Rome Ramirez

Episode 179 June 21, 2024 00:45:42
Rome Ramirez
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Rome Ramirez

Jun 21 2024 | 00:45:42


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

On episode 179 we're joined by the legend, Rome Ramirez! Rome shares his story of coming up you in the LA scene and getting to work with Sublime for years as 'Sublime With Rome'! He also shares his decison of moving to Nashville, writing songs in LA vs Music City, and what he has been cooking up in solo project! Lots of new music and good vibes to come from a longtime journeyman in the industry! 

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Rome Ramirez (Guest): @romeramirez | @sublimewithrome

Matt Burrill (Host): @mattburrilll

Outside The Round (Podcast): @outsidetheround

Raised Rowdy (Network): @raisedrowdy

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:12] Speaker A: Come on. [00:00:15] Speaker B: This is outside the round with Matt Barrill for Razor Alley podcast. Check. [00:00:21] Speaker A: I think we're. I think we're solid. My man, Rome Ramirez. [00:00:26] Speaker B: Hey, man. [00:00:26] Speaker A: My dude. Good to. Good to finally meet you, bro. And thank you to miss Allison over there setting this thing up. [00:00:32] Speaker B: Absolutely. She's the best, my brother. [00:00:34] Speaker A: It's good to. It's good to formally meet you on this beautiful Monday. [00:00:37] Speaker B: Dude, I'll take this. This whole week in Nashville feels like California. Yeah, I mean, and it's funny, it's like when you tell people. Cause I talk to my mom all the time, and she's out in California, and, you know, she'll be like, how's the weather today? And I'm like, oh, you know, randomly, every once in a while, I'll be like, oh, it's a beautiful California day. And she'll be like, mm hmm. I'm like, what? Can't you believe that? Like, no one can believe that. That we could have, like, at least, like, one or two days a year. But it feels great. [00:01:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Dude, where in cali you from? [00:01:07] Speaker B: Northern California. [00:01:08] Speaker A: Nice. [00:01:09] Speaker B: But, like, southern California was, like a second home to me just because all my family was down there, so I spent a lot of time in just California in general. It's such a big state, man. [00:01:18] Speaker A: Yeah. I've only been out. I'm originally from New York. [00:01:20] Speaker B: Okay. [00:01:21] Speaker A: I've only been out to San Diego, which is a cool, cool spot to go if you're gonna visit one. [00:01:25] Speaker B: That's where a lot of my family's from. [00:01:26] Speaker A: Oh, really? [00:01:27] Speaker B: Yeah. So I'm, like, San Diego specifically, like, that whole north county and south county. Like, that's, like, that's my spot. [00:01:33] Speaker A: Yeah, the street. The street tacos blew my mind. This was, like, years ago. I went out there BC before COVID so I know it's. I know the COVID changed. Slide that mic a little bit closer. [00:01:42] Speaker B: To, if you don't mind, just to. [00:01:43] Speaker A: Eat that up, but. So how long have you been living out here in the south? [00:01:48] Speaker B: I think we're, like, coming on, like, year five, I think. [00:01:51] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:01:52] Speaker B: Yeah. Cause we moved out here, like, right before things got crazy with COVID and then, like, we got our, like, we found the spot, like, right of, like, march of 2020. [00:02:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:02:03] Speaker B: So it was, like, perfect timing, and then boom. I was, like, done touring for, like, two years, so it was like, okay, man, I'm really glad. Cause as I was closing up in LA, man, that city was becoming, like, just so distant from what I remember, you know, it. It was dead. So dead. And as somebody who's grew up and, you know, I spent, like, the last ten years of my life, 15 years of my life out in LA. It was hard to see the city like that, man. [00:02:31] Speaker A: That's how I feel about New York, too. Cause I grew up in, like, the New York suburbs, so having New York City, like, that whole area has changed, dude. [00:02:38] Speaker B: That was tremendously. It was like, if you spent good time in the city to see, like, you know, my city or whatever, but to see the city that, like, you love and, like, really connect with, go through such a drastic change, man, it had, like, a huge effect on, like, my psyche and, like, my art and stuff. So I was like, you know, yes, let's go to where the, you know, where the creativity's at. And. I don't know. It was actually my wife's idea was the move to Nashville. [00:03:06] Speaker A: Really? [00:03:06] Speaker B: Yeah. I got, like, cold feet, too. We were supposed to move in, like, 2018. [00:03:10] Speaker A: And what was the reasoning for wanting to come here, of all places, besides it being music city and you being in the music game? [00:03:17] Speaker B: Well, it's really beautiful, but I'd always come out here and, like, do rights and stuff, whether it was, like, for myself or for, like, other artists. And I don't know, I just, like, really, you know, always loved the city. I've been coming here for, you know, about ten years, and towards the end, like, you know, towards, like, the later part, I started bringing my wife out, and she came out on this one trip. I was out here doing some writing and stuff, and we got, like, an airbnb, and we were just, like, laying in bed, and she was just like, would you ever, like, think about moving here? And I was like, what? I'm like, california boy. I mean, I'm like, I don't. I couldn't even fathom that. [00:03:58] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:03:59] Speaker B: And. But then I, you know, started thinking about it right there in bed, and I'm like, I mean, I could. I could do anything. You know, I'm not attached to anything like that. So I was like, yeah, it could be cool. And then that's all you gotta do is tell your wife, like, you just give her, like, an inch, dude. You know how it goes. Like, with your girl. She'll like, you know, she'll. She'll get it done, you know? [00:04:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:04:16] Speaker B: Here's a Pinterest board. Here's some, like, zillow stuff. [00:04:18] Speaker A: I'm like, whoa, then Pinterest boards are dangerous. [00:04:22] Speaker B: They're dangerous. Paint a whole reality. So. But I'm glad though, because that was the seedling that, you know, kinda, you know, we're three kids deep now, and congratulations, you know, it's awesome, man. It's. It's really beautiful. I know. It's definitely changed a lot since even I started visiting here. Yeah, it's cool, man. It's so cool to see, you know, just how much music is still just flowing through the streets here. [00:04:45] Speaker A: And it's all kinds of music, I think people so crazy, people on the. On the outside think it's just. [00:04:51] Speaker B: Just country thing. So funny, dude. They do. [00:04:54] Speaker A: There is. There's so many different, like, little sections of