Connor Sweet

September 30, 2019 01:01:19
Connor Sweet
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Connor Sweet

Sep 30 2019 | 01:01:19


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

Singer-songwriter Connor Sweet, a native of Nashville (AKA Unicorn) came by the house for a hang. Hear how Connor got his start in music, what playing on Broadway has taught him and the mindset you need to be a regular performer in Music City, how he got on his publishing deal, new music and his go-to late night pig out spots! This guy is a great hang and very good at making things happen with his guitar, which he bought out from under David Lee Muphy! Enjoy this interesting episode with our buddy Mr. Connor Sweet! 

Song of The Week: "Drink In It' - Connor Sweet

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 What is up everyone? Welcome to this week's edition of the In the Round podcast. You got Matt and Tyler. We're gonna kick this thing off a little bit different. Why is that Tyler? Speaker 1 00:00:10 Well, it's because it's, uh, mother Theresa's birthday. Speaker 0 00:00:13 Today we are recording. It is Monday, September 16th, and it is Mother's Theresa, also known as Theresa Montel. Uh, the mother here of Tyler Ard. It is her birthday. She has been a day one listener with us. Uh, shows as much support as anybody shares everything on Facebook. And I love your mom, dude. She's Oh yeah. An awesome, awesome individual, awesome woman. Biggest Speaker 1 00:00:36 Man, for Speaker 0 00:00:36 Sure. Oh, absolutely. So what do we want to do to, uh, to, uh, commemorate her a little bit? We're gonna Speaker 1 00:00:42 Call her and, uh, maybe sing a happy birthday or wish her a happy Speaker 0 00:00:46 Birthday. Alright, we can try to sing. I can't sing for shit. I know you can sing a little bit. I try not to. You gotta get that bluegrass singing going. Nah, we good? Alright, so we're gonna call her. All right. Let's do it. Bear. Speaker 3 00:01:07 Hello. Speaker 0 00:01:08 Hey, happy Speaker 4 00:01:09 Birthday to you. Happy birthday two. You, happy birthday, mother Teresa. Happy birthday to you. Speaker 3 00:01:25 Thank y'all. Speaker 0 00:01:26 Oh, you're welcome. Happy birthday Mother Teresa. Hey, guess what? What? You're live on the podcast. Speaker 2 00:01:32 Oh, cool. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:01:35 Thank y'all very much. Speaker 0 00:01:37 You're welcome. Now that further ado, let's go in the round with our buddy, Mr. Connor. Sweet. Speaker 0 00:01:56 What is up everyone? Welcome back to the In Thero podcast, hanging out with you on a Monday morning. You got Matt and Tyler one up and we have got one of our favorite guys that we get to hang out with downtown. A guy that is a local, a guy that some think is in his thirties, but he's really only 22 years old doing this. Damn, this is the Stash. It's the stash. It's, oh, the Stash is not staying long at at all. It's the, it's the southern draw. It's our buddy Connor. Sweet Connor. Morning guys. Speaker 5 00:02:22 Thank y'all for having me. Speaker 0 00:02:22 How the hell are you Speaker 5 00:02:23 Doing, buddy? I'm good, man. I'm good. Speaker 0 00:02:25 How was your, how was your weekend? Speaker 5 00:02:26 It was great. Uh, well, we went down to, uh, a songwriter festival in Southern Georgia Island. Oh, that's a fun place. It was great, man. Uh, it was the first time they ever put one on, and we had a blast. It was me, uh, a buddy of mine, Steven Huntley and Garrett Spear. We went down there and, uh, we ran wild for about three days and met some cool people and played some songs and it, it was a lot of fun. It really was. Speaker 0 00:02:46 That's awesome, dude. Yeah, man. It was Speaker 5 00:02:48 Trip Speaker 0 00:02:48 Songwriter Festival, so Speaker 5 00:02:50 What? Yeah, it was the first one. Speaker 0 00:02:51 So what was that setup like? Speaker 5 00:02:52 Well, it was, well, they had about four or five different little venues around there, and then they sold tickets to people that liked songwriters. And, I mean, we went down and we just kind of ran around. We played one round, uh, at a place called Fannie's down there. And it was pretty cool. Uh, I mean, we were sitting, there were three levels of the place. We were up on the roof and, uh, they had people, man, the place probably 40, 50 people up there on the roof with us. And Speaker 0 00:03:14 That's pretty good for our first year of a songwriter festival. Yeah, it ain't Speaker 5 00:03:17 Bad. It was really, uh, you know, something cool was happening down there. I mean, they were, everybody was so happy to see us and so generous and so, you know, just humble and, you know, hospitable to everybody. And so, but, uh, we were up throwing that roof and just the ocean railing in and just singing our songs, man, it was cool. It was really cool. Ty Speaker 1 00:03:34 Islands a really beautiful place too. Speaker 5 00:03:36 Yeah. I'd never been to like that part of the country before, like, uh, Southern Georgia. Like, I've gone to the Braves games in Atlanta and that kind of stuff. I grew up Oh, Speaker 0 00:03:43 You a big baseball guy? Speaker 5 00:03:44 I mean, my brother played for a long time, so when I was younger I did a lot of, you know, traveling with him, watching him play baseball in high school, in Speaker 0 00:03:50 College. So you're Braves your Braves fan? Yeah, Speaker 5 00:03:52 I mean, we all had TBS up here in Tennessee, so, you Speaker 0 00:03:54 Know, I'm, I'm a die hard Yankees fan. Me and Todd, me and Boudro go back and forth all the time. Speaker 5 00:03:58 I mean, we're actually doing good this year, so, yeah. That, that's Speaker 1 00:04:01 Say playoffs. Speaker 5 00:04:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah. There, there's Speaker 0 00:04:03 A real chance of a Yankee's Braves World series. I mean, which as the Yankees fan, I would love just, that's not going wood. Let's not Speaker 5 00:04:08 Call anything too quick. You know, I remember last year in playoffs I went down and watched him play the Dodgers and it was the second game of the playoffs. And I went down there and I was like, man, I really hope I'm not the bad luck on this. And I ended up losing, I was like, well, alright, I'll go to the next game. Yeah. Don't let me in the stadium, cuz they will probably lose <laugh>, you know? But anyway, I Speaker 1 00:04:26 Still haven't been to losing their stadium Speaker 5 00:04:27 Yet. Oh, it's great, man. It's like a whole, it's kind of like they took like, uh, the Gulch and Yeah. Attached a baseball stadium to it, know what I mean? Speaker 0 00:04:35 Yeah, yeah. Oh wow. So it's got like a whole like, atmosphere around it. Like they've Speaker 1 00:04:38 Got like shops and hotels and all that. Yeah. What is it? An omni that's down there? Speaker 5 00:04:42 Oh, I couldn't tell you, but there mean, I know there's a really cool bar across the street in the TV screens are like huge. It's like, maybe like a hundred, kinda Speaker 1 00:04:48 Like a corner pub situation. Oh, nice. Speaker 5 00:04:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's like little shopping districts and they're like, uh, they built some apartments up on the side of it. My brother and his girlfriend went down and they stayed at a hotel and, uh, her, she bought him like the v i p package. Yeah. And so they sat right behind the plate. Speaker 0 00:05:04 Oh, nice. And Speaker 5 00:05:04 They had all the food included and it was like 400 something dollars, but the place they were staying at, they went up on the pool and they sent me a picture and from the pool you could see the whole field. That's awesome. And he was like, I don't know if I really wanna go sit behind the plate. I kind of like it right here. Yeah. <laugh>. Anyway. Sit, Speaker 0 00:05:19 Sit in the pool, crack a cold beer. Having a good time. Speaker 5 00:05:21 Yeah, I know, man. I know. Yeah. But, Speaker 1 00:05:23 Uh, not pay for, uh, ballpark beer. Speaker 5 00:05:26 Yeah. I mean, Lord, I don't think it gets better than ballpark beer. I might go write that today, <laugh>. It's kind of cool. Uh, anyway. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:05:33 No, that might be a line right there. There you go. So, so for you, so you're born and raised here Yeah. In Nashville, Tennessee. Yep. And, uh, you grew up, so you live in, uh, Hendersonville. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:05:42 Yeah. I grew up, uh, in Hendersonville about 25 minutes north of here. Uh, uh, Thomas rts den CenterPoint Road. That's the road I grew up on. No shit. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, that's pretty cool. Uh, he lived one subdivision down for me, so, uh, yeah. Wow. It was cool, man. Uh, uh, but yeah. Yeah, Hendersonville is where I grew Speaker 0 00:05:59 Up. What's it like growing up here? Like we were talking about before, before we sat down here, like, so many people come to Nashville Yeah. To, to chase this, this musical dream as writers and Yeah. Musicians and singers and producers, whatever. And you're, you're born right here and you just kinda watch it Yeah. All unfold before your very, your eyes. What, what's that Speaker 5 00:06:16 Like? I guess, I guess there's a lot of kids out there that like, grow up singing and that kind of stuff all around the country. But like here, like I remember I sang my first little thing in like sixth grade at like a Christmas concert or something. I was like, that's kind of cool, but I'd always listen to music growing up. And then it just kind of kept snowballing. I did like every year or something at school. And then I started saying, Hey, we're doing this thing. Go play over here. And I do that. And, uh, it just kinda kept going and going. I was like, well, I've been doing it now, I might as well just keep doing it. And so then I started doing the Broadway stuff and just kind of, it snowballed into what it is now and I don't know what else I'm gonna do, put this much time into it and, you know, I could have focused on my grades a little bit more, but, you know, this is more fun. So. Speaker 0 00:06:55 Yeah. So for, so for you, if you weren't doing music, what would you be doing? Speaker 5 00:06:58 Oh man, I have no idea. Um, Speaker 0 00:07:00 What were some other jobs outside of music or singing really the gig for you? Speaker 5 00:07:05 Um, I mean, like, my dad sold insurance for 25 years. Okay. And so I grew up around that and, you know, uh, I've always had a financial side to me, I guess. But, uh, I mean, I, I really don't know, man. I also got a big place in my heart for law enforcement and that kind stuff. Okay. And so, I mean, being a cop or a sheriff or something like that was always something kind of cool in my back of my mind and also like, shoot shit too. So, you know. Speaker 0 00:07:25 That's great. You know? Yeah, it does. Sounds like a middle Tennessee in Yeah. Basically does. Yeah. <laugh> you talk about the, the sale, like the, the insurance stuff, the sales stuff. You really know how to work