Aaron Schilb

October 21, 2019 00:42:23
Aaron Schilb
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Aaron Schilb

Oct 21 2019 | 00:42:23


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

Singer-songwriter Aaron Schilb stops by the studio for this week's episode. Hear how Aaron made his way to Music City, what led him to pursuing a career as a songwriter and how his  'baby', The Nashville Tour Stop at Belcourt Taps got started and became such a success! The crew also shoots the shit on sports, things to do in Nashville and Tyler digs up some of Aaron's lost tweets. 

Song Of The Week: 'Rock & Roll Degenerate' - Aaron Schilb

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:13 Take two. Welcome back to the end of the round of podcast. We got it that time, Tyler. Speaker 2 00:00:17 Oh yeah man, we got it this Speaker 1 00:00:18 Time. You know, buttons can be hard and shit. What's going on guys? You got Matt and Tyler here and we got our good buddy. A guy that we see a lot around town. A guy that we specifically see every Sunday night. Bel Court taps. It's our good buddy. Aaron Schu, the founder of the Nashville tour Stop. And a badass singer. Sorry to hear. Tell Aaron how you doing bud? Speaker 3 00:00:36 Hey man, you guys, I'm just doing so great. It's good to be here. Finally. Speaker 1 00:00:39 Finally, dude. Finally. Yeah, we've been trying to set this up for a minute, so I'm trying to think the first time that I would've met you, it Speaker 3 00:00:44 Was probably back in February, March. Yeah. Around the time y'all started this. Cause I remember trying to get on with the band I used to be in. Yeah, yeah, Speaker 1 00:00:51 Yeah. And that was cuz I remember going and see Cause you have a lot of our friends to play those. Yeah. Play those rounds. And we, we were there on, uh, we were there on Sunday night this past week and it was awesome. It was, uh, it was Tyler's birthday. Tyler's Speaker 3 00:01:03 Birthday. Oh, Speaker 2 00:01:03 I have a question. What's Speaker 3 00:01:04 Up? Speaker 2 00:01:06 How did y'all skip West Virginia in the Midwest? If you put Virginia in there. Speaker 1 00:01:10 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:01:11 Yeah. So apparently Tyler's not great with his US geography. Speaker 1 00:01:15 Oh, also it was Tyler. Speaker 3 00:01:16 Yeah, Tyler. Okay. Um, so when we were doing the West, somehow Iowa fell into that also. Speaker 1 00:01:23 Interesting. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:01:23 Yeah. We weren't there for that part, but, uh, Speaker 3 00:01:26 <laugh>. Yeah. Uh, Australia was also in the West. If you wanna figure out where Tyler thinks the west is, that's like his far, Speaker 2 00:01:32 Far, technically it is west, Speaker 3 00:01:33 But far it's as far south as it gets. Right? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:01:36 Oh man. Speaker 2 00:01:37 Talk about the Southwest for sure. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:40 That, that's funny dude. But hey, you guys always put on a good round over there. Like it's always, Sunday nights are awesome. Those are nights that everybody's kind of, if they're out in the road every weekend, they're getting back into town. It's Sunday nights. People look for something to do. And you guys have really given it up. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:01:54 When we started it, we were really trying to figure out like, what do people wanna do on Sundays? And usually it's like they don't wanna party. They did that the last two days. Yes. But they still wanna see good or four <laugh> Speaker 1 00:02:05 Or five or six. Last Speaker 2 00:02:07 Last week, I think I was drunk from Wednesday to Sunday. So it's all good. Speaker 3 00:02:10 <laugh>. I've been there, done that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 00:02:12 I was on vacation, so Oh Speaker 3 00:02:14 Yeah. Treat yourself, would you not? Yeah, I Speaker 2 00:02:16 Was in Boston, so, you know, it was great. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:02:17 Yeah. Yeah. You go to a game or anything. Speaker 2 00:02:19 Yeah. I went to Fenway and got to sit second row for the Bruins game. Dude, Speaker 3 00:02:23 That's Speaker 2 00:02:24 Ass like literally from me to you. Which is about what, like five feet, maybe Five feet from the players. Like Speaker 3 00:02:29 That's wild. I was Speaker 2 00:02:30 Sitting right next to the Oh, bang hangs bang Speaker 1 00:02:33 Hangs. Here we go. Speaker 3 00:02:34 God, that's fucking awesome. Speaker 2 00:02:35 Yeah, it was great. And it was a pre-season game. It was against Chicago, which being a Pres game Pres fan, I could really cheer against Chicago Speaker 3 00:02:43 <laugh>. Fuck the Black Hawks fans. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:02:45 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:02:45 Fuck Speaker 1 00:02:46 To Cub. So you're from St. Louis, so you're a big Cardinals fan. Speaker 3 00:02:49 Big cards fan. Speaker 1 00:02:50 You know, it's great. So I'm a Yankees fan and I've heard of the card, I've heard of the, the Cardinals fans just for whatever reason have some, I mean, everybody's got something against Yankees. Yeah. I mean, I grew Speaker 3 00:02:57 Up west of St. Louis, but I grew up a cards fan. But like my dad growing up was always like boo mets, boo Yankees. Like he had something against New York City. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I have no idea where that came from. Speaker 2 00:03:08 No, I'm a Braves fan. So Speaker 3 00:03:10 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:03:11 This next couple weeks might get interesting. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:03:13 For real though. Did you know Nashville's getting ready to bring, or they're talking about bringing an MLB here. It's Speaker 1 00:03:18 Its Speaker 2 00:03:18 Gonna be I love that. So they're gonna, they're, I think MLB in the next like four years is gonna do two expansion teams. And the ones that they're talking about really seriously is Nashville and Portland. Ooh, Speaker 3 00:03:31 That'd be Speaker 1 00:03:31 Great. Yeah. Cause Cause then by doing that you'll give another, you'll put another team in the south. You'll, I mean, we're not that far away from St. Louis and Kansas City. All things considered hours. Speaker 2 00:03:40 Cincinnati, we're only three hours from, since Speaker 1 00:03:42 You create an Interleague rival for the Braves, and then you go out to Portland, you create an Interleague rival for the, for the Mariners. And you give something back to Pacific and you Speaker 2 00:03:49 Something between Oakland, San Francisco and Seattle. And, and Speaker 1 00:03:52 Who Speaker 3 00:03:52 Yeah. I heard the A are actually talking about moving to Nashville. That's one of the teams that's, well Speaker 2 00:03:56 Actually what they're talking about for us is that Baltimore might fold Really? And that we'll get Baltimore's team. Speaker 1 00:04:02 Who would've ever thought Baltimore or