town where cool shit is coming up. Like, you go to East Nashville, you don't even think you're in the south a hundred percent. It's a whole different vibe over there. [00:05:07] Speaker B: It's like a mixture. I always say, like, east is, like. It's like a mixture of, like, La, Atlanta, and New York, all Tennessee. [00:05:13] Speaker A: It's got a little Brooklyn, but it's got a little La vibe. It's got some of those, like, hipstery spots of, like, even, like, Chicago or Austin. [00:05:19] Speaker B: Oh, for sure. For sure. [00:05:21] Speaker A: Different elements. And that's what's cool is that it is. It is a melting pot and that all genres are accepted here now. I don't think it was that way 1020 years ago, dude. [00:05:29] Speaker B: Not when we were kids, remember? It was like, I mean, I don't know how old you are, but I'm, like, 35 and it's like, actually, I'm 36 and, like, two tomorrow. [00:05:36] Speaker A: Oh, happy. [00:05:37] Speaker B: Happy birthday, my man. But I mean, you know, like, when I was at school, it was just like the rocker table. [00:05:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:44] Speaker B: And the rappers, you know, and then, like, the drama kids, you know, and I'm sure to some degree, but they're all listening to post Malone, and they're all listening to, like, you know, jelly roll. It's like, it's all the same sort of people now. All listening to just good stuff, I feel. [00:05:58] Speaker A: What table. What table were you sitting at? [00:06:00] Speaker B: Oh, man, I wasn't. [00:06:01] Speaker A: What were you listening to? [00:06:02] Speaker B: I was out, dude. I should have been. [00:06:05] Speaker A: What were you doing, dude? [00:06:07] Speaker B: I mean, you know, I would always, like, just be gone and, like, I smoked a lot of marijuana, like, you know, a lot, you know, still. [00:06:15] Speaker A: I'm California sober, so that's what I do. I do that over. Over drinking and stuff, dude. [00:06:21] Speaker B: Yeah. And I'll, you know, I'll tie back, but I'm not, like, any, like, you know, I don't do any other thing other than weed ever. Yeah, so that's like my thing, you know? And in school, I mean, dude, we were just. It was always just band life and, like, writing songs and we would just like, you know, cut school, go hang out at the homies house that had the bad parents and let us hang out there and we'd just play music and smoke weed and then listening to records. [00:06:46] Speaker A: And this is the classic two thousands band stuff. [00:06:49] Speaker B: Totally. Totally, man. And then, you know, go skating and just mess around. But, yeah, I suffered tremendously in school. That was a. It's just a really difficult time for me, man. [00:07:00] Speaker A: But I'd say you turned out all right because those years, man, you figured. [00:07:04] Speaker B: Out some of that. [00:07:05] Speaker A: You figure out what you wanna do. Like, for me, like, I did the college thing, but I was very involved in my college radio station and I spent more time on the mic doing radio related, which gave you that experience. Yeah, I actually, I was talking about San Diego before I got my teachers to let me skip class to go to San Diego. Cause I was going for to help tour ended up not having anything to do with tour management, but help out an artist that was going out there. [00:07:30] Speaker B: Those are good teachers. [00:07:31] Speaker A: And it was like, yeah, because you get that real world experience. So now you've been in this music game so long, that starts. [00:07:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:38] Speaker A: And when you're. When you're hanging with the boys and you're creating and you're jamming out, you. [00:07:42] Speaker B: Know, you gotta kind of believe in it. [00:07:43] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:43] Speaker B: Like, there's this level of insanity that you gotta have to. Where, like, you could see it. [00:07:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:49] Speaker B: You know, like, I knew from the moment I started playing guitar, I was like, oh, all right, this is what I'm trying to do. Like. Cause before that, it was like skateboarding and basketball, you know, and I was like, in my head, I was like, well, you know, I'm trying to be like Kyle Jordan, you know, I'm trying to try and be like, you know, freaking Roddy Mullin. [00:08:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:08:11] Speaker B: And then, you know, I heard sublime and I fell in love with the music and I was like, oh, I want to learn how to play this on guitar. Then I started playing guitar, and the moment I started playing guitar, I was like, I'm never gonna be Michael Jordan. I'll for sure never be Rodney Mullen. But this thing is fun. And I could, like, probably get good at this if I, like, keep practicing. And, like, that's all it was. But it was the thing that kind of just, you know, took me from. From that point on, which is really early like, point of my life, I think I was, like, twelve years old when I already just kind of had that feeling like this was all I was trying to do forever. [00:08:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:08:48] Speaker B: So, you know, life kind of took me in, like, different places, but that was still, like, the core of everything. And I. Yeah, like, you know, I'd even have, like, teachers later on in school, you know, being like, hey, all right, you can go leave early because I'd have, like, an acoustic show in Berkeley or something I'd have to make or whatever. So, you know, it's. It's cool to, like. I guess it kind of helps out just having, like, a compass to kind of guide you through, you know? [00:09:12] Speaker A: Yeah. What are those early gigs? Like, what was that first. Remember your first band? [00:09:17] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, dude, totally. It was a actually my first band. I played drums, for which. [00:09:24] Speaker A: Oh, you've been all over the place, on the stage, all different things. [00:09:28] Speaker B: Totally, totally. I mean, cool. Well, because, like, at an early age, like, I started playing guitar. My best friend started playing guitar, my brother started playing guitar. Dude, the whole crew, we're all just guitar players. That's the lamest thing in the world. Like, everyone wants to learn how to play guitar. No one's parents wants to buy them drums. So it's like, we're just literally, we'd be like eight guitar players deep. So I'd be like, well, I'll play bass. Fine. So I'd, like, learn to play bass. And then, like, my dad started hanging out with these. This dude, and they started a band. So my dad started playing drums later on in life. Turned our garage into a jam room. [00:10:05] Speaker A: Oh. [00:10:05] Speaker B: So everything changed at that point. Like, in our garage, we had drums, guitar amps, pa, a keyboard with the amp, like, all kinds of stuff, you know. My dad was a tweaker, so it was all stolen and just. It was all over the place, but it was there and I'm very grateful for it. And so I just became the utility dude by