your tip jug downtown. Well, yeah. <laugh>. But you said when we, when we tried, we first sat down to do this, you said you wanted to give a, give a lesson on that. So you've been playing Broadway for a few years now. Oh yeah. And a big part of playing downtown is, is these bands, they, you guys work for your work better, hard for your money. Yeah. It's four hour sets, three and a half hour sets at a time. Yeah. Yeah. And you gotta split it amongst the whole band and Yeah. Those tips are important. Speaker 5 00:07:56 I mean, it is, it's, it's a thin line of, I mean, I just let everybody in the whole place know that this is literally how I'm gonna eat today. Yeah. So, and that's not exaggeration. I pay y'all my bills and, you know, my car payments and that kind of stuff with that money. And I mean, it's just, you never wanna sound like you're begging, I guess. Yeah. I mean it's just, it's kind of, you know, I mean it's saying, hey, asking you shall receive, basically. You know what I mean? If somebody really likes you and you're doing something good, they're gonna tip you for it, you know? Yeah. So, uh, I mean, I'm a, I learned from a guy a long time ago with the $20 request work, you know, so I just, I really just kind of hit that really hard and, you know, and, and I know that sounds like a lot of money, but you know, between four guys that's five bucks, you know what I mean? Speaker 5 00:08:36 Yeah. And, and it adds up. You know what I mean? And, uh, but yeah, I mean, it, it is fun, but also it's a, I love running the tip jar cuz they love getting to talk to people and get to meet people, you know what I mean? And, um, I'm always kind as I can to be to anybody, cuz I know a lot of people work hard for their money and, you know, when they share it with you, it's, it's like, you know, you really appreciate what we do. And so, but uh, I've been doing this for seven and a half years now, and so in the last year or two I'm like, Hey, why don't do that? I probably should like tell 'em where to find me too. So I've really been cracking down on, you know, just shaking hands of people and, you know, if you wanna tip the band, great. I mean, you know. But, uh, it's more about, you know, hey, follow me on this, you know, do that kind of thing. Speaker 0 00:09:13 Craziest experience you've had walking around a bar with a tip jug. Speaker 5 00:09:16 Oh man. The Speaker 0 00:09:17 Craziest shit you've seen there where you've were just, cuz you, you've, you were at Honky Tonk for a while. You play Yeah. You play at Arm, you play at Whiskey Road quite a bit. You, you, you play at the stage, like you and you're playing these primetime shifts. Yeah. Like, you're playing shifts where people are out there and people are getting shitty Yeah. <laugh>, like, people are there, like the party isn't full effect and you're playing some rowdy Yeah. Some rowdy tunes and getting 'em going. What's the, what's the craziest thing you're like, holy shit, that just happened. Speaker 5 00:09:44 I can't remember if I was on the stage or running the tip jar when this happened, but, uh, I, I was playing it honky tonk and I think I was like two or three years into this, but, uh, there was a group of guys out on the floor, uh, it was military guys. It was like marine guys versus Army guys. And there was like 10 or 12 of 'em out there on the floor messing around. And then there was this little group of frat kids over here in the corner, like three of them. And those frat kids just kept egging those guys on, like, going like, army sucks, brain suck, this guy said that. He said that. And then all of a sudden I saw the biggest brawl breakout that I've ever seen in my life and one bouncer in between those guys. And so we basically just had to stop everything we were doing and just say, okay, that's all. Calm down. Yeah. Yeah. That, that was pretty intense. But, uh, I mean, there's rude people that'll, you know, throw beer in the jug or do something like that, but I mean, there're not too many, A lot of people, man, they come to town and they don't have this kind of stuff back when they go home to, and you know, when they, they come around to meet you, like, man, this is so cool. We're so happy to be here. Yeah. And so that, that, that's really the best part about running around with Speaker 0 00:10:43 There's real appreciation Yeah. There what you do. Yeah, Speaker 5 00:10:45 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the best thing I hear is somebody comes around, they go, you know, we, we really don't listen to country, but we're having the best time of our life right here. You know? And so that, that, that's really what it is, you know? Speaker 0 00:10:54 Yeah. So for you growing up, was country music the what, what you're playing on your, on your iPod growing up, I mean, or other stuff too? Yeah. Speaker 5 00:11:02 Uh, it, it was weird. We were talking about this on the way back from Ty yesterday. I grew up listening to Allen Jackson and George Strait, but Kenny Chesney was a big influence of mine growing up. I mean, uh, I, I don't know what it was. I guess I was in first grade, I had a birthday party at Donaldson Bowling and somebody got me no shoes, no shirt, no problem for a present. Yeah. I don't know, that's a great present for a first grader, but it changed my life. <laugh>, you know, in a weird Speaker 0 00:11:24 Way, that was the first CD I ever bought in my own money. I had allowance money, I bought it at a Target. Speaker 5 00:11:28 Yeah. And the thing that sucks, man, is I do not know what happened to that cd. I, I, I, I mean, we moved a few times between now and then, and I, I hated it. But that's when Spotify and all that stuff, I'm like, shoot, I got it now. You know? I mean, there ain't nothing missing now, but, uh, Speaker 0 00:11:40 What song for you on that album? Well, Speaker 5 00:11:42 It's not even that album. The best one. My favorite Kenny album is, uh, when the Sun Goes Down. Cuz that's, I guess that's when he kinda like, came into his Jimmy Buffett meets. Speaker 0 00:11:52 He, he was like, I'm from East Tennessee, but dammit, I'm gonna be a pirate. Yeah. You Speaker 5 00:11:56 Know, I mean, and it's just, it's really cool, man. Uh, so I mean, I, I really, I mean, he's got good songs. Buddy Can is his producer, man. They pick some great songs. Yeah. Even back on the first album, they had a song called I Lost It. And I love that song, you know, and you think about Speaker 0 00:12:07 All the guys that are writing on those records. Yeah. Guys like, guys like Casey Beard. Yeah. You get those kind of dudes in a room and Speaker 5 00:12:13 Yeah. And they built an empire, you know, basically, I mean, so I've always looked up to that as like, that's the goal, you know what I mean? People come to town and they're like, yeah, I just wanna write, I just need one. Number one, I'm just like, no, I wanna take over the damn world. <laugh>. You know what I mean? Any, anytime we've been having meetings with people, like different, uh, labels and that kinda stuff recently, and I'm like, what do you wanna do car? I'm like, I wanna take over the world. And I know that sounds crazy, but like, like that's legit. I wanna do, that's either all or nothing for me. So, yeah. You know. Speaker 0 00:12:37 Yeah. No, you want to, you want to go out there and do the damn thing. So we see you a lot playing like covers and stuff. But as far as a writer, when did, uh, when did songwriting really become a big thing for Speaker 5 00:12:46 You? Uh, I guess it all kind of ran in together. Uh, when I was 16, uh, growing up, I had a buddy of mine who was kind of in our family circle. His name's Marty Dotson, and, uh, Marty, uh, grew up with my mom. They went to the same, uh, college high school kind of thing together and, uh, grew around the same church. And, uh, Marty wrote, uh, everybody Wants To Go to Heaven, and he did must be doing something right. And a few other, those Billy Kernin songs. Oh, Speaker 0 00:13:08 Wow. Speaker 5 00:13:09 And, uh, he, he really brought me on. He was, my first co-write was him and a guy named Clay Mills. And Clay Mills wrote, uh, shoot, beautiful Mess. And, uh, you know, don't think I don't think about it. So like, these two, like massive writers brought me in and I, it's, I had no idea what I was doing that day. And, uh, I went in, they sat me down, they're like, all right, let's write a song. I was like, okay, what do we do? You know? And I, so I started throwing out a few little ideas and we wrote a cute little song, but after that he was like, yeah, I think you can write songs. So he kind of took me under his wing and we kind of grew from there. Uh, but, uh, that was about it. 16. And then after that I just kind of, you know, kept writing and kept writing, but it was really, I didn't like seriously start writing until I was probably about 18 or 19. And that's when I started writing songs like this, these are cool songs. You know what I mean? These, these songs mean something to me and they know they make sense, you know? So, you Speaker 0 00:13:56 Know. Yeah. Then when did, when did the, uh, publisher come into play? Uh, Speaker 5 00:13:59 I started meeting, uh, I, I wrote Marty Long story short, he has a, uh, a company called Song Town usa, and they help a lot of up and coming writers. It's kind of like a smaller n s a I kind of thing, uh, little network. And so, uh, they do a lot of songs where you can send your song in and they'll help you critique it, tell you what to think. And so, uh, me and a buddy, Joey Eboc were sending a song in, uh, of mine and, uh, a woman named, uh, Liz Berg ended up hearing it. And Liz is, uh, Liz wrote that song for Ronnie Dunn. Uh, I'll Be a Damn Drunk a while ago. Yeah. And so she is at the publisher I'm now, and so, uh, she started wanting to write with me after hearing that song, and, uh, got in there and started meeting with some of those guys. Speaker 5 00:14:38 And it just, how it worked out is about this time last year, they were like, yeah, we'd like, we'd like to sign you, but let's wait. Let, let, let's get you in our circle and let's get you to really start writing some cool songs. And, and we, we, we have, man, they signed me, uh, back, uh, it's given publishing about, uh, uh, January 2nd, I wanna say. Awesome. Yeah. So it, it we're going on about a year. Yeah. Now, uh, with the new year coming shortly behind us, but, uh, yeah. But it's been great, man. Uh, I've met some really cool people and it's, it, it's different when, you know, it's your job now you're, you're getting paid to write songs, so, you know, you gotta, you know, you gotta actually, you know, fill your schedule up, you know what I mean? Because, uh, the way they do it is you got 15 whole songs. Speaker 5 00:15:16 And what that means is, you know, uh, a co-write with three people, that's a third of a song. So you basically have to do 45 of those to equal 15. So, you know, it's just, you have a quota. And so, but I write, I write probably 200 songs a year, you know, depending