they've been there forever. Yeah. Orio Speaker 3 00:04:06 Suck. Speaker 1 00:04:06 Yeah. No, that's, nobody's going to the game. See, I've been to Camden Yards a few times for Yankees, Orioles games and it's like an 80 20 split. Yankee fans. Orioles fans. Yeah. At those games we call it Yankee Stadium South. Kinda like, I mean, I'm sure when the Braves play here, when the Cardinals would play here, if Nashville were to get a team of the Cubs, I'm sure that the other crowds would be, Speaker 3 00:04:25 I saw stadium plans for it yesterday. Online. They're getting ready to put, or they're considering putting it like next to Nissan. Yeah. As if we already didn't have enough fucking traffic. Well, I've Speaker 2 00:04:33 Heard also that what would happen, like the more realistic alternative is they would shut down the sounds and they'd be good. They built that stadium to be expandable to an MLB stadium. Speaker 1 00:04:44 Do you imagine that area getting more cluster fucked though? Speaker 2 00:04:47 Yeah, I know, right? It's just not Speaker 3 00:04:48 Herman town's already too crowded. Oh Speaker 1 00:04:50 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:04:50 I mean, Nissan stadium's too crowded, too <laugh>. Imagine, imagine a Titans game. Pres game and Speaker 1 00:04:57 A Nashville Star Speaker 3 00:04:59 Races would skyrocket. Yeah. Oh Speaker 1 00:05:01 Dude. And, and then you'd have shows going on at all the venues time at the same time. CMA Fest, that would be a stage. Oh my God. They'd put God, they'd put shows at that Speaker 3 00:05:08 Baseball. Theyd think that that would be a good idea. Like, oh, we'll get so much tourism and then they'll not think about the fact that there's gonna be 80 million people in this city. <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. On one day. Speaker 1 00:05:17 Yeah. Oh man. It's gonna be something so free. At least Speaker 2 00:05:19 The Titans don't play during CMA Fest. Yeah. At least that's like, Speaker 3 00:05:21 Thank God. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:22 Yeah. If that overlapped, we'd have some real issues. God, Speaker 3 00:05:25 I didn't know that I was moving into such a huge hockey town when I came here though. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:29 Isn't it interesting? Yeah. You come to, you come to Nashville, Tennessee, Nashville, middle Tennessee, and they love their freaking hockey. They love hockey. Who would would've thoughts, were you a big blues guy? Speaker 3 00:05:38 Uh, yeah, I grew up watching the blues mainly just so I could have something to talk about. Thank Speaker 1 00:05:41 Think. Congratulations. Congratulations. Y'all want it? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:05:44 Oh, finally. Right. God, that was such a big day. I called a guy that I used to work with, haven't seen him in years to be like, oh my God, the blues finally fucking won. And he's like, I know, I've been watching the whole game. And I'm like, yeah, yeah. Fucking finally Hometown brings it because we've been, we suck for so long. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:02 We're me so close. You guys have, you guys have always been a baseball city, it seems. Seems like baseball. Yeah. Like always big baseball and stuff like that. Speaker 3 00:06:08 Cardinals always came first. Speaker 1 00:06:10 Yeah. So how far outside St. Louis did you grow up? Or did you grow up like in the major? I Speaker 3 00:06:14 Grew area grew. I grew up about an hour and a half west. Okay. So not, not like in St. Louis. Speaker 2 00:06:18 So is that near Springfield at all? Speaker 3 00:06:21 Springfield's like southeast or Southwest? Yeah. Yeah. So that's, that's probably like six hours. Speaker 1 00:06:26 I haven't had the pleasure of going to Missouri yet. I hear it. I hear it's awesome. I hear it's like there's some cool spots to it. Speaker 3 00:06:31 There's like these awesome little bubbles. Speaker 1 00:06:33 Yeah. Yeah. Missouri, Speaker 2 00:06:35 We played out though in, uh, Springfield. Oh, Speaker 3 00:06:36 Did you really? Yeah. Springfield's a good city. Yeah. It's cool. It's one the bigger ones there. Cool. Yeah. Um, so you got like St. Louis in the west Kansas City in the east. I grew up in kind of West Dish, central Missouri College town there. Uh, big football town. The University of Missouri is there. They got the tiger. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:52 How's it feel being in s e c school now with Nu Speaker 3 00:06:55 They got, they got too big for their Es Yeah, Speaker 1 00:06:57 They did. Because see, coming from New York up up there, we have Rutgers and they were great in the Big East and then they took all this money to go in the Big 10 and they've just been a laughing stuff. It's tough to compete when you're playing in Ohio State, state. Penn State at it gets tough Speaker 2 00:07:08 To, gives you somebody like, at least you're giving Vandy run for the money for Last Speaker 1 00:07:12 East, you Speaker 3 00:07:12 Know, Speaker 1 00:07:13 Or Tennessee or any of those guys. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:07:14 Now when they play lsu, they're like, oh, this is cute. We play football too. Yeah. And they're like, no you don't. Yeah. I Speaker 2 00:07:21 Remember there was like, it wasn't the first year, but like the second and third year they were in the league League, they were actually competitive mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then I think they like got rid of a coach or something and everything kind of went downhill. Speaker 3 00:07:32 Yeah. So they had Chase McDaniel for a while. Quarterback for the Saints or something. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:36 Yep. Throwback right there. Speaker 3 00:07:37 Yeah. Yeah. He was great. And then when I was going to school there, um, there was like this huge campus riot and everything. And like, that was when just the whole school just fucking Speaker 1 00:07:46 Changed. Was was that when Blaine Gabert was there too? Yep. Speaker 3 00:07:49 Yeah, it was, it was a shit show. Yeah. When I was gonna school there, I hated it. Speaker 1 00:07:53 Yeah. So what, what year, what was the, what what year did you graduate? Speaker 3 00:07:56 2016. Speaker 1 00:07:56 2016. Oh wow. So you were there. Yeah. Like I remember when all that was going on, you were there. Speaker 3 00:08:00 Oh my god. It was a disaster. Bomb threats, everything. Yeah. Just crazy. Got on campus. So Speaker 1 00:08:05 What led you to come in here? So you graduate from Mizzou in 2016. Do you come immediately to Nashville from there? Speaker 3 00:08:11 Um, yeah. So I moved right from Missouri to Nashville, but I didn't know I was gonna move here until about a month before I did. So like, after I graduated in 2016, I went on a really long road trip by myself. I drove almost 5,000 miles. That's Speaker 1 00:08:25 Gotta be great to just have that time to yourself and really experience what the world is Speaker 3 00:08:30 Like. Oh dude. It