default. Cause, like, all the homies play guitar. [00:10:28] Speaker A: That's the best guy to be in the band. [00:10:31] Speaker B: It kept the music going. Yeah, that's what it was. Whatever anybody needed, I'd be like, oh, I'd step in. And mind you, I'm no, like, savant, okay? I could just do my thing and just at least hold it down until someone greater came in and be like, here, bro, here's the sticks. Or here's the vase. But. And then, you know, it just kind of allowed for the music to go on. Cause I was always just encouraging all my homies like an old. All my friends growing up like, bro, let's jam. Let's start bands. Let's start that band. Let's do that band. [00:10:59] Speaker A: Whatever. What were some of the early band names? Because I love, like, two thousands bad names. People come up with the craziest shit when they're in high school, like those early ages. Just like, this is the sickest name. Then you're like, nah, we're gonna do this one. No, we're gonna do this one. [00:11:12] Speaker B: I had one. It was called stuck on stupid. Cause I liked the so's. But then we heard slightly stupid, and then we're like, well, we can't. It's not enough room for two stupids in the world. You know, we got enough stupid, and they're the ones that deserve, so we're not gonna go do that. And then another one we had was, like, one of my, like, for some reason, we started this, like, alternative band. We were in junior high, and that was. It's called Arcadia because it was, like, just like a female version of an arcade. So something like one of our buddies was like, I just wish we could just make love to the. To my Xbox. Like, all right, man, whatever floats your boat, dude. Which, by the way, he ended up becoming a video game tester and working for Sony, so, like, yeah, that's kind of rad. Shout out to Matt. [00:12:03] Speaker A: That's awesome. [00:12:04] Speaker B: But, yeah, man. And then that's. Yeah. And then someone just was like, yo, I'm gonna call you Rome. And that was, like, my solo name from that point on. I was like, okay, I'm not. I was, like, trying to start all these bands and stuff. And it's hard for people to really kind of, like, commit, you know, and, like, want to, like, just be in a band all the time and do stuff for free and be broke and poor forever, and. And then, you know, I just started. I was like, you know what? I'm just gonna go by Rome and, like, just gonna stick with that and, you know, do my own thing and try and put a band around my songs. And that's what it was for a while, you know? That was, like, the last band name I had until I met the sublime guys. [00:12:45] Speaker A: Yeah, and you talk about, like, growing up, like, hearing sublime and wanting to learn the songs on guitar. And then a huge chapter of your career is Brandon being on the road with those guys that you've. That you remember listening to and hearing for the first time and getting you into music. What kind of fever dream was that? [00:13:05] Speaker B: Like, I mean, it's like. I mean, it is very much just like the movies. You know, I went from, like, zero to hero, like, or, you know, so to speak, in terms of my life. I surpassed everything that I'd ever thought I'd ever amount to, you know, uh, which is pretty crazy. But, you know, that's like. I guess it kind of goes back to, um, you know, like, I always believed that some, like, I'd be doing something in music. [00:13:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:31] Speaker B: Never to this magnitude, never with my favorite band. You know, these are things that you could never pencil in. But I knew that, you know, I had a feeling, like, if I followed because of my mom, she was always just like, you know, do what makes you happy and, like, you know, all the other shit will work itself out. [00:13:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:48] Speaker B: But just, you know, trying to be happy first and foremost. And. And I'm very fortunate in knowing what made me happy very early on. And that's what it was. [00:13:58] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:58] Speaker B: And it was music. I mean, if it was, you know, shoes, you know, maybe I would have started a shoe business or something, but it was music. And so I had that. And never in a, like, million years would I think it would be, like, with sublime. But, you know, when that opportunity came, it was like I had to really take a step back because I knew that it was one of those decisions where it was, like a total fork in the road where it's like, you could go this way or you could go that way, but this is, like, one of those moments in your life you maybe have, like, two or three of those, if you're lucky, where this decision is, like, super, super crucial. [00:14:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:40] Speaker B: And I just remember, like, having to take a second and, like, literally, like, you know, after they asked me, I was like, you know, sitting in, like, dude's living room, and I was like, can I get a second? Like, can I just, like, step outside? And they're like, yeah, go ahead. Had I just, like, stepped outside and inspect when I smoked. I was, like, smoking a cigarette and just, like, looking up at the sky and, like, just talking to God, like, is this really going on right now? Yeah, like, what the hell's going on? This is, like, insane. [00:15:04] Speaker A: Like, you for real right now? [00:15:05] Speaker B: This is, like, everything ansem, you know, like the whole kitchen sink. [00:15:10] Speaker A: So, you know, how old are you when this decision. When. [00:15:13] Speaker B: Oh, dude, I was, like, 18 when this was going on. [00:15:16] Speaker A: So you're fresh out of. So this. [00:15:18] Speaker B: Yeah. Or, like, 1919. Yeah, I dropped out of high school when I was, like, in sophomore year to, like, move down south and do the band thing and, you know, move to LA, started working at a studio and then, you know, just like interning, like, wherever I could. [00:15:34] Speaker A: Yeah, get. Get your reps and pay your dues. [00:15:36] Speaker B: Yeah, man. [00:15:37] Speaker A: So to go through that, it's not like this, this just happens where you get this call from the sublime guys. It's, it's. You were paying your dues in a studio and you. Those, those couple of years of grinding in LA, which I've never been to LA, but it sounds like New York, where you've really got. You got to bust your ass because if you're not, somebody else is. And you got to get that opportunity. It leads you that they got, like. [00:15:58] Speaker B: The best people flying in every day in Lax. Just like the most talented and the most, like, handsome and prettiest people every day, every hour. The flights, dropping off, like, the next Billie Eilish or whatever. [00:16:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:16:09] Speaker B: So, you know, but that's what kind of led me out of LA was because I was like, dude, this is crazy. Like, I'm just trying to get a freaking job at subway right now so I can keep affording to sleep on this couch, let alone to finish the song that I was writing