Logan Crosby

February 06, 2023 00:57:35
Logan Crosby
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Logan Crosby

Feb 06 2023 | 00:57:35


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

Logan Crosby joins Matt to share his story, talk about Georgia, reality TV and new music! 


You can find Logan Crosby on TikTok, Instagram and wherever you enjoy your music! 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:14 What's going on everybody? Welcome to, uh, another edition of the In the Round podcast. Uh, it's Your boy Matt Brill here. And today we've got a very special guest, um, coming off the high of another national championship in Athens, Georgia. Uh, a new face here in Nashville. Tennessee's making some big waves and got a huge 2023 plan. It's my boy Logan Crosby. Logan, how you doing, brother? What stuff? Speaker 2 00:00:35 I'm good. Thank you for having me, dude. Speaker 1 00:00:37 Um, we're we're doing good here, man. So you just got here in October? Speaker 2 00:00:40 October 1st. Moved down. Speaker 1 00:00:42 Damn. See I was October, 2018. And October's a fun time to move here because it's like when things are starting to slow down as far as the bachelorette parties and all that stuff. So you get more of that local flavor. It's still kinda warm. It's not this 20 degrees one day tornado warning, then 60 degrees today kind of shit where we're wearing short sleeve shirts. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And the other night we were wearing jackets and shit. But how you liking it so far? Being up here? I Speaker 2 00:01:04 Love it. It's great. So it's, it's a lot of fun. And yeah, I moved in October 1st and broke in my apartment and went out and, you know, did some stuff I probably shouldn't have done, I think. Speaker 1 00:01:14 Now Where, out where in town, where in town are you living at? Cause there's like a danger, like if you're living in certain parts of town, you're, you're the walking distance to those bars that first week can be Speaker 2 00:01:23 Rough. I know it was, I'm in like Belmont Hillsborough neighborhood, so I'm like a five minute Uber drive to, you know, midtown. So I had a lot of fun. Speaker 1 00:01:30 Oh yeah, I'm sure, man. You get, you get to know Red Door and, and Losers Red Door v well live Oak tin Roof. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which people forget that it's the original tin roof that's here in Nashville. So people are like, oh, it's just another tin roof. They got one of those in everywhere, but it's like tin Roof on the mum hits just hits different. Speaker 2 00:01:47 Oh yeah. I mean, but we were at, I think it was Doghouse. Yeah. And went and watched the Georgia Missouri game and we about choked so probably took too many shots at tequila. And, and I don't drink tequila, so we broke in the, the apartment bathroom real well that night. So it was, Hey dude. Speaker 1 00:02:05 It, it happens, man. Now how old are you? I'm Speaker 2 00:02:07 22. Speaker 1 00:02:07 You're 22. Okay. So you're Georgia alumni. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> no dogs. Um, how, uh, what exactly like prompted the move for coming up here? Was it just like, Hey, I'm a I'm a Georgia guy. There's a shit ton of other Georgia guys and girls up here, let's make this move up like all my friends have Or was it wanting to do the country music thing or wanting something different? Yeah, it Speaker 2 00:02:25 Was wanting to do the country music stuff. I originally went to Georgia and majored in political science. Thought I wanted to go to law school, hope Boy. Then I figured out real quick that I was not going to be a good law school student. <laugh> and I had always wanted to do music and stuff was starting to happen. So I'm like, you know what, let's just go ahead and move up. And so that's why we did. But yeah, I mean, we wasn't gonna go to law school. I figured out real quick, that was not my path in life Speaker 1 00:02:48 Dude law. I would've been, I, I feel like law school stuff. See, I was a communications major. I took the easy way out. I was like doing radio stuff and like my class, my classes were like not the law school route. Now would you, would you have stayed at Georgia to do that? Or were you looking at bouncing around? Well, looking, looking, did you not even even get that Speaker 2 00:03:05 Far into it? About, I say looking at my, you know, practice LSAT scores, I think I would've went to like a night law school and, you know, which would've been fine. But yeah, I was, I actually minored in communications. Okay, okay. I literally took so many public speaking classes cuz I love to talk. My advisor's like, Hey, you need one more and you can get a minor. I'm like, why not? Let's just do it. So I did that and, but yeah, no, I was not gonna do law school. But, you know, it was a dream at one point, but figured out that yeah, the Speaker 1 00:03:31 Public speaking stuff's gotta help you a lot now doing this artist thing and Oh yeah. Having the growth on social media, which as a young artist, the, the tools that we have now to grow on TikTok, Instagram, hell even even Snapchat mm-hmm. <affirmative>, all those, all those tools that they didn't have back in the day to where you don't necessarily need to have music out for people to hear your voice and be like, I like what this guy's doing. Speaker 2 00:03:52 Oh yeah. I mean, that was, I got started, you know, when I started posting on social media, it was literally me in a bedroom in my college apartment and my phone was propped up against a window sill and I was just playing covers and talking to people and things started happening. And so, I mean, what, what were, Speaker 1 00:04:07 What were some of those first covers you were doing? Oh Speaker 2 00:04:08 Gosh, let's see, what are you listening to by Chris Stapleton? Um, that's Speaker 1 00:04:13 Not an easy song. You went Speaker 2 00:04:14 For it. Oh yeah. I was like, you know, if we're gonna do it, let's do it. <laugh>. And so that one and like Lady Maye and just, it was, I would just, people would request stuff and if I knew it, I'd play it. And then it was, as soon as I, you know, kind of started getting some followers, I went down to Guitar Center and Athens and bought speakers and mics and just started playing. And that's kinda when I started doing Speaker 1 00:04:34 Frat party circuit, Speaker 2 00:04:35 Uh, couple sorority and fraternity events, couple just bars and whatnot, and just kind of started playing and had a blast doing it. And so I was like, you know what, let's just do it. So that's what we're doing. Hell Speaker 1 00:04:46 Yeah. Now where in your, I'm guessing from your, from your, from your accent, you're not I'm, I'm from New York. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I got, I talk fast. I'm a damn Yankee. You from Georgia originally? Speaker 2 00:04:54 From Georgia from Milledgeville. Speaker 1 00:04:55 You're from Milledgeville. From Milledgeville. Okay. Oh, yes sir. I'm looking at m Milledgeville. Milledgeville is a, is a wild, Speaker 2 00:05:01 It is something Speaker 1 00:05:02 Else place. We had a night there that, um, we live in infamy for arts touring days where we, uh, had us a wild night at Ned Kelly's and understand why Milledgeville has the reputation that it Speaker 2 00:05:14 Has. Oh, yeah. Growing up in Milledgeville was fun. And it was cool with somebody that, you know, loved music and, you know, always aspired to do it because I mean, you never knew who was coming through Milledgeville. I mean, all kinds of people did. And so growing up and probably snuck into, uh, that time it was Capital City. Yeah. Probably snuck in there a couple times as Speaker 1 00:05:32 A, a historic venue. I mean, you can't talk about country music in the last 15 years without talking about Capital City and now Ned Kelly's and Rocky and mm-hmm. <affirmative> and the crew that's been through there from it being the first spot of Brantley and Colt Ford singing Dirt Road anthem to a young cover band, drunk Luke Bryan coming through Al Dean coming through. Mean you can't talk about country music without talking about Milledgeville, Speaker 2 00:05:51 Georgia. Yeah. I mean, it is, it's a great place. And, you know, growing up there, it was just, like I said, you'd just be walking down the street and you'd see a poster and it's like, oh shit. You know, Brantley Gilbert's coming to town. Speaker 1 00:06:01 Yeah. We went to, um, the, I think it was like the, there's a music store right across from, is it a music store, an antique store? There's all kinds of interesting little Speaker 2 00:06:09 Shots. Yeah. I mean, right across there used to be a music store right across the street from Ned Kelly's, and then it's closed now, but I mean, there's all, there's a card shop. A guy sells baseball cards. So it's old school. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I mean, so it's something else. But how Speaker 1 00:06:22 Many people you graduated high school with? Speaker 2 00:06:24 Well, I went to a private school Okay. In Middleville. So I graduated with 42 people. Wow. Speaker 1 00:06:28 Yeah, I think that that's about when McElwain graduated with, he's from Selma, Alabama. Uh, which they're small. That's small town stuff too. Yeah. What's it like graduating with, for like, so you know, everybody, what's it like being in a, being in a, like a thing that's that Speaker 2 00:06:41 Small? I mean, it was, I it was a K through 12 school, so I mean, I literally went to, I mean, hell, I went to, you know, daycare without these people. There's pictures of us in diapers running around when we were three years old and then we graduated high school together. But it was cool. It was fun, you know, we all, we literally, I feel like we were family. I mean, because we kind of were, and we knew everybody's mom and dad and everybody knew everybody's business. So it was cool. But I mean, it was a lot of, like, I was the one person in my high school that sang and whatnot. So that was cool cuz there were a lot of people that were like, oh, he's the only one, so let's listen to him sing. So that was cool. Speaker 1 00:07:13 That was singing in church? Speaker 2 00:07:15 Uh, yeah, I started singing in church. I think a lot of people that grew up in the south Yes. Singing in church. My grandma didn't gimme a choice when I went and stayed with her. And so it was a, you know, it was a damn choir and there were 20 people in the church, 18 were in the choir, and then it was the pastor. I'm like, who are we singing, Taylor? Why, why don't we all just sit down and sing? You know? But yeah, I mean, that's where I started. And then it was kinda as I started to get older, you know, and in high school I learned to play guitar and then would just play at parties and whatnot. And then Speaker 1 00:07:40 Playing to get the girls Speaker 2 00:07:41 Playing to get the girls. And then went to college. And that was my party trick for sure. In college. Speaker 1 00:07:45 Oh, dude. In Athens, Georgia. I mean, you've, I've I've been to all the s e c towns and, um, some, some are more of my favorites than others in Athens is up high on the list. Oh yeah. Because of just the, the environment that you're in and if you're looking to play to have a music career, I mean, there's so many opportunities for you to get out and play and such a supportive community of like alumni base and all of that stuff. Oh Speaker 2 00:08:07 Yeah, it was awesome. I mean, I started, I mean, I played a sorority event at Georgia Theater. That was my first time I'd ever really wait. They Speaker 1 00:08:15 Do, they do Greek life events just at Georgia Theater. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they just rent that, rent that shit out Speaker 2 00:08:20 Renting it out. And so they were like, we need you to come play two songs. I'm like, I'll be there. So it was like coolest thing ever. And then, you know, a lot of girls there, obviously, you know. Yeah. But it was fun. And then it was, I played at, played at Generals and just all kinds of bars in Athens Speaker 1 00:08:34 And stuff. So you talk about girls from UGA and sororities, you got a tour coming up with a good friend of our, a good friend of our show. She's been a guest on here before. A good friend who's just skyrocketed. Miss Megan Maroney. Um, how'd you, were you at, at, were you at school in UGA around the same time that she was? Or how did you and Megan kind of link up? Speaker 2 00:08:51 No, so we, I actually went to Kennesaw State my first year and then we all got sent home for Covid. And so she left, I think she graduated in May. And then I moved up there in July at the end of July. So we kind of missed each other. But at that time there really wasn't a country music scene in Athens. It's really grown. I mean, over the past two years. And there were a lot of people that were like, well, there's this girl she graduated, she lives in Nashville, she's writing songs and singing like, you know, you should reach out. And then she had posted and like teased, um, hair salon. Yeah. And then I covered it on TikTok and then it got sent to her, you know, and she reposted it and then we kind of talked on social media. Then I met her during C m A Fest in 2022 for the first time. Oh yeah. And then I think it was like a month or so later, we went and got coffee and hung out. And Speaker 1 00:09:39 She's a real sweetheart too. Speaker 2 00:09:40 Oh, she's great. One of the funniest people. Oh Speaker 1 00:09:42 Dude. Yeah. She's Speaker 2 00:09:43 A person. Speaker 1 00:09:43 People, people just see this, this pretty face in hear this voice, but you have a conversation. We could be laughing your ass Speaker 2 00:09:48 Off. Oh. I mean, we went to a coffee shop and I mean, I think that we, I think we were gonna get coffee and we both had stuff to do and literally we talked and laughed with each other up until like, we're like, okay, we have to leave now. Like, we're about to be late to whatever we have to do. But she's awesome. I mean, I absolutely love her. Speaker 1 00:10:02 So you talk about going, getting, going, going down the uga like after Covid. I mean, there's all these blessings that came after the world shutting down mm-hmm. <affirmative> like during that period. Like a lot of the friends that I have now are guys and girls that found a way to kind of adapt and found their path during that time when you, when the world was shut down. So for you, 2020, you, you leave Kennesaw head down, head up the road to Athens. It's pretty wild to think about, isn't it? Speaker 2 00:10:28 It is. I mean, and that's kind of when I started, you know, everybody was on their phone. So that's when I kind of started posting videos and doing stuff on TikTok and social media and whatnot. And that's kind of when stuff started happening a little bit, you know, when it comes to like, people, oh, this kid can sing and, you know, people were following me and whatnot. And so it was, it was cool. It was, being in Athens during the pandemic was really weird because, I mean, it was like the bars would open at eight 30 and they'd close at 1130. Yeah. It was like, Speaker 1 00:10:56 That's how, that's how it kind of was here. Well the bars here would open at like 10:00 AM Yeah. Cause it's, it's a drinking town with a music problem. Right. But, um, but, but we um, and that we would used to get together and do bonfires at people's houses because rounds would've to end at like 10 o'clock. Right. And then we'd, we'd go and kick it somewhere and Yeah. That is, that is an odd time to be going to one of the biggest college towns in the country. Oh Speaker 2 00:11:18 Yeah. I mean it was like the football stadium was half capacity. It was just, but that's when I started like pulling out guitars and playing, you know, cuz we'd all have house parties. Yeah. And then we'd be like, well let's go get your guitar and play. And then I did. And then that's when I started writing a little bit was 2020. And then I'd play people, you know, original songs and it was, it was something else, but it was a weird time. I can tell you that. Yeah. Confidently <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:11:41 