Yeah. But, uh, it was different. It was like, oh shoot, I gotta get to it. But now that end of the year and I see all major songs I've written this year, I'm like, okay. That first first week I was like, shoot, I gotta write some songs. Yeah. But, uh, but it's been cool, man. They've hooked me up with some cool guys. I got to write with, uh, a few of mine, like kind of heroes. They were up with a guy named Ben Ble a few weeks ago, and it was really cool. And, uh, uh, yeah. So yeah, it, it's been cool. It's been a really cool experience to have a team of people really representing me kind of thing. So Speaker 0 00:15:57 Yeah. That's, that's gotta be, especially at 22, like you're Yeah. Especially, yeah. Like, like I know it feels like you've been doing this a while. Yeah. Cause you hit downtown at, at 16, 17 years old, Speaker 5 00:16:06 And I, you grow up quick, you know? Oh, I'm sure. Speaker 0 00:16:07 Yeah. <laugh> it, it ha it has to. Absolutely. Now, yeah. Now, for you, in term, in terms of music, was, was Broadway kind of your first time getting out and singing in front of people? Were you singing at church or what'd you have going on? I Speaker 5 00:16:17 Mean, I, I grew up church Christ. So we, we grew up singing a lot, you know, a lot of acapella stuff and a lot of like four-part harmony stuff. But, uh, the, the real kicker is, uh, my dad sells insurance, like I said earlier. And we went down to a leader's conference down in Texas, uh, a little place in San Antonio, a little dude ranch, little like, kind of tourist trap. And they had a George Strait cover band. And I got up, sang with them and I was like, that's pretty cool. I mean, uh, it's still a guitar and, you know, the full band aspect of stuff. I was like, that's kind of cool. Uh, cuz before that I was singing the karaoke tracks and I mean, I had some guitars and I, I, but I didn't really know how to play yet, you know, uh, like really play. And so, uh, after that I came back to Nashville and I started playing at a little place over, uh, by Opera Land. I played in Nashville Palace a couple little times. Speaker 0 00:17:00 Oh, nice. That's one of my favorite spots to go Speaker 5 00:17:03 To. Yeah, it was right. It, it was right before they got the new owners. And so, uh, that place actually closed down for a little while. And so I came, I was like, well, shoot, now I don't got nowhere to play. I played a little place called John a's over there a few times, went in and sat in with their band. But, uh, and then I was like, this is 16 and, uh, that average driver's license for like two months. And so I was like, you know what? Let's go down to Broadway. Let's see what that does. Because I saw a Kia like the year before, he was like 11, 12, 13 years old, playing on the roof of Rupees. And I was like, shoot, I can do that. Uh, and so I came back and I was like, okay, I'm gonna do that. And my mom freaked out a little bit and she was like, ah, you sure? I was like, yeah, I'm gonna do it. And so we went down there and, uh, I met the folks at Tootsies and started doing that little thing and uh, you know, went in and out of there for a few years and then, uh, met the band I have now. And that's, you know, where I'm at. But yeah, Speaker 0 00:17:51 <laugh>, that's, that's quite, quite the musical journey. Yeah, man, Speaker 5 00:17:54 It really is. Speaker 0 00:17:54 Especially being from Red now, some other local stuff. And this is something, you know, bore that I always like to bring up. We always ask people when they're, where, where, where they're, wherever they're from, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what, like the food situation? Oh, yeah. So obviously we live in Nashville here. There's quite hot chickens. Freaking big. Yeah. Yeah. Where's your go-to Hot Chicken place? You a Princes or a Hattie Bees guy or a party foul? Or do you even go down to Franklin and what's the place you take me to? Speaker 1 00:18:18 Big shakes. Big Speaker 0 00:18:19 Shakes. Speaker 5 00:18:19 I ain't been to Big Shakes. Big shakes. Speaker 1 00:18:21 They have one down in Franklin. Sorry, I'm fighting a cold. So Speaker 0 00:18:25 <laugh>, old Speaker 1 00:18:26 Boreux, uh, they have one down in Franklin, that's the original one, but there's one up in, uh, I wanna say Madison also now. Okay. Uh, I saw it the other day whenever we left out, uh, for the road. I saw one up there, like north of town a little bit. Yeah. But yeah, it's just like, it's still owned by the original guy. It's just, uh, it's hot chicken, hot fish. They have this thing called a shrimp hot Speaker 5 00:18:49 Fish. Wow. Shoot Hot Speaker 0 00:18:50 Catfish. That's pretty good. Speaker 1 00:18:51 Delicious. They have a, uh, thing called the shrimp burger mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which is they take shrimp and form it into a patty. Yeah. And grill it. And then they put like barbecue sauce and like, stuff on top of it. That's, that's great. Speaker 5 00:19:02 I had a pack of eating of snacks on the way here, so I'm probably gonna gimme something to eat on the way back. But anyway. Um, what, Speaker 0 00:19:08 What are your hing hole? What do you commend people that are coming into town? Speaker 5 00:19:11 I didn't have hot chicken until like, maybe like 2000, like 15. Really, really? Uh, I did a thing with Buddy Lee at Attractions at uh, party Foul. Uh, and that was the first I ever had. I was like, this is pretty good. And, uh, Hatty Bees is good. I do like Hatty Bees. I like to go to the one, uh, off Charlotte Pike. Uh, Speaker 1 00:19:28 Yeah, I used to live a half mile from that one. Yeah, Speaker 5 00:19:30 That one's good. Speaker 1 00:19:31 That's dangerous. Speaker 5 00:19:32 I mean, I got some buddies over there that Speaker 0 00:19:33 Is dangerous. I Speaker 5 00:19:34 Got some buddies over there. Uh, when I would ride, I'd go over there. Uh, but Hendersonville, we got a couple of 'em. Uh, I can't remember the names of 'em off the top of my head, but, you know, I like the Hattie Bees. Uh, they got a good chicken sandwich. If you go get the chicken sandwich, it's, it's, it's what I go. Yeah. So Speaker 0 00:19:47 Hot chicken or barbecue for you. You're more of a barbecue guy. I do Speaker 5 00:19:50 Like barbecue too, man. Uh, we got a place, uh, what I do, uh, there's a place called Nick's Barbecue here in town. Uh, but at the Kroger I got, they sell it in bricks, so you can take it as frozen and then you take it and you put it in a pan and you, you know, get it going and it's just like having it at your house. But, uh, uh, Jack's is really good. I mean, I eat that a lot when I'm playing downtown. Yeah. So, you know, barbecue's good for me, man. I like that. Speaker 1 00:20:11 Yeah, Speaker 5 00:20:11 Yeah, yeah. Speaker 0 00:20:13 It's good. And then it's almost hunting season too, right? Yeah. So you, you, are you an outdoors guy? Uh, Speaker 5 00:20:18 I am. I used to be a lot more, I guess when I had more time, but Speaker 0 00:20:21 Before the music stuff really started coming through, Speaker 5 00:20:23 I'll tell you, it, it, it pissed my brother off real bad, cuz I just started doing music and we signed a lease to hunt ducks in Missouri. Oh. And it was like, we're gonna go every weekend. I was like, yeah, yeah, actually, uh, no, I'm gonna do this instead. But, uh, we went, we did that for like three years kind of thing, and we bought all the gear and that's, that's an expensive hunt, you know? It Speaker 0 00:20:43 Is, Speaker 5 00:20:44 Yeah. It's really expensive. But yeah. Uh, I mean, we had 50 acres growing up, so we shot and killed just about everything on that plot of land we had growing up. So, uh, but yeah, I did a lot of hunting. Now where I live now, I mean, it's just kind of, it's an acre a lot, you know, you can't really go out and do that too, too much on it. But, uh, yeah, if anybody's listening wants to take me, I'm ready to go, you know? Yeah. Okay. Speaker 0 00:21:04 Yeah. I, I own a, I own a shotgun. I come from New York. I mean, people do hunt back home. Yeah. Yeah. It's not as active as it is down here though. But I've already started to see like the camouflages coming back out. Now that we're in September, we're getting into October, everybody's kind of getting ready. Speaker 1 00:21:18 Everybody's What is, uh, what is hunting season here in Tennessee? Oh, Speaker 5 00:21:21 Man, I couldn't tell you. I wanna say like, uh, I, I remember the duck season is like Thanksgiving or the week after or something like that. Yeah. Because ours, we do a Thanksgiving hunt. We spend Thanksgiving in Missouri. Nice. And so, oh, nice. Thanksgiving morning it was like, all right, go time. Let's go. You know? Speaker 0 00:21:35 So, so duck hunting is your thing That's, yeah. Speaker 5 00:21:37 If I could do it again, I'd go back and do that some more. I mean, ID like to kill some more deer, you know? I like to pig hunting. Y'all are talking about y'all went down and did the bore stuff. That, that'd be a lot of fun. You know? That's a lot of fun. Yeah. I mean, Speaker 0 00:21:46 I don't see, if I saw a wild bo in the woods, I would shit my pants. I do not know what I would did. Speaker 1 00:21:51 I'm not gonna lie. The first couple of times seeing one, it's a Oh shit. Experience. Cuz like the first you Speaker 5 00:21:55 Got shoot, faster's gonna come get you. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:21:57 Well, the first time that we saw 'em, um, like we were out in the fields and like, we were like would round like a corner or something. Yeah, yeah. Like there'd be like hills and all, we'd round a hill and all of a sudden they're just there. Yeah. You're like, oh shit. Yeah. Yeah. Like, and, uh, I don't know, sometimes they run away from you. Yeah. And those were the first couple of times, luckily they were running away. You just, you had to do it. You Speaker 5 00:22:18 Know? You ever seen the people killing from a helicopter before? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:22:20 Yeah. Like they're running around the Speaker 5 00:22:22 Got Yeah. Man, that, that sounds great. I'm ready. I saw, uh, like, uh, shoot, Speaker 1 00:22:26 Shoot. That like, Texas don't Speaker 5 00:22:27 Or Yeah, Ted. Speaker 0 00:22:29 Yeah. Speaker 5 00:22:29 I saw him do that on YouTube one time. I was like, that, that, that's what I want to do. Uncle Speaker 0 00:22:32 Ted would be a great hanger, wouldn't he? Speaker 5 00:22:33 He would be a great hanger. Like, just Speaker 0 00:22:35 Think of, of all the stories that that guy must have. Imagine, imagine Speaker 5 00:22:38 Shooting pigs from a helicopter with Taja. Like what, like what other story could you ever tell? Speaker 0 00:22:41 Well, stranglehold is playing in the background. Speaker 5 00:22:43 Sure. Actually like, man, God bless. But, uh, yeah, that sounds fun, man. But, uh, I heard the only, the expensive part about that is you gotta buy the, like, fuel for the helicopter basically. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:22:52 And that adds up. That adds up quick. Yeah. That adds up quick. You think, you think of, you think ammo can add up? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:57 Diesel's expensive. Speaker 5 00:22:58 Yeah. Yeah. Imagine fueling a helicopter for the Speaker 0 00:23:00 Day, going the damn chopper. Now for sports, are you a big college football guy? Speaker 5 00:23:04 Uh, yeah. Uh, I'm, I'm a Tennessee fan growing up, but uh, Speaker 0 00:23:08 See I Speaker 5 00:23:08 Suck. That's just the bottom line. We just suck. Speaker 0 00:23:10 I'm not n DC guy, so I'm kind of neutral in all this. The guys that that signed my checks now are both Auburn guys. Yeah. And they love to give shit to love to give shit to, uh, Mr. Boudreau over here. Cause he is a Bama fan. Yeah. But Tennessee football, y'all have a lot of history. It seems Speaker 5 00:23:25 Like. We didn't have a lot of history and I feel like a lot of people hold onto the history, but we can't get across fact that we just suck now. Speaker 0 00:23:30 I mean, so what, so what's, Speaker 1 00:23:31 I'm actually going into the, uh, Tennessee, Alabama game this year in Tuscaloosa. Well, Speaker 5 00:23:35 I have a good win. All right. Could Speaker 0 00:23:35 Be goddamn damn bloodbath, Speaker 5 00:23:37 You know, but, and so, I mean, I'm kind of like you, I'm kind of neutral man. I, I'll go to a game or two and I'm an old soul. I don't like a lot of crowds, so I'd rather watch it it on TV than have a case. Speaker 0 00:23:45 Yeah. You'd, you'd rather watch, uh, Saturday football at CCBs. Yeah. Seriously. Three 30. Listen, listen to, used to be Vern Quist. He doesn't do it anymore. Does he? I forget who does the s e c games now, but they're, I remember watching Yeah. Football down here just seems like it's bigger. Yeah, it is. It is. It just seems like it's, especially with that, with the small town stuff, you have a lot of guys that go from the small town Friday Night lights. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:24:06 To, to the, to the big stadium, you Speaker 0 00:24:08 Know, to playing at Neland Stadium, 110,000 people in Knoxville. Man. You ever been out to Knoxville? Speaker 5 00:24:12 Yeah, my brother actually lives in Knoxville. He teaches, uh, he went, uh, uh, I mean he think he's only like year, he went all four years at ut or he graduated from ut. So, uh, uh, yeah. So, and he still, he teaches high school and, you know, coaches baseball out there. So, uh, you know, I go out, see him and every now and then, but, uh, we take in a couple. I, I usually go to about one game a year. Nice. Up there in Neland. Speaker 0 00:24:31 Nice. So have you been yet Speaker 5 00:24:33 This year? This year I haven't been yet. No. No, no. I'll probably go when he cools down a little bit more. Cause Speaker 0 00:24:37 It gets hot over there. Get that nice fall temperature where you can, you can wear the, you can wear the flower. Speaker 5 00:24:43 I can wear me a hoodie, Speaker 0 00:24:43 Wear the jeans. Yeah. And be, be all comfortable. And maybe by that point they'll have their shit figured out. I know they Speaker 5 00:24:48 Got a restaurant out there. Uh, they used to have one here in town. You ever had Calhouns before? Oh dude. Calhouns. Speaker 0 00:24:52 Calhouns is my good shit. Quick. Speaker 5 00:24:54 I haven't had Calhouns yet. That's good. Well, we're Speaker 0 00:24:57 Out in Knoxville. We're going to Calhoun. Calhouns is fucking awesome. Awesome. Speaker 5 00:24:59 What I go to, uh, now must go down and play in hospital, don't they? Yeah. They, they, what do they do? Where do they play? The Joe? Uh, the middle of the mine. Okay. Okay, cool. Speaker 0 00:25:06 Middle of the mind. Yeah. Um, so, so I'm, I'm excited for, to go back out there. So my, I have family in east Tennessee. Okay. Way east Tennessee. Like Jonesborough Johnson. Yeah. City. Like Virginia, almost Bristol. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, exactly. Um, and I beautiful Speaker 5 00:25:18 Part of the country, Speaker 0 00:25:19 Man. I love it out there. Oh, it's beautiful. Of the mountains. Yeah. So we, um, my, uh, my cousin was doing, um, veterinary school at ut and I was, I thinking third grade we went out to visit her and she knew or was dating the, like a grounds crew guy for deland Stadium. Yeah. So we, I got to go on the fields, a little kit, and I'm just looking around like, holy shit. That's awesome. Then we went to Calhouns on the river. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I had my first experience with Southern Ribs and I Oh yeah. That was a life-changing moment. Yeah. That was, that was like a, just a moment. Like wow. Like I, I think food back home in New York's good. Yeah. Yeah. You come down, come down to Dixie, get you some, some ribs with all the fixins and the cornbread and Yeah. Calhouns Speaker 5 00:25:54 Is, and I used to have one off of Galston Road growing up, like right down where I live, and then they closed down. I was like, why did y'all do this <laugh>? Well, like, why did they close down Whataburger here? I don't think there ever was. There was, there was. Yeah. They closed down money. Bring that back. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:26:07 There was a petition for it. I saw on Facebook bring Speaker 5 00:26:10 One back over like two signatures. Took literally about a million years to get a, a cookout out here. And then that came and I was like, boom. You know, I was like, now there's like 12 of them. Yeah. Seriously. Uh, Speaker 0 00:26:19 I love cookout. I I, Speaker 5 00:26:21 There's seriously one right down the road. Yeah. Yeah. Literally when I'm going home at like, three in the morning or, or have you ever 11 o'clock. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:26:26 Have you ever been to Cookout earlier than at least midnight? Speaker 5 00:26:29 Yeah. When I used to play six to tens. Okay. I'd have to cookout for lunch before. It's a weird place at lunchtime. It is a weird place, man. I, Speaker 0 00:26:36 I've, Speaker 5 00:26:37 And it's always great cause I got the gospel music playing in the background <laugh>. At least when I go to, I guess it's family owned. But man, it's a different man. It's a, it's a good place, man. Anywhere you can go get like three things of food and a drink for like five bucks. I mean, Speaker 0 00:26:50 Dude, you can get, you can get a burger and two chicken quesadillas and a drink for five bucks. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's insane. You don't get that everywhere. And it's good. It good Speaker 5 00:26:57 It mean it, it's not like crap. You know what I mean? Yeah. You can go make, I went to make, I don't know, I hate to admit this What McDonald's last night ended, I spent like 10 bucks. And the food is like not to par at all. Speaker 0 00:27:06 Yeah. It's not at the level. Yeah, no, I agree completely. I've been there too after late nights on Broadway doing Speaker 1 00:27:12 McDonald's. Yeah. Well that's like the greatest thing about McDonald's. I don't know if y'all have Uber Eats and Yeah. Yeah. Y'all got that up there. Cool. So they have a special Yeah, it is $10. I think it's like 10 or $11 for 40 piece McNugget, two large fries and two large drinks. Speaker 5 00:27:30 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:27:31 All right. And that's the way to go. <laugh>. That's Speaker 0 00:27:33 Boudro Boro authorized. Then just Speaker 5 00:27:35 Drop it off on my front porch. Speaker 1 00:27:37 <laugh>. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And like, Speaker 5 00:27:38 Go away. Speaker 1 00:27:40 Whenever we used to live up in town, like I'd get off of bar shifts at like 3:00 AM Yeah. And would be, you know how whenever you're off bars, our Speaker 5 00:27:47 McDonalds in Hendersonville closed at 11 o'clock. Really? They done? Yeah. Cause dang, that's where we cook out and meet, meet kind of fell in love. Yeah. Like, wow. They're clo you know? And so you a Waffle Speaker 0 00:27:57 House guy? Speaker 5 00:27:58 Yeah, I'm a big Waffle House guy. Speaker 0 00:27:59 That's how we are too. The late, late nights at a Waffle house and you never, I've had, so my first time at a, at a waffle house with these guys, it was like, I think my first day living in Tennessee, I went with, uh, Koda Bear and our buddy Jacob. You and Jacob get along. Jacob's. Jacob's another just, he's another Middle Tennessee. Just, just good old boy. Good dude. Um, but we went to a waffle house. That was an experience for me. Cause waffle, we don't have those up north. Like they come in Speaker 5 00:28:25 Here any place I can get a slice of country ham at three in the morning, I'm game. Let's go. Oh, Speaker 0 00:28:28 You're country ham guy. Oh yeah. Speaker 5 00:28:29 All long. You ever heard that? Man, it's good. I Speaker 0 00:28:31 Like the, um, I get the patty melt thing. Oh yeah. The, that with the, Speaker 1 00:28:35 See I get the grilled chicken biscuit. Speaker 5 00:28:38 Well see, I, I like the bread too. I get on to bring me double toast and I just cut it off and make my own little sandwich right there. Ah, and it's so Speaker 0 00:28:43 Good, man. Little diy, do it yourself. Action. Speaker 5 00:28:46 Okay. Yeah. You get that, uh, the toast with the butter and then the Hammond in the middle and then like sprinkle hash brown or too, man, it's good. It is so good. I mean, I wish I made it like, as a thing on the menu where I didn't have to do it myself. But, you know, it's great. You know, Speaker 1 00:28:58 I had something great this weekend from Sheets I got. Speaker 0 00:29:00 You ever been to a Speaker 5 00:29:01 Sheets? No, I ain't never been to That was, Speaker 1 00:29:03 They're up in like Virginia and stuff. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaker 5 00:29:05 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I kind of think I Speaker 0 00:29:06 Knows a ginormous gas station. It's Speaker 1 00:29:08 A Speedway. Oh yeah, it's like a speedway. Speaker 0 00:29:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where they got the touchscreen and they made the order stuff? Speaker 5 00:29:13 Yeah. Oh, really? That's nice. I Speaker 1 00:29:14 Got a, it was a double sausage honey butter biscuit with hash browns and like American cheese on it. Yeah, dude. The hash browns in it was like seasoned. Like, they were like, I forget what exactly they were, but it was like a maple bacon flavor. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:29:31 Aw Speaker 1 00:29:31 Man. It was great, Speaker 5 00:29:33 Man. I'm a french toast guy. Y'all guys like, oh yeah. Speaker 0 00:29:35 Yes. Oh dude, my Speaker 5 00:29:36 Like, I'm a sweet too, in the morning, Speaker 0 00:29:38 Dude. My, my, my grandmother's coming down here next week. Yeah. I cannot wait. She, I call her G unit. She, she's the, the shit I love my grandmother, my grandfather, when I was growing up though, every time I would eat, like she, she cooks most grandmother, they, they just love to cook and they're, they're great at it. One of her specialties. French toast and bacon. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. French toast and bacon. That bacon that's just crispy enough, but not too crispy and overdone. And then just stacks of French toast, dude. With the vanilla extract on it. Little cinnamon action. Man. Speaker 5 00:30:06 I went to Fucking Delicious. I went to a church camp growing up and I'm not going, don't wanna throw 'em under the bus too much, but I remember one time they used to make the bacon like really quick in the morning and it was like the kind of bacon, you grab it and if you put it in your right fist and like just squeeze it, you're just gonna have like dust like thing. Oh no. Yeah. That, that, Speaker 1 00:30:23 That, that's kinda like paper thin bacon. Speaker 5 00:30:25 No, it's just, versus like, like basically like a piece of bark basically. And you can like, just like crum it up, you know? Oh no, I, man, I mean, I, yeah. But yeah, that's my biggest pet peeve. You're gonna, you're gonna cook bacon to kill it, you know? Speaker 0 00:30:37 So bacon over sausage for you? Speaker 5 00:30:39 Yeah, probably. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I like sausage too on a good day, you know? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:30:42 Down here. You guys love, love your, love your sausage makes in Speaker 1 00:30:45 With you. Speaker 0 00:30:46 Conka. What the fuck? Connect Speaker 1 00:30:47 Kaneka sausage. So I'm from Escambia County, Alabama. All right. But the next county, county up is Kaneka County. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they have sausage and they sell it in Kroger here. Oh, do they? You'll have to find some. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, uh, it's got a sweet flavor, but also has a little bit of spice to it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's not like really thick. It's like, you know, maybe a half inch diameter where other ones are like an inch, inch and a half and diameter. So like, it's not as thick. And like, dude put that in like a hotdog bun. Oh man. Aw bro's. Sounds Speaker 5 00:31:17 The hotdog bun's good. Like, like shredded barbecue in a hotdog bun with Yeah. Speaker 0 00:31:21 I gotta try that. That sounds delicious. A little melted cheese on there. Oh Speaker 5 00:31:24 Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:31:25 Dude, I think I know I, I gotta do that. I'm gonna be doing that soon. Speaker 1 00:31:29 We, we gotta eat after this. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:31:30 We gotta we gotta we gotta grab a bite teeth after this for sure. We definitely, we definitely will. But, um, now talking, now talking back more about the music stuff now getting back to it. Yeah. Yeah. Um, as far as, uh, as far as stuff now for you we're coming up towards the end of 2019. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do we got? Are we game plan for 2020? Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:31:48 We, we are, we, we had, uh, we've had a little bit of change back at the publishers' company, so we're kind of regrouping a little bit. Okay. But, uh, we, we recorded six songs this year. Uh, it was really cool. We, uh, we did it at the Ruckus room here in town, and, uh, I don't know if you guys know who Brett Mason is and, uh, Jeff King. Yeah. They're, they're awesome guitar players here in town, and Speaker 1 00:32:08 Brent was like the guy. Speaker 5 00:32:09 Oh, he's in the nineties. Yeah. Pick a song like any song he's probably playing on. Yeah. Yeah. Any song from the nineties, Chattahoochee. Like, that ain't my truck. All those man, that's him. Uh, so we really went with that nineties sound. Uh, we had Dan Dug Moore on Steel, and he, man, there's mores mean hear Steel, it's probably him. So, so something Speaker 0 00:32:25 I gotta ask you about being that you're, you, you're very much that, that traditional style. Yeah. Which I love. And I, and something that I'm sensing and coming from the radio background and, and just you, you look at things a little bit differently, you know, like, like I'm not a, I'm not a writer, I'm not an artist. I don't have any musical today. I wish I did. It'd be cool I'd fit in better in this town, but like, watching what's going on right now mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it seems like there's a nineties rebirth. Yeah. I think in, in mainstream country music right now, between, between what guys like Luke Combs are doing what, um, what a lot of the girls are doing too. Yeah. What, when you've got people like Laney Wilson that are coming up and that style for you, what is that kind of feel like? Because you're kind of in that group of where, where that's your bread and butter. Well, yeah. Like you're singing co your Speaker 5 00:33:06 Songs. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think in the long haul with all of it, it, it, it is just finding your niche, you know what I mean? Because I mean, if I went back and I did all the nineties stuff again, it'd just be like, well, this is the nineties stuff, you know what I mean? Or if I tried to, you know, you know, copy either what Kenny did or what Cody Johnson is doing now, it's like, we already got one of those, you know? And I feel like in anything to succeed in anything, you have to find a niche, you know what I mean? And so that, that's kind of what I'm doing right now. I'm just writing, uh, in these songs we recorded this year. Uh, I mean, they're, they're good and I think they're the start of it, but I'm still just trying to figure out what exactly my niche is, you know? And so, uh, you know, it's a learning curve, you know, and, Speaker 0 00:33:42 And what, what your story is that you wanna tell. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. As a, as a singer, I mean, if you got a voice you're singing, but as a singer songwriter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Especially when you're writing your own shit, like Yeah. You, you have a message that you want to get out there to people. Speaker 5 00:33:55 Yeah. I just like telling stories, man. I, I just really do, and, and just sitting here and talking, I mean, that's my favorite thing to do is just, you know, just, you know, get up and tell Speaker 0 00:34:04 Stories. So something we always like to ask people. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> we usually do in the beginning, but just on the me now, so we always ask people, what was your first night on Broadway? Like? That you don't remember Speaker 5 00:34:14 That? I don't remember. Speaker 0 00:34:15 Yeah. That you were out like, like Speaker 5 00:34:16 Drinking party, whether Speaker 0 00:34:17 You party Speaker 5 00:34:17 You were illegal or not. Oh, well, Speaker 0 00:34:19 That you were partying. What was your first night? Because again, you're local, so it's a little bit different for you. Like, we've heard people like tell stories about when it was like their first time, like visiting town at first time, their 21st Speaker 5 00:34:29 Birthday. Well, mine would be my 21st. Like, like we came back and it was the first time I went out with like my brother and a few guy friends of mine. And we just kind of, we had a good time. I just remember, long story short, just to sum it all up, I got in, uh, an Uber, an Uber black XL by myself, and went home <laugh> at like three in the morning. I remember the lights came on. I ordered an Uber, and I think the Uber was like a hundred dollars. Speaker 0 00:34:50 Were y'all in Midtown or downtown? Speaker 5 00:34:51 No, we were downtown. I, I, it was Whiskey Row was the last place we were at. And uh, oh shit. I get generous when I'm like out, I guess I just like wanna buy drinks for everybody and just kind of Yeah. Speaker 0 00:35:00 And you tipping the bartenders. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you, and then you wake up the next morning, Speaker 5 00:35:04 You just random a very, very high tab Speaker 0 00:35:05 Basically. And you take a look at it and you're like, yeah. Speaker 5 00:35:07 Ugh. So that, that, that goes, and that, that was kind of the one and only time where I was like, okay, uh, let's put a limit on Connor's debit card when we go out. Yeah. Sound good guys? Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:35:16 I've, I've met people now be, be down the road so much. I mean, you, a lot of people don't bring their cards with them. Oh yeah. They just roll cash because they can set it to what they want. They can set it because the only, you bring out a hundred bucks, you're not spending more Speaker 5 00:35:30 Than bucks. And when I see the money leaving my hand, it's a lot easier than when I'm just, here's, here's your bill. You know, add $10 to it and sign it. You know what I mean? Yeah. When I'm physically seeing, alright, here's, that's an actual $20 bill. Here you go. Oh Speaker 0 00:35:42 Shit. Oh shit. Oh, there's another one though. We're at 40. Oh shit. Yeah, Speaker 5 00:35:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, but yeah. <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:35:48 Do you, do you like going downtown a lot? Uh, as a local? Speaker 5 00:35:52 It depends, uh, to be honest, man, I, I, I'm an old soul, so like, uh, you know, I, I like a good band. I like to go see a good band and, uh, but uh, I like to sit at the bar, man. I like to sit at the bar and talk to people. So, um, a lot of times I, there's a place up by us. We go to Sam's. It's a Sam's bar and grill. Yeah. There's one on Old Hickory Lake too. And so we go sit there and sit and talk. How Speaker 1 00:36:11 Like a sports bar? Speaker 5 00:36:12 Yeah, yeah. I've been Speaker 1 00:36:13 There before. It's really good Speaker 5 00:36:14 Food. Yeah, it's really good food and drink specials are cool. But, uh, I mean, I'm one I'd, I'd rather sit around and us drink and talk together than and Speaker 0 00:36:20 Have a conversation. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:36:22 I mean, cuz I mean, I sit and scream and yell at drunk people all day, you know what I mean? <laugh>, I mean, I like to change gears and me be the one being yelled at all. Right. You know? So, uh, Speaker 5 00:36:30 But anyway, yeah, it was kinda like we were down at a place called Saddlebags in Savannah this last, uh, uh, Saturday night. And, uh, I was telling you earlier about before the show, everybody was running around and, uh, you know, dancing with people and I, me and a buddy, we were just sitting at the bar talking and we shot it back and forth. We went through like, probably like 10 song ideas just sitting there spitting them back and forth with. And so that, that to me is a lot more fun. I mean, I can go out and dance and make an ass myself like everybody else, but, you know, but I really like just sitting and just laughing with people, you know? Carrie. Speaker 0 00:37:00 Yeah, go ahead. Bore. Speaker 1 00:37:01 Have you done the whole, uh, club scene on Broadway yet? Where you go up and dance in the nightclubs and stuff? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:37:05 What's Connor Sweet in a nightclub? Like your, your country. Your country. Middle Tennessee guy, camel Speaker 5 00:37:10 Shorts and a pair of flip flops. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:37:13 Are you a croc guy? No, I'm not a crock guy. No, you're not a cat guy. Speaker 5 00:37:17 I remember I, I was walking around for real mom, my mom and daddy, and they went in the Croc store and I, I looked man, and I tried 'em on, but I was like, I remember like beating up kids for wearing Crocs growing up. Speaker 0 00:37:26 And now they're like, Speaker 5 00:37:28 No, I'm just kidding about that. But you know, like, Speaker 0 00:37:29 But now they're like, now people are wearing them everywhere. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:37:32 Mean I wore 'em as a kid, like growing up in Alabama and Speaker 5 00:37:34 Stuff. Yeah. I like wore 'em to camp and stuff. Like go in the bathhouse and stuff and that kind of stuff. It was, Speaker 1 00:37:38 It was when it was raining. Speaker 0 00:37:39 Yeah. Yeah. But you're not wearing them out. No. Like, you're not wearing out in public. No, man, that kind of thing. Speaker 5 00:37:44 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I just, I don't know. I like, I wear those American Eagle shorts a lot. I like those, you know, but I mean, if I go out on the club, I mean, I mean, I, I just aldean's in those places when it's loud and Fgl house when you can't move. I'm just like, all right. Yeah, that's, that's, I'm here and I'm gone. You know what I mean? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:37:59 For me, Sunday Speaker 1 00:37:59 Nights are kind of cool because like, you actually get space. Speaker 5 00:38:03 Sunday nights are cool. I do like going out. I didn't go out last night cause I, I've been driving all day. But, uh, you know, I do like going out on Sunday Speaker 0 00:38:08 Night, you know, that that's when, that's, those are our night. We call those like our, our shitty nights, like where we go out and we end up at Wild Beaver, we close down Wild Beaver the Late, see Speaker 5 00:38:17 I do like Wild Beaver, wild Beaver's. Cool Beavers. I ain't been there in a long time, but we haven't Speaker 0 00:38:20 Either. We gotta organize that Speaker 1 00:38:23 Last night on Broadway. Uncensored from Wild Beaver though. Speaker 0 00:38:25 Yeah. Do you, do you follow Broadway? Broadway Speaker 5 00:38:27 Uncensored? Uh, I do, but what was it, the last thing I saw on there was the fire at, uh, Nissan. Last night or Speaker 0 00:38:32 Yesterday. Yeah. No, this, this one is, uh, and, and we end up on Broadway. Censored Alida. You at Whiskey At Whiskey Row? Yeah. Oh yeah. Speaker 5 00:38:40 Cause y'all threw down those, uh, like Cols church people that one day. I saw that on the front. We're Speaker 0 00:38:44 We're on there almost every other week just because of the, with, with the crowd that we draw in. I love working, I love my job, but like, it, it gets, it gets rowdy. It gets rough. Yeah. It gets rowdy. Especially Speaker 5 00:38:53 It goes everywhere down Speaker 0 00:38:54 There. When you've got nightclub on rooftop and second floor. Yeah. And live rowdy band on first floor mixing together. It gets a little crazy. But this video, um, is a good one. This is a good Broadway and sensors classic Speaker 5 00:39:06 Broadway sensor. Oh yeah, I saw that. Her daddy's very proud. Oh, oh, her Speaker 0 00:39:09 Daddy's very proud. Are you kidding me? Speaker 5 00:39:10 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I see that kind of stuff all the day. It kind of all blends Speaker 0 00:39:15 Together. Like what would you do if you're the guy in that Speaker 5 00:39:16 Situation? I mean, I guess I just, you know, just hang on and enjoy the ride, I guess, you know, <laugh>, I mean, Speaker 0 00:39:22 Something like that. Um, what else do you do? Like Yeah, wild Beaver is a good spot though. Is it? Speaker 5 00:39:27 Yeah. Do they still smoking there? Yes, Speaker 0 00:39:29 They do. Yeah, they do. Um, and we've had, for a while, we were going out like every Sunday night and we were recording these episodes on Speaker 5 00:39:37 Monday. Cause they got pool tables in the back and the pool, Speaker 0 00:39:38 That kinda stuff. They got pool tables, they got the punch machine. They got the basket. They got the popper shop. Speaker 5 00:39:42 See, I, I, I suck at pool, but I like just, you know, I like grabbing a hang pool cue and just walking around. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:39:47 A pool. Grabbing a pool cue. Have a little have a little drink, maybe light up a smoke. Just that, just chill, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And it's mostly industry people that are in there. Like, it's mostly locals, like people that work downtown and stuff. Have, have you ever gone up there and sang? Nah. Man's a karaoke guy. Speaker 5 00:40:01 Well, place we used to go back when it was, there was a place that's 18 and up it's Lonnie's. Speaker 0 00:40:05 Oh, okay. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:40:07 Lonnie's. Yeah. We used to go in there when it was underage and no money would, ID, you Speaker 0 00:40:11 Know, just, I know people that have been kicked outta Lonnie's. Speaker 5 00:40:13 Yeah. Yeah. I remember we went to Lonnie's one time, underage man. I had a shitty night in Lonnie's. I didn't want to have, I had some buddies I grew up with. When we went to Lonnie's one time, we were all like 20 and just, it was just a place you go, or like 19 to kind of, because 18 and up and you know, a lot of times you sneak a beer or something like that, you know, I remember we getting there and uh, everybody was like, Connor, I'm like, what? Your mom and dad are outside? I'm like, what do you mean? And they like had me fooled. So I like ran outside and they're like, all right, actually we're actually going home. So yeah, that's how they got me. That's the one, that's how they got me outta the bar. Wow. But, uh, anyway, but, uh, it was funny man that, that that was the place growing up, but, uh, yeah. Isn't it like $20 buckets there? Yeah, it's cheap, man. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:40:51 It's very Speaker 5 00:40:51 Affordable. It's very affordable. Yeah. No, yeah. It's just, you gotta watch out for all like the, the jail baked people and you know, all the little chicks in there. So <laugh> trying to avoid. Speaker 0 00:40:58 Yeah. Oh yeah. No, absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No cuz it's different. It's a different in, uh, different environment going in there for sure. Yeah. And uh, it's Speaker 5 00:41:06 Just a younger crowd. Yeah. It's just kinda like high school kids. I'm just kinda like, eh. Yeah. But, uh, wannabe's is cool and, uh, I get they do have karaoke Wild Beaver, right? Yeah. Yeah, that's right. They Speaker 0 00:41:14 Do. Have you you ever been to Santas? Speaker 5 00:41:16 No, I haven't been to Santa's. Speaker 0 00:41:17 I haven't been to Santa's either. I haven't Speaker 5 00:41:18 Been either. That's the one in the trailer. Ain't something like that. Speaker 0 00:41:21 I wanna go because not Speaker 5 00:41:22 Go next to the, uh, well next to the fairgrounds and all. It's Speaker 0 00:41:25 Supposed, yeah. It's supposed to be haggard as hell, like just crazy country. Like just Oh yeah. Like it's, it's supposed to be a double wide trailer. Speaker 5 00:41:31 It literally is a double wide trailer with a porch. Speaker 0 00:41:34 Yeah. With a porch that, that cash only karaoke smoke inside. See, that's a Speaker 5 00:41:39 Cool bar. Kids, I don't smoke too much, but like, like, uh, yeah, that, that's my kind of place. I guess. Speaker 0 00:41:45 I, we'd have to, we'd have to go to. Yeah, man. What'd do it When you were doing karaoke, when you were growing up? Like, yeah, just getting a little wild with the friends and singing on the what song were you singing? Speaker 5 00:41:53 Oh, shoot. I don't know, man. I don't know. I mean, Speaker 0 00:41:57 I really, really, or it could be a guilty pleasure. I really Speaker 5 00:41:59 Couldn't tell you man. My Speaker 0 00:42:00 Guilty pleasure is stroking by Clarence Carter. Okay. That's my guilty pleasure. Okay. That's my, that's my Tyler's. His Mo Baba, Speaker 5 00:42:06 Mo Bamba. Wow. Speaker 0 00:42:07 Mo Baba. Yeah. Gimme Speaker 5 00:42:08 Drunk. Speaker 0 00:42:09 I got videos. I can show you those after, after this. Speaker 5 00:42:12 There's videos of me in Mexico on top of a table. Nice. Screaming it at the top of my lungs. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:42:17 That's why he got that portrait made of. Oh yeah. Yeah. That sums it up pretty well. <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:42:22 Yeah, man. I don't know. It just depends. Like, everybody's like, Connor, go see karaoke. I like, eh, Speaker 0 00:42:28 No, but it's like asking you to go to work for Yeah. Basically asking you to go to work for three, four minutes. Three minutes. Speaker 5 00:42:33 Yeah. I'm just like, yeah. I mean, I'll go do it. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. It just depends on what the night, what's Speaker 0 00:42:38 A guilty pleasure song that you, like, you find yourself jamming to? Dude Guilty pleasure. Speaker 5 00:42:42 I love old Keith Whitley songs. They're really cool. Uh, I mean, I don't know, old George St. Street stuff. Okay. I like weird stuff. And, uh, I mean, not, not even weird stuff. I just like the album cuts and the B sides Speaker 0 00:42:51 Stuff. The older, the older stuff. Okay. Yeah, Speaker 5 00:42:53 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, okay, cool. I don't know, you get up there sitting at a karaoke ball, you might clear the room out, but, you know, but, uh, <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:42:59 No. Hey, I think people got an appreciation for that stuff. I mean, Speaker 5 00:43:01 If you signed me up, like get up there, do like, that ain't my truck or something like that, that's fun, you know? Well, yeah, Speaker 0 00:43:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that's some weird That's right in your wheelhouse and everything. Gotcha. So yeah, which was cool. So for 2020 mm-hmm. <affirmative> or end of 2019. Now you said you got some music Yeah. Recorded. Yeah. Any, any idea when that might be coming out for people? Well, cause I know you, I know you have a couple songs that are out there. Speaker 5 00:43:20 Yeah, they're, they're pretty old. I mean, I, I put a, I mean, I put those out, uh, back in 20, I wanna say like Summer 2018. Yeah. About this time last year or before early meeting. But, uh, I mean, things changed so much and like, your sound changes and so we're just kind of making sure that these are the right songs. And we got a couple of 'em that are really, really cool on 'em. But we're also pitching 'em all too. So, I mean, if anybody wants to come take any