like a month ago. Like, I'm just trying to survive my guy. So that's where I, like, started hanging out in Orange county more and where I, like, was frequenting the studio and I met the studio owner and, I mean, that's when everything kind of really. [00:16:41] Speaker A: Started changing, became a part of the scene a whole different. You got to see a whole new scene and that whole new thing, that scene was popping at the time, dude. [00:16:50] Speaker B: It was like, just getting going, really. [00:16:52] Speaker A: Like, that's what, that's like, what? Like, 080709? Like that era. [00:16:56] Speaker B: And that's like, actually even before the sublime, like, anything with sublime happened, like, that's where I met this band called the dirty heads. [00:17:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:17:04] Speaker B: And, you know, they were like just kind of getting their thing going and just touring around in the van, you know, playing like 50 people. And we got together and wrote a song and that song went number one and changed all of our lives in like three months. So it was like this crazy thing of, like, everything happening all at once because this was all going on at the same time of me hanging out with Eric and jamming sublime songs. It was like I'd be doing that and then I would be like, hanging out with the dirty heads and, like, playing shows in the van with them because this new song's popping at radio and then at the same time of all that, sony just signed me as a writer, and they. They were like, do you want to write songs for other artists? And I'm like, I didn't even know artists didn't write their own shit. [00:17:50] Speaker A: Like, I know I could just get paid to write songs. I had no idea what is a publishing deal, 100%. [00:17:55] Speaker B: So I was like, let's go. Go. So I'd get off the road with that jam with Eric, some sublime stuff, and then go, you know, down to LA and then just do writing for, like, Rihanna and David Guetta and all this crazy other stuff. So it was. And all this was all going on at once, and I was like, life is awesome. This is never gonna stop. This is crazy. [00:18:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:13] Speaker B: And it just, like, you know, just continue to just open up more doors and things were just, you know, it was nuts. But circle back to, you know, getting it going. What that was like, it was very much like the movies because it is. It is like that. Everything, like, it's like the straight line and then something pops and then it's like, if it, like, really pops and it's like. And it goes and everyone, like, attaches on and, you know, you meet all these people and it's just like this crazy rush, and I'm just grateful to, like, be over that and kind of, like, on, like, the calm waters again. [00:18:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:55] Speaker B: And then kind of see that and, like, I'm still alive to be like, yeah, dude. You know, I'm not, like, beaten down or jaded from the game. [00:19:02] Speaker A: Yeah, I spent a few years kind of, like, my background. I was in radio for a while up in New York and then moved down here, and then I ended up on the road as a tour manager, as a merch stuff. So I did the road thing. [00:19:12] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, it's like. [00:19:13] Speaker A: So I. I've done the. The van, I've done the bandwagon. I've been lucky enough to do the bus a couple times. I've done the suv, all kinds of shit. But that. That road grind, man, I'm feeling it this week because we were at. We're in festival season. [00:19:25] Speaker B: Okay, so you. I'm still in it. [00:19:27] Speaker A: I'm on stage, MC and people. [00:19:28] Speaker B: Right, okay, okay. [00:19:29] Speaker A: Like, doing with raised rather what we do. So my voice. How do you keep your vocals right? Because that's something I struggled with. And I was just. I said, I wasn't even saying 45 minutes set or hour set. I was just up there hyping up the crowd in between sets, my man. Lots of water, lots of water hydration. [00:19:44] Speaker B: I mean, that sounds so boring, but it's like, you get to that point where, you know, it is. Like, it's your job. Like. Yeah, it's like what you do. Like, you know, if you build houses, like, you gotta, like, you know, take care of your shit, like I imagine or something. [00:19:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:59] Speaker B: I can't build anything. My wife is a far better builder than I am. [00:20:03] Speaker A: My girlfriend's a better builder than I know that. [00:20:06] Speaker B: We just do what we do best. [00:20:07] Speaker A: Totally, totally. Go ahead, baby. [00:20:09] Speaker B: All good. Yeah, right. No ego here, baby. Build a bunk bed. But, you know, I keep my lawn green, though. But what was I saying? But, yeah, man. Dude, just honestly, like, I know if I can get a good night's rest and then drink some water, honestly, if I could just go to bed early and, like, not stay up hella late bullshitting with the guys, yelling, laughing. You know, the later I am, it's the later I'm drinking. So if I could just cap that, then I'm always good the next day. [00:20:39] Speaker A: Because then you end up into the cigs and the cigars. Yeah. You end up at the bar, at the after party. [00:20:44] Speaker B: That's right. [00:20:45] Speaker A: Then you're trying to talk over the music. [00:20:47] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:20:47] Speaker A: And you wake up the next day and you're like, fuck. And then you got to get that. Like, I just got some of that vocal spray trying that this week. I'm trying, like, the. The. Like, the throat coat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I just need an appreciation for you guys that have to go out there, especially a guy like you that's a singing mother. Fuck her, man. [00:21:06] Speaker B: Oh, man, thank you. Like, honestly, once I had kids, dude, that was it. The cigarettes, the going to the bar till like six in the morning. Like, dude, it was all gone. [00:21:18] Speaker A: How old are your little ones? [00:21:19] Speaker B: Seven. Five. Well, he's. He's gonna be seven, five and three. She turns three in like five days. [00:21:27] Speaker A: Wow. [00:21:28] Speaker B: Yeah. I got him tattooed here because I need to know the dates always. It comes in so handy. Yeah, it really does. I'm like, when's your birthday? [00:21:37] Speaker A: Awesome, dude. [00:21:39] Speaker B: But, yeah, man. Like, once. Once I started having children, I was like, oh, wow, I can actually, like, I can actually sing for, like, you know, these next seven shows without it sounding, like, awful, you know? [00:21:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:21:50] Speaker B: Cuz I just wasn't staying up party. It's almost. [00:21:52] Speaker A: Yeah. What's. What's writing a country song versus writing a pop writing with Nashville folks versus writing with La folks. Cuz I look at, like, say, like a, like, current, like a Sabrina Carpenter song. Like that espresso song that you can't go without hearing right