Yeah. Same here man. So now being up in Nashville, have there been any surprises for you? Has there been anything that's kind of caught you being like, I didn't know it was gonna be like this up here? Besides the bars just being the, the bars, I mean, mean you had a, you're, you're a bar veteran going to school in Athens. Yeah. Oh yeah. But you come up here, Nashville's a different kind of animal, like meeting people, things like that, co-writing. Like what's, what's it kind of been like being a, being a new kid here in town? Speaker 2 00:12:04 It's been fun. I mean, everybody's been super supportive. I mean, which has been great. Yeah. Know because as a, you know, young guy coming in, cause I moved, when I moved up here, I was 21 still. And then when I started coming up here, I was 20. So, you know, I was thinking, well, you know, nobody's gonna listen to, you know, what I have to say or my songs or whatever cuz I'm so young. But everybody has been super supportive, which has been great. And I've loved that. I mean, it is, you know, all the Georgia guys that are up here, I mean, Speaker 1 00:12:29 You guys are one big fucking fraternity guys and girls. I mean, I mean, everybody is, if you're, you're uh, you're somebody from the state of Georgia, whether it's as far as south as Valdosta in Statesboro or up near Rome, you're, you're all Speaker 2 00:12:41 Together one mean. Yeah. And it's awesome. So, and I mean I had a lot of friends that I kinda like talked to and met through social media that we're Georgia guys that lived up here. So that was cool, you know, being able to call somebody and be like, Hey, like what do I need to do about this? Or I'm moving to town, what do you think about this? And that's been awesome, you know, and a blessing in itself. But yeah, all of us Georgia folks and I, a lot of people have called us the Georgia Mafia, which I'm like, Hey, you know, I guess I'll take it. But yeah. Hey, that's what we are, I guess, you Speaker 1 00:13:07 Know, I mean, ho honestly. Yeah, it is. It is. Um, something, it is a big, big connection and like a big fraternity. Who are some of the guys and girls, like from, has there been any, anyone like, as far as like co-writing and, and getting to know folks here in town who have been some of the guys that have kind of welcomed you with open arms? Speaker 2 00:13:24 Oh yeah. I mean, uh, he's a Georgia, uh, Nate, Kenyon down. Oh Speaker 1 00:13:27 Dude, I know Nate from, yeah. Hey, my first time seeing Nate Kenon. It's funny you talk about mafia. This involves a biker gang up in New York. So you're talking about wild Speaker 2 00:13:34 Sports. I'm not surprised about anything you just said. Speaker 1 00:13:37 So when I was living up in New York, there was a place, there's a place called Poughkeepsie, New York. It's actually where Snooky from the Jersey Shores from SN out. Shout out Snooky. Hope you're still doing well. But anyway, um, I went up, I, I was working in like the local country scene up there and the LS were on tour. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Nate was on tour with the lax, it was back when he had dirt road dollars. Yep. And, um, this is back 2016 maybe 2017. And Nate, that I met Nate that night when he opened up for, for Snap. And um, I forget what the other guy's name. I think it's, I think it's Troy. Um, but I remember after that show that that club, so you, you see it a lot, you'll see it a lot going on the road now and, and playing, playing places around the southeast. Speaker 1 00:14:17 You guys definitely have 'em down here, but we're places where there's not security No. Where it's like, it's, it's a, it's a bar that is watched over by a certain club or, or a group of folks that are locals, regulars at the club. So this place was a regular spot for the, the Hell's Angels chapter of New York. Uh, which I didn't even know we had a Hell's Angels chapter. I was like, oh, look at that. Go, go team. But, um, after the, after the show something happened, something or other and um, yeah, I saw, saw some stuff. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But that was the first night I met Nate Kenyon and then meeting him here in town. Man. He's a, he's a guy that's been through the ringer Yeah. Of being in, being in town, coming in young, having, having success, having, having some ups and downs. A good guy for you to meet and look up to. Man. That's awesome. He's awesome. He co-wrote with you on one of the, one of your releases too, Speaker 2 00:15:05 Right? Yeah. If you ask me. And then we've actually written some other stuff that, um, I'm gonna end up cutting this year and putting out together. He's awesome. He is one of the, the nicest guys and he's great. He's kinda like a big brother. He's kind, I mean, seriously like my Nashville big brother, he's awesome. Speaker 1 00:15:19 That's, that's important to have, dude. You need to have that cuz people get caught up in, and it is, there is a lot of like cliqueiness to n it's like you find your crew or whatever, but then you end meeting other people, which is part of the other thing too. Like what I get, what I enjoy about doing the writers rounds that I get to host. Cause I'm not a singer, a songwriter. I don't know how to pick a guitar or do any of that. I know how to talk, talk my way through a lot of situations, whatever. But, um, getting to introduce people through doing the rounds and stuff. And you get to get to meet people, right. Hanging out at Live Oak and Tin Roof and all those places. So I'm, uh, I'm excited to have you playing tonight, man. Have you done the round thing yet, or? Speaker 2 00:15:53 Yeah, I've done a couple up here and I'm excited. I've got some hadn't done one in a while, so I've got some new stuff Speaker 1 00:15:58 First one of the year. Speaker 2 00:15:59 First one of the year. Let's go. So it's gonna be fun, strong. I can't wait for it. Hell Speaker 1 00:16:03 Yeah, dude. Now for you as a, as a guy who's come up, come up big with like the TikTok stuff. Have, do you think you figured out the algorithm? Because I have friends that are being on that do the TikTok thing and like got that's, I kind of got them the word like, part of to where they're at. They use it as like a rocket ship. And now it's like, recently it's like some videos they're, it's almost like you're like, you're blacklisted or there's like, they like, there's like, they put like a little lock on something. It's, it's weird how all that shit works, Speaker 2 00:16:27 Isn't it? Yes, it is. I mean, it, it's truly unpredictable because you can post a video. You know, a lot of my stuff that we found out with my algorithm is I like to talk, I like to tell stories and joke around on TikTok, which is great. Yeah. And those videos usually, you know, get great views. And then I put one of like a cover, you know, me playing a guitar and a song that I wrote and it doesn't do as well. So we're trying, we're still trying to figure out, okay, what are we gonna do? How do you, Speaker 1 00:16:51 And then it might do well on TikTok. So then you're like, all right, let's go to YouTube shorts and Instagram reels. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> or even Facebook reels now. My Meemaw and Papa and Facebook are sharing a lot of Speaker 2 00:17:01 Shit now too, too. I love, I love Facebook. I'm a huge fan of Facebook still on Facebook. Really? Oh yeah. I love Speaker 1 00:17:07 Facebook. Is that the political guy in you or is that just sports guy in you? Or what is it about about Facebook? Speaker 2 00:17:12 I think it's just, you know, being from the middle of nowhere Georgia. So people just put the craziest things on Facebook. I mean, Speaker 1 00:17:20 I see McElroy and smiling over boy sweet boy. You got any wild Facebook stories? Cuz I know he checks it too. Speaker 3 00:17:26 That's how I keep up with all my Selma folks. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:17:29 That's about how you keep up all your mailage Speaker 2 00:17:31 Mill too. Oh yeah. I mean, just the stuff that people put on Facebook. They Speaker 3 00:17:33 Hadn't got into the Instagram and TikTok. So if you wanna know anything that's going on in your hometown, go to Facebook. Speaker 2 00:17:39 We have a, in Milledgeville there's a, um, I guess it's a group. It's called Milledgeville Roadblocks. And it's just, they just, basically, it was started of like, these people would say, okay, this is where the cops are sitting today. There's a wreck, you know, on this, in this part of town. So I'm still in it. And I was back home. It was probably, it was in the summer and this lady put on there a hand grenade just went off on Youngblood Avenue. What? And somebody had a hand grenade in Milledgeville, which is the last thing that anybody in Milledgeville, Georgia needs No. Is a hand gren. Nobody needs one. But I'm just like, you know when somebody's coming. Yeah. My baby was riding a bike and we heard the hand grenade and I'm just like, so that's why I stay on Facebook for the comedic relief, the entertainment. Oh my God. I mean, and you get on there and people are sharing, you know, stories and it's just what, Speaker 1 00:18:26 What does Milledgeville Facebook marketplace look like? Cause I feel like that's like the old co-op radio shows where it's like, Hey man, I'm looking for some 35 tires. I got two chickens. What can you do for me if Speaker 2 00:18:37 You, whoever, Speaker 2 00:18:39 I don't know how to say this in a nice way, if you, it's probably as close as you can get to hell on Earth. The, the Milledgeville Facebook marketplace, just some of the stuff you see on there, I'm like, what are you doing selling? You know, it's like a T-shirt and it's got holes in it and it's lightly used. Yeah, I'm sure it is Bob. Like nobody's buying the, you know, brand new, you know, sneakers got a hole in the, in the soul of it. And it's just some of the stuff. And then people are just like, you know, looking for blah, blah blah. And I mean, you ain't gonna find that in Milledgeville, Georgia. I'm sorry, I don't know what you're expecting here, but, and then you have all the college kids that get on there and try to, you know, sublease stuff. Yeah. And it's just the biggest mess. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:19:17 The different colleges in Georgia. Cause there everybody thinks, oh, it's just UGA and tech. But you get down there and you guys have a lot of colleges that have very different partying scenes. What's, what's the Milledgeville college scene like, especially growing up there, going to high school. Like are you exposed to a lot of that stuff? Oh Speaker 2 00:19:32 Yeah. I Speaker 1 00:19:32 Mean, or do you see a lot Speaker 2 00:19:32 Of that? Yeah, because I actually did too, when I was in high school, I did dual enrollment. So I was in high school and then I took classes, them credits. Oh yes. I graduated college in three years. And that was a big part. That's great. Yeah. But it was just like, you know, you're a junior in high school and these kids are like, dude, come to our party. And I'm like, okay, I'm gonna go. You know, so that was, it was cool. Lot of lot of house parties. The baseball team has a house that they live in and I'm one of my best friends from high school plays baseball there now. I mean, and so like, you have the baseball house and they have parties and there's really only, you know, two bars really. I mean, you've got Capital or Ned Kelly's, and then you have the brick and you have, um, velvet Elvis. Speaker 1 00:20:10 Velvet Elvis. Speaker 2 00:20:11 Velvet Speaker 1 00:20:11 Elvis. What is velvet Elvis like it's, Speaker 2 00:20:13 I'm, well that's, I'm intrigued. Velvet Elvis is actually the first place I ever played a show. Really? Yeah. And it was awesome. But it's just, it's a, it's a restaurant. A restaurant and then it turns into a bar at Speaker 1 00:20:25 10 as far as restaurant. Are we talking like pork runs or are we talking, talking Speaker 2 00:20:28 Like what level? You're like bar food. Like bar food, but on. Okay, so on Thursday, Friday, Saturday we're on the special. You can get, um, you can get a steak. Speaker 1 00:20:36 A steak or a hamburger Steak. Speaker 2 00:20:37 No, a steak. I Speaker 1 00:20:38 Had a hamburger steak for the first time this weekend when I was in Alabama. Never. You've Speaker 2 00:20:42 Never had hamburgers say No. We Speaker 1 00:20:43 Either eat hamburgers or we steaks or the chicken fried steaks that you got chicken Speaker 2 00:20:47 Fried steak Speaker 1 00:20:47 With when you fry, when you fry your steak like a Speaker 2 00:20:49 Chicken. We fry everything in the south. I'm sure you've learned Speaker 1 00:20:51 That. What's the weirdest thing you've eaten? Fried If you had like the stick of butter on, like the butter on the stick Speaker 2 00:20:56 Fried. I mean, we've done fried frog legs. We've done fried. You can fry anything. I mean, Speaker 1 00:21:03 I guess you can. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:21:04 Yeah. I mean, now that you're saying that shit, I may go try to fry some stuff when I get home. You know, find something to fry, gimme a damn. Just fried Oreos. Have you ever had a fried Oreo? I Speaker 1 00:21:15 Had a fried Oreo the other day at Hop Smith. I was watching the, watching the Giants game the other day. Um, yeah. Speaker 2 00:21:20 You you're a Giants fan, right? Speaker 1 00:21:21 Yeah, I got, got very adamant. I was nervous I wasn't gonna have a voice going out, coming outta that game on Sunday. But that was, I was yelling and it was bad, dude. I got Do you, are you, are you a big sports guy? Like do you get animated for the games Speaker 2 00:21:32 Or do you I mean, I don't watch a ton of nfl. Well, I'm, well Speaker 1 00:21:35 I'm just saying in general, like Yeah, like on Saturday, if you, like you were saying that dogs, that when you were wa that first weekend you moved up here to that mm-hmm. <affirmative> that, um, Mizzou game. Oh yeah. And you get nervous, you get a little animated. Oh, Speaker 2 00:21:46 Good Speaker 1 00:21:47 God. Yeah. So, so listen to this. And I said, I told, um, I told, I was with my friends Rod, Aaron and Sierra, and this guy Michael. And I told him I'd talk about this on the next podcast episode that I did, which is with you. Um, and we were, have you been to Hop Smith yet? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Oh yeah. So we were in Hop Smith. I've never really been in there in my four years. They nice, nicer kind of place. Yeah. Good food, large food, huge dessert menu, tons of booze. Recommend Hop Smith if you're coming here to Nashville. Uh, but we were at like that. They, they had that back table with the TV right there. And nobody else in there is watching the Giants game. There's a Giants like fan bar, some like Irish pub somewhere. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But they were like, we're going to Hop Smith. Speaker 1 00:22:21 We always go to hop. Okay, fuck it, I'll go to Hop Smith. So, um, got back from Birmingham, drove from Hermitage over there, got the right at kickoff within like the first few minutes, like things are going good. Then some more of their friends come. I meet them talking to them. Whatever's these two girls, this guy from Arizona just moved here. And um, I've, uh, cup, there's all these, everybody's got their drinks on there. Sequan Barkley scores. That first touchdown. I, I high five. I high five Rod hug. And I'm like, let's go. Let's fucking go. We got this, let's go pay the man. Whatever. I go, I'm by the table. I just go up there, put my hand up, hand goes, boom, I on the table. None of the other drinks bill, but the, but this one girl's water spills all over her lap. Oh. And I'm like, oh man, I'm just in here causing a scene. Hey, at Speaker 2 00:23:03 Least it was water. That's, I mean, none of this Speaker 1 00:23:05 Say, I was like, hey, like I would've totally bought her, bought her another drink. But I'm like, these kids, these people just moved to Nashville. This is like their second week here. Oh. They're at Hobs Smith trying to meet people. The guy's like, the guy's like the, the guy