was the best time of my life. Like, I drove from Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, like me and my car with a little propane grill in the back. Speaker 1 00:08:41 Dude, that's awesome. It Speaker 3 00:08:42 Was incredible. There's That Speaker 2 00:08:43 Sounds Speaker 1 00:08:43 Amazing. Do you have songs about that? Yeah, I'm sure you do. That's something that you, that's writing material right there. Speaker 3 00:08:49 Yeah. It was incredible. So Speaker 1 00:08:50 What, why Nashville? Speaker 3 00:08:52 Um, because I was trying to find a place to do music or be involved in creative world of some kind. But, um, like Denver didn't really feel it. And then, um, I just couldn't find anything that really stuck to me because I was in a southern California for a while and LA just, it felt fake. Speaker 1 00:09:11 I hear it's a lot. Speaker 3 00:09:12 God, it felt fake. Like I really The weather's to die for. Yeah. The weather's to die for. I spent a lot of time in Santa Barbara, which is just not far from central la but like, I couldn't afford to live there. Yeah. Yeah. So I was like, well the cost of living in Nashville is not as high. Yeah. Not as high. I mean, we're like outside of this city here and this is where it's affordable to live. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:34 And you see, you get a pretty decent place, not too far outside of town, but then you go to California, New York, like certain areas. Speaker 3 00:09:42 You have seven roommates in your one studio apartment. Speaker 2 00:09:44 I lived in Nashville last year and I was paying 4 75 a month's. Wild Plus utilities living two miles from downtown on Charlotte Ave. Speaker 3 00:09:53 Wow. But Speaker 2 00:09:55 It was four guys in a 1600 square foot house and half of that was a basement where one guy lives. So there was three guys. Oh my God. A kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom in like 800 square feet. Speaker 3 00:10:09 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:10:09 Shout, shout out to our old studio and the podcast. Back in the day when we first got this thing started, we literally recorded in this, in this basement studio where this guy had his room. He was sleeping or hanging out half the time. My God. And then his cats would come up and like jump on guests and like when we had, when we had SJ on, for example, the cats were all over Speaker 2 00:10:26 His the whole time. Speaker 1 00:10:26 Yeah. SJ sat sat there like Don Corly from The Godfather just petting this cat. Speaker 2 00:10:30 Yeah. We have pictures of that somewhere. Speaker 3 00:10:32 Was that, that wasn't already badass enough. She's Speaker 1 00:10:34 Like with her Speaker 3 00:10:36 Now with, Speaker 1 00:10:37 With her shit eating grin on her, like just smiling like this is good. Life is good. But Speaker 2 00:10:41 Ums funny cuz uh, we had Carly Rogers on mm-hmm. <affirmative> and like, she's not a fan of cats <laugh>. And the cats like sensed it and were like just messing with her Speaker 1 00:10:50 With their, they were fucking with knocking over her guitar case. They were like bumping on her. But at Speaker 2 00:10:54 One point, like they went behind her, got on top of her guitar case reached up and like slapped her in the back. Speaker 1 00:10:59 <laugh>. Yes. Yeah. No, they, they sensed it. Uh, the podcast. Definitely. What were their names again? Speaker 2 00:11:06 Felix. Felix and Cake. Speaker 1 00:11:07 Felix and Cake. Which are all names for cats. But yeah, Speaker 3 00:11:10 They were, those are unreal names for cats. Speaker 1 00:11:12 Yeah. No, we, we had some good, good times with, uh, with those guys, but, uh, but yeah. So for you songwriting mm-hmm. So that's obviously something you're very involved with here in town. When did that become something that you felt like doing a lot of? Speaker 2 00:11:23 So Speaker 3 00:11:23 I started playing the guitar when I was 13 and I, uh, started like trying to write like rock riffs and stuff cuz that was what I grew up on. Like band Halen, led Zeppelin, ACD C The good stuff. The good stuff, yeah. As it were. Yeah. So I was really into, um, classic rock. So I was trying to write cool riffs, but songwriting didn't come into a plane until I was like 16 when I wrote my first song. And, um, I wrote it, I naturally wrote it about a girl who doesn't write their first song about a girl or something. Yeah. Um, but that was when I wrote my first song and I wrote like six or seven and I had my band back in high school, um, won a couple Battle of the bands and then we got to record our cd. So I actually have my first song I've ever written on an album and it's like out there to Speaker 1 00:12:07 Find. That's awesome dude. It's Speaker 3 00:12:08 A terrible song. Speaker 1 00:12:09 But still the fa but still that's, that's a cool story. That's gotta, at the time that had to be such a cool feeling too. Speaker 3 00:12:14 It was the coolest thing because like, like I didn't grow up in a small town, but there wasn't like a music scene there. Yeah. So being like, yeah, I have an album. People are like, no way. Speaker 1 00:12:24 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:12:24 That's awesome. How much is it? And I was like, you wanna buy my music <laugh>, why people Speaker 1 00:12:29 Actually buy music still. Speaker 3 00:12:30 Yeah. That, yeah. 2011 was a long time Speaker 1 00:12:33 Ago. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:12:36 Yeah. But, um, got into it there. And when I moved to college, um, I had my dorm and I couldn't bring my like guitar amp or anything because I had such a small space and you know, like quote quiet hours. So that was when I got into acoustic stuff and I got into production a lot more and, um, started writing songs because it was like, okay, well if I can't write a cool ass rock for if at least I can write some cool words. Yeah. And songwriting really came into the factory. It was about 1918. And, um, just took on from there. And then I kind of quit playing the electric so much and really grew into the like, songwriter. Um, put out an album in 2017, produced it myself. Didn't sound great. Not a producer, not a mixer by any means, but, um, released an album called Tonic and put out a couple of singles after that. Okay. But, um, yeah, songwriting really came into the fact when I was, uh, in my early twenties is when it really hit hard. Speaker 1 00:13:31 Yeah. When you need what? I mean, you needed something to do cuz you, you can't be sitting there jamming. Ah, no. That's gotta be a hard feeling for you coming from like home. Yeah. Were you were, so were you like jam? Were you like jamming in the garage kind of thing? Or were you like Speaker 3 00:13:43 Basement? Yeah, Speaker 1 00:13:44 Basement, yeah. Basement guy. Same kind of thing. So you, but you were like growing up jamming mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then you get, you go off to school and you're just stuck in this dorm room and you're like, I'm bored. I want to, I