now. [00:22:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:07] Speaker A: And there's, like, 30 writers on the thing. Like, the writing credits. It's a whole different thing out there, versus. [00:22:14] Speaker B: Yeah, it's wild. Well, a lot of the time, too, is, like. Like, in LA, like, you'll get, like, a starter. Like, you'll just sample a track from the nineties, you know. Was it out of my head? Is it out of my mind? How can I ever feel so fine? Boom, five writers off top, like, starting. [00:22:33] Speaker A: Oh. Cause if it comes from somewhere else. [00:22:35] Speaker B: Yeah. Just immediately, you could tack that on. So, like, especially if you're gonna sample, like, you're my little boot thing. You're my little dude. Like, that's a huge. Like, what is that, a Casey and a sunshine van sample in there, bro? They're like, seven on that off top. So already, this is why you see on some of these, like, you know, Rihanna records or some of these Jay Z records, like, they'll be using three samples in one composition. That's like, ten writers right there. And then they get their ten writers. Now you got 25 writers. [00:23:06] Speaker A: You got the guys making the beats and people that are in the room 100%. [00:23:09] Speaker B: So, I mean, it becomes this giant thing, and that's very conducive to Los Angeles. Like, you know, out there, in a lot of the sessions that I'm in out there, I mean, it's just like, whoever's in the room, you just dice it. You just coming up with the idea. You're working on so much volume out there that you'd be lucky if anything even goes, you know? So it's more. So just, like, let's just get ideas and, you know, keep the creativity going out here. But out here, it's a lot different because the ecosystem is different for the creative out here, at least more so. You know, a little while ago, it's really expensive out here now, but in comparison to LA, it's still so much better. But out here, you know, it's very common. Like, it's not uncommon for a songwriter, a successful songwriter, to own a home. [00:23:57] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:23:58] Speaker B: You know, in LA, I mean, it's. It's. It's all. That's a whole different ballgame, you know what I'm saying? So what I mean by all this is, like, it as songwriters, you can see other songwriters winning and seeing their success and being praised on billboards going down music row. And it's this whole thing where, you know, it's a profession and it's way more like, you know, serious and it's way more organized and structured and, and you could just kind of see it where I feel like. And this is my opinion, by the way, but in Los Angeles, you know, it's just so much more of like a shot in the dark and more broadly that, you know, the percentage isn't as, like, revered as it is here in LA. You know, I mean, you here in Nashville, we're like, it's like, yo, is this a three way or four way? I don't even know if I'm gonna do the right, you know. Okay, it's a three way. All right, I'll show up for that. Like, that's a real thing, you know, and I totally appreciate that because people know here, like, they're not out here for the most part, you know, listening to splice, trying to catch a vibe, it's like, no, you're coming here to write a song. [00:24:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:24:59] Speaker B: You know, it's like, we're here at nine in the morning, we're gonna write a song and I'm trying to be out of here by two. But if we're here for it is what it is, you know, and, and give it your best and that's like, that's such a different environment than a lot of LA, you know, especially when you're young and kind of upcoming, you know, working with other upcomers, you know, it's like where LA? We're at a writing camp over here at, you know, east west. Hell, yeah. Hey, Keith in the runner to get a bottle, like different vibe, you know? [00:25:31] Speaker A: Yeah. Have you found writers that you vibe with really well out here? [00:25:34] Speaker B: Oh, there's some awesome ones out here. Yeah, totally, man. Shout out to my boy, Chris Gobuda, Jordan Fletcher. [00:25:40] Speaker A: Oh, dude, Jordan. [00:25:41] Speaker B: Jordan's so good, man. So Jordan, talented. [00:25:44] Speaker A: Jordan is one of my favorite dudes in town. He's about just salt to the earth guy. [00:25:49] Speaker B: Yeah, right. And talented. [00:25:50] Speaker A: Like, the band that I used to sell merch for is a band called Muscadine Bloodline. And Jordan was their original merch guy. Oh, no, I have that in common. I had him on the pod a few, few years back and love what he does and it's, he brings that Florida that he does would create well together because it's, do we write great man vibes? [00:26:11] Speaker B: We have some songs that I want to be putting out and, yeah, we. He's a, he's a talent, for sure. I mean, that's, that's like one thing out here, man, that, you know, I'm very, very grateful for since moving back here is, like, being much more appreciative of, like, the song. You know, in LA, it's kind of easy to get kind of caught up in the game, too. Oh, there's a lot of stuff going on, you know, and there's people and, you know, you start thinking of, like, moves and, you know, your career more so. But at least for me, coming out here, you know, it was just, I'm sure it's a lot, like, it's really complex for, you know, if you grew up here in Nashville, like, everything that's going on now and how busy it is and everything, but in comparison to, like, you know, growing up in Hollywood specifically, like, man, it's so wild out there. Like, music is just a small subset. Like, it's like you got influencers and film and tech and TikTok and it's like, it's just so. It's such a different beast out there where it can get noisy and out here. [00:27:13] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a tough ecosystem. [00:27:14] Speaker B: You can just focus on the song and the song is still so powerful out here. And I love that about, dude, because. [00:27:20] Speaker A: It all start, it all starts with the song. [00:27:22] Speaker B: It does. [00:27:23] Speaker A: It all starts with the song. You can have some great musicians, but they got to have a song to play sometimes. [00:27:27] Speaker B: You got to remind the industry folks that sometimes. [00:27:29] Speaker A: Honestly, man, honestly. So looking over the notes that we got here. So the solo career thing, when was the decision to, to really, how did that all kind of transpire to 2020. [00:27:42] Speaker B: Man, once, once we got on that serious lockdown, like, I started to do live streaming on twitch. Yeah, like, turned on some cameras. [00:27:50] Speaker A: It's a twitch. The cool thing, man. [00:27:51] Speaker B: Dude, it was so much fun. So much fun. And, like, you know, it was cool because I, like, I've been in just immersed in, like, sublime world for so long, and then I get off sublime world and then honestly, I just, like, write and, and cut for other artists and stuff. I did get a record deal when I first joined sublime. I signed, like, a double deal with fuel by