plays on Broadway. He's like, man, I love your podcast. I love You Round. It's like his girl. And I'm like, fuck. Like I just meet these people and I again, I like you ever find yourself getting like really like worked up over a dogs game? Or do you want them to watch? Oh God, yeah. Where do you tend to watch 'em with other dogs fans to where it's not like out of the ordinary? Speaker 2 00:23:32 Oh no. I mean I wa we've watched 'em all together, which is great, but we all get animated, which is cuz so we were watching, it was, I guess it was the game against Ohio State. Oh Speaker 1 00:23:43 Dude. We were in Columbus, Ohio for that game. We were playing a New Year's Eve show in Ohio. And they had that game on like, so the guys were playing, they had that game on a projector, like on the wall. Speaker 2 00:23:52 How was that show after that? Was it? Speaker 1 00:23:54 I mean, so the game and everybody crying, the game ended as, you know, like around midnight eastern. Yep. So Ohio's on, um, Ohio's on Eastern Time and um, we fucking, um, so I'm like, wait a second, it's about to be midnight. Trey Trey. So I'm TM for Trey Lewis. Yeah. Trey's about to play Dick down in Dallas, Ohio. State's lining up for this field goal. We might get Ohio State winning in Colum while we're in Columbus, Ohio. The ball dropping and Trey playing Dick down in Dallas at the same fucking time. Sure enough. Kid Botches the field goal. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Everybody's like, oh fuck, Trey just screams out. He's out there and he's like, man, fuck the Georgia Bulldogs. And the whole place is like, yeah. And then the night was saved. Whatever. That's good. But what a, but what a game. And did you expect expect them to whoop tcu like they did? Speaker 2 00:24:38 No, hell Speaker 1 00:24:38 After the, after the game that Michigan and TCU Heber, that game could have gone either way. Same with the OSU Georgia game. It could have gone either way. Speaker 2 00:24:46 Yeah. I mean I was, cuz the whole week leading up to the Georgia, Ohio State game, everybody's like, oh, we're gonna beat the hell out of them. And I'm like, oh look, you know, we may not, you know, you've seen Speaker 1 00:24:55 The Ohio State Speaker 2 00:24:55 Before to say Yeah. Um, and you know, somehow we pulled it off. But we were at a New Year's Eve party down in the middle of nowhere Georgia, in Lumpkin, Georgia. Speaker 1 00:25:05 Lumpkin Speaker 2 00:25:05 Georgia. Anybody that can find that on a map, I'll give you, you know, $6 or something. But anyways, enough Speaker 1 00:25:11 Enough to get two beers in Lumpkin, Georgia. Speaker 2 00:25:13 Right, exactly. Probably three in Lumpkin, Georgia. But anyway, so, but that's what beside the point. But so, I mean, it's midnight. I mean literally he kicked the ball at the stroke of midnight then it was, he missed it. And we, it was probably like 40 people packed in this house and we all just lost our shit. I mean, we're watching at this family's house. You got damn family pictures flying across the room. Somebody's damn me urns falling off the damn counter. You're knocking over couches. I mean we're screaming. People are throwing damn bottles of crown at each other. Yeah. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life. And then the whole week leading up to tcu, I'm like, oh God, it's gonna be something. And then it was something for about five minutes. And Speaker 1 00:25:56 Then Stetson Bennett knocks off all the haters. Anybody that's ever, and I'm one of those guys that was like, I don't know about this. I, I used to give, cause I have a lot of buddies. If you live in Nashville, you have friends that are Georgia fans. Oh yeah. That's just how it is. I'm good buddies like Matt McKinney, Nick Haynes, a lot of, lot of my Georgia buddies. And I would always talk shit about Stetson Bennett a little bit, but he broke the record. He can't say, I mean he's up there with Matthew Stafford and any other, Aaron Murray, any other Georgia quarterback of Speaker 2 00:26:22 All time. He will be regarded as one of the top, I think one of the top ball players to come through Georgia. I mean, maybe it's, you know, his size and stature or whatnot. Maybe, you know, there's other people but you can't tell. You could be a Speaker 1 00:26:36 Great college player like, like up in the top college players of all time and not be shit in the end. Doesn't matter if what you do in the nfl, cuz you had your team Speaker 2 00:26:42 In college. Kirby Smart, I mean, oh dude, Speaker 1 00:26:44 He's the, oh, one of the Speaker 2 00:26:45 Best. I I think, I mean I love Vince Dooley but um, God rest his soul. But I think Kirby is Speaker 1 00:26:52 Back to back after all the waiting that you guys had to go through all the years of losing the Bama or losing the Florida and getting so close. It's Speaker 2 00:27:00 Getting so close. And Speaker 1 00:27:00 Now to see the, now for you to be a, a 22 year old and to seeing a Braves championship mm-hmm. <affirmative> and two dogs. Titles. That's you're spoiled as a Speaker 2 00:27:08 Georgia kid. Yeah, George. That first the Braves won in what, 96? Something like that. Speaker 1 00:27:11 95. 95 Yankees beat the Braves in 96. There Speaker 2 00:27:14 We go. <laugh>. I wasn't born so I have no idea what the hell was going on. My parents got married in 96, so. Oh wow. But um, yeah, I mean to see that all happen within a couple months is crazy. But it's a great time to be a Georgia sports fan. Especially after the Falcons choked and, what was that, 2015 or something or against the Patriot. It's like Jesus Christ. So they're so bad. We find, you know, we waited and then that's what we got. So. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:27:36 So for this year, what are some of like big goals for you now? You're about to have, you've only been in town for, so October, you've been in town for two months, like three months. Speaker 2 00:27:43 Three months. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:27:44 Been in town for three months. You really just got here, but it seems like you're getting your feet going. You got placed on a, on a hell of a tour. Yes. To start out. You've gone out. Where, have you done a lot of shows outside of Athens already? Like done some opening slots or been to a few places or Speaker 2 00:27:58 What? Not a ton. I mean, to be honest with you, a lot of stuff that was, cuz I started really playing in like 2021 and then, I mean it was, you know, just about every weekend, every other weekend. But it was just like up and coming. So you'd go play a bar and then you'd, you know, the next weekend you'd be playing a private party. Then the next weekend you're playing at a wedding and all kinds of stuff. And then, you know, I, after the TV show, you have stuff kind of, I had to finish up school and then the TV show came out and then that's when everything kinda started happening. We put the music out and moved up here. So it's done. Speaker 1 00:28:28 You cool Talking about the TV show stuff. A lot of people, a lot of folks that I've had on that have, that are are friends that I've got that have done the TV stuff. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like to be like, to talk about the, what they're doing af like after and whatever. So what was, what was that whole experience like? And which tv which TV show Speaker 2 00:28:44 Was it? It was called Claim to Fame. Claim to Fame on abc and then it's on Hulu now. I mean, and I won't touch on it a ton, but you know, cuz I've feel like I've talked about it a lot on podcast. That's, Speaker 1 00:28:54 That's I'm, Speaker 2 00:28:55 I like talking No Speaker 1 00:28:56 Mean it's, that's why I'm saying I like talking about other shit. Oh yeah. Like being like yo, Speaker 2 00:28:58 But I mean, any questions that you have, if anybody has questions, you know, if, as long as I'm not, you know, Speaker 1 00:29:03 So I'm not even like familiar to to the, to the show or like anything. Like that's my thing is I've been, I've been seeing what you've been doing, like no connection to this show man. Like damn, this kid's killing it and doing the artist thing right now and about to have a big year, but claim the fame. What kind of show was it? What's Speaker 2 00:29:17 It about? A reality TV show? What Speaker 1 00:29:19 Was it? Reality? Oh, they had you on a reality show, Speaker 2 00:29:21 12 people all related to a celebrity locked in a house and you know, you, every episode somebody get eliminated. We had challenges, you had immunity. It was kinda like Survivor meets Big Brother meets Celebrity Family Feud and you just shake it up in a bag and claim the fame fell out. So, and it's been awesome. It's been a blessing to be on that. But there are people like, it's funny kinda seeing, some people have no idea I was on the show. They're like, yeah, you know, we love the music. Come Speaker 1 00:29:48 See. Yeah. I love seeing the music and your personality and, and what you're doing and Speaker 2 00:29:51 Your's people for your careers. They're like, oh you do music now. So it's kind, it's kind of funny, you know, cuz there's all kinds of different people that have, you know, known me from different, where did Speaker 1 00:29:59 They film that at? Speaker 2 00:30:00 We were in la Hollywood Hills. Speaker 1 00:30:02 Was that your first, so you go, you grew up in Milledgeville. So you go to college in Kennesaw and Athens. They put you on an airplane. Was that your first, that wasn't your first time on an airplane, Speaker 2 00:30:10 Was it? No, but it was like my third. So it was in a five hour cross country flight and I don't pee on airplanes. Speaker 1 00:30:16 So you're holding that? Yes. Speaker 2 00:30:18 It was terrible. Speaker 1 00:30:19 Yeah, I, well I don't get up and pee on airplanes either. I come to think of it, I Speaker 2 00:30:22 Get, I get anxiety doing it. To be frank with you, I need like a Xanax before I can get outta my seat. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:30:28 I'm a, I'm a, I'm a gummy gummy bear. If you catch my drift before the airplane and get, get all, cause I'm, I don't drink anymore. I'm California sober. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:30:34 There Speaker 1 00:30:35 We go. That's what I, Dom Wayne's just very, he's, he's um, we call him our DD or drunk drummer. You know, he's one of those kids where his bac was higher than his gpa, you know, like gets Speaker 2 00:30:46 After it. Hey, shoot, there were days in college, that shit. Speaker 1 00:30:48 Well I'm saying me Speaker 2 00:30:49 And you both. Bob <laugh> Speaker 1 00:30:51 And we say that his, his um, his blood, he just run Fireball and Miller Light. What were your things in college? Were you a, were you a Jungle Juice guy or I guess they called it Hunch Punch or Speaker 2 00:31:00 Whatever the hell they called. No, I never did the Hunch punch. God only knows what was in that son of a bitch. So you're Speaker 1 00:31:05 Talking about Xanax and shit. You bought Papa Percocet some dumb shit in there, Speaker 2 00:31:08 But, um, I was a big vodka guy when I started. We Speaker 1 00:31:12 Talking like Burnetts, like Speaker 2 00:31:14 We're talking like, you know, there's one that comes in a plastic bottle that's capped in something. I don't remember the name of it, but it was like 4 99 to get at the liquor store in kinda, Speaker 1 00:31:24 My, my whiskey in college was a thing called Fighting cock. Fighting cock. It was a horrible, horrible, I still have the bottle. I saved the bottle because I'm like, it's the last bottle I've ever drank. Like a reminder. Like I'm right. Don't wanna be, don't want to get back into the alcoholism shit. But it was a, you could get a liter for $16. It was 103 proof whiskey. Gosh. I used to go through a bottle every like day or two, bro. Shit was fucked. Speaker 2 00:31:48 Christ Speaker 1 00:31:49 Shit Speaker 2 00:31:49 Was fucked. I did, my whiskey was Henderson's Speaker 1 00:31:52 Hend. I don't even know Henderson. I've never been, that Speaker 2 00:31:54 Was like 7 99. Speaker 1 00:31:56 7 99. Yep. Speaker 2 00:31:58 It was heinous Speaker 1 00:31:59 Balling on a budget bro. Speaker 2 00:32:00 Balling on a budget in college. Speaker 1 00:32:01 What were, what were you eating in college? Cuz Athens has a lot of restaurants. A was what's that pizza? It's like calzones or pizza or something? Speaker 2 00:32:08 Well, we got Little Italy, which is right downtown. And then, oh, what's Speaker 1 00:32:11 The, there's a place you Speaker 2 00:32:13 Could just, you Speaker 1 00:32:13 Could just take whatever the fuck you want. Throw it in a Speaker 2 00:32:15 Calzone. Eddie's calzone. That's Speaker 1 00:32:17 What it was. I've eaten there Speaker 2 00:32:18 Shows that was, they would stay up until like four o'clock in the morning. Speaker 1 00:32:21 That's over by Georgia Theater, right? Yeah. Like in that section. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:32:24 It was awesome. Cause I mean, it was right there in the middle of the bars. Yeah. And they were like, were up until four. So, you know, stumbled in there multiple times. Have Speaker 1 00:32:32 You had a late night here in Midtown where you've ended up at Cookout? Speaker 2 00:32:35 No, not yet. Not yet. I don't go out a ton up here to be honest with you. I mean, I try to stay in as much as I can just because I think I got all the partying out of me when I was in Athens. Okay. Because I was, I think it was the last month and a half of my last semester, I went out every single day. I mean, Mondays, Tuesdays, because we had our spots. Like Mondays, these people do, you know, half off pitchers this, you know, this place does shots Speaker 1 00:33:00 And then, and then you throw in gigs on top of that. Which gigs are real gigs. Are you getting paid to be out and play music? Right. But then you're going out after Speaker 2 00:33:08 And then it takes one gig that you just get up there and embarrass yourself and then you're done. I'm, so I don't, I don't drink a whole lot Speaker 1 00:33:15 More. No, no. No reason. Yeah, no reason to risk that and Speaker 2 00:33:17 Shit. Yeah. And so, but yeah, I think I got all the partying out of me when I was in Athens. Speaker 1 00:33:21 So have you done Broadway yet? Speaker 2 00:33:22 I've done Broadway one time and it was, I don't even remember. Where'd Speaker 1 00:33:27 You end up? Speaker 2 00:33:27 I don't even remember where Speaker 1 00:33:29 You remember where you started. You gotta remember where you started. Well, I started at, was it one of those nights where you started Midtown and end up somebody's like, let's go to Speaker 2 00:33:35 Broadway? Well, we started at the W Hotel. There was like a party. Okay. So we went there and then we went to Midtown, then we went to Broadway, then we went back to Midtown. And then I'm like, okay, so I need to go home because if I don't, I want to embarrass myself in front of God and everybody you get. Do you, Speaker 1 00:33:53 Did you get the, the hangover anxiety? Like the day, the day after drinking? Speaker 2 00:33:57 The anxiety that, Speaker 1 00:33:58 The anxiety, oh yeah. I have friends that still get that. Oh yeah. Stuff. Speaker 2 00:34:01 That's the one reason that I, you know, quit going out as much. And then, you know, quit drinking as much on the whole is just because I'd wake up the next morning, I'm like, Jesus, what, what did I do? You know? Cause and even if you, you get towards the back end of the night and you're not even blackout, but you're tired and everybody's talking and everybody's drunk and you're like, what'd I say? Did I embarrass myself? What did I say to this Speaker 1 00:34:22 Person who Brian's all my friends say Speaker 2 00:34:24 So. Right. Yeah. You know. Exactly. And you're just like, then somebody's like, I, my alter ego when I've had, you know, too much to drink is Larry and so Larry. Larry, yeah, Larry and Logan. So somebody's like, well you said last night, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, you can talk to Larry about that. I don't know what you, Logan don't have any idea what you're talking about right