of 'em or anything. All right. You know, Speaker 0 00:43:42 So you're, so you're got that right? You've got like that writer first mentality where you're cool with pitching songs. Speaker 5 00:43:47 Dude, if anybody wants to take any of my songs, any of my catalog taking and run with it, do it. Cuz you're gonna do a lot more with it than I can right now at this point. So, uh, yeah. I mean that's just, that's how I've always been. I mean, I feel, I feel like songs find homes, you know what I mean? So, uh, if it ends up me singing it, great. If, if, I mean, if Dustin Lynch or you know, John part or anybody wants to take any of my stuff, you have a field day with it buddy. You know, knock yourself out, you know, so, and I Speaker 0 00:44:11 <laugh> Speaker 5 00:44:12 Was at this moment con lost his head's. Funny. But yeah, anybody wants my songs, they can take them. Speaker 0 00:44:18 Okay. That, that's awesome dude. So, so you guys, 2019, end of ending of 2019 into 2020, you're gonna watch out for this. Oh, are we doing the Twitter game? It's Speaker 5 00:44:28 My favorite segment. Speaker 0 00:44:29 Are you, are you on Twitter? Speaker 5 00:44:30 Yep. I've already found him. Oh my God. This is, are you on Twitter? Really old Twitter? I I almost, no, we like literally pulled up, had to delete Twitter two weeks ago. Really? This should be great. It still there? Oh shit, it's still there. Oh God. This is great. This is Speaker 1 00:44:41 Sid. This is a good one. Go for it. Every time I watch the W Ranch Netflix, I wanna become Sam Elliot. Speaker 5 00:44:46 That's why I have a mustache on today. Dude. Speaker 0 00:44:48 Sam Elliot is the man, everything he's in, whether it's, whether it's freaking roadhouse back in the day or it's, or it's the red. Speaker 5 00:44:55 We were talking to somebody in the bar, uh, on Saturday and uh, they were like, so you basically just wanted to be Sam Elliot? And I was like, yes, basically. But, uh, no, I'm not that cool. And my cheeks are too fat. But anyway, uh, but it's great man. Uh, yeah, Speaker 1 00:45:10 I, I love snow. Speaker 5 00:45:11 I do love the snow. The further down you get the more like young, like stupid teenager on Twitter, you're gonna get. So this is gonna be great. But, uh, yeah, I do love snow. My Twitter game sucks man. It really does. It's a Speaker 1 00:45:23 Lot of, uh, you plugging music stuff. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:45:25 A lot of that. Which Speaker 0 00:45:25 Is, which it's there for. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:45:27 But I feel like I don't got enough to say on Twitter, you know what I mean? To just be Speaker 0 00:45:30 Like, what's your social media choice? Speaker 5 00:45:32 Instagram? Probably Instagram. I like stories cuz I like, I mean I hate typing like, period. Like I'd just rather get on and be like, Hey guys, I'm doing this today. And his sent just post, you know what I mean? Yeah. I used still have like really good Snapchat game back before they like changed the algorithm. I had like 600, 700 people like on my story watching. Wow. And then they changed those little story, like weird things windows now. And like, maybe like 20 people see it. And I'm like, well screw this. Oh yeah. So I got off that and I went to the Instagram stories cuz I, I just, I know my brain a light bulb goes off. I'm like, that's kind of cool. Yeah, let's do it. What I mean Speaker 0 00:46:02 Yeah. Quick to the Speaker 5 00:46:04 Point. Sorry. My Twitter game is garbage Speaker 1 00:46:06 To the guy who just tapped my back bumper and drove off. I hope my trailer hits feels good. Speaker 5 00:46:12 <laugh>. That is a true story. I was going up 65 towards Andersonville and I had a guy, uh, get right on my tail and uh, I I I mean I was in like the second lane from the right. Yeah. And he hit me and so I just stopped and I was like, okay, I'm gonna pull over here to the quarter on the, on the side of the road. And uh, when I started going he just, I was like, cool bro. And I know full well that my trailer hitch went right through the front bumper of that Prius or whatever he hit me with. It was some Toyota something. But, uh, Speaker 0 00:46:41 That might be a song right Speaker 5 00:46:42 There, man. God bless man. Anyway. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:46:46 That's funny. Speaker 1 00:46:47 Yeah. Still school. I'm in 2017. Yes. Speaker 0 00:46:49 Oh, you're going way man. You're digging too Damn far blue. I Speaker 5 00:46:52 Don't think I tweeted in 2019. I think I may have liked You haven't. Yeah, I, I know. Think I have, man, I just, Speaker 0 00:46:57 Ah, we, cuz we've had, we've had some guys on here that are like, that are notorious like drunk tweeters for whatever reason. They, they get, they're, they're getting, I'd Speaker 5 00:47:05 Rather do a drunk video than a drunk tweet because things funnier. Speaker 0 00:47:07 Yeah, yeah. No. Oh yeah, no, it, it is funnier. But yeah. Speaker 1 00:47:11 Well, 10 miles in cowboy boots today about to cut 'em off. Hashtag nyc. Speaker 5 00:47:15 Oh yeah. Oh, Speaker 0 00:47:15 You went to Speaker 5 00:47:16 New York City? I've been in New York City before. Really? We did that for New Year's. Well, we went like, we came home like two days before New Year's of like 2017. Speaker 0 00:47:23 What did you think of New York City? Speaker 5 00:47:25 I liked it, man. It was cool. I didn't like, I mean, I'm not used to like city life, I guess. So Speaker 0 00:47:30 Like, you're not, you're not, you're not used to 9 million people on a 13 mile island. Speaker 5 00:47:33 I did. We went down to the shopping district Yeah. Where like Trump Tower is and all those shops, like the Nike store and all that. I did not like having to like squeeze through everybody. Yeah. Because it's like being at the front row of Whiskey Row on a Saturday night, but for like Miles. Yeah. And I'm just like, uh, I'd, I'd rather not. And I didn't like every store I went in having to take my jacket off cause it gets so freaking hot in the stores, but it's cold as crap outside. Yeah. And it wasn't like, you take it off and you're gonna stay a while. I was like, okay, now time to go back out. You know. So Speaker 0 00:47:59 Did you go on a subway? Speaker 5 00:48:01 Uh, no we didn't, man. Uh, we stayed. That's an experience. Yeah. I I've been on 'em before. Uh, but uh, we went, we stayed just a little ways from Times Square. Uh, and I remember I wasn't 21 yet. Uh, actually, uh, I went down and uh, I sat in a guitar center and it's different up there and it's, it is trickled down here, but up there, uh, when you go in a guitar shop or anything like that, they locked the guitars up like, uh, like you would on it. So they, it inspect like a wall mount and it's got a lock on it. Yeah. And so you can't just pick 'em up and play. But there was one sitting in there and it was unlocked. And, uh, I picked it up, started playing it, and it was a, like Gibson J 100, the one I have mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, uh, I just kept playing that thing and my mom and daddy were, and my brother were out running around. I was like, I'm just gonna stay here for a little bit. Cause I got tired of walking take a Speaker 1 00:48:43 Breather. So when I was in New York City, Speaker 5 00:48:45 Well ended up buying the guitar basically in New York City. Oh no shit. No shit. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:48:49 Yeah. When I was in New York City the first time we were like in Times Square and all, um, we were trying to find the Guitar Center there. Speaker 5 00:48:57 Oh yeah. And Speaker 1 00:48:57 It's like impossible. It's on the ground. Yeah, yeah. I, I literally like, walked around like staring at a map, trying to find it for like 30 minutes and just gave up. Speaker 5 00:49:06 Yeah. It's a cool guitar center. Uh, but yeah, there's, there's some cool old guitar shops up in New York, but that wasn't actually the first time I was there. Uh, I went up there one time, uh, I think February of that year. And, uh, it was really cool because it, uh, it was a school trip and so like a lot of, uh, we went to a lot of the plays and a lot of the museums and stuff. And that, that was cool to see a different side of it like that because yeah, I mean I, I I, I did like some plays in high schools and stuff, but I was never like a main dude. Uh, but, uh, I always had a respect for like Broadway stuff cuz it's cool to see a show, you know what I mean? Like, we saw like Miz and uh, like Aladdin. I, I'm like that, that, that's badass. You know what I mean? These guys are legit. So, uh, but anyway, but yeah, new York's a cool place. There've been a lot of places, man. We travel a lot. Like I said, my brother played baseball growing up, so Speaker 0 00:49:50 Awesome. Baseball tournaments, like Yeah. You guys do those Cal Rip Speaker 5 00:49:53 I travel ball and stuff. Yeah. You do those Speaker 0 00:49:55 Cal Ripkin tournaments and like Maryland? Speaker 5 00:49:57 Yeah. Yeah, probably. I know we went all up and down. Uh, we went to Florida a bunch. Went to Georgia a lot. Uh, a lot of Alabama. We, I mean, went to Cooperstown, New York. Yeah. A couple times at the Hall of Fame. Oh yeah. Yeah. He played in that little, little league circus right now. Or like, like middle school, kind of like where you're growing up into it. Uh, coach pitch stuff. But, uh, we, uh, in California a couple times, been Texas a few times, Wyoming a few times. And so I like to travel, man. I, I really do. I've been on, I've been to more places this year than I haven't a while. Went to Key West and, you know, went to The Bahamas, went to TBE this year. And so, I mean, it is cool. I, I mean, it's cool to see somewhere he'd never been before. Speaker 1 00:50:31 I got a fun trip coming up at the end of the month. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I'm going up to, uh, Boston for four days. Speaker 5 00:50:35 Oh, I've been to Boston. That's cool, man. Speaker 1 00:50:36 And I've got two, uh, two tickets to Red Sox. Oh yeah. Speaker 5 00:50:39 That's a cool stadium. And like, I, I was blessed. We went on a school trip to Boston and one to New York and like we did New York, Boston and Washington DC and like K through 12 kind of thing. But Boston's cool man. Boston, if you like, like scary stuff. Go see that sailing witch stuff cuz it's weird. I mean, I, I mean we used to do another one of these. I come in and tell ghost stories man. Cuz they're mean, because my family has like, uh, I'm down like a ghost story, like kind of past things. Oh really? Like, like, uh, like reading poems and like that kind of stuff. No shit. Yeah. So like, we Speaker 1 00:51:08 People Next podcast. <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:51:10 Yeah, Speaker 0 00:51:10 Dude, we're gonna, we gotta think one because that that can, I, I can instead Speaker 1 00:51:14 Of, uh, instead of in the round, we need to do like in the circle or something like that. Dude in the Speaker 5 00:51:20 Circle with Ouija boards and candles. Speaker 0 00:51:22 We've gotten this week in the Speaker 1 00:51:23 Penta ground Speaker 0 00:51:24 This week coming up. We've got a run where, where Tyler and I'll be out on the road. We're gonna be at the Rave Eagle Club in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's where Jeffrey Dahmer did a lot of his crazy shit. Speaker 1 00:51:34 Well, the hotel's like right next door. Yeah. And then like, there was like a tunnel where he would take him that's underneath the venue. There was like a guy that's like down in the boiler room that died from a fire that like, if you go down in the boiler room, like he'll tell you to get out. Speaker 5 00:51:47 Is he Freddy? Freddy Kruger, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:51:50 And then there's like a, apparently like some people died in like a swimming accident and you'll see like a girl in a pool or something like that. Like a lot of people signed the pool. Mac Miller was one of the last ones. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:51:58 Mac Miller signed it and then like, he was like, here I, here's Mac. There's like something, here's Speaker 1 00:52:03 Mac Miller. Here lies Mac Miller. I once walked this Earths, but now I'm dead. PS I sold out this bitch three times. Speaker 0 00:52:09 <laugh>. And, and he died like a month or two later. Oh yeah. Just like crazy. Speaker 5 00:52:12 He's gonna save the, save the ink on that one. But Speaker 1 00:52:14 Yeah, just like crazy. And then, uh, the really cool one that I hope we get to see is there's like in the like main ballroom. Yeah. Which I think is what we're playing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, there's a guy in the balcony that like stands there and like it's a ghost. Security's like chased him out before and he like goes down this one stairwell every time and just halfway through just dissipates. Yeah. That's Speaker 5 00:52:35 Crazy man. Yeah. So Speaker 0 00:52:36 Ghost shit. I shits cool. I get scared of all the ghost stuff. Speaker 5 00:52:39 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:52:39 Like I, I'm a little baby. Speaker 5 00:52:41 I mean, I, I didn't wanna, Speaker 1 00:52:42 I, I think I'm gonna get there like to Boston and that's the first thing I'm gonna do. Cause I, I have to wait a while to check in my Airbnb. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> fighting Airbnb. Airbnb in Boston is like rough. Speaker 5 00:52:52 So do y'all do your own travel when you go out with these guys? Or do they help you out most of the time? Oh, Speaker 1 00:52:56 They take care of your, oh wait, Speaker 5 00:52:57 You're going on a trip that he's, he's Speaker 0 00:52:59 He's going on a trip. He was, Speaker 5 00:53:00 I was about to say Muscadine, get him a get him a bus, but I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Speaker 0 00:53:04 No, he, no, he's just going, he's just going to Boston. And we got one of the, one of those my first Speaker 1 00:53:08 Vacation by myself in like four years. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 5 00:53:11 Yeah. So it's a cool place. Yeah. But go see all the historic stuff around there. It's cool. It's cool. Speaker 0 00:53:15 There's a lot, lot of cool history and stuff up there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and all that stuff. Now you got that old, uh, GI fiddle sitting next to you, <laugh>. What's the story behind that Gibson? Speaker 5 00:53:23 Uh, well, you know, it is, it is a cool story. I mean, it's just kind of, I went in a guitar center over here in Berry Hill and uh, I was wanting, uh, I'm a Gibson guy so I, my mama bought me a Gibson when I graduated high school. And so I was like, I'd rather, I'd like to look for something that's not as flashy and you know, cuz the one you got me, it's a gold top and it's, you know, got the inlays. It's just a blonde guitar and you know, but it is, it's a nice guitar. But, uh, I've been playing downtown about a year and a half with it. And I was like, it's starting to get scratched stuff. And I didn't wanna, cause that's, that's, that's, that's cool when your mom buys you something like that's special Speaker 0 00:53:57 Guitar. Yeah. Especially Speaker 5 00:53:58 There's some, uh, you know, relic to it. So I went in there and, uh, I went in the, I was gonna buy something cheap. I was gonna buy like a little, like, maybe like thousand dollar Tailor or Martin or something. But, uh, I went in, uh, I saw a guy sitting in the corner and I kept looking at him. I was like, that guy looks familiar. And it was David Lee Murphy was in there, uh oh shit. You know, like dust on a bottle, hit songwriter kind of guy. And, uh, he kept playing that guitar and he, he's like, this is cool guitar. And I was like, yeah, I bet it is. And so, uh, uh, I was picking one in the corner, just, I probably stayed in there and stared a little too long. But, uh, anyway, uh, when he got up and left, I picked that one up and I was like, that's a cool guitar. And so I bought it and I was like, yeah, I can say I bought this out of Daley Murphy. But, uh, anyway, but, uh, yeah, it's cool. And I, and I love it, man. It's, it's a great guitar and it's been a great tool because, uh, literally like, it's, it's my guitar and it's, it's the one I've played most of my shows with and you know, it's just a workhorse and it's a tool, so. Yeah. Yeah. But I love it, man. What model Speaker 0 00:54:53 Gibson is, it's Speaker 5 00:54:54 A 45. 45. Yeah, I got it about 2013 is what? Nice. Yeah. So, but yeah, man, it's a good guitar. I mean, I like Gibson's and, uh, so yeah, that's dude, they're trying to get me to learn how to play electric right now and that that, that, that's a, that's a spirit inside itself. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:55:08 So is that, I'm not a guitar player at though, is that a big transition going from acoustic to electric? Speaker 5 00:55:12 It's a, it's, it's a new journey. I bought me a nice one a little while back. Uh, Sweetwater gave me a cool deal on one, some guys up there in Indiana. But, uh, uh, yeah, it, it's a new ballgame because I'm, I, I'm more of a picker and a strummer than a real, if you tell me, tell me to take a so long and be like, uh, no, you take it on back, you know? So, uh, uh, so, you know, but uh, yeah, we're learning, we're learning, so, okay. You know, awesome man. Add something different to the band, you know. Awesome Speaker 0 00:55:38 Man. That, that's cool. Now, where can people go to find you on social media and Speaker 5 00:55:41 Stuff? Go look us up on Instagram. Uh, Connor Sweet Music. C o n n e R. Sweet Music. Uh, go look us up there and we, we got a Facebook page too, but really if you want to like connect to me, uh, Instagram's probably the best place to go to. Okay. So, but yeah, and we do have a couple songs on, uh, Spotify too, but, uh, I will be honest, they might come down here at the end of the year, so Okay. Speaker 0 00:55:59 To do. Wow. So think so Wheels are early in motion. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:56:02 Yeah. I mean that's what that means. We're wanting to do a complete rebrand basically. Okay. And just kind of, you know, just start from scratch and you just be like, here's Connor Sweet, take it or leave it kind of thing. So, you know. Nice. That's really cool. Yeah. Yeah. So it, I I haven't, and it's, it's been a big learning year for me. I mean was starting with a publishing deal and you know, you know, really stepping out and, you know, doing things on my own. Like, cuz I said I played with that house band for five years and it was just kinda like, you know, just kind of going through the motions of playing on Broadway. But now I really just like, you know what I need to, I need to put it in gear, you know, I wanna Speaker 0 00:56:35 Do the damn thing, you know? Yeah. I Speaker 5 00:56:36 Wanna do the thing, you know what I mean? I don't want to, I mean, I don't want to just settle in to where I'm at. And so it's just, you know, getting up and doing Speaker 0 00:56:42 It. That's awesome. That's awesome, man. Now what song do you wanna play for us today? Speaker 6 00:56:44 Uh, I'll Speaker 5 00:56:44 Play you one. Uh, this is a cool song. Uh, when I started my deal at the beginning of the year, we wrote this song, uh, and uh, it's actually not one of the ones recorded and uh, we're probably gonna record it now. Uh, I wrote this song with a guy named Trent Wilman and Trent is Cody, Cody Johnson's producer, and, uh, oh no shit. A guy named Tommy Carlos who is a great guy and one of the guys that when I first signed my deal, he was like, yeah, let's get you some room some guys. You got some cool stuff. And so, uh, we wrote this song, uh, it's called I Find A Way and it's just kinda, uh, you know, no matter what life throws at you, you'll find a way to get back to her. So, you know, it's cool. Awesome. Speaker 0 00:57:16 I find a way now, Connor, we're gonna have you pick up that guitar in just a second. Uh, guys, thank you for listening another episode of In The Round Tyler. It was a good one. That was fun. Yeah, man, it, it's always great and it's good to, uh, get back in the room. It's been a while since we've actually sat down and recorded and, um, we're gonna be putting these out every other week. Now guys, we're we, Tyler and I have got a lot going on, so we're, we're pushing it back and don't want to oversaturate y'all with new episodes all the time, but we're gonna be doing a lot more Instagram content. We're still working on that website. We got a lot coming at you so you guys can always follow us along in the round podcast on Instagram. You can follow Tyler, just a wandering Tyler and you can always follow me at Matt Bar on Instagram. Now without further ado, our good brother, the 22 year old stud himself, you can always find him on Broadway. You can find him on Instagram. It's our good buddy Connor Suite with All Find a Way. Speaker 6 00:58:18 The first time I saw you, all my friends told me I had a snowball chance. I said, Hey, I'll find a way your old man crash and ain't no way can make it work a rough next. But we found a way call when it comes to love. You ain't storm that I won. Go through just you and be the one you just one rain crawling straight through hill is all it takes, girl. I find a way. Yeah, I know how hard it can be to see the best in me, but even on my worst day you still find a way. And I've tried a thousand chords and lines and rhymes to say what you mean to me. But baby till the day that I can find a way, there ain't a storm that I won't go through just to show how much I love you and be the one you run, be your rock won and on, on crawling straight through Hill is there ain't a storm that I won't go through just to show how much I love you, be the one you run crawling straight through hell as all it takes to show you that my love won't have changed, girl. I'll find a way Speaker 6 01:01:05 A yeah.

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