ramen and, man, that was, like, just such a crazy time. Like, because I work with so many just awesome people and. But I was just getting pulled in so many different ways. And then, like, with sublime. Yeah, you know, as busy as it was and in its heyday, like, you know, the, you know, rendition with me in it, like, it was just like, my focus was just so all over the place, you know, it was, like, so hard for me to really sit down and be like this is what I want to do. It's like I'm riding with all these, like, awesome people that I love and I'm, like, touring the world with sublime. Like, this is so hard to just focus on me right now. [00:28:50] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. [00:28:51] Speaker B: But sometimes the world hands it to you. And that's what the pandemic was for me. It was, like, kind of crazy, but it was the first time since being in the band where we'd ever, like, took the year off. Took the year off, but, like, didn't play. Yeah, I mean, cuz, you know, we just always, like, we're just hitting our market. [00:29:11] Speaker A: You guys were just always out. Always out. Dude, I do always play. Growing up, growing up in the northeast, you guys would come to Jersey and. [00:29:19] Speaker B: Hundred percent and, like, hit do like two nights there. And then we go down a little bit more and then play down, like, on the beach, like, Hampton. It's like, yeah, it's crazy, dude. But that's what, like, dude, it was like the funniest thing in the world. That's what, like, taught me everything and, like, weathered me, you know? And, like, I wouldn't trade none of it. I've been all over the world because of sublime. So very grateful for that. But that little, like, lull when we took that time, you know, when. When the whole world got shut down for pandemic, man, I started live streaming and then just like, actually kind of, like, connecting with these people that I was playing to for like the last, you know, seven, eight years and just kind of like live streaming and being like, yo, what's up? We started building this little community and, yeah, dude, it was just like, mad fun. And, you know, be like, okay, I'll be live streaming again on Friday. And then, you know, they'd set up, like, a group and they'd be like, he's live streaming on Friday. And it just started to turn into these things where, like, you know, I would start running through the sublime with Rome catalog on acoustic. And then I would go through the sublime catalog and then they would, like, send me songs to, like, cover on the stream. [00:30:23] Speaker A: And then probably the best part, you get to play the shit you've been working on. Like, that stuff people haven't even heard. They go nuts. [00:30:28] Speaker B: That was the part when you say. [00:30:30] Speaker A: Hey, we're gonna play an unreleased one. People go nuts. They hear. Unreleased is a magical word, dude. It is, man. The family loves that. [00:30:38] Speaker B: They love it. And I didn't even know that that was, like, kind of what was brewing. But, you know, I mean, in the comments, they were just like, you know, what? What do you got? Like, let's hear some of the stuff you've been working on. I'm like, I should probably start working on some stuff. So, like, then I just started working on. And honestly, man, like, that's when I started to really put together, like, this sound of everything that, like, roots rocksteady, where I'm from, but mixed in with the writing that I, you know, that I come from, and then, you know, with this, like, soul from, like, how I grew up with and what my voice lends itself to, and it started to kind of make sense. And, you know, I started putting together all these songs, and then boom, it was like, the lights went back on, and then, like, okay, we're out on tour. We're making up for lost time, you know, all the people on our team, you know, like, you know, everybody was just like, okay, you guys got to hit the road. It's time. And, you know, that that got kind of put. Put on the back burner. But this last year, being on the road with slightly stupid. This last summer, man, it was like. [00:31:37] Speaker A: Another full circle moment. You talk about that band that so's idea earlier, and then guys, dude, we do. [00:31:44] Speaker B: I'd be out, like, drinking beers on. On the guy's bus and just like, you know, we'd be having our bro moments. I love you, man. I grew up worshiping you. You know, they'd be like, you do sublime, so justice. I love those guys, man. They're such, such great, great dudes. But, yeah, man, you know, you can kind of start to see when, like, the writing is, like, on the wall for a project, you know? Cause it's kind of like a marriage, you know? Like, you get to know someone so well. Like, the subtleties of just when things start to shift and when things start to change. And that had really started kicking in, like, at the top of last year with sublime, with Rome at the top of 2023. There are a lot of things just kind of going on internally with Eric's health and with Alana and everything. And we were in the middle of making a record, and you could just kind of see, like, okay, there's going to be some, like, serious decisions that are going to have to be made. You know, at the same time, I had been living in Nashville and just, like, writing a whole bunch of music, so it's not like that part of me ever stopped. [00:32:47] Speaker A: Catalog of everything, all kinds of stuff. [00:32:50] Speaker B: Just like, a bunch of great songs because the talent out here is just stupendous and, you know, I'm like a workaholic, so it's like a great combination. [00:32:58] Speaker A: Perfect. [00:33:00] Speaker B: So, you know, I'm really thinking about it. And, you know, in all honesty, like, the whole idea, like, for me, towards the end of our summer tour, you know, we kind of went through some stuff and I told the guys, I was like, listen, I'd like to fulfill what we got on the books for the remainder of the next twelve months. I know we got stuff slammed up, but I want to take some time off and I want to do my thing. You know, I want to put out this music and some records and it seemed like everybody was on the same page for that. But then, you know, like, three months later, I'm pretty sure they kind of, you know, took an offer from Coachella and, you know, decided to keep the band going. But with Brad's son as a singer. [00:33:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:33:42] Speaker B: And, I mean, this band was never my band. It'll always be Brad, Budd and Eric's band. [00:33:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:33:48] Speaker B: And I have tremendous respect for sublime always, because those are my favorite band. How could I not? But my whole thing was like, as long as we can finish out the shows for the fans and nobody gets sued and, you know, everything's good, like, yeah, y'all do whatever you want to do, you know, like, that's. That's amazing. No hard feelings, you know, I just don't want anybody to, like, feel like, you know, they paid for something and didn't get what they