, if it's open, there's a, there's a place in McKees Rock called, um, PGU Plus. Speaker 2 01:25:30 Oh yeah. It's Speaker 4 01:25:30 Like this little, it's like this Yeah. With some Polish food Brown. But it's like this like 4,000 year old Polish Speaker 2 01:25:35 Lady. A lot of good Polish food there, man. Speaker 4 01:25:36 Yeah. It's all Polish people. And you could thank, you could thank Carnegie for bringing over them as slaves to help build for World War ii. It's fucking sad. It Speaker 2 01:25:45 Is. What? It's or the Irish and the, uh, pull locks baby. We, uh, we built that town. Yeah. Dude. Fucking, it's fucking sad. Yeah. Ran the war machine for that shit. Yeah, Speaker 4 01:25:54 For real. But yeah, there's a, it's produce plus it's out in McKees rocks. It's, it's unreal. They're like, it's one of those places that's open until it sells out and then they close. Speaker 0 01:26:01 Okay. So get there early. So get there, Speaker 4 01:26:03 There. Cause we'll sell out and you don't, you don't eat there. Speaker 0 01:26:05 You get it and you go eat. You get it. Speaker 4 01:26:06 You go eat somewhere. Okay, cool. Sick. You can buy 'em like frozen too, so you can bring some back to Nashville or whatever. Ooh, Speaker 0 01:26:11 I might have Speaker 4 01:26:12 To do that. Yeah. They're so freaking good Speaker 0 01:26:13 Dude. They're so good, man. Might have to do that. Fuck. Speaker 4 01:26:15 You're awesome. Speaker 0 01:26:15 Hell yeah. Well, you guys are fucking awesome. I appreciate you guys coming on and, and hanging and I cannot wait for next Friday. It's going to be, it's fun. A fucking blast. And I'm glad we got to do this beforehand cause like I've known you guys, but now I feel like we're fucking bros. Yeah. Hell yeah. We, we've talked about the Tube lady. We <laugh> Speaker 4 01:26:33 We've, we've, Speaker 0 01:26:34 We've talked about our, our beefs with Shreve pour. Yeah. We've, we've, I've gotten to know you guys on, on a real like family level. Yeah. So I appreciate, appreciate you boys coming on. Where can folks go to find you on all the socials and Speaker 4 01:26:45 Shit? At Lakeview Country? Speaker 0 01:26:47 At Lakeview Speaker 4 01:26:48 Country. That's it. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:26:49 That's it. Fuck. Yeah. And then all the music's on all the platforms and Speaker 4 01:26:52 Yeah. Spotify, all that good stuff. Speaker 0 01:26:53 YouTube got got at that new home team music video filmed at the luxurious Lakeside lounge. Speaker 4 01:26:58 Yeah, buddy. Speaker 0 01:26:59 Fuck yeah. Awesome. Well check out our boys, Luke and Jesse, uh, from Lakeview, uh, one of our favorite duos here in town. If you like rock music, you like country music, you just like good people. Get out there and see our boys from Lakeview. If you're in Nashville watching this or you're remotely near Nashville next Friday the 26th. Sixth, yep. May 26th leading into Memorial Day weekend. Come and fucking bring the party with us. Uh, the raised, rowdy crew will be there. Um, these boys obviously will be there and got some cool friends opening up. Uh, come out to the end and uh, check out a hometown, uh, hometown now. Cause you guys live here. Yeah, yeah. Um, a hometown Nashville show. Let's break the stigma of the, the boring Nashville Nashville shows. And let's fucking turn up on a Friday night. I know the boys will be going on late too, so everybody will have the beers in 'em and be all primed up and ready to fucking go. Speaker 0 01:27:50 Yes sir. To be sure to check them out. Lakeview country. Um, gotta get, show some love to our sponsors. Got our friends, uh, from big friendly productions. Check out Bfp. Shout out to Alex and Paige. Get your merch made with 'em and, uh, tell 'em that we sent you. Also got our friends from Whale Tail Media, Saxon Studios, and, uh, of course our good friends from Bud Light Premium Premium Premium. Um, also be sure to check out, uh, ray Get all that merch. Check out the other podcasts, Nikki t and Kurt on Tails from the front row and our boys, uh, Dawson Edwards and Caleb Conrady with Ray Rowdy Racing. Uh, anyways for Sweet Boy, behind the camera for our boys. Jesse and Luke here in Lakeview. Uh, this has been outside the round. Um, y'all have a great rest of your day and uh, thanks for listening. Speaker 8 01:28:33 I ain't never been one place for too long. I ain't never been too. So if you know me, if you really know me, no, I'm just, maybe the, and the lack of money for, I'm just the two trick on. Yeah.

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