want to jam. I'm not gonna Speaker 3 00:13:55 Yeah. And y'all have seen the way I play my acoustic guitar. Yes. I play my acoustic guitar is the way I played rock guitar. Yeah. Yeah. I beat the shit outta my instrument. <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. So like, it translates well because now it's just this different kind of a thing that I do. And I still love playing electric guitar. I have a custom one coming in from Chicago that's had the worst fucking time getting to me. So back in April I got endorsed by a brand, uh, outta Chicago and they're like, what do you want us to build you? And I gave them all the specs of this custom guitar I wanted. And then I drove up in June to get it and I was like, two hours outta Chicago. And this dude called me and he's like, so I cracked the fret board this morning. Oh yeah. Cracked Speaker 1 00:14:35 The fret Speaker 3 00:14:35 That's not cracked the fret board that morning. Uh, so I stayed in Chicago overnight and drove back to Nashville and then he's like, it'll take a couple weeks, I'll get a new fretboard on it. No big deal. And then about a week later he called saying Gibson was suing him for copyright infringement on the Les Paul because he'd been posting photos of his guitars that looked like Les Paul's. And granted mine looks considerably different. Yeah. But since it was still the body shape, they he couldn't give it to me. Oh no. So then three months of litigation with Gibson, he finally was just, he got through it and to get the guitar, now I had to terminate my endorsement because if he gives it to me with the guitar endorsement, it's counterfeit product sale. And like it's this wild thing that's going on. So he got it sorted out. Then he mailed it to me. Endorsement terminated ups, broke the headstock off of it. Speaker 2 00:15:32 Oh Speaker 3 00:15:33 Yeah. UPS broke the headstock off of it. Speaker 1 00:15:36 Fuck dude in the mail here. Dude. What Speaker 2 00:15:37 The fuck in that, in that blue ridge we have over there, I have a Fishman ellipse matrix blend. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I ordered it from Sweetwater. I had to go through four of them before UPS finally stopped smashing them. Yep. And it wasn't like Sweetwater's fault, it's like, oh, here's a box like this. Let's just put like a box of bricks on it. Yeah. It was literally like the piece, like it's got a circuit board on it cuz it's got an actual preamp on it and all. And uh, like just the circuit board would just be smashed. Speaker 3 00:16:10 That's, Speaker 1 00:16:11 That's gotta be the worst thing though, is you guys spend all this money on gear. Like, I got no musical ability whatsoever. Yeah. I've never had to buy a guitar or buy drums or any of these fancy things or whatever. But the fact that you're trusting, I mean, that, that that's how you make your living. That's like, that's your life. Your life is those amps, those guitars, those strings. Like if something goes wrong with 'em, like, Speaker 2 00:16:29 Fuck. Well that seemed like on the road, like when something goes wrong it's bad. Speaker 3 00:16:34 Yep. If your head stock of your Les Paul breaks off, you're done. You don't get to play that gig. Yeah. You don't get to play that gig and then that can cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Speaker 2 00:16:44 Somebody, somebody asked me one time, I was like, why do you carry like three guitars to a gig? And I'm like, Speaker 3 00:16:49 What if one breaks Speaker 2 00:16:49 Protection, <laugh> Speaker 1 00:16:51 Insurance? Absolutely. Speaker 3 00:16:52 If all three of them break, then I'm gonna file a lawsuit for someone. Yeah. But if one of 'em breaks and I can at least get through the show tonight. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:17:00 What's your dream guitar? Speaker 3 00:17:02 Um, I really love like Standard Studio Gibson Les Paul. Like if I had it my way I'd get like one of those like early sixties models like Jimmy Cage played. Ugh. Speaker 2 00:17:13 Did you, uh, did you ever see the um, sixties tribute that Gibson did? Speaker 3 00:17:18 Um, of the Paul? Yeah. I, I'm not sure if I did or not. Tell Speaker 2 00:17:23 Me about it. Um, it's, it's like a nitro finish on it. It's got the sixties, like little slimmer neck and it had the mini hums. Speaker 3 00:17:31 Oh yes. The ones that aren't the giant, the standard Humbuckers on it. Right. Yes, I did see that. Speaker 2 00:17:36 Yeah. And they were like fairly reasonably priced. Cause it was before Gibson got a big head. Speaker 3 00:17:41 Yeah. <laugh> though. It was like 200 years ago before, Speaker 2 00:17:45 I mean, like Speaker 3 00:17:46 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:17:46 Before Gibson tried to do all the robo shit and then, then they like got big day. That Speaker 3 00:17:49 Was guitar. Those robo guitars were stupid. Speaker 2 00:17:51 Did you ever see the j the uh, songwriter addition that they did that? No. The robo, it had the tuna man bridge, which was genius because you know how hard of an intonation on an acoustic is, but like it had the robo tuners on it. I almost bought one and just like ripped the robo tuners off and put my on. Wow. Cause you could do that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But like, I was like, I Speaker 3 00:18:09 But it had t nomatic bridge on it. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:10 That's why. And that, that for me was a selling point. Yeah. Like it had like a, it was the saddle, like a normal thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But instead of having the bone, it had had Speaker 3 00:18:19 Matic on it. Speaker 2 00:18:20 Uh, what is it? The tusk, the, uh, graphtec tusk uht thematic on it. Awesome. So you inate it. Speaker 3 00:18:28 That's really cool. You just take off the robo tuners and then you just have a really, it Speaker 2 00:18:31 Was like an extra thousand dollars for that. And I was like, I'm not paying a thousand dollars for something I wanna Speaker 1 00:18:35 Remove. I I have no idea what you're talking about, but I just noticed your shirts. A Deadpool shirt with tacos on it. I'm just, I've been with you for like four hours today and I just fucking noticed that. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:45 I was waiting for you to say something Speaker 1 00:18:46 Fucking, fucking trippy. Why have tacos on it? And I ain't even, why not? It's Speaker 2 00:18:49 Shitty. It's not tacos, it's Speaker 1 00:18:51 Tacos and I ain't even drinking or stoned or nothing. And I'm like, whoa. What's that? Pretty sure Speaker 2 00:18:56 I was pretty drunk when I bought this. Speaker 3 00:18:57 Probably. I'm trying to up my graphic tea game. Where'd you get that? Speaker 2 00:19:00 Um, JC Penny. Speaker 3 00:19:01 Nice. JCPenney does have great graphic tea. I quite a Speaker 2 00:19:04 JC Penny here is the only store that freaking has a like big and tall section. Like I, I have to order tall t-shirts cause I have a longer torso mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so it's the only place I really go to get 'em cuz like Destination and XL and like all that kind of stuff's like, oh here's a Fender T-shirt that's a three XL tall. But instead of $20 like it should be, we're gonna charge you 80 cuz it's a tall Speaker 1 00:19:27 <laugh>. Damn. Only $80. Speaker 2 00:19:30 This was $5. Speaker 3 00:19:31 So $5 shirts are right, right in my wheelhouse. Speaker 1 00:19:34 Yeah. So back to music real quick. <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:19:37 I love the derailing. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:38 We've been talking Speaker 1 00:19:39 About music. No, you're good. Um, Nashville tour stop. How'd that come to be? Speaker 3 00:19:42 So Nashville tour stop started because in 2018 and part of 2017 I was doing this thing where like I knew almost nobody moving here. I knew basically my cousin and that was it. I moved in with him and I didn't know how to play. I like, I didn't know how to get plugged into the community. So like, I was playing as many shows as possible. And in 2017, so I moved July, 2017 at the end of July or the end of 2017, I'd played 80 shows. Wow. It was, it was a lot. Yeah. And I was like, all right. So I wanna do twice as much work in 2018. And in 2018 I played, uh, 160 something shows. Geez. So in that process of playing as much as possible. Speaker 1 00:20:25 So is that traveling around the country or is that here? Speaker 3 00:20:27 No, it's all in Nashville. It's all, I did two shows outta town. I did one in Knoxville and one in St. Louis. Oh. In one in my hometown Columbia. Okay. Yeah. So, um, yeah, it was like a, that's Speaker 1 00:20:37 A lot of kicking. Speaker 3 00:20:38 It was like 150 gigs in Nashville. That's Speaker 1 00:20:40 A lot of gi Especially as an indie, like as an independent guy really starting out that's really getting, Speaker 3 00:20:45 Yeah. So I really learned to craft like the perfect like email to send to someone who's like, Hey, I wanna play your show. How do I get involved? And like I've learned from just trial and error. The best way to book a show, those of you who are listening who don't know how to book shows, if you can send an email to a booking agent, it's less than one scroll on their iPhone screen. You're good if you can get it that concise, have all of your links hyperlinked in one sentence. Hey, here's my SoundCloud, here's my Spotify, here's my website, here's the tour dates I've played before and I don't give a shit. Here's my Instagram. Yeah. It's like, if you can get it all in one sentence, make it as easy as possible for a booking agent to find your information, you're way more apt to get that. And if you tell them, Hey, I'm looking for dates in October, you've already done half of their job. Speaker 1 00:21:32 Yeah. They know where to look on the calendar. Speaker 3 00:21:34 They where to look on their calendar. If you say, let me know when I can play. Speaker 1 00:21:38 No, you gotta give them something. You gotta Speaker 3 00:21:39 Give them something. Yeah. They're like, can you play this weekend? And you're like, no, I'm out of town this week. And they're like, oh shit, I didn't know that. Yeah. Like, tell 'em when you wanna play. If you do their job for them, they're gonna be like, sure. Here. Speaker 1 00:21:49 Yeah. So how did Bel Court taps come in to play for Nashville tour? Stop. Speaker 3 00:21:52 So I had been playing so many shows that Nashville Tour stop came out of this bar south of Nashville, um, asking if I would run and every other week riders round for two hours. They're like, Hey, we'll give you two free beers when you do it. Invite four people to come play. And I was like, awesome. Good deal. Good deal. And then that bar just had some issues with their sound and their lighting and the bar had its own issues. Yeah. So, uh, I left that place and took about a month off and kind of figured out, okay, so like, what would be a step forward for Nashville tour stop. And at the time when I was in my band, when we were playing all these gigs, we played CMA Fest at Bell Court and um, the bar owner was like, holy shit, what do you guys need? I'm here to help you. And at the time I was like, I need a place to host my show <laugh>. Yeah. Like here, we got two hours every Sunday. So it started six to eight every Sunday. And then they changed their programming and got rid of another show that was there on Sunday nights. And I picked up six to midnight every Sunday and all of a sudden it became this thing that wasn't just four people every other week. It was a hundred people a month or more that I had to book Speaker 1 00:22:59 With, with crowds. With crowds, with people coming out on a Sunday night, like Speaker 3 00:23:04 Watching. I see about 200 people a Sunday night now, dude. Speaker 1 00:23:06 It's a net. It's a network, it's an event. It's an event in Nashville. It's a, it's a premiered thing. Like Monday night, see yacht whiskey jam, Tuesday night there's revival, there's this, there's that Sunday night Sunday there's Nashville Tours, national tour. Stop. Dude. That's awesome. Yeah. That's gotta be such a cool feeling. And see it's Speaker 3 00:23:20 Cool cuz I didn't try to start this thing. No. It just kind of fell into my lap. Yeah, yeah. It just kind of happened and now it's my full-time job. Yeah. Like, like after I leave here today I have a meeting with a distillery because they wanna sponsor the event. I didn't even have to reach out to them. They approached me about it, dude. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. So I have so cool. Like I tried getting into business school when I was in college. Yeah. Bad grades. Didn't get into school, not good at it. And yeah. Not an, not an academic by any stretch, but they were like invol trying to be involved and I was just trying to figure out how do I get these people to invest in my company because basically I don't know what the fuck this is worth nor do I know that. Speaker 3 00:24:02 So I started taking stats of like who's in the room, like how many people are here, how long are they here, how many drinks are they having every night? And I just started hardcore data mining for the show. And now I have spreadsheet after a spreadsheet of just Yeah. Data about my show. And now I can literally just sell ad space to these people and be like, Hey, you want your name on the tv? This is how much it cost, this is how many times I'll promote it tonight. And that's how I turned into Nashville. Speaker 1 00:24:27 Yeah. Where can people find out more about it and how to get involved? So Speaker 3 00:24:31 More info about Nashville tour stop. You can find uh, nashville tour stop.com. That's our like home for everything. Um, best way to get plugged into a show if you want to play is coming to meet me at the shows. Like we have a contact forum on the website, but every time someone fills it out, I respond with the same message. Hey, come meet me at a show. Because you can look great online. Yeah. You can have a