wanted. [00:34:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:14] Speaker B: You know, and that's. That's the part that becomes tricky for me, you know, because when you throw out, you know, two instances of the same band touring, like, that can become confusing for people when the narrative isn't there and, well, you know, I just would have loved to known that this was going on so we could have, like, you know, handle what we wanted to say and done this gracefully for the sake of the legacy, you know? [00:34:35] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [00:34:37] Speaker B: But, you know, you don't always get, you know, what you want, so. Yes, it is what it is, and, you know, they'll find their success. I know that, you know, and, I mean, I'm having the time of my life just connecting with these fans on the farewell tour and. Yeah, and setting up the new music, you know? [00:34:52] Speaker A: Yeah, dude, exactly. And the new music, I hear, like you said, you've been working. You're. You're a damn workaholic. You're. [00:34:58] Speaker B: Oh, man, I'm always teasing it online. [00:35:01] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, you're, you're teasing. You're teasing. To the folks, you're working on a lot of stuff. What do we got to look forward to right now in the year 2024? We got some new music coming. [00:35:10] Speaker B: Yeah, man. I got a new single that I'm dropping in July. I'm super excited about. [00:35:13] Speaker A: What's the vibe? What's. What's it called? What's. What's the vibe of? [00:35:16] Speaker B: So I'm taking everything, like, deconstructed on this one just to kind of get back to, like, my roots. That's how I got started was with, like, broken down acoustic, vocal, acoustic instruments. So instead of, like, really kind of hitting it full fledged with, like, full production, I wanted to kind of reintroduce myself with, like, the roots nothing. [00:35:34] Speaker A: And now, and that is such a reflection of, hey, I've been living in Nashville for a while, dude. [00:35:38] Speaker B: Right. [00:35:39] Speaker A: We do the shit. [00:35:39] Speaker B: I want to sing it. I want to play it on my guitar. That's kind of. [00:35:42] Speaker A: That's the Nashville way, dude. The singer song. Don't let the song have its. Have its moment at the core, and then you can develop it from there, bro. Yeah, 100%. [00:35:51] Speaker B: So this is the first song that I put together in the pandemic, you know, and it's really, like, for the fans because this was the one that they were like, yo, please. I'm, like, super tight with, like, my supporters. Shout out to the romies. We're like discord and the Facebook groups, like, I'm always trying to give back to them, always, you know, I mean, it's just, it's such a awesome, like, relationship and ecosystem that we all kind of share. It's like our own world. So, you know, I'm always like, what song you guys trying to hear next? You know, and. And I'll be in the live streams and I can just kind of tell by the, you know, by the feedback and stuff. So this song, black and blue is the. Is the first single that I'm dropping. Started this summer. It'll be out in July, and. Yeah, man, I'm pumped. I was just in the studio finishing up some of the production on it. [00:36:36] Speaker A: And new single, black and blue. [00:36:39] Speaker B: Yes, sir. [00:36:40] Speaker A: Coming. Coming in July, you said? [00:36:41] Speaker B: Yeah, I think it's a 19th, 17th. July 17. [00:36:47] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [00:36:47] Speaker B: First date. I haven't wanted to announce that. [00:36:49] Speaker A: That's sick, man. So. And you, you've been in town now. Where are some spots in Nashville that you like going to, like, where does. Where does Rome hang out in Nashville? [00:36:59] Speaker B: When I'm home in my living. [00:37:00] Speaker A: When you're home. When you're home. Yeah. Well, I guess. Yeah. No, dude, you have been on the road a lot. [00:37:06] Speaker B: Dinos love Dino's. Got a great cheeseburger. [00:37:10] Speaker A: They do have a good burger. [00:37:11] Speaker B: Um, where else? Probably nowhere really fun. I, uh, there's a spot called La Muneca on Nolansville pike. I'll go there. It's got really, really good mexican food, and it's next to the Talpas market where you can go and, you know, it's like your big super Mex market. [00:37:31] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a whole, like, I didn't realize, going from New York, that there'd be this much mexican food. Oh, no. [00:37:37] Speaker B: Onesville pike, bro. That's, like, my spot, bro. Like, I go there and I'm like, okay, south Nash. I'm in LA. [00:37:45] Speaker A: South Nash to Antioch. It's funny. We joke around. We have a. We have. We joke. Like, I used to live in Antioch, and it's like, we. We call Antioch. We call it the other other other la. Like, yeah, Los Angeles. You've got Louisiana, you've got lower Alabama. Then you've got lower Antioch, the other other other. [00:38:02] Speaker B: Totally. Totally. [00:38:03] Speaker A: So, yeah, no one's. Dude, there's no. [00:38:05] Speaker B: Those lit. There's a lot of good stuff over there. [00:38:07] Speaker A: Great. Like latino food, mexican food culture. [00:38:10] Speaker B: Coco's italian. I just had that. [00:38:13] Speaker A: That was banging fire, bro. Banging fire. [00:38:16] Speaker B: Super good. There's a spot, uh. What's that? Where's that spot that cheese always goes? The tea and kettle tavern. What's it called? The tavern. It's out in the middle of Fairview, but it's really good. [00:38:29] Speaker A: Okay, so that's out there. Yeah. [00:38:31] Speaker B: Biscuits. Yeah. Um, and then where else? Man, I cook a lot. You know, I got a traeger. Big shout out to Traeger. They, like, before that, I mean, I was. I was never really a cooking guy. You know, I'd barbecue my fair share, you know, burgers or something, but, yeah, they laced up our band with the Traeger in, like, 2017, and we took it on the road, and, dude, we were all cooking. Like, even og, like, Eric was cooking it up, too. It was, like, fun. So, you know, I, like, was making a bunch of content with it. And they sent me a new one, and for my house, they sent me a new one for my house. And, man, I just really got into it. I was like, okay, I'm just gonna learn how to do this. And, man, I'm. This is gonna sound really, like, dramatic, but I really do mean this. If it wasn't for traeger, I don't think I would be, like, cooking as much for my family as much as I do. Yeah, like, I have, like, you know, really took on a huge role of, like, the guy who cooks because, I mean, my wife, she cooks amazing meals as well. But, like, it's like, it's easy for me to just be able to cook and provide for the kids, too, like, with the food game, because I'm just always on the traeger and it's right there and I just turn it on. I'm like, we're gonna eat chicken. We're gonna eat this, and I'll just cook whatever protein we got. [00:39:45] Speaker A: So that's awesome. [00:39:45] Speaker B: It's been awesome, man. Just experimenting and just trying new shit out on