Kellye Rather

October 14, 2019 01:02:18
Kellye Rather
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Kellye Rather

Oct 14 2019 | 01:02:18


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

Singer-songwriter Kellye Rather joins Matt and Tyler for this week's episode of In The Round. Hear Kellye's story of coming to Nashville from Colorado, how she balances working full time as a nurse while also pursuing her music career and what went into her new single 'Bad Boy'. The guys also do some Twitter digging and play 'Would you Rather?' with Kellye. 

Song of the Week: 'Dear Mistress' Kellye Rather

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:13 What's up everybody? Welcome to this week's edition of the In the Round podcast. You got Matt and Tyler. What's up? And we've got one of our favorite girls in Nashville. Been trying to do this for a long time. You were actually one of the first people I met here in Nashville. It's our good friend, Ms. Kelly, rather. Kelly, how you doing? Oh, Speaker 2 00:00:28 I'm so good. So happy to be here finally. Speaker 1 00:00:30 Yet last night we were out. It was a whiskey whiskey Jam Monday. Y'all, we are recording this on a Tuesday. And what a whiskey jam it was. It was. And what a, just people talk about Motown Mondays in East Nashville. I, I say Midtown Mondays are a big deal as well. Yeah. Yeah. You had a good time last night. Speaker 2 00:00:49 I had too much of a good time last night. <laugh>, like Yeah. I always love going to, yeah. I stay in midtown. Midtowns usually where I, Speaker 1 00:00:56 That's my spot too. And you live down that way now, right? Speaker 2 00:00:58 Yes, I do. It's, and it's like my home. It's, you know, doghouse is my living room and, you know, winners, losers, I'm, you can always find me there. Speaker 1 00:01:06 Yeah. No, that's honestly though, that's, that's how this town works with like, networking and stuff. It's like meeting up with people and the fact that you live there, it's convenient but also very dangerous. Yes, yes. Cause those are some rowdy bars. Those are some good times. Speaker 2 00:01:18 Very rowdy <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:01:19 I definitely could not live there. <laugh>. Yeah. I Speaker 1 00:01:20 Don't see, I don't drink anymore, but I still go out and do my, have my way of getting right and having a good time. Yes. And all that. But that last night was a good time. Speaker 2 00:01:29 Last night was a good time. And yeah, living over there, I, I've met a lot of good people, but I swear I, I never have a night in anymore because I'll just go and like, I just wonder who's out. I'll just go say hi. Speaker 1 00:01:40 It doesn't hurt. It's not, it's not even, you're not even five minutes away. You're right across the street. Speaker 2 00:01:43 I, I just stumble across the street, <laugh> and you see Speaker 1 00:01:46 Who's at Doghouse and even you could be walking out of Doghouse and bump into somebody and then end up at Live Oak. Or end up at Tin Roof. Yeah. Or end up like, well like Speaker 3 00:01:53 Last night we walked out of, uh, losers last night and across the street yelling at us was Carly Rogers. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:01:59 <laugh>. Oh yeah, yeah. There too. And then you end, and then you end up at Red Door and then that turns Speaker 2 00:02:03 In and you close down Red door, <laugh> and Speaker 1 00:02:05 You go to Cookout. Yeah. And then you go to cookout, close down cookout and get and, and buy the T-shirt that Ethan's wearing in there for $3. You know when you get a tray. You bought that t-shirt too. I, I did buy that t-shirt. You you can buy a tray at cookout. You've been to Cookout, right? I've Speaker 2 00:02:19 Been to Cookout, but I, I dunno this secret. Speaker 1 00:02:20 So you, so I think it's new. I just noticed it for the first time last night that was Speaker 3 00:02:24 There, like last weekend. And it Speaker 1 00:02:24 Wasn't there. You buy a tray, which is like 5 99 or something, and then you get a shirt for 2 99. Oh my. They have all sizes. What? And it's a dope shirt. It's like got like the upper pocket. It says like cookout Nashville. And on the back it's got like a guitar. It says Cookout Nashville. I Speaker 2 00:02:38 Need to go to cookout tonight. Speaker 1 00:02:39 It's dope. They got like blue and yellow like reds colors and then like a black and yellow. It's awesome. Speaker 2 00:02:44 Oh my gosh. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:45 I saw that last night and I was like, we're gonna be getting the trays anyway. Why not get the shirt for three bucks? <laugh>. Like, why not? They do run a Speaker 2 00:02:51 Little big. Speaker 1 00:02:52 Yeah, they do run a little big. I wanna excel and I'm gonna be a, it's gonna be a sick cutoff. Shit. I'm shit. I was Speaker 2 00:02:56 Gonna say, I'm just gonna cut it anyway. Speaker 1 00:02:58 Hey, there you go. Awesome. So for you, when did you come to Nashville? When did you move here from the great state of Colorado. Speaker 2 00:03:04 Right. Uh, so I moved here just over two years ago. Um, in, it was like July. I moved here and started going out meeting people. And it took me a while to actually find about, it took me six months to find like my right group of people. And now I feel like, you know, the music community is, it's like, we're like family. Yes. You know, everybody knows everybody in the community. And it took me a while to finally get where I am now. And I'm really happy with all the people that I know and that I hang out with at this point. Speaker 1 00:03:32 So for music. So you moved here, you were doing music stuff in Colorado, I'm guessing. Speaker 2 00:03:36 Yeah, I was, I was in a band in Colorado. I wasn't the lead in the band. Um, but you know, we would ride out there and I kind of decided, I'm like, I could do this. I, I, you know, I wasn't really into the genre that we were, you know, it was kind of more of a like southern rock type, I mean, which I still have rock incorporated into my music, but um, wasn't my style. And so I was like, I'm just gonna do my own thing and come out to Nashville and Speaker 1 00:03:58 Awesome. Yeah. <laugh>, I would say it's working out for you now. You fast forward, you got the new single out Bad boy, bad boy. We had some friends that were in that video. Speaker 2 00:04:08 Yes. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:04:09 Gotta say I love, and it was circulating in our, in our, our friend group, the picture of Taz of, of our buddy Jake Asher in the cowboy hat. Looking like Doug Dione, apparently parents. Doug Dione di Dome Speaker 2 00:04:22 <laugh>. Yes. It was perfect. Yeah. We, I, when I posted on Facebook asking for somebody to be the, um, the guard in the video, it was all whiskey row guys. <laugh>. Yeah. <laugh> volunteering and, uh, yeah, yeah, Ethan, uh, Willis was in it and he did a great job. And then, yeah, Jake Asher last minute we needed somebody and he came in and just really set the mood for the video. He's like the first shot of the video. And I'm like, that's perfect, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:04:50 Where'd you, where'd you guys shoot that? Speaker 2 00:04:52 Um, it was at Warren Paint. It's like a, um, it's like a paint, uh, factory and they actually make paint there, but they have several different studios that they have, you know, people come in and do photo shoots or video shoots. Actually, I think Devin Dawson recorded his music video. Oh no. Shit. Black horse shit. Yeah. At the same place. I didn't realize it. Like it doesn't look the same when you go look at that video compared to mine. But apparently it's a thing <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:05:15 That's awesome. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:05:17 A fat ass. And they've got like the jail cells and everything and then the interrogation room, like the, um, like the offices and stuff. So, um, like lockers and stuff, it's, it's a cool, Speaker 1 00:05:28 So it fit the song, it fit like the me that for the video. Was it your idea with the video? Did you work with like a director or how did all that stuff Speaker 2 00:05:35 Come about? Yeah, no. So, um, I had seen something on like the Yep. Community Nashville page. And they had done a, they, I had gone and done a photo shoot with this group of people and they had, you know, hair, makeup, the photography and everything. And when I was doing that shoot, I was like, I should do my music video here. So I actually have several different pictures from that venue before I even took the music video. Oh, nice. So, but yeah, once I, I went, I was like, this is where I wanna have the music video. It just, it was so perfect. Speaker 1 00:06:02 <laugh>. Yeah. That's awesome. No, and and it sounds like it all, it all worked out really well for you. Yeah. And it was just a good time now for that song. What's the process been like for that? Cause I know you've been, when I first met you, so backtracking real quick. So I moved here, uh, October of last year. I came to visit, I think you remember, it's almost been a year, but it has almost been a year. Yeah. It's pretty freaking crazy. Um, the first week of September, 2018, I came to visit and the whole week we pretty much spent going out. It was, I was staying with Dave Hangley. Yeah. And it was me and Maddie KPPs and we were pretty much going out with you and Nicole and like that whole crew Yep. The entire week. Yes. So you were like literally one of the first people I met. Yeah. In Nashville. Speaker 2 00:06:41 Yeah. I I, my god, that was so much fun. And what did you, you kept making, what's that thing from Jersey that you made me eat? <laugh>. You <laugh> thing from Jersey. Speaker 1 00:06:50 Where did that, I'm trying to think. You had, you had me get a Google cluster? Speaker 2 00:06:55 No, you guys made like those Oh, Speaker 1 00:06:57 Pork roll. Speaker 2 00:06:58 Pork roll. Yeah. Pork Speaker 1 00:06:59 Roll <laugh> Pork roll Speaker 2 00:07:01 Every night. We were eating pork rolls. Speaker 1 00:07:04 Yes. We were, we were getting, cuz me and Kev, you and Taylor Ham. Yeah. Taylor Hammond pork roll. Yeah. We were, we brought, we brought, like, we went out and bought like a shit ton of it. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:14 And you guys like, brought it down like little Speaker 1 00:07:15 Shit ton. We brought it to the apartment and like Dave was like Mr. Fry cook, he cooked up like had to be like four or five pounds of the stuff. And we were just eating and everybody was drinking and doing whatever and partying. Get ready to go out. Cuz there was a, that was when Luke Bryant had the show on Broadway. Speaker 2 00:07:32 Oh yeah. Oh. That was Speaker 1 00:07:33 A and that was, that was a shit show Night. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:07:36 You couldn't go anywhere because remember then we went to that candy store. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:40 And you got me had, and I was, and you were like, have you ever had a Google cluster? And I'm like, no. What the hell is that? She was like, you've never had a Google cluster. And she was like, give me so much shit for it. And then I tried one. I'm like, fuck, I gotta buy these now. Yeah. I bought us all Google clusters and we were at row that night. We at Aldes that night. We were at Valentine that night. Speaker 2 00:07:57 Everywhere. I don't even remember at this point. Speaker 1 00:07:59 Shit. Snow. Speaker 2 00:08:00 I woke up with a bunch of candy in my purse though. <laugh>. It Speaker 1 00:08:02 Was a good night. It Speaker 2 00:08:04 Wasn't like Speaker 1 00:08:04 Five pizzas when you had a job like, uh, one of our other guests. <laugh>. Yeah. No. Yeah, yeah. No dude. Like, shit like that. So speaking of Wild Nights downtown, something we always like to ask guests. What was your first night downtown, or I guess in Midtown even for you that you don't remember your first night in Nashville where you were like, you wake up the next morning, you're like, oh shit, this was a night. Oh shit. Speaker 2 00:08:24 Oh God. Um, <laugh>, I would have to say it was, yeah. Whiskey Row. I think Nicole was working there and I went, um, they had some like big like party up on the second floor. So half of the, like the second floor was roped off and I schmoozed my way into that party. <laugh>. Oh Speaker 1 00:08:43 Man. Speaker 2 00:08:43 Because they had like Don Hulu 1942 on the table and like all the champagne. Oh wow. And just long story short, I woke up not in my apartment, <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:08:55 Oh boy. I Speaker 2 00:08:56 Didn't know what happened. Like someone had to take care of me. He was like, he was a friend of mine. He took care of me and he was like, you were not okay. Last night. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:09:05 When, when was that relative that you moved into town? Speaker 2 00:09:08 That was, I mean, probably I would say about a year. Okay. I think maybe, maybe just under a year. But I mean, I, I always feel lucky when I go there. Cause I know all of you guys and I know that, you know, you guys would never let anything bad happen to me. No, no, Speaker 1 00:09:20 No, no, no. We always take care. We always take care of our own when we see, when we see, um, our friends and family coming in to West. Yeah. Cause Broadway gets nuts. It does. Which is why I like Midtown so much. Yes. You know, like it's, Speaker 3 00:09:32 I like East Nashville a lot Speaker 1 00:09:33 And East Nashville has its cool moments too. Yeah. I'm not over there nearly as much. Yeah. But like Midtown, it's just that circuit of the Umbrian and going down division. Yeah. Where it's, you feel at home almost. Cuz it's all people that you know. 100%. Speaker 2 00:09:45 It's Speaker 1 00:09:45 All the locals, all the crazy tourists and the crazy shit. Like last night I think there was a Lizzo concert at the Ryman. There was, Speaker 2 00:09:51 Yeah. So it was yeah. Was Speaker 1 00:09:51 It was apparently packed on Broadway. I wasn't down there, thank God. But Speaker 2 00:09:55 All the people screaming Lizzo lyrics <laugh> Speaker 1 00:09:58 All night. Are you, are you are, are you a Lizzo fan? You like Lizzo? Speaker 2 00:10:01 I'm 100% that bitch. <laugh>. Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:04 First time I heard Lizzo, like, like really listening to Lizzo. Tyler introduced me to all Tyler and I spend a lot of time together. We're out on the road together, we're doing this stuff together. He lives down the street. We Speaker 3 00:10:13 Literally are pretty much a married couple at this point. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's it's, it's seven days a week. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:19 I love it. Speaker 3 00:10:19 I, uh, I went to Boston this weekend and I think that was the first day. I haven't saw Matt in probably Speaker 1 00:10:26 Like two months, three Speaker 3 00:10:27 Months. Speaker 1 00:10:28 Two, three months. Yeah. Something crazy Speaker 2 00:10:29 Like that. Oh. Did you get withdrawals <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:10:31 Not at all. <laugh>. I got, I I got plenty of, there were plenty of Snapchats, so don't worry. We made it, we made it work. Oh good. Made it work. Good. Good. But um, but my first time listening to Lizzo was him playing it and him, he was just showing me, I was like, this girl's fucking, she just says whatever and whatever she Speaker 2 00:10:45 Wants. Speaker 1 00:10:46 What's the one, the Tempo song? That was the one. Oh, Speaker 2 00:10:48 That's a good one. Speaker 1 00:10:49 Yeah. Tyler gets his little drunks. That Speaker 3 00:10:51 Is, that's a good one. Speaker 1 00:10:55 But like, so for you, is there, there are a lot of different kinds of music that you're listening to, like Speaker 2 00:10:59 Yeah, I mean, I've, I mean I've always grown up listening to pretty much everything and I know everybody says that, but I have a great appreciation for all different types of music and I actually write all different types of music. Like, believe it or not, I, I've written a heavy metal song before <laugh>. Really? Speaker 1 00:11:12 Well we got a little mini amp over there. That little bo mini Little Boss Mini amp. We can, we Speaker 3 00:11:16 Might have you break that one out. Speaker 2 00:11:17 Oh my gosh. We Speaker 1 00:11:18 Might have to now that you said that. So, so like, you'll listen to like hip hop, you'll listen to country, you'll listen to a lot of pop stuff. Yeah. Even like the Heavy Metals. What was, what kind of, what was the heavy metal song about? Speaker 2 00:11:30 Oh God, it was so long ago. It was back in Colorado. Um, I just, honestly, I I would have to go back into my archives and find it. Um, but um, I just, I worked with mostly like the melody and the, the group that I work with, you know, I don't really know what they're saying half the time. Speaker 1 00:11:47 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:11:48 Yeah. I was like, okay. Yeah. That's cool dude. Speaker 1 00:11:50 But you're working more happy to be here more with the melody and the structure, things like that. Speaker 2 00:11:53 Yes, exactly. Speaker 3 00:11:54 Cool. We had experience the Heavy Metal show a few weeks ago up in, uh, brand Rapid Michigan. Brand Rapid. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:12:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So one of the venues that, that we were out at, um, there, they had like multiple venues within the big, within the bigger part of the venue. It's like Speaker 3 00:12:07 A big box and then there's like multiple rooms. Speaker 1 00:12:09 Yeah. So one of the rooms, there was this Swedish power metal band going on while, while the Muske up, while our guys are playing and they, well, Speaker 3 00:12:16 They like, they timed it to where as soon as we like walked off the stage, they were like, all right, you got five minutes to be on stage for the other band. Okay. So like, it was staggered. So like, you weren't like, I wasn't battling that, but still, like, as soon as it ended, like they started and Speaker 1 00:12:32 The entire building was shaking. It was like a Swedish power metal band. Yes. Speaker 2 00:12:35 Like yes. Oh my gosh. I love that <laugh>. And we, Speaker 1 00:12:37 And we popped it, we popped our heads in there and it was just like, whoa. Like you go Speaker 3 00:12:41 Wait Mosh pants, Speaker 1 00:12:42 You go, you go from like 200 people like singing porch swing Angel to the next room. Fucking just going get people just kidding. After Speaker 3 00:12:50 It. I don't, the guys like, there's voices in my Yeah. <laugh>. And then, and I was like, okay, Speaker 1 00:12:54 Cool. And then the next night, same thing we were at, we were at the Rave Eagle Club up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And that's like a haunted venue and it's like a super cool spot. Spot. Speaker 3 00:13:02 The most haunted venue in Speaker 1 00:13:03 America. Yeah. So's like a cool spot. There's like all this cool like ghost shit with it. But upstairs there's like a huge ass ballroom that's not like 4,000 people. 4,000 people. We were in a room with like 200 upstairs was like a rave. It was like a group. Oh Speaker 3 00:13:13 My gosh. It was, uh, Galati. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:13:16 Galati Galati. So it was like a, like a Swedish like, like DJ duo with like 4,000 college kids, like on Molly just going crazy <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:13:23 So I really watched somebody open a window and just project how vomit like four stories to the travel. And again, Speaker 1 00:13:31 We're, we're down in a smaller room, like 200 people. You've got our crowd singing like Porch Swing, angel and Damn Need Dirt and all these, all these like country songs. And then Speaker 3 00:13:39 You hear Speaker 1 00:13:42 And then we're outside loading out and you just got all this craziness. So like, all the genre stuff is Speaker 2 00:13:46 Just, yeah, no, you, so the fact that Speaker 1 00:13:48 You versatile, you can cross over genre. The fact that you can cross over genres is like awesome. Speaker 2 00:13:52 I love it. I, I think, you know, um, like you can express yourself in so many different ways. Like you don't realize, you know, how what your strengths are in a certain genre and then they are, you know, like country I feel like is is very comfortable for me. Yeah. But like, I have different strengths than other genres that I don't really have in country music. So it's kind of cool to, you know, be versatile like that. Speaker 3 00:14:12 I think one of like my favorite, like if I'm not writing like country or bluegrass, like one of my favorite things to go to is like jazz stuff. And like writing in that like jazz like thing because you can just, you can kind of tell a story but still like, have like a better melody and better like no, like nothing's wrong. You can Speaker 1 00:14:29 Get a little cuter with it. You, you can throw more shit in there. And then it like, Speaker 2 00:14:32 Well the cool thing about jazz is you can totally fuck something up, but it sounds like it's supposed to be part of it. Cause you just work your way back into the key. It's totally cool. I used to play Speaker 3 00:14:39 With like a Christian group and like I like missed a note or something and they're like, what are you doing? And I was like, jazz, jazz <laugh>. It's like jazz notes buddy. This Speaker 2 00:14:48 Is the jazz portion of it. It's just a Speaker 3 00:14:49 Passing tone. Just let it slide Speaker 1 00:14:51 <laugh>. Oh man. That's great. So Colorado, what's Colorado? Like? I have yet to go out there. I'm told every day I need to go out and check it out. That it's like an awesome place and just Oh yeah. The mountain west style of living is just awesome. What was it like growing up in Colorado Springs? Speaker 2 00:15:04 Oh my God, it's beautiful. I, I used to, so I'm really lucky. I used to live, um, really close to Garden of the Gods, which is, it's like at the foot of Pikes Peak and it's these big rocks that like, they're like, I don't know, they're formed by the earth. There's some story about it, but like these giant structures that are just gorgeous. And I used to get to drive by that every day before I'd go to school. And I, you know, took, I, I took it for granted, you know, like, ah, there's the Big Rock again and now I miss it so much. Yeah. But it, there's so many beautiful places out in Colorado. You know, you go up to Vail in Aspen and that's just a whole other world. I Speaker 3 00:15:37 To Vail like a few weeks ago and they just kept sending pictures and I was just like, I need to be there now. It's, Speaker 2 00:15:41 Yeah. I, cuz I actually just went, um, and visited my family. We went up, uh, for Labor Day, we went up to Aspen. Nice. Um, there was actually, we went to the, um, Luke Combs and John Mayer concert up there. And, um, I took my little sister. She loved it, but driving through that just was like, peaceful. I needed that. Getting away from, you know, the crazy stuff that I was doing out here and just spending four hours driving straight through the mountains. It's like therapy. Speaker 3 00:16:05 Yeah. So Speaker 1 00:16:06 Yeah, absolutely. Now they, it's not hum not as humid. Speaker 2 00:16:10 No, it's, it's dry. It's always dry and it's, I oh my God, I miss it so much. <laugh>. Yeah. I Speaker 1 00:16:15 Like, even right now, it, it's oc it's the 1st of October. I mean, granted this room does get a little warm. It does get a little hot in here, but like, it's like almost a hundred degrees. Yeah. Fucking October 1st. I know. This is my first time being down here this time of year. And from coming from New York where it's like 60 right now in Colorado, I'm sure it's like, it Speaker 2 00:16:32 Gets colder off. I, I mean I used to plan my Halloween costumes. Like my mom would make me wear long Johns like <laugh>. Oh, Speaker 1 00:16:38 My Halloween. Gosh. Speaker 2 00:16:39 Literally long Johns, what Speaker 1 00:16:41 Is that? Long Johns rather. Oh man. I love it. Love Speaker 2 00:16:46 It. Oh my gosh. Yeah. I know. It's, it's, it's starting to cool down out there for sure. Speaker 3 00:16:51 I was like I said, I was just in Boston, like the warmest day was like 74 <laugh>. That's it. It nice. It's wonderful. Nice. Yeah, like I was wearing like a jean jacket all the time and people were like wearing shorts and t-shirt and they were like looking at me weird and I was like, I'm from the south, like it's still a hundred. Yeah. Like usually it's where I'm from, like, usually like Christmas is like 85 and I'm going to the beach. Yeah. And I'm wearing board shorts and a tank top. Like Yeah. Speaker 2 00:17:14 Merry Speaker 1 00:17:14 Christmas. Yeah. Merry Christmas Mer Mery Christmas. Speaker 3 00:17:17 It's warm. The Speaker 1 00:17:18 Old, the old Elvis Hawaiian Christmas. Speaker 2 00:17:20 Yeah, exactly. Speaker 1 00:17:21 You're out there out there doing all stuff. Speaker 3 00:17:22 I mean, it was a Christmas gift to not be a hundred. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:17:25 You know, <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:17:26 Here's a, you know, you get a few degrees. Speaker 1 00:17:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I could, I could never not do that. I could never do that. So for you with music, when did you start doing the music thing? Speaker 2 00:17:35 Um, so I was in college and it's actually kind of funny. I was at this karaoke bar I used to do, I've always done, you know, the karaoke thing. Yeah. I, I, you know, I, I did choir growing up and I I've always loved singing. What's your go-to Speaker 3 00:17:46 Song? Speaker 2 00:17:47 Oh gosh. Um, my go-to karaoke song would be Kara Underwood last name. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:17:52 Oh, little Attitude. Okay. Speaker 2 00:17:55 Alright. I love it. Um, but this, this guy approached me. I, well there was, so there was this like competition. It was, they were doing some like, uh, what did they call it? It was like the voice basically. But they had, you know, uh, some of the radio hosts, some other artists in town judging this. And I was just doing my thing, you know, whatever. And whoever won, got to sing, um, you know, during like one of the intermissions at one of the rodeos up there. And so I did that. And, um, one of my, this guy who is now a friend of mine, approached me and asked me to be a part of this band. And so I started, you know, working with the band Yeah. Doing shows and wearing short shorts on stage and dancing on stage. Speaker 1 00:18:36 <laugh> wearing shorts. So what, what was that? So, so the style of music that, that was, you were saying that was more the southern rock stuff? Yes, Speaker 2 00:18:43 It was. And like, it was like, like biker gang type, like people. Speaker 1 00:18:47 So you were, so you're, so you're, you're being portrayed as like the hot chick with the short shorts Yes. Up there singing. And how old are you while this is going on? Speaker 2 00:18:54 Uh, I was, I started when I was 20. Okay. So going into 22, 23, were Speaker 1 00:19:00 These like older guys or were these younger guys? Speaker 2 00:19:02 Um, no, the the group that I worked with, they were younger, but a lot of our, a lot of our fans were like these, like older old, Speaker 1 00:19:08 Yeah. Old creepy biker dudes, which Speaker 2 00:19:09 Yeah. But hey, you know what? They know me and they are listening to my music. Yeah. So it works out. That's awesome. You know Speaker 1 00:19:14 What? That, that's what, that's, that's what's awesome is like the ba like that that base is very dedicated. Yes. I used to work a lot with the Southern Rock stuff up in New Jersey. Those Speaker 2 00:19:23 Festivals, they're diehard fans. They'll Speaker 1 00:19:25 Travel across the country to see Skynyrd or Molly Hatchett or 38 special or whoever. 100%. Like they are diehards and they're still buying records. They buy the most fricking merch. Yeah. And they share all your shit on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, wherever. Like they're gonna be ride or dies. Yeah, I know. While they're riding on their hard lease. Exactly. Speaker 2 00:19:40 <laugh> blasting bad boy. Speaker 1 00:19:42 Right. Blasting bad boy. Blasting that Kelly rather. Speaker 2 00:19:46 Oh my gosh. Yeah. But, so there's also, um, I, I kind of got my start at this, this festival, it's called the Greeley Stampede. And I've made some relationships there with those people. And that's, yeah, that's where I got my start. They had this free stage and they had a lot of artists coming through and um, like, and then they had a festival with, you know, big name artists, um, that would play, you know, there was like four or five nights and it was mostly country. Yeah. And so that was really kind of where I got my start. And um, like started like my first show on the stage with these guys, there was like 7,000 people. And I, like, I don't, I don't ever get uncomfortable on stage. I feel like that's my forte. I was born to be up there. Yeah. So it was, but like this just like spiritual feeling, like, holy shit. Like the next two days I was just like, I, I can die happy now. Yeah. I just, it's just being up there felt so good to get back on stage. So Speaker 1 00:20:37 Yeah. 7,000 people, that ain't a joke. Yeah. And those crowds are rowdy. Like, they're into it. They're singing backwards. Like they're, that's a lively crowd. Speaker 2 00:20:45 Well, and these people had no idea who I, I was, it was my first appearance on stage. But when we were getting off stage, like they were like busting through the gates trying to like come up and say hi to us. Like my parents are, you know, in the corner. Like, I just wanna see my daughter <laugh>, I can't even get to them. I'm like, what is this? Oh Speaker 1 00:21:01 Man. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:21:02 Dedicated. Speaker 3 00:21:02 So that's something I like to touch on though. Like you said, like it's like natural for you. Yeah. So what is like being on stage for you? You know, like, obviously like I know like I played a lot for guitar and all and it felt home. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, there's never been a time that I've like walked on stage or ran sound where I've been like nervous. Right. Like, it just feels like home to me. What does that feel like for Speaker 2 00:21:26 You? Yeah, I mean, kind of exactly the way you described it feels like home. I feel so comfortable up there and I, I love to look out at the crowd and engage with the people I really feed off of their energy and, you know, vice versa. And I think that's one of my best, um, attributes as an artist is my stage presence. Like, that's just cuz it's just natural for me. And, uh, it's just like, like I'll like kick something on stage. Like I just like get wild up there. Yeah. Um, and I, I always say like, the only time I ever get nervous, like I, I will get nervous only when I'm singing the national anthem by myself. Like, I, I think because it's always, you know, acapella and if you fuck up the national anthem, you're basically shitting on America. Speaker 1 00:22:08 Yeah. You're shitting on America and you're gonna end up on YouTube. Exactly. It's gonna go viral. Or at least semial. Like you're gonna Yeah. Like, you're gonna get, you're gonna get like 500,000 views. You might end up on Barstool, you're gonna end up on somewhere you don't want to end up. So. Exactly. I see where the pressure is, what is, you're up there with like a band and you got guys and girls behind you that, Speaker 2 00:22:24 That's just, you got your team behind you and you got your, your family in front of you. You know, that's, that's where I feel most comfortable. So Speaker 1 00:22:30 Are you gigging a lot here in Nashville now, or not? Not a whole lot because I've, I've seen you on Broadway before where you've been up on stage singing with people. Yeah. And then you've got, and you've taken a tip jar around, you've done that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I remember you did a show at, it was doghouse, right? Speaker 2 00:22:43 Yeah. I kind of did my, my friend Bryant like guilted me into this thing, well not guilted, but he, um, he has always wanted me to play chasing and melody. So that's what that was. I did a takeover show and it was kind of when I had just like my EP was finally finished. Yeah. And I was getting ready to release Bad Boy and it was my birthday. So he's like, you're doing this show Yeah. For your birthday. And actually I agreed to it when I was out drinking. Typical me and I was scheduled. Speaker 1 00:23:08 That's the Nashville way. Right. We all agree to things and you wake up the next day and you're like getting all these text messages about something, you're like, oh shit, what are they talking about? Right, Speaker 2 00:23:15 Right. So I actually was scheduled to work at the hospital that night and I called out of work, <laugh> Speaker 1 00:23:21 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:23:23 I called out of work so I could do this show that I had agreed to. So, um, but yeah, I mean, as far as like performing, I just, I have spent a lot of time with this EP and recording. So, um, I'll, I'll do writer's rounds here and there, but I, I don't really perform like on Broadway. I, with Chris Ferrara and the Common Good, I always, you know, I will go and I'll sing with them. And that's Speaker 1 00:23:45 Not the typical Broadway gig though, Chris. No. At all. That's like Chris Ferrara and, and those boys. That is one of the best shows you can see in this town. Speaker 2 00:23:52 Oh my God. It's a doubt. Oh yeah. And I love being a part of it. Yeah. Like, and you know, and I, you know, it helps them out when I go around with a tip jar. Like they, you know, they love it when I come and yeah. I love being there. So it's, that's like the only time that you'll ever see me on Broadway, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:24:05 Okay. Because I have seen you up there with Chris before. Oh yeah. And the guys were running around with the horns and you're up there, like you said, you fly around stage, like you, you Oh yeah. Like you, you used all as much room as you can have Stand Speaker 2 00:24:16 Up, stand on Speaker 3 00:24:17 Chris. Like, Chris doesn't human like singing on stage, like he's on the bar standing up singing. Speaker 1 00:24:22 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:22 Oh yeah. Oh, Speaker 1 00:24:23 100%. A lot of movement with that show. So you talk about the ep. Yes. What's that process been like for you? Because when I first met you, it was, you were in the process of finding the producer, laying all the groundwork for it and, and I kept checking in with you. I'm like, so how's it going? And you're like, still looking, still looking, but now you fast forward Speaker 2 00:24:39 And it Yeah. You've done it. Yeah. It all fell into place. Yeah. Gosh, there it takes a lot. Like I didn't realize, you know, being an independent artist is a lot of work and I just, I wanted to do it right. And I had actually, there was one song that I had recorded previously with a producer that somebody had recommended to me and I just didn't like the way it turned out. So I didn't wanna use that person. But, um, my producer is Frank Legge and he, um, he's produced for several of my friends and he's always done a really good job. So I talked to him, sent him the songs, and we, um, he actually sent me some more songs, um, of friends that, you know, like some girlfriends that had written Yeah. Um, other songs. And we picked one of those, which actually turns out to be Bad Boy, bad Boy. I did Not Write Bad Boy. Okay. That was written by Brittany Ray and Megan Golden. Okay. And, and I heard that one. I was like, that, you know, fits like the songs that I wanna record that fits my style. And, um, I, I kind of took it and made it my own and we just fell in love with that one. So, um, but we started recording at the beginning of this year. Um, and yeah, that took some time because Speaker 1 00:25:46 Sorry, are you good? Speaker 2 00:25:48 I'm like, ugh, Speaker 1 00:25:48 Don't worry. Hey, Speaker 2 00:25:49 All the drinking last night, Speaker 1 00:25:50 Hey, it was, it was a Whiskey Jam Monday. We're doing this on a Tuesday. Tuesdays our rough days. It's right because of, because of Whiskey Jam Midtown Monday. So you take your time. You're good. Speaker 2 00:26:00 Um, so yeah, we started, we started in January kind of laying down the tracks and everything and then he, um, there's a couple songs that we, when we listened to them, you know, they needed some steel. We, we got some steel guitar and two of the songs are actually scored by an orchestra too. Speaker 3 00:26:18 Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:20 Yeah. And the way that it turned out is just incredible. Oh my God. I'm so excited about it. So Frank had some really good guys work with me on this ep. Um, and it just finally, I finally got everything back at the very end of July. And so now I have everything in my hand and I'm just kind of, you know, releasing it as I see fits. Speaker 1 00:26:38 Yeah. So for you it's, it's putting out the singles and then putting out the whole thing. Cuz that's, that's something that I've noticed a lot of people, the single route is, is a great route to go right Speaker 2 00:26:46 Now. Yeah. Because you can, you know, you get, you get the buzz, you know, and you, when you, when you pitch a single, um, you can, you can only pitch a single to Spotify playlist like at a time. One song at a time. And so, and that's what it's all about now, is getting your song on Spotify playlist, cuz that, you know, you get the spins and you get more people listening to your stuff and recognizing it, added it to different playlists. Yeah. So that's kinda the route to go. So I don't, I'm, I still haven't picked which single I'm gonna release next. Speaker 1 00:27:12 How many songs are on the ep? Six. Six? Yes. Okay. Speaker 2 00:27:15 So I think I'm gonna release three singles and then release the whole ep. Okay. Speaker 1 00:27:20 That's awesome. Keep 'em waiting for something. Yes. Speaker 2 00:27:22 That's Did you actually, so did you see my, would you rather Wednesday, last Wednesday Speaker 1 00:27:26 We were actually gonna bring up Would You Rather Wednesday? And speaking of that, <laugh> hit you, hit you with some, would you rather, what what was that? Yeah, this Ready. Speaker 2 00:27:35 Oh, excellent. Oh my God. Yes. Speaker 1 00:27:36 What was, just fill everyone in quick if they're not familiar with it. Cuz I love seeing 'em every Wednesday. I know I'm gonna see it on your Instagram and I love it. So tell people what that's all about. Speaker 2 00:27:45 Well, I, I really just use it to try to, you know, promote myself. I'm, you know, I've always had the last name rather. And people have been like, oh, would you rather, I'm like, yeah, would never heard that before. But I've finally, I've embraced it and I'm like, gosh, yeah, I should do would you rather Wednesdays every Wednesday. And now I get people, you know, like that I see in past and they're like, I cannot wait for Wednesday. I love them. Like, they get me thinking. Or this one girl the other day, she's like, I, I couldn't even pick one. I just, I just swiped. I didn't, I didn't, I couldn't pick. And I was like, that's not the point. You have to pick <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:28:15 You have to be decisive. And you have some that are, that are like really funny. Yeah. Some that are out there, some that like fit with whatever's going on. Like a current event kind of thing. Yeah. And then some that relate to your music, like Yeah, you hit all the nails on the head. Right. So how do you find your, would you rathers? Speaker 2 00:28:28 Um, gosh, well some like, I will, you know, like I've gone online when I'm just being lazy. Like I'll go online and pick some, I try not to be super inappropriate even though I, like, if anybody knows me, I'm wildly inappropriate all the time, Speaker 1 00:28:39 Which is why we get along so well. Cause I'm the same way, Speaker 2 00:28:43 But I just don't want, we all are way, you know, I've got, I've got a lot of like, you know, different people following me on my social media and I'm not trying to make everybody uncom uncomfortable. Yeah. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:28:51 That's what Snapchat's for. Speaker 2 00:28:53 Exactly. Exactly. <laugh>, that's, yeah. You wanna see something wild. Go to my Snapchat, <laugh> Kelly, Renee 23. Just <laugh>. It's not even like, it's not even Kelly rather it's like yeah, my first and middle name. But last week I did something kind of cool. Um, I took clips of songs off my e EP and said, would you, you know, which would you rather hear more of? Which should be the next single. So I had people vote and by God it was like 50 50. I'm like, guys, I need your help <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:29:25 Like at least go 51 49. Speaker 2 00:29:27 I know, I know. Give me a little split, you know. So now I'm like going through like my text messages and like my dms and stuff trying to tally it up, you know, because it truly was 50 50, um, of like, which song I, so I, I I did questions and the Mess I made last week and this week, tomorrow I'm gonna be doing, um, up in Flames and Storm Chaser. Oh. So you get to hear Speaker 1 00:29:47 I like these titles. Yeah. And then bad boys are in there with 'em. Like, Speaker 2 00:29:50 That's bad boy, that's Speaker 1 00:29:51 Like that that's a, Speaker 3 00:29:52 That's bad boy, bad Boys. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:29:58 I hope that was like playing out of a Monte Carlo as driving by wherever you record the video. Speaker 2 00:30:02 Oh my gosh. You know what? Actually I have a friend that has a tour bus that he wants to let me use. It's a Prevo bus and it's got flames on the side with skulls in the flames. So you'll Speaker 3 00:30:11 Guy Perry <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:30:12 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:30:14 Is that your friend? Speaker 2 00:30:15 This is not my That's awesome. So yeah, we'll be busting Motley Crew and Bad Boy out of that hell thing. Speaker 1 00:30:20 Hell yeah. That, that's, that's Speaker 3 00:30:21 Awesome. So we're gonna Speaker 1 00:30:22 Do, what do you got on that iPad, Tyler? Speaker 3 00:30:24 So these are random. Okay. These are just generated. Speaker 1 00:30:26 Okay. I I hope they're not dirty. I mean I kinda hope they're, but I dunno if they're, if Speaker 3 00:30:30 They were really dirty I will skip them. We'll skip them. But this is the app. Would you rather, okay, so this is totally off the dome. Would you rather only make important decisions with your head or only make important decisions with your heart? Speaker 2 00:30:46 I would rather only make important decisions with my heart. Speaker 3 00:30:50 <laugh>, you are part of 55%. Speaker 2 00:30:52 55%. Yeah. Well, I just feel like I overthink stuff all the time and you know, Speaker 3 00:30:56 And there's an ad. Speaker 2 00:30:57 Oh. Oh, excellent. Speaker 1 00:30:58 Cause Tyler not buying the premium version, Speaker 2 00:31:00 You just download it. This podcast was brought to you by <laugh> Bang Energy, bang Energy, Speaker 1 00:31:07 Which by the way, bang hang, shout out to Charlie and Gary and, uh, and our, our, um, our family out on the road. You know how many bang energies we consume, bro, with those guys. Speaker 3 00:31:15 I calculated it <laugh> it's like 50 a weekend. What Speaker 1 00:31:19 Combined? Yeah. Y'all gotta Speaker 2 00:31:21 Be careful with Speaker 3 00:31:21 That. Well there's, there's really only five of us that drink it, but we So Speaker 2 00:31:24 Y'all are drinking 10 each weekend. Speaker 1 00:31:27 Okay. I think it's on the rider now. Like I think Bang Energy. Speaker 3 00:31:30 Yeah, I think think we've got that on the rider. Like the last venue we were at, like they just showed up like 20 of 'em. They're, we don't know what you wanna be. Here you go. There's Speaker 1 00:31:37 There's a case of banging the cream. Speaker 2 00:31:39 Excellent, excellent. Oh my gosh. Speaker 3 00:31:41 Okay. Would you rather only look up or only look down? Speaker 2 00:31:46 Um, oh shit. Oh, I would only wanna look up. All right. I would, yeah, like if you're looking down 40, you're not looking forward. 40%, 40 wait, 52% would rather look down. Yeah. I, what Speaker 3 00:31:58 What's, I mean like, here's the thing. Like, I like, so I've done like missionary trips and all, I haven't been outta the country, but like I've, I've had a lot of experience with like people from like Russia and Ukraine in that part of the world. Like Uhhuh, that part, um, in like Eastern Europe and all. And they can always, they always have told me, they can tell whenever like Americans come into their country because we walk with our head up where they all walk with their head down. And Speaker 2 00:32:24 Do you think this is, they think this is the international, Speaker 1 00:32:27 This is the international population saying let's walk with our heads down. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:32:30 The neck is strictly for friends and family <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:32:33 Okay, here's a good one. Here's a good one. This is a great one. Okay. Would you rather eat nothing for three days or eat the same exact meal for a month? Speaker 2 00:32:46 Oh God, I think I would now Speaker 3 00:32:48 Remember pizza ist top is a, uh, option. Speaker 2 00:32:51 Okay. I mean, yeah, I feel like, I feel like I could go three days without eating anything. Speaker 1 00:32:57 I think I could too. Are you your final Speaker 2 00:32:59 Answer? That's my final answer. Speaker 1 00:33:00 Can I still 30%. Speaker 2 00:33:02 Oh, so okay. Speaker 3 00:33:03 70% said they could eat the same for a month. Speaker 1 00:33:06 Dude, dude. Shaw dogs and bang hangs count. Tyler <laugh>. No. Can I drink? Can Speaker 3 00:33:10 I? That's not food. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:33:11 No, no, that's what I'm saying. Could I just do this and cannot not be considered eating? No, I'd probably, Speaker 3 00:33:16 Are you eating your tall cause? No, Speaker 1 00:33:18 That's what I'm saying. Like, I, I I vote with you. I vote with you. I go, I'd roll with Kelly Speaker 2 00:33:22 On that. I feel like there's like several days though, like there, like where I like, oh, like go the entire day. But like, oh my God, I haven't eaten anything. If you just keep, Speaker 1 00:33:27 Keep yourself Speaker 3 00:33:28 Busy. My days like that are like, whenever I'm like in a studio or something. Yeah. And I'm just like, like today I haven't ate yet. Speaker 2 00:33:34 Yeah. I haven't eaten Speaker 3 00:33:35 Either. And now I'm drinking. So this is Speaker 2 00:33:36 Great. <laugh>, are you actually drink? Is there seriously vodka in Speaker 3 00:33:39 That? Yeah, that's uh, that's uh, yeah, that's banging vodka. Well, Speaker 2 00:33:41 Thanks for the offer bro. Gosh. Oh, sorry. Speaker 1 00:33:44 You'll get both Speaker 3 00:33:45 <laugh>. We have a whole handle in there. Speaker 2 00:33:48 Gosh. Shout, shout out. Shout, Speaker 3 00:33:50 Shout out. Green mark. Vodka. The only vodka I will drink. Speaker 2 00:33:54 What the fuck is Speaker 3 00:33:55 It? Green mark. Green mark. It's imported straight from Moscow. $20 for a handle of it. And it is superb. Better than Tito's. Speaker 2 00:34:02 Really? I I, Speaker 1 00:34:03 I'll go get Kelly some <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:34:05 Get Speaker 1 00:34:05 Or cup. Keep going. Alright, I, Speaker 3 00:34:07 So here's another, okay, here's the next one. Would you rather eat a zombie or be eaten by a zombie? Speaker 2 00:34:13 Oh God, that's horrible. Speaker 3 00:34:15 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:16 Eat a zombie. Ugh. Um, I, well I think I'd rather, you know, I wanna live, so I think I'd rather be a zombie. Speaker 3 00:34:22 74% Speaker 2 00:34:23 Said that I'm not happy about it. But <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:34:26 My question would be if you ate a zombie, Speaker 2 00:34:29 Would you become, Speaker 3 00:34:30 Would you become a zombie? Like, would you contract that virus? Speaker 2 00:34:32 I'm sure you would. I feel like, yeah, I guess it Speaker 3 00:34:35 There goes. All right, Hollywood, listen, you need to, you need to play this one out. Speaker 2 00:34:38 Zombie land is what it Speaker 3 00:34:40 <laugh> zombie land three where, uh, Woody Harrelson eats a zombie. Speaker 2 00:34:45 Zombie. Speaker 3 00:34:47 What does he become? Does he just be good or does he become a zombie? Speaker 2 00:34:51 The ultimate zombie. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:34:54 All right, this one's stupid. All right, <laugh>, would you rather eat a hundred raw eggs? Speaker 1 00:35:04 Or Speaker 3 00:35:05 Wait, this gets better? Or eat a pizza that has been on the ground for a week? Speaker 2 00:35:11 On the ground For a week? Oh Speaker 3 00:35:14 God. Think about downtown Nashville. Just the pizza that I been sitting there for Speaker 2 00:35:19 A week. You know, I pic you know what I pictured I, when I walk my dog past, you know, down to Ian. Yeah. There's always like, you know, he'll he will eat pizza or wings that have been sitting there overnight and I'm like sitting there trying to pull it out of his mouth, but no. Oh my god, this is disturbing. Speaker 3 00:35:34 So a hundred raw eggs or pizza that's been on the ground for a week. Speaker 1 00:35:39 Oh fuck. Why are you doing that? That's Speaker 2 00:35:41 So, I feel like either way you're gonna, you're gonna get some sort of virus, like stomach used salmonella through like the rice. Speaker 3 00:35:46 I used to wake up and like chug three raw eggs every morning. Oh my God. Until I got an egg allergy. Speaker 2 00:35:53 You got an egg allergy. I Speaker 1 00:35:55 Wine. Speaker 2 00:35:56 You developed an egg allergy. Speaker 3 00:35:58 So I had it when I was a kid. I outgrew it. And then my senior year of high school, I just randomly started, just puking my guts up every day. And I was like, what the hell is going on? And eventually I figured out there was eggs. I started cutting stuff outta my diet until I figured out, alright, Speaker 2 00:36:13 Maybe I shouldn't swallow these raw eggs every morning. But you know what's bad? That wasn't your first Speaker 3 00:36:17 Thing. Have you ever had McDougall's chicken Speaker 2 00:36:20 McDo? No, I have not. Oh, Speaker 3 00:36:21 McDougall's is great. I gotta take, I think I've, Speaker 1 00:36:23 I've been, I've been to McDo. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:36:25 McDougall is Speaker 1 00:36:25 Great. You've taken me, you've, you've, you've taken me for the first time, like three times where you're like, I haven't taken you here yet. You we're gonna go to this place. I don't like, well look McDougal's chicken, it's good. Speaker 3 00:36:36 But I have probably puked in the Bel Court theater parking lot approximately 20 times from, and it, it took me a while to figure it out. Cause I was like, what the hell is going on? And then I finally asked him one day Speaker 1 00:36:46 To half your thoughts. Here's the vodka Kelly <laugh>. Yes. But I Speaker 3 00:36:50 Finally asked him one day, I was like, what's your, uh, what's your batter made of? And they're like, it's 90% egg, Speaker 2 00:36:55 90%. And Speaker 3 00:36:56 I was like, oh, well that explains why it's constantly puking the milk. Speaker 2 00:36:59 So now you can't eat McDougall's chicken. Speaker 3 00:37:02 Well, they have good adoptions so I can eat that. Speaker 1 00:37:05 You take it. No, you fine. You're fine. It's, it's here. I I think I'm shaking. Speaker 2 00:37:11 I'm like literally shaking this morning cuz I'm withdrawing is what? Speaker 3 00:37:14 Oh God. No. I think I've had that since my birthday in February, so. Oh, that's Speaker 2 00:37:18 Okay. Vodka never goes bad. Hey, Speaker 1 00:37:20 Hey, look at that. Bang and vodka. Speaker 3 00:37:22 Hey. And we got the GoPro set up today Speaker 1 00:37:24 And we got the GoPro set up today. You're you're on video, Kelly, rather <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:37:29 Oh God. Here Speaker 3 00:37:30 We go. So, so what's your answer? Speaker 2 00:37:31 Shade, <laugh>. Um, do I have to eat the hundred eggs all at the same time? Speaker 3 00:37:37 I'm gonna go with No, because that would make you die. Speaker 2 00:37:41 I think I would rather eat the a hundred raw eggs. Speaker 3 00:37:43 You're part of 32% of the population. Speaker 1 00:37:46 People like pizza and rolls are Speaker 2 00:37:48 Scary. Yeah, I do. But like, what's growing on it at that point? And like, think about all the people that are like puking onto Umbrian Street and then this pizza's getting kicked around and Speaker 3 00:37:56 Yeah. See when I think of that, I think of opening up the door to whiskey row at 10:00 AM and all the Speaker 1 00:38:01 Homeless guys Speaker 3 00:38:02 And smelling, regret Speaker 2 00:38:04 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:38:05 Piss vomit and vomit. Speaker 1 00:38:08 Yeah. That, that is, that is Speaker 2 00:38:10 All in that order. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:38:11 Yeah. And that, and that is, that is what for the corner of fourth and Broadway is like a Speaker 2 00:38:15 100. Oh my gosh. Like when you like, oh my God, when you walk down certain alleys and you just blah, like at the whiff of it, Speaker 1 00:38:22 10 Speaker 3 00:38:24 On a July and August morning, opening the door Speaker 2 00:38:27 A Sunday morning, that Speaker 1 00:38:29 Was Sunday Speaker 3 00:38:29 Morning, 10:00 AM opening the door and just, oh God. Speaker 2 00:38:33 Oh God, Speaker 1 00:38:34 Be sick. That was, that was the, that was the shift that I used to work. And then you'd have people stumbling in you, you same. And you could tell that there were people that stayed out Yeah. And went to the diner, took that hour off from drinking and then started drinking again, and then are trying to walk into your bar. There was on a Sunday, you're just like, no, sorry buddy. Like, sorry Carl, I can't let you in, Speaker 3 00:38:53 Dude. I will put my hand on the Bible saying that there was a stretch. Not this past summer, the summer before summer of 2018. I had to remember the year for <laugh>. It's all a blur at this point, but, uh, I've been in Nashville for six years, so the last six years are just my all a blur, big blur. Um, but no, I remember, uh, it'd probably be three people a morning Friday, Saturday and Sunday where you open the door and then you're just like, I can still smell last night on you bud. Yep. Yeah. Sorry. All right. Speaker 1 00:39:27 Do one, do one more. Okay. Speaker 3 00:39:29 Not this one. Speaker 2 00:39:32 I love this. Yeah, it is. I'm making, I'm bringing Would you rather back? Yeah. No, Speaker 3 00:39:35 And this is good. Okay. This is a good one for a musician. So Uhoh. Okay. Would you rather live the rest of your life without sight or live the rest of your life without sound? Speaker 2 00:39:47 I think I actually did this one on my page. Really? I think I did. Yeah. I think I'd, I'd, I'd rather be blind than one. <laugh>. Yeah. I mean, as much as that would, you Speaker 3 00:39:57 Were only part of 27% of the population people would rather, which is all musicians. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:40:02 Right, right, right. Oh my Speaker 1 00:40:03 God. You'd rather hear shit than Yeah. See Speaker 2 00:40:04 Shit. Yeah. I mean that way. I mean, that would suck. I would probably fall off stage. But <laugh> Speaker 1 00:40:10 <laugh>, no, we'd Ray Charles. Yeah, we just, we just, we just sit young. Hey, you play the Speaker 3 00:40:15 Keyboard. Speaker 2 00:40:15 Oh my. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:40:16 Just you play the keyboard, it makes Speaker 2 00:40:17 Sense. I'm like the next Yeah. Ray Charles Speaker 3 00:40:20 Or Stevie Wonder. Speaker 2 00:40:22 Yeah, exactly. There's, there's, yeah, there's plenty of blind musicians. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:40:26 Yeah. You could totally get that. Speaker 3 00:40:27 I mean like, I will say this, like, I feel like everybody has like, like there's a hundred percent on each thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And like, if you have something that's like heightened, it takes away from your other senses. Exactly. So like, I am really good with sound mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I'm really good with sight. Yeah. But like, my sense of like feeling and my sense of smell are like, Speaker 1 00:40:50 Oh, he can't smell for shit. He Speaker 3 00:40:51 Doesn't, I Speaker 2 00:40:52 Feel anything. Oh, he Speaker 1 00:40:53 Doesn't feel he's from LA's No feelings too. And Speaker 3 00:40:56 He's no like, but Speaker 1 00:40:57 You don't, don't feel shit. Here's Speaker 3 00:40:59 The thing though, like with my smell, like it's like pretty much nonexistent. Unless it is like, what Speaker 1 00:41:07 Did Dave do to you yesterday? Or was that Ethan? Speaker 3 00:41:10 Neither one. I didn't Speaker 1 00:41:11 Smell shit. No one of them did something. Speaker 3 00:41:14 No, that was you over Speaker 1 00:41:15 Not me acting like always was. No, no, no, no. That was somebody, somebody did something, put their finger up to your nose. Speaker 3 00:41:19 Oh yeah. Dave's Dave like literally like wiped his ass crack and put it to my nose. And I'm just like, cool, bro. Like, I don't smell that. Speaker 1 00:41:30 That describes that last night one. That was before we got, that was before we got to Ivo. That was when Speaker 3 00:41:34 We were going to Speaker 2 00:41:35 Yeah. To smell my finger, man. Like Speaker 1 00:41:37 No, it was, it was unexpected. I think Dave was trying to Speaker 3 00:41:39 Fuck. Yeah, my window was down and he was just like, Speaker 2 00:41:41 Did he have some serious swamp ass or what? I don't know. I was purpose Speaker 1 00:41:44 Don't, we don't know because he can Speaker 3 00:41:46 Smell it. In my defense, I've had like my nose broken like at least 18 times. I don't really Speaker 2 00:41:50 Think that has anything to do with the sense Speaker 3 00:41:52 Of smell. And I've had some surgeries on my like to open up airways. Okay. Speaker 2 00:41:55 Maybe he just Speaker 1 00:41:56 Can't, he just can't smell. I just Speaker 3 00:41:57 Won't smell Speaker 2 00:41:58 Like really one's of the cranial nerves. You're talking to a nurse here. I don't think that <laugh>. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:42:02 That's what I was gonna ask. So nursing and music, how do you balance that? Speaker 2 00:42:05 Um, well, so being a nurse working full time, I work three days a week, Speaker 1 00:42:10 Which thank you for that by the way. Nurses. I appreciate what nurses do. Yes. My grandma was a nurse at the radio station I used to work at, we used to do broadcast from hospitals for nurses week every year. Like I get it. You guys have a very important job out there. Yeah. Especially in this city. It's, Speaker 2 00:42:24 Yeah. It's Speaker 1 00:42:25 Which hospital are you Speaker 2 00:42:26 At? I work at St. Thomas. Okay. I work at both Midtown and West. I am in the float pool. They just kind of send me where they need me, so. Okay. But I feel like, um, being a nurse, um, has actually helped me as an artist because I empathize with so many people all the time and I hear so many different stories, you know, so it's just like I can put myself in other people's shoes and feel what they feel. And that's definitely helped in my Speaker 3 00:42:47 That's awesome. Speaker 2 00:42:49 That's helped. But it, it's definitely, oh God, it's a hard job. It's, it's difficult. And I work nights, so, um, I'm, I'm all screwed up. Like, yeah. I'm always awake at night. That doesn't help with my drinking habits. Speaker 1 00:42:59 Hey, I, I've been doing night shift for a while now too, and like the working, that third shift can be tough. Yeah. So when does your shift usually get off? Speaker 2 00:43:06 So I start at like around 6:30 PM and then I don't get off until like 7:30 AM Speaker 1 00:43:12 You're doing the twelves? Speaker 2 00:43:13 Yeah. Three twelves a week. Yep. Wow. And so I'm like waking up or I'm like, I'm going to bed when the birds are chirping. Yeah. And then like all the pedal taverns start coming out with the Woo girls. So, Speaker 1 00:43:22 So yeah. With all the Woo girls Speaker 3 00:43:24 Fuckton, right? Yeah. What building Speaker 2 00:43:26 The element. Speaker 3 00:43:27 Ah, okay. Speaker 2 00:43:28 Yeah, but I, but I don't face like the noisy street. I face bmi, which is actually really cool. Speaker 3 00:43:33 Yeah. I have a good friend of mine that lives in Rhythm. Speaker 2 00:43:36 Oh Speaker 3 00:43:36 Yeah. And their room is literally like five stories above where the Pedal tavern people take off at. Speaker 2 00:43:43 That's Speaker 3 00:43:43 Rough. And like, I've been chilling with them before and just like you hear like, woo. Speaker 2 00:43:48 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:43:49 And you're just like, fuck you. Speaker 1 00:43:51 Come on Carrie. Speaker 2 00:43:51 What are we doing? Oh my God. I love Nashville. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:43:54 God, I'm going to move here. Speaker 1 00:43:56 Yeah, yeah. That the pedal Tavern, yeah. Are definitely some, but how do you, how do you find the time to do rights and like go and do the music thing while you're doing these night shifts and you're, while time, like, while everybody else is like awake and like doing stuff, you're sleeping and then getting ready for your next shift. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:44:13 I'll tell you what it was, it was really rough. Like, especially like with recording, like, there were times where I would have to like call my producer and be like, man, like I cannot, I cannot come in, I cannot wake up. Because he would try to, you know, meet with me, you know, later in the day to try to accommodate, you know, I at least have to nap for a few hours and like my voice would be shot, like trying to get wake up after no sleep. So it was, it was rough. Like, we have to definitely plan ahead. Like I have to, you know, make sure I'm not working the night before if I'm gonna go to a right or go record or anything. And I actually, I got like a membership to one of those like IV therapy places. Okay. Because that would help. I know, I mean, as I nurse it's really stupid. I could just do it, do it myself at home. Speaker 1 00:44:58 <laugh>. No, but those things do fill a neat, like, Speaker 2 00:45:01 But like, it just, it help. Like, it's crazy how much it'll help my voice. Like, it like just being rehydrated and getting, you know, some toradol for anti, like anti-inflammation <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:45:12 It, like, it helps my voice. So I would, I had a regimen, um, of getting my voice back. But it is, it's a challenge. I have to plan ahead. Yeah. Especially like, you know, I told you I had to call in to go do that show that I planned. Yeah. So, um, um, but I mean, it, it works out because I mean, at least when I'm doing writer's rounds, like I'm, I'm gonna like wake up a couple hours before, you know, get ready, get warmed up, go, and then I'm ready for the rest of, I'm awake all night. So Speaker 1 00:45:37 Yeah. Now what we do, what we usually do towards the end of these, uh, towards the end of these episodes, are you on Twitter? Speaker 2 00:45:42 I am on Twitter. All Speaker 1 00:45:43 Right. Tyler, get on there. So I'm trying to make some GoPros to Tyler, likes to, uh, Tyler's. I'm not on Twitter. I was on Twitter a while back, but Tyler likes to go on and read people's tweets. So Are you a drunk tweeter? No, Speaker 2 00:45:57 I'm really bad at, I'm really bad at Twitter. I'll be shocked if you find anything. Let me get Speaker 3 00:46:00 Off of my, uh, one of my fake accounts. <laugh>. I have like five or six years Speaker 1 00:46:05 Now. Tyler's a strolled. Tyler's that guy that you hear about people. Oh yeah. Oh, he, it's a passion for him. He's a Speaker 2 00:46:12 Oh my gosh. I know. I'll have to look at like, you'll, cuz most of my tweets are just like from my Instagram's. Your Kelly rather. Speaker 1 00:46:18 Oh, it's not Kelly Renee. No. So this one's professional. Speaker 2 00:46:21 It is. I it used to be Kelly Renee, and I'm trying to like, I'm trying to be better at Twitter, but I'm so bad at it. Speaker 1 00:46:27 Tyler's good at fucking with people on Twitter, which I don't think is what you wanna be doing for, for like an artist prop page. But Speaker 2 00:46:33 My Twitter is like a horrible, like, I've got like 171 followers on Twitter. It's, it's at atrocious. Well, Speaker 1 00:46:39 Tyler, how Speaker 3 00:46:40 Do you spell that again? Speaker 2 00:46:41 K e l l y e Speaker 1 00:46:43 R. Yeah. Yh. What's, what's up with the way you spell Kelly? Kelly? Is that in colorized? That, that's like a west coast thing? No. Where'd Speaker 2 00:46:49 That come from? No, my mom, she thought it was more feminine. Like she wanted, I don't know, like she and she, there's like Kelly Gray, there's like another, there's some, I think, I don't know if she, she's some public figure that has that, that spelling. But it's, it just, you know, messed me up my entire life. I thought people were spelling Oh, you don't spell it with a knee at the end. God, you're a weird Only to grow up and find out. I was the weirdo <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:47:10 Oh, you're not the weirdo. I think it's a cool spelling, Speaker 2 00:47:12 But I, I really like it because like, you know, it's, it makes me different. And there's literally not a single Kelly rather in the world that spells her name the same way. Yeah. I don't even think there's another Kelly rather out there in the world. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:47:22 Pretty good. Oh, this is a good one. Speaker 2 00:47:24 Oh, no, Speaker 1 00:47:25 <laugh>. How long ago? Um, what time? Speaker 3 00:47:28 What's the seventh? July. Speaker 1 00:47:30 July. And what time of this Speaker 3 00:47:31 Year? Speaker 2 00:47:31 Wait, what did I tweet in July? Speaker 1 00:47:33 What and what time? So this is like after Cmma Fest Speaker 3 00:47:36 Post. It doesn't tell you, it doesn't tell you the actual Speaker 1 00:47:38 Time. Oh, you don't get a time anymore. So Speaker 3 00:47:39 This is July 13th of this year. Speaker 2 00:47:42 I'm scared Speaker 3 00:47:43 When you're waiting for your Uber driver and watch them get pulled over. Speaker 2 00:47:48 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:47:49 Oh shit. Speaker 2 00:47:50 That ha Yeah, I was in Chicago. I was with my friend Shelby. Shelby, June Speaker 3 00:47:55 And I, I was in Boston this past weekend and I watched an Uber, like I had to get to the airport at like, God awful 30. Yeah. I had to wake up at 3:30 AM to get to the airport. And uh, I ordered an Uber, my first one. And I literally sit him watch, like, I watched him sit Mm. Probably a block and a half away just far enough where I didn't wanna walk and just sit there for like 10 minutes and like, I canceled it. And luckily it was Lyft, I think. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Lyft was like, all right, we're not gonna charge you cause there's obviously something wrong. Right. But then I ordered my second one and he sat two blocks away for 10 minutes. Speaker 1 00:48:36 That's annoying. Yeah. Luckily Speaker 3 00:48:37 I was, luckily I was planning to get there two hours early. Right. Speaker 1 00:48:40 What happened to your guy getting pulled over? What the hell was he doing? Speaker 2 00:48:43 Well, I don't even know what they did, but I just remember, like, I was with Shelby and we had to go to the airport and it was literally right across the street. We could see her and like cops roll up, they get out. Like she's pulled over and we're like, what is going on? I don't know if she had like expired tags or something. Speaker 1 00:48:58 Was it like a serious thing where she got out of the car? Speaker 2 00:49:00 Yeah, she got out of the car. But they ended up letting her go. I don't think they ended up giving her a ticket. Did Speaker 1 00:49:04 You ever get your ride? Speaker 2 00:49:05 Yeah. No, we got in the car with her later. Oh my God. Speaker 1 00:49:08 It was like they Did you ask her like what? No, Speaker 2 00:49:11 I wasn't gonna ask her. I mean I just felt like she You're having a bad day, ma'am. I'm not gonna bring it up again. Like what Speaker 1 00:49:17 Time of the day was this? It Speaker 2 00:49:18 Was the morning. It was like, I think it was like 11 o'clock maybe. Speaker 1 00:49:21 Shit, that's a shit way to start your day. Speaker 2 00:49:23 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:49:24 God <laugh>. You got any other ones on there? Tyler? Speaker 3 00:49:27 I got two that are within two days of each other. God. Speaker 1 00:49:30 I know. Guess so. That's a little saga. Okay. I Speaker 2 00:49:32 Dunno what these tweets are. Speaker 3 00:49:33 So they're not, they're not at all like related. But April 14th my dog just ran into a glass door at my apartment and I never felt like we've related more <laugh>. What kinda dog Speaker 1 00:49:51 Do you have? Speaker 2 00:49:51 He is an aita Dingo. Like, he's like a Carolina. Speaker 1 00:49:54 Yeah. He's a dingo. He's an awesome dog. I remember me, I I've met him a few times. He's a, Speaker 3 00:49:58 Yeah, I need to meet, meet Speaker 2 00:49:59 This dog. He, he looks like that emoji, like the, this like side profile of a dog, like with the curly tail. He, it is identical to that. That's awesome. And he like, he loves, he makes me look like an alcoholic cuz he loves to go to dog house. Like, we'll that's like, you know, we'll sit outside a dog Speaker 1 00:50:13 House, bring him to dog Speaker 2 00:50:14 House. He knows everybody there. Like, everybody loves it. Like, he just gets so much attention. He loves it. So we were walking back and like, yeah, when you walk through the front doors, they're like these like floor to ceiling glass doors. And he saw like people sitting on the other side and he just jetted towards them and just bam. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:50:31 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:50:34 Yeah. All right. Here's a great one. This is great. April 12th. Speaker 1 00:50:38 Oh Speaker 3 00:50:38 Fuck. 2019. Two days. Speaker 1 00:50:41 Two days earlier. I'm so Speaker 2 00:50:42 Worried. Speaker 3 00:50:42 I just watched a drunk girl take a picture with her mouth on the crotch of a giant statue. Hashtag This is Nashville <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:50:53 Oh man. She, you know, that, Speaker 3 00:50:54 Was that the naked people statues? Is that the Speaker 2 00:50:56 Naked people statues in the, in the, in the circle and the roundabout? Yes. I'm like, what are you gaining from that <laugh>? She just, Speaker 1 00:51:03 It was like a best scavenger hunter. Speaker 2 00:51:06 It was like, it was like two o'clock in the morning, I'm walking my dog and I see these drunk people. You Speaker 1 00:51:10 Gotta get back on Twitter because this shit's hilarious. <laugh>. Wait, wait, would you rather, would you rather, this face is good, but this is like next level. This Speaker 3 00:51:17 Is, this is great. Cuz on April 8th she tweeted, I'm really out of my Twitter game. Which sucks cause I'm really funny and y'all are missing out Speaker 1 00:51:27 <laugh>. And then sure enough you hit spend two bangers in the next week. Love it. Speaker 2 00:51:32 It's like Speaker 1 00:51:33 Love it, love Speaker 2 00:51:35 It. I know. I I should, I'm gonna, I'm gonna make a, like a resolution today. I'm gonna, I'm gonna start being better at Twitter. Speaker 1 00:51:41 But you're, you're rounding off crazy shit. Like, you see it, you're, you're living in Midtown, like you're, you're doing the singer song thing and Yeah. So that's Speaker 3 00:51:48 Why I have one of my fake Twitters because it is just literally like all the stuff that I wouldn't post to my actual Twitter. You could Speaker 1 00:51:56 Make, you could make a fake Twitter go, but you could spell it Kelly rather, but spell Kelly the common wife. Right. Speaker 2 00:52:01 Right. <laugh>. She's like, that's a fake account. Somebody you know, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:52:05 Yeah. It doesn't have the check mark. It ain't me guys. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:52:07 It's not <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:52:09 Oh no. So speaking this Yeah. Speak. Got one more. Speaker 3 00:52:12 So yeah, I, I do have one of mine. Oh no. And this is what my fake Twitter is. Does the act complete cookie fuck up by everybody else's stomach. Like sack fucks up a backboard. Literally been sitting water for the 45 minutes. Why? Speaker 1 00:52:27 What <laugh> Yeah, that's, Speaker 2 00:52:29 Yeah. Keep that on the fake account. That's Speaker 1 00:52:31 An enough, enough of that account. But, um, so where can people go to find you on social media and stuff, um, for these would you rather Wednesdays? Speaker 2 00:52:38 Right. So, um, on my Instagram, uh, my Instagram is Kelly rather music and it's k e l l y e. Um, that's, that's kind of where I post most of my stuff. Okay. And I post, um, on my story every Wednesday. My would You Rather Wednesdays. And then last week, I, I actually posted it on my actual feed because they were clips of my music and I wanted people to be able to go back and listen to them. Speaker 1 00:52:58 Okay, cool. And then you're on Facebook and stuff too, and Speaker 2 00:53:00 Facebook Kelly rather. Yep. Everything. Speaker 1 00:53:02 And that's where we can find all the music news Yes. As these new songs come out. Yes. That's exciting. So the end of 2019, you got some, a lot of big things happening, huh? Yes, Speaker 2 00:53:09 I do. I'm so excited. It finally like, gosh, it, you know, took some time to be, you know, in town and actually get it done, but man, it feels good to actually have it in my hand and start, start releasing it. So, so Speaker 1 00:53:20 Can we, can we expect a certain time, like soon or, or can you just say like, before the end of the year? Year before Speaker 2 00:53:25 The, but definitely before the end of the year. Okay. Yep. Awesome. Speaker 1 00:53:28 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:53:28 Awesome. And the music video's gonna come out soon too. Ooh, thank you. Yeah, I got the, I got the first like edit, uh, a couple days ago. And you're happy. We're Oh my God, we're happy. I'm so stoked. Yeah. I might, I can even show you guys a clip here if you guys Speaker 1 00:53:40 Want. Sweet. Yeah. We'll teaser. We'll take that for sure. Um, bad boy. Very excited. So, and congrats on the single and congrats on everything. It's, thank you. It's cool when you, when you get to watch your friends, especially when they're awesome people succeed like you're, like you, thank you. You've been working hard and doing a lot and yeah. Speaker 2 00:53:57 It's Speaker 1 00:53:57 Of fun. And I'm glad we were finally able to fucking Speaker 2 00:53:59 Finally do this. I'm so happy to be here. And I've got my drink and you and my friends like <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:54:04 Cheers. Speaker 2 00:54:04 Cheers, y'all. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:54:06 Cheers. And now you've, and you've also got your, uh, you got your keyboard with you. I do. So your keyboard, when did you, so you've always been more of a piano keyboard kind of girl over a guitar? Yeah, I Speaker 2 00:54:16 Got, I, I was taking lessons when I was a kid. I've, I've always played piano and then, you know, I, when I went to college I kind of put it away and I didn't play for a long time, so I'm still getting back into it because, you know, once you you don't use it, you'll lose it. Yeah. Um, but I'm, I'm learning how to play guitar too. Okay. So I'm just, you know, kind of mediocre at both. So <laugh> Speaker 1 00:54:34 Well I gotta say you're the first guest we've had bring an instrument that's not a guitar Oh. In the studio, which is awesome. I'm no, I'm, I'm stoked. When I told Tyler, um, Tyler was like awesome. Like, cuz he loves it being a sound guy, being able to have a keyboard in here. It's gonna be badass. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:54:49 Like I, I have like a midi keyboard. Uhhuh, it's like somewhere back there in the closet. Yeah. But it's like a early two thousands, like m audio. Oh. Back when like, Speaker 1 00:54:59 Like an old, like an old school little back Speaker 3 00:55:01 When m Audio and Avid were the only thing that would talk to each other. Speaker 2 00:55:05 Right, right. So, yeah. Yeah. So actually, yeah. And if, and if we get me playing, I'm gonna Yeah. Speaker 1 00:55:10 What song you wanna play for us. I I'm Speaker 2 00:55:12 Gonna play Dear Mistress. So that's one that I haven't even talked to you about. Um, Speaker 1 00:55:15 Yeah, what's what's the deal with that? But Speaker 2 00:55:17 It's, it's honestly, it's kind of, it's, it's the slowest song. It's my, my my Ballad and it's one that's scored by an orchestra and has steel in the, in the recording of it. Wow. It's, it's really, really pretty. I'm really happy with the way that it turned out. Um, but it's the oldest song that, that I've had. Um, and it, it kind of, it's, it means a lot to me. It's, um, kind of, basically the way I wrote this was, um, you know, I I was in this relationship that was, uh, there was cheating involved, you know, and I kind of sat down and I was like, there was a lot of like, cattiness between me and the girl that, you know, I was getting cheated on with. And I was like, what would I say to her if I could sit down and write her a letter? And so I kind of started with that, but then like, there's kind of like this twist at the end of the song because, you know, it's one of those things where he was telling her one thing and then telling me another thing. And you know, it's, uh, you'll, you'll have to listen to the song. It's, yeah. I Speaker 1 00:56:14 Feel like I'm Speaker 2 00:56:15 Excited to, yeah. I feel like it's, it's one of the ones that I, you know, I'm, I'm not gonna release it as a single because it's, it's not single material, but it's definitely like one of the most powerful, I feel like on the ep. It's, Speaker 1 00:56:24 It's a deep cut. It's a deep cut. Something That's awesome. That just brings the whole thing together. Yeah. So I'm excited. So you said Dear Mistress. Right. Dear Mistress. Dear Mistress, I'm excited to hear that one. So while Kelly's getting that keyboard all locked and loaded and ready, thank you for coming out and thank you Speaker 2 00:56:37 For having me coming Speaker 1 00:56:38 Down to Laverne and hanging out with us too. I know it's a little bit of, a little bit of a trek. Speaker 2 00:56:41 This place is a weird, like, Speaker 1 00:56:43 It's an interesting spot, isn't it? Park in Laverne, Tennessee. Ruthford Speaker 2 00:56:46 County. I was driving like, there was like a, like a, a mobile home park, you know, and then like, literally not even a block later there's this giant mansion. I'm like, what is this place? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:56:57 Yep. Yeah. Rutherford County's an interesting spot. An interesting place. It's an interesting spot, but it, it works. It works. Now's got character. Hey, it's a lot closer than Spring Hill was. We were, I was, I was driving 45. Me and Dakota were driving 45 minutes up to Nashville every day for work. 45 minutes. Dakota Bear. So shout out to Dakota Bear. He is still asleep. He is still asleep. That lazy second. He is. Maybe we can go like, we'll go wake him up. That'd be a funniest that we might to GoPro. Yeah, we have to GoPro, we Speaker 2 00:57:21 Do that. I just wanna, I just wanna see Cooper. Oh. Speaker 1 00:57:23 Oh, we'll get the dog out here. That's Speaker 3 00:57:25 No problem. We just won't get him out during podcast time. Oh yeah. He likes to bark, Speaker 2 00:57:30 So, oh Speaker 1 00:57:30 Yeah. And he's got red rocket syndrome, just you find out what that means. But anyway, he's very much like his father, but, um, <laugh>. But, um, but anyway, thank you guys for listening to this week's episode. Very excited to hear Kelly play, uh, play. Dear Mistress, uh, thank you again for coming on. Uh, you guys can always follow us along as well in the round podcast on Instagram, in the round, on Facebook. We got more videos coming out. We got a lot more going on. Uh, we are spacing out the episodes as we had said last week. But, um, Tyler, we got a lot of good shit going on. I'm excited. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:58:03 We really do. And I would just like to say that, uh, you always gimme shit from my mom flying in her dms. I got a letter from your mom today. Speaker 1 00:58:11 Yeah. Hey, she's, she, she's gonna be coming down soon, so Yeah. She Speaker 3 00:58:14 Can't wait to see me. Speaker 1 00:58:15 Hey, you'd be nice. <laugh>. Whoa. Passed. Yeah, his mother slides into my dm what going back and forth that we have, but Speaker 2 00:58:23 She wrote you a handwritten letter. Oh Speaker 3 00:58:24 Yeah. Wow. What a, uh, Chipotle gift card. What? Speaker 2 00:58:28 Oh my gosh. Speaker 1 00:58:30 So yeah, Speaker 2 00:58:30 Y'all have quite the relationship. I'm, you know, it's something hashtag relationship goals Speaker 3 00:58:34 Said you're practically you're married at this point. It's, Speaker 1 00:58:36 It's something. But, um, but anyway, you guys can follow along with me at Map, follow along at just a Wandering Tyler. You can also scavenge Twitter for Tyler's troll accounts. They're somewhere on there. We're not gonna give those handles, but if you did form em, you'll find them there. Out there, you'll not. And, uh, now without further ado, also make sure you follow Kelly at Kelly, k l y e rather, music on Instagram, follower on Facebook. Follower on Twitter too. Yes. We're getting that Twitter game going. And go. Make sure you go out and check out Bad Boy. The video's coming out, the singles out and the ep, the rest of it is gonna be coming out for the end of the year. Now. Without further ado, here's our good friend Ms. Kelly. Rather with Dear Mistress, y'all have been listening to the in the Speaker 4 00:59:29 Dear Convince Yourself. It's, it just takes persistence. Dear you, your business dear, and you'll see meant now I.

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