hundred thousand followers, but if you're an asshole, I don't wanna work with you. Speaker 1 00:24:58 No. You want, you want to be able to tell, I want Speaker 3 00:25:00 People to be there to support Speaker 1 00:25:01 The show and you want them to be there and see what it's all about. Exactly. Because, you know, maybe that might not be the right fit for them. Mm-hmm. You know? Mm-hmm. And, and but for the most part, it's a great fit for everybody cuz you have all styles and there's some nights where there's a lot of pop people. There's some nights where I've been in there and there's been hiphop like urban people. Yep. A lot of times there's of course country like all across the board and then there's times where you're up there just rocking it out. Yep. Millennials, by the way, <laugh> fucking me and Tyler were dying listening to millennials on Sunday Speaker 3 00:25:29 Without naming names. I got fired from a band. And that experience, uh, inspired me to write this song. Really? Yeah. Okay. Um, and like I was going through the worst bout of writer's block because, um, there was a whole bunch of stuff with like how the show was operating and everything and I was just distracted mentally. So I was trying to figure out like, how do I write and how do I play and how do I balance doing this show full time? Cuz I got laid off for my day job in May, so I didn't have income Yeah. At all. So I was really like stressed out all the time. So I did this exercise cuz I was an English major in college. Okay. And I did a whole bunch of writing classes. So an exercise was like, I would read through, I have a rhyme dictionary. I was reading through the as in the Rhyme dictionary. And every time I saw a word that I liked, I wrote it down. I wrote it down every word. And I had 200 words written down this day. And one of them was like, um, acrobat. And I just kind of tied these things together. And um, then this random thought came to my head cuz I was like, God, this is so stupid. I'm literally just writing down words. God, millennials are stupid. I was like, oh, Speaker 1 00:26:37 <laugh> there, it's there. Oh guys. Light bulb. Speaker 3 00:26:40 Yep. Light bulb. So I started writing down all, all these jokes about things that like, I hated about millennials. And it was like, um, like the vaping jokes and how they only vape weed and Yeah. Um, <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:26:53 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:26:54 Yeah. They only vape weed. And um, there's a line from a new girl if you've ever watched that. Um, but there's this guy who's like, I'm not sure if I know how to read or if I just have a lot of words memorized. And I was like, that sounds fucking funny. So I tried, I wrote a line like that into the song. I was like, I just learned how to like all of these things that are shitty and I played this song for my friend, and they're like, yeah, just sounds like you're shitting on millennials for four minutes. And I was like, I kind of am, but I need to figure out how to, like, how do I make it not just like Yeah. A bashing song. And I was like, well, I'm a fucking millennial. How do I acknowledge that I'm part of the problem? And that was when I wrote into things like, uh, the bridge where I'm like, my parents had an accident in 1993. Yeah. And then that's when people realize, oh, he's not an asshole. Speaker 1 00:27:41 He's writing, he's including, Speaker 3 00:27:43 He's writing it about himself. Speaker 1 00:27:44 Because I love that you wrote that. I love you got, you had the young, the young guns up there with you on Sundays, you were playing that you had SJ and you had Clayton and you had that whole crew up there. Yep. That's like the little babies. Yep. As you're singing millennials or do's just watching their faces too. Speaker 2 00:28:00 It's, my thing is, are those people even millennials though? Yeah. They're millennial Speaker 3 00:28:04 Generation. Speaker 1 00:28:04 Is SJ even a millennial? No, Speaker 3 00:28:06 I think she's Gen Z. Yeah. Shit. Yeah. Poor getting old Speaker 2 00:28:09 Millennials. 95 was the last year of millennials. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 3 00:28:12 Yeah. So all these kids are Gen Z and Speaker 2 00:28:14 Then like 96 to through two thousands, like what they call like the lost like generation because they really don't fit into either one. And then 2000 Ford is, or 99 or 2000 Ford is, uh, what they consider the new generation. Jeez. Speaker 3 00:28:30 Yeah. So millennials are dumb. Like, I wrote it as a joke and I didn't intend on it, like becoming this thing, Speaker 1 00:28:36 But people sing. But like, it's a crowd favorite. Speaker 3 00:28:39 It is my most requested song at my shows now, which is ridiculous. Cause I've got all these other songs that I love. But I'll be like, all right, here's this song. And then someone will be like, millennial. I'm like, oh my God. All right, here we go. Speaker 1 00:28:52 Here we Speaker 3 00:28:52 Go. Whatever. Yeah. That's funny, dude. Speaker 2 00:28:55 All right, so we have a segment here. Speaker 3 00:28:56 All right. Speaker 2 00:28:58 Speaking of, uh, Speaker 1 00:29:01 Speaking of millennials. Speaker 2 00:29:02 Speaking of millennials. Speaker 1 00:29:03 So what Tyler likes to do, and we don't give out the account names, but Tyler is a Twitter troll. Tyler's got five Speaker 2 00:29:09 Accounts, five of them that guys, Speaker 1 00:29:10 He, he goes on and fucking just rips people and he gets 'em blocked and he goes after celebrities. An I Speaker 2 00:29:15 Remember went after Old Town Road one time and literally that was my third strike. And Twitter was like, all right, you're done, <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:29:21 It's fucking Speaker 1 00:29:21 Great. So he just made another one. So he's just floating around. So he likes to look and see what you're tweeting. Are you a big Twitter guy? Oh, Speaker 3 00:29:27 I fucking love Twitter. Speaker 1 00:29:29 Oh boy. It's gonna be a cured 1 0 5. This good one. Speaker 2 00:29:31 Tyler. We're starting off with this one. Three days ago. Three Speaker 1 00:29:34 Days Speaker 2 00:29:34 Ago. Dumb dumb. Sucks are freaking amazing. Like, wow, <laugh> Speaker 1 00:29:39 What? What's a dumb dumb suck? Speaker 3 00:29:41 Dumdums like the sucker. What the lo I had a, I had a typo. Speaker 1 00:29:44 Did you just say sucker like a lollipop? Yep. See, I call 'em lollipops. They never, they're suckers. Sucker suckers. Speaker 3 00:29:50 Dumdum suckers. That's the, Speaker 1 00:29:51 Or eastern man dumb dms. Speaker 3 00:29:52 Yep. They're those tiny little ones that they have in the doctor's office. Speaker 2 00:29:55 What's your favorite flavor? Speaker 3 00:29:56 Um, I really love root beer. Speaker 2 00:29:59 Same root beer. Butterscotch for me. Speaker 3 00:30:00 Butterscotch. All right, love Speaker 2 00:30:02 Butterscotch. They're rare now though. Speaker 3 00:30:04 Yeah. There's only, I bought a bag, all Speaker 2 00:30:05 The people that love them, like not Speaker 1 00:30:07 Doing it. All the old people that love and the blue Speaker 3 00:30:10 Raspberry, but it's a little too much and it turns my mouth blue. Yeah. It's Speaker 1 00:30:12 Too much. It's like, yeah, it's like, so what else you got there, Tyler? Speaker 2 00:30:16 Um, Speaker 3 00:30:17 Oh yeah. Someone responded to dumb dumb sucks. Like, is that what they're calling them these days? <laugh>. And it took me a second cuz I was like, what the fuck? Oh, Jesus Christ. I didn't even notice it was a typo. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:30:29 Here's good one. Television gave me unrealistic expectations of what it's like to have friends as an adult. It's true. Speaker 1 00:30:36 Yeah. Yeah, it is. You watched, you watched a lot of sitcoms. It's different Speaker 3 00:30:40 Though. Yeah. And you're like, oh God, I'm gonna hang out with these five people every day. Awesome. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:30:45 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:30:46 Now we're going back a Speaker 3 00:30:47 Little bit. Yeah. And then you look at your, uh, calendar and you're like, oh, do you want to hang out on like December 14th at 3:00 PM I have 45 minutes free. Like, that's what it's like trying to hang out Speaker 1 00:30:58 With friends. That's not what they're doing in Big Bang Field. That's not what they're fucking doing. And how I met your mother, Speaker 3 00:31:02 Like, nope. You hang out with these same people all the time because apparently like you live with them. Apparently Speaker 1 00:31:07 That's not what Ted and Marshall did. They were together all the fucking time. Speaker 3 00:31:09 Yeah. They hang out at McLaren's all the time. All the time. How did you feel about the finale of how I Met Your Mother? Speaker 1 00:31:15 I thought it was good. I thought it could have been a little bit better, but I Speaker 3 00:31:18 Hate it. Yeah. I almost threw up. I hated it so much. Speaker 1 00:31:20 I mean, it wasn't as bad as the end of Game of Thrones. Speaker 3 00:31:22 I Speaker 1 00:31:22 Didn't see that Game of Throne. It was Speaker 2 00:31:23 Boring. Oh, buddy. Shit. April. Speaker 1 00:31:25 Oh boy. April we, Speaker 2 00:31:26 We went back a little bit here. The people at the bar in Applebee's and Murray, Kentucky at 3:00 PM on a Thursday are talking about their tractors. Speaker 1 00:31:36 <laugh>, I mean, what else is it talking about? Murray, Kentucky and shit. Speaker 3 00:31:40 That was it. I was there on a tour date Speaker 1 00:31:42 And I was gonna ask, what are you doing up Speaker 3 00:31:44 There? Yeah, I was there for a tour date with that band I ended up getting fired from, and um, <laugh>, I, I showed up early for a gig and they're like, yeah, you got time to kill. And I was like, well, looks like I'm getting day drunk at an Applebee's. Speaker 2 00:31:58 I did that yesterday on the podcast. Speaker 1 00:32:00 He got fucking drunk yesterday. Really? Middle of one of these. Speaker 2 00:32:03 Part of the thing was I hadn't ate any food in like over 12 hours. Speaker 1 00:32:08 He turns into the Snickers commercial when he is hungry. That's why we had to stop at Arby's. Which I'm sorry about that by the way. We're walking here with Arby and shit, but yeah, he got, he got choked. Speaker 2 00:32:15 All right. All right. Last one. Speaking of drinking, this is also from April. Speaker 1 00:32:20 April was a good month for you, huh? Speaker 2 00:32:22 Yeah. Yeah. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:32:23 I drank some whiskey, Speaker 2 00:32:24 I ate some pizza. I had a beer. My stomach feels like a war zone. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:32:31 That is, that is, that is great. Internal combat veteran Speaker 3 00:32:33 Status. Yeah. It was internal combat. It didn't end well. Never. Speaker 2 00:32:36 That's, that's, yeah. That's a typical like Monday morning for all of us here. Speaker 1 00:32:40 Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:32:42 Yep. Twitter's one of my favorite things. It's the only social media platform I don't take seriously. Speaker 1 00:32:46 Yeah. Do you, do you find it's a way that people connect with you though? No. No. Absolutely not. So that's for you. You're Speaker 3 00:32:51 That one's for me. That Speaker 1 00:32:52 One's for you. Like your journal kind like, or just Yep. You, you have something on your mind. You can get it out. Yep. Speaker 2 00:32:57 That's why I have the fake accounts, because I can say stuff that I, Speaker 3 00:33:01 I have a fake account. It's called I saw a dog and I just take photos of strangers dogs and post 'em there Speaker 1 00:33:07 <laugh>. That's a great idea. You gotta follow him with, you should. You Speaker 3 00:33:10 Should look for a photo of Cooper. Speaker 1 00:33:12 Oh, there you go. That's great. Um, that's awesome. No, Speaker 2 00:33:16 I, I just have one and I'm not gonna read the one that I posted yesterday, but let me actually go to, cause I'm on my real account now. Apparently I was doing something important. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:33:26 Yeah, he's got like seven, eight accounts on that fucking phone, dude. So like, uh, Twitter, the worst but the best at the same time. Speaker 2 00:33:36 God. Um, alright, here's, here's one. Uh, hanging out with her girl today. She asked if she could put on her new favorite album. I said sure. She put on the new Zack Brown record. I immediately called an Uber <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:33:51 Which I love Zack Brown with the new record just so fucking over. It's not great. It's not great. No, it's not great. Did you hear Speaker 2 00:33:56 That he's doing a solo project now too? Oh Speaker 1 00:33:58 No. Oh boy. So he's, he's, he's just dropping. He's having, he's, he's having his Chris Gaines. He's gonna come out with a new character. Speaker 3 00:34:05 It's no longer the Zack Brown band. Just the Zack Brown. Speaker 1 00:34:07 It's gonna be Zack Purple <laugh>. He's gonna come out and do like Melodic America. He's gonna Speaker 2 00:34:13 Shade darker. Zack Black. Zack Speaker 1 00:34:16 Black. Zach Black. He's edgy. Um, did you Speaker 3 00:34:19 See the, uh, collaboration between Jack White and Jack Black? Jack Gray? Jack Gray? I Speaker 1 00:34:25 Haven't seen that. Oh, it's great. I wanna see it. Cause I love tenacious days and I love I know Speaker 2 00:34:29 Zach White. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:34:30 Yeah. Jack White is Jack the shit Speaker 2 00:34:32 Too. Jack White, whatever Speaker 1 00:34:32 His name is. So we, so we usually wrap this thing up with, with our guest playing something. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, do you want, do you wanna play something for us? You cool with that? We got like 1,000,001 guitars here. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:34:40 I can play, I can play some. Yeah, I can do that. Speaker 1 00:34:42 So what song you wanna play for us today? All Speaker 3 00:34:43 Right, so little backstory on the song I'll play. It's called Rock and Roll Degenerate. Okay. Um, rock and Roll Degenerate is a story about how I've lost about 90% of my hearing. I don't even know if y'all knew that. I did Speaker 1 00:34:54 Actually. I did. I I was aware of that. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:34:55 Yeah. So I've lost most of my hearing and not through playing music, but, uh, the bones in my ears when I was younger, they all hardened together. Ooh. So yeah, I can't hear a whole lot. Um, so I want, I've been wanting to write a song about it for ages and then it finally came to, um, so Rock and Roll Degener is the story of how, like, I was losing my hearing and doctors and family members and everyone were saying like, Hey, you need to stop playing music. It's gonna make it worse. And my response was, fuck you, Speaker 1 00:35:18 Fuck you. This is my thing. I'm, this is what I do. I'm doing this. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:35:21 So Rock and Roll Degener is actually been catching me a little bit of success. Success lately. And, um, what happened was, in May I got an email from the Hearing Loss Association of America. Wow. Asking me to be their keynote speaker at the November conference. Ooh, Ville. Speaker 2 00:35:42 Heck yeah, Speaker 1 00:35:43 Dude. That's fucking awesome. Speaker 3 00:35:44 Yeah. That was right after I had done the Today in Nashville show, where I played the song, they found me there. So I'm speaking about being a musician with hearing loss and still doing the thing and making it like my career despite the fact that it's hard. And then in July I got an email from, it's like the National Federation of Deaf Musicians or Athletes or something. And they're doing an Olympic fundraising event. So it's part, it's the little brother of the Olympics. Yeah. And they asked me to perform at this thing in November as a fundraising event for para athletes that are going to the Olympics. Speaker 1 00:36:21 Dude, that's awesome. Speaker 3 00:36:22 Then. Congratulations. Two weeks ago I got an email from a company in Los Angeles asking me to be in a Hyundai commercial cuz they're putting vibrating seats into their cars and they need to feature deaf musicians. So I'm waiting to hear back, I'll hear back in a couple of days if I'm gonna actually be in a fucking Hyundai commercial. Speaker 1 00:36:40 Oh hey. Could be great in a commercial Hyundai. There you go. Speaker 3 00:36:43 Yes. But like, this song's taken care of me for a little bit. Dude, Speaker 1 00:36:47 That's awesome, man. That's fantastic. Yeah. Like, and you probably had no idea it would go there. Nope. When you're writing that, you're writing that as like a, as give flipping the bird to the people setting. Yeah. Flipping the bird. Speaker 3 00:36:56 That was the whole point. It was like, and I wanted to write a song where I could willfully give the bird to the audience Yeah. And have him not get mad at it. Yeah. But yeah, I'll, I'd love to play that one. Awesome Speaker 1 00:37:04 Dude. Well, real quick, where do people find you on social media and stuff before we wrap this thing? Speaker 3 00:37:08 Um, so my personal social medias are all at the Aaron Shill cross platforms. You can find me there. I Speaker 2 00:37:14 Did find your other Twitter, by the way. Speaker 3 00:37:16 Which one is that? Oh, I saw a dog. Speaker 2 00:37:18 No, no, no, no, no. The the, this is my backup in case. Oh, Speaker 3 00:37:22 Cool. Sweet. Speaker 2 00:37:22 Yeah, that's the one I originally went to and then I found Speaker 3 00:37:25 Oh, awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I think I did that one like years ago just in case. And I probably, yeah, there Speaker 2 00:37:30 Was nothing for a long time posted, so Speaker 3 00:37:31 I was like, Nope. You're like, that's probably not the dude. Well, Speaker 2 00:37:34 They also said in your title, this is the backup for Speaker 3 00:37:36 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:37:36 So Instagram the best way to connect with you. Speaker 3 00:37:38 Yeah. Instagram's the best way to connect with me at the Aaron Shield and Speaker 1 00:37:41 Then for Nashville Tour Stop. Speaker 3 00:37:42 Nashville Tour stop. We are at Instagram and Facebook at Nashville tour. Stop. And then national tour stop.com. Speaker 1 00:37:47 And guys and girls, if you wanna play a show or you're looking for something good to do on a Sunday night and you're looking to network and you're new to town, or you've been in town for a while, wanna do something different. I highly recommend getting your ass to Bel Court taps every Sunday night, six to 12. And there's people that are hanging out there past 12. Like they're Oh yeah. Those late night people. Yeah. The late night crowds a fun crowd at Belco. I enjoy the late night round. Speaker 2 00:38:08 So, and if you, uh, if you really wanna make an evening of it, get before you go there, go next door to McDougall's and get you some chicken. Get you some Speaker 1 00:38:14 Chicken, get you some get there like five o'clock, get you some chicken, then get in there. Make sure you check out that six o'clock round and just great music. Back to back to back to back to back. Yep. Speaker 2 00:38:23 Public service and announcements. No announcement though. If you do have an egg allergy, get grilled. Get grilled. Figured that one out the heart way. Speaker 1 00:38:30 Yeah, Speaker 2 00:38:30 I have an, I have an egg allergy buddy. Speaker 1 00:38:33 So, so you're gonna play, um, you're gonna gonna play, um, degenerate or rock and roll de rock and roll. Degenerate for us. All right guys, thank you so much, Aaron, for making this happen and coming and hanging out with us. Y'all fitness and your schedule. Congrats on all this success. Thank you. Thank you. Our boy Aaron and, uh, Tyler. Another one in the books, huh? Yeah man. So you guys can follow us along. Make sure you subscribe If you haven't already, make sure you also throw a little review on there. A little five star rating wherever you're listening. Just, uh, just remember that we're going to a, uh, every other week. Yep. Every other week. We're putting these out Now. Spacing 'em out a little bit as Tyler and I are out there. Road dogging, bang hanging and Shaw dogging. And you can follow us in the round podcast on Instagram and Facebook. You can follow at just a wandering, wandering like he's moving, not wandering like he's thinking. That gets like, I'm lost a lot cuz he's fucking from South Alabama and talks like that. And then you can follow me at Matt Barre. And, uh, thank you guys for listening. Now without further ado, it is our man the founder of Nashville Tour. Stop the kid himself, Mr. Aaron Shill with Rock and Roll Degenerate. Y'all been listening to the In The Round podcast. Speaker 4 00:39:59 Oh, oh, before you Die, tell the Truth, but Ain't lie. So I gave him the finger. A rock and roll.

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