it, you know? [00:39:49] Speaker A: That's sick, man. Um, what's something that you would tell that, um, that 1415 year old Rome dropping out of high school, getting ready to do his thing, what would you. What advice would you give him now, looking back 2020 plus years later, what would you. Would you tell that kid that's like, yeah, I'm not doing the school thing. I'm going to music. I'm moving to LA. [00:40:09] Speaker B: Like, just keep making decisions based on fun. It'll serve you right. You know? That's still all I do. Just if something sounds like, you know, I don't get too caught up on, like, numbers or that kind of stuff. Like, always, like, when a band sends me something, always listen to the song first. [00:40:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:31] Speaker B: Like, is the music good to dictate, you know, if I want to listen to him, like, even your podcast, like, when Alison sent it over, I was like, just send me a clip. I just want to see what it's. What it's about. I'm like, oh, this is dope. You know, later, after the fact comes, oh, is it popping? Is it that? But it's just, do I want to, like, you know, be with other people who are putting out good shit, good. [00:40:52] Speaker A: Art, you know, do I want, do I want to, do I want to do this? And then also, like, living for the story and being like, I'm gonna want to tell this, like, totally, I'm gonna want to tell. Tell this story or this is gonna be something hundred percent. This has the potential to be something really hundred percent. [00:41:07] Speaker B: And you got it. You know, like, with me, just at an early age, I was always just like, I'm just a down dude. I'm always down. Like, you could, you know, you want to go do this? I'm down. Let's do it. You know, so you know, but you gotta, like, kind of stay open minded for that. And, you know, if you're doing things for, like, money, if you're doing things for, like, you know, cloud or something, like, you're probably gonna get let down, but if you're doing things for a good time, you'll probably have a good time, you know? Yeah. [00:41:36] Speaker A: And then, you know my boy Trey Bonner, right? Yeah, dude, so. [00:41:39] Speaker B: Course. Trey's amazing. [00:41:41] Speaker A: That is my, like, that is my best friend. What's your. Do you have a. Do you have a good Trey Bonner story? Oh, I spent time on the road with him. Me and him were on the road together for about probably like, two or three years. [00:41:51] Speaker B: Yeah, we've. [00:41:52] Speaker A: We've been through all kinds of shit together. That's my. That's my dude. [00:41:55] Speaker B: He's. He's a great guy, man. Well, me and him, like, it was like, some, like, random. Random, like, winter day in December, and I was like, you know what? I'm gonna shoot some content. And we. He, like, came over to my house and, you know, he was like, just stand right here in front of the bush. This is a good shot. I'm like, right here. He's like, yeah, a little more. I'm like, here. Like, yeah. And then we, like, shot this video, and then that thing got, like, 2 million hits on, like, instagram. And, like, I got, like, 70,000 followers in, like, two months. I was like, dude, we got to shoot more videos, bro. [00:42:28] Speaker A: Bonner's just. He's just the vibe, dude. [00:42:30] Speaker B: He's great, man. He's. He's a. He's a talent. And, you know, he's another one of those people where it's like, you know, you want to work with people who are, like, love what they do and they're passionate, you know? And then they put out good stuff and, yeah, yeah, good things happen, I think, when you align a lot of that energy together, you know? [00:42:46] Speaker A: I remember being on the road with Bonner. We were in Milledgeville, Georgia, and we were staying at, like, staying at, like, a friend of the artist's, like, house or whatever. [00:42:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:55] Speaker A: So Bonner have to do too much. I did all the driving, doing tming in the van. Bonner went through a case of white claw before the show, before doors he went through. [00:43:04] Speaker B: Must be nice, bro. [00:43:05] Speaker A: Dude, he was. He was loving. He's like, man, my photos are gonna be extra blurry tonight. I love Bonner's. My dude. So big shout out to. Big shout out to tb, Trey Bonner. Well, Rome, it's been cool. Getting to getting know you, dog, and appreciate you coming out here to the, coming out here to the herm. I got the surfside for you. [00:43:23] Speaker B: Thank you very much. [00:43:24] Speaker A: Take that home to the, the wifey or if you want to enjoy, it's just, it's vodka iced tea. [00:43:29] Speaker B: I'll be enjoying these. [00:43:30] Speaker A: Very good vibe with, with the, with what you're doing. It's, it's very, very Rome friendly, like, yeah, chill vibes, you know. Dude, you're sitting out. Beautiful, beautiful day. You're cooking on the traeger crack. One of these. You'll be, you'll be chilling. There you go. There's a good pairing, right? [00:43:45] Speaker B: That's the move right there. [00:43:46] Speaker A: Find out, find you on all the socials and where can we. I want to jump on one of these lives and we'll watch you do your thing. Oh, dude, all the romies out those. When do those happen? [00:43:55] Speaker B: I got them synced up to where I, when I go live. It's on, like, twitch and on YouTube. So, you know, you don't gotta, you know, pick one, do them both. But, yeah, so I, I try and do them weekly gets a little difficult, but they're usually, like, on a Wednesday or Friday whenever my kids go spend the night at their grandparents. And I can actually, you know, sing at night, so I can do it, but, and then you can follow me on, like, you know, just Instagram at Romania is my name. Tick tock, all that stuff. And. But I'm usually pretty active on, like, Instagram and YouTube. I'm always, like, uploading, like, weekly vlogs and stuff on YouTube and just all kinds of music, content stuff. [00:44:34] Speaker A: It's. [00:44:35] Speaker B: Yeah, I love it, man. It's fun. [00:44:36] Speaker A: We love it, man. Thank you. Appreciate coming and doing this. Y'all be sure to check out our man, Mister Rome Ramirez. All the romies out there, shout out to all the Romis. Black and blue is coming soon, but be on the lookout for that new stuff that, you know, that he's always teasing. And, bro, appreciate you coming on. [00:44:51] Speaker B: Much love, man. Thanks for having me. [00:44:53] Speaker A: Thank you guys, as always, for watching and listening to outside the round. You want to find out more about us, visit from my man Rome. I'm Matt Brill. This has been outside the round peace. I never been the kind for still one place for too long I ain't never been the best at sin I love you to a girl I love only got a couple tricks on my sleeve they usually just make em leave so if you know me if you really know me you know I'm just a two trick pony. But maybe the drink and the lack of money for show I'm just a two trick on it. [00:45:42] Speaker B: Our channel.

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