now, dude. So Yeah. But Larry, Larry stays in most of the time now, which is good. Speaker 1 00:34:47 That is, that is good man. It's important to have a wraps on that when you move to town. Especially, especially being as young as you are. Oh yeah. Like there's like, there's like, I couldn't imagine coming right outta college too. Cause I, I mean I'm moving when I was 23, so not much older than, than you are right now, but moving down, right, to go from college right to here, you could have kept that partying going. So that takes a lot of, do you think doing the, having the experience in LA and like having kind of that exposure to that next like that outside of college, did that kind of help you kind of slow down Speaker 2 00:35:15 A little bit? That did. And then it was kind of one of those things that like moving to town, I'm like, okay, listen, I'm gonna live by myself the first year I'm here. I'm gonna get all my stuff together. I'm gonna, you know, grind it out. And then, I mean, I've been the most blessed person on this earth to get on Megan's tour and to have all the cool stuff that's happened to me so far that I've been in town. But I think, you know, I think for me a lot of that's come from being focused, not going out all the time, not drinking as much. And so I think it was kinda one of those things that I'm like, Hey, you're grown now. Like you're out of college, you're off your parents' payroll, you got, you gotta grow the hell up. Yeah. And so you're gonna quit drinking. You're gonna quit acting like a college kid and you're gonna get serious. And I think that that's been a big part of, you know, why a lot of stuff's happened so Speaker 1 00:35:57 Far. Dude, you're wise behind, you're wise beyond your years brother. You Speaker 2 00:36:00 Know, you get to do this whole, you get to do this whole life thing one time. And so I would hate, I mean, truly one of my biggest fears, and I like to say I don't have a ton of them, but one of my biggest fears is, you know, being, you know, 60, 70. If I make it that long, you know, get that old and go shit. If I just wouldn't have partied away my early twenties or if I wouldn't have, you know, acted like an idiot while I was 20 years old trying to make it there, I could have done it. So that's kind of been my thing. Speaker 1 00:36:26 You said you don't have many fears. What's like, uh, what's like an irrational one? I don't, I don't, I don't do heights very well. Speaker 2 00:36:31 Don't do heights. Speaker 1 00:36:32 Heights, heights are a no go for me. Speaker 2 00:36:33 Um, I, I, snakes and alligators are probably my two biggest fears. Truly. Snakes, Speaker 1 00:36:39 That's, that's one of Trey's is snakes. We got a toy, we got like a fake snake one time we put in his guitar case and he, he got a nice jump. I've never seen that big man jump so far. Speaker 2 00:36:47 I mean that's one of those things where, you know, it, you can pull just about any prank on me, like prank calls, you know, do something. That's fine. But if, if somebody pulls a prank with a snake on me, you're either gonna see me go to tears or something's gonna get thrown and broke. I don't do, I don't do snakes well, I just don't do snakes. But that's really, I mean, I think that's kind of it, you know, I'm sure that something may, you know, trigger a memory up here, then I'll go. I'm scared of that too, but Yeah. Yeah. No snakes and alligators. Speaker 1 00:37:16 Yeah. So how many dates you got coming up with Megan? I know one just got announced actually today going on sale in a few days. We'll have been on sale and will probably have been sold out by the time. Um, God will and be sold out by the time this podcast airs. Um, you announced the one here in Nashville at the exit. In Exit In Yep. Which is legendary venue. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> a venue. You know the story of that place in the last Speaker 2 00:37:36 Few years? I don't know. I don't Speaker 1 00:37:37 Know all the stories, but I've been told some. So it's a, it's a venue that's been here in Nashville forever. It's in mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's in, in, usually in independent venue. Some promoters get in there and work with it, but it's been here forever. And during Covid obviously couldn't do shows and someone purchased the exit, purchased it and said that they were gonna be knocking it down and turning it into, which I believe is what's gonna be happening in the next year or two. So the fact that you guys are getting to do a show there at a historic Nashville venue that has kind of a, a time, a like a uh, end date on it. Yeah. From the developers coming in. That's, that's a big deal. Yeah. It was for you guys to do that one. Yeah. And then it's what Athens Speaker 2 00:38:17 We've got. Mm-hmm. We're doing Chattanooga. We got Chattanooga, Statesboro Gainesville, then we got Nashville. Knoxville. Fayetteville. Fayetteville. We have Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Oh hell yeah. Which I can't wait for that because one of the girls I was on claim to fame with, she lives down there. Speaker 1 00:38:34 Have you, have you been to Hattiesburg before? Speaker 2 00:38:36 I've never been to Speaker 1 00:38:37 Hattiesburg. Okay. So we've uh, again, sweet boy can chime in here. We've been to every, like I said, every s e c town. Cause before I was with Trev, I was out on the road with the musket iron bloodline guy. Mm. Yeah. I've gotten a full tour of any podunk town in Mississippi, Alabama. I didn't know about Lumpkin, Georgia, but now it's on my list together. Speaker 2 00:38:52 Well there ain't nowhere to play down there unless you found the backyard. Speaker 1 00:38:55 I'm just saying you wanna stop there and get corn nuggets and chicken gizzards and all that shit. But like hit the small town stuff. But Hattiesburg, Mississippi is a blast. Fayetteville, Arkansas, George's Majestic is such a fun room. Um, and you're gonna get to see a lot of cool shit, man. I think what's gonna blow your mind is you'll have folks singing back your songs to you and you don't even need the radio stuff these days. Like, it's great to have the radio stuff, but the fact that you've been, you got your start putting songs out from your dorm room on the internet, doing covers and then writing some, it's gonna be so cool for you to see all that shit, man, Speaker 2 00:39:27 I, I can't wait. We're excited. And Blue Room Blue Room's definitely the date that circled, you know, for Speaker 1 00:39:33 Me. Yeah. Have you, have you played down there Speaker 2 00:39:35 Before? Never played down there. I've been the, it's funny cuz the last time I was down there I was watching Parker McCollum play. It was I guess April of 2022. So it'd be, it's gonna be cool the next time I got down there. Speaker 1 00:39:47 Yeah. My, yeah, my first show ever with Trey Lewis was at the Blue Room in Statesboro. Cuz they had a cover they used to play down there once a month. Right, Matt? Was it once a month? You guys used to play their cover gigs? Uh, about every three months. About, yeah. They used to do cover gigs down there all the time. And it's, to me, I mean, you know, from being there, it's Statesboro, Georgia just hits different hits cause things in Statesboro and I'll just leave it at this. Or you, you can, there's things in Statesboro that can stay with you for a long time. So you gotta be careful down there. It's a wild, wild time. It Speaker 2 00:40:17 Is. All right. But I cannot wait. First Speaker 4 00:40:19 Show ever went to first time Speaker 2 00:40:21 I've ever been, hold on. This is my, this is my manager talking, which Speaker 1 00:40:24 By the way, shout out to Jay Kitney. Shout out Speaker 2 00:40:26 Kenny. You'll be Speaker 3 00:40:27 Able to see him. We'll put him in the Speaker 1 00:40:28 GoPro for Yeah, he's in the GoPro. He, oh heck Speaker 2 00:40:30 Yeah. First time Speaker 4 00:40:31 I ever went to Blue Room, Trey was playing and I met you at the merch booth. Speaker 1 00:40:35 Oh no shit, Speaker 4 00:40:35 Right? Yeah. It was right after, uh, Dick <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:40:38 Damn. Oh was, oh, that was, that was the one. So my first time in Statesboro, Georgia, I should have died. Like we went in the rock. Jesus. So like, I, like we, so we were, back then we used to do the Airbnb thing. Yeah. Which is a great way, great, great way to do the touring thing is if you're doing like, back to back nights near each other. Cause we were states, we were Blue Room and then we were at um, what was Barrel House? Barrel House. Barrel House in, um, in Savannah. And um, and um, that was with Trey Bonner, who, I don't know if you know Trey Bonner yet. I know that. Yeah. Good, good, good dude. He does content stuff, marketing stuff for, for Trey Lewis. We have tall Trey and small Trey, both from Birmingham, Alabama, but 1 65. One's about five five. Speaker 1 00:41:16 Um, and um, we get the address for this Airbnb and we go to, when Bonner goes up and in typical Tray Louis fashion, the door's unlocked. So we're like, okay, door's unlocked, we're just gonna go in. So we go in, put all of our stuff. I have a cigarette on the back porch. We're in there for a while. And then all of a sudden, like Tre, um, uh, Trey Lou or Trey Bonner calls, um, our guitar player Terry and jump FaceTiming him, like throwing him in the room. And he's like, that's not the, that's not the house. And there were people like in the air, in the Airbnb. So that's breaking and entering. She's crush in Statesboro, Georgia. That's, that's where all Yankee Doodle Dandy here could get a 45 to the face side. It's perfectly justified. God. But we, we survived. We quickly got all, it took us like five trips to get all of our shit up there. We brought, Speaker 2 00:41:58 I bet you you were running all five Speaker 1 00:41:59 Of us. We got that shit out in one trip. Fort Bonner was just stumbling and Speaker 2 00:42:03 Bumbling looking like when you go to the grocery store, just take all that shit up in one swoop. Good Speaker 1 00:42:08 God. Yeah, dude, it was a wild time. And then the shows, the Statesboro crowd, those kids just love music. Oh yeah. Now are you doing those acoustic, you're doing those full Speaker 2 00:42:16 Band? So the first run is gonna be, um, full band and then everything else will be acoustic. Speaker 1 00:42:22 Okay. So you, so do you have like a band together? Have you have guys from Georgia or from guys from up here Speaker 2 00:42:29 Or what that all There's some guys. Um, so I played Whiskey Jam and needed a band and I'm good friends with John Morgan's drummer. Oh hell Speaker 1 00:42:37 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:42:38 Yep. And so I called him, I'm like, Hey, can you help me out? And he was like, well, we're gonna be on the road, but here's some guys. And you know, these guys are great. Ben Glass, um, Derek Whiteside who plays with Chapel Hart now. Oh. Sick. And so, you know, but we're, we're going. We got some guys, Ben Ben Glass is my dude. He's awesome. We've, we've written together. He's a great guy. So, Speaker 1 00:42:58 And that's one of the perks, that's one of the good things about moving here young. As you're starting to get your music out there, you can find hungry musicians that likely just moved here as well and are at the same point that you're at where they have the talent, they're just looking for someone to play with. Oh yeah. And then they all come together and then you build your road family. And bro, it sky's the limits from Speaker 2 00:43:15 There. Ben Ben's great cuz I mean, I called Ben, he is like, the first time you talked to him, he is like, you just sounded cool over the phone. I'm like, well, I'm glad I sound cool. So then we, we went and we rehearsed and it was cool and we played, then we started writing. And I think that first night we played Whiskey Jam. You know, I started, I threw a pick at some girl. I started making jokes and he was like, that was the funnest whiskey jam I've ever played. I'm going, let's keep doing stuff. And so now I'm like, Hey, we're going out on the road. You need to Speaker 1 00:43:40 Did what was, what was that first whiskey jam? Like, cuz again, I'm not a mu I'm not a musician, I'm not an artist where I've never played it, but I, from what I hear, it's, it's like a, it's like a quick sprint. You get up there mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you play your three songs, you can't really hear yourself. But that's the beauty of it. Oh yeah. Mean it is a, it is an unpolished just jam and such an important staple here in town. Such a Right passage fact. You got to do that a couple months into being into town or when did you Speaker 2 00:44:03 Do? I was 20. I was in town for 26 days, bro, when I played. That's huge. It was awesome. It was so cool. But it was just, I was like, I was nervous but I wasn't, because I don't usually get too nervous when I, you know, play. But it was just like, this is Whiskey Jam. Speaker 1 00:44:17 You're in front of other, you're in front of your peers. Yeah. It's not playing a, a cover gig in front of a bunch of drunk college kids at some bar. Right. Or at a sorority house. It's you're playing in front of, in front of your peers. Oh yeah. And and you got, you got, you got, you got a buzz going where it's like, who's this new guy? Guy that just moved to town? But once you get through that first song, it's gotta be like, oh yeah, Speaker 2 00:44:34 We're here, we're doing this thing. It was just Nate, Kenyon and his wife Brooke actually came and like stood right where I could see him. And so I was like looking around the room and I'm like, I don't know anybody. Oh shit. Hey Nate. And it was just like, I'd make contact with Nate every once in a while. Eye contact helps with him. But it was awesome. And Ward is absolutely great. It was so much, so much. I Speaker 1 00:44:52 Call him the Godfather. Speaker 2 00:44:53 The Godfather. The Speaker 1 00:44:54 Godfather as a guy who does like events and stuff in town. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like if we, if we were to call like a meeting, if there were someone to call a meeting of the families, like the different events in talent, myself, Nikki t Seb with Why not Wednesday? Like all the stuff that goes on. I feel like Ward would be our, our our don you know, our our guy. Totally. So a couple other Nashville questions, um, where if you found a fav, have you found a favorite Mexican restaurant in Nashville yet? That's one thing I did not know. As a New Yorker moving down here, I expected barbecue. I expected fried food. I expected like the meat and three thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I did not expect Mexican restaurants everywhere. Speaker 2 00:45:27 That's Speaker 1 00:45:28 Huge. That's a huge Southern thing. Speaker 2 00:45:30 That's huge. I mean you, any town you go to in the south that has a actual city, like there's gonna be, does Speaker 1 00:45:36 Lump have a Mexican Speaker 2 00:45:37 Restaurant? Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:45:38 Lumpkin's even go to a Mexican Speaker 2 00:45:39 Restaurant. They got a Mexican restaurant and Dollar General and then a old courthouse. Things are booming. Things are booming. But Speaker 1 00:45:45 What's your favorite spot here in town to grab Speaker 2 00:45:47 Some chips in Queso probably, uh, poncho. Is it Poncho and Lefties? Yeah. What's that? Yeah, that place is good. Um, there was another place I went that it was more towards Franklin. I don't remember the name of it, but it was good. So I don't eat out a ton. I try to cook a little bit. You Speaker 1 00:46:03 Do meal, do you do the meal prep thing? Speaker 2 00:46:05 No, I don't do the meal prep. I need to start doing that. But no, I'd usually just find something and throw it. I live like a quarter of a mile from a Kroger, so I'm, if I need something I pull up in the Kroger and figure it out. What's your, Speaker 1 00:46:16 What's your go-to? What's your go-to? Like late night or you don't go out a whole lot anymore, but like, Speaker 2 00:46:22 Uh, peanut m and ms. Oh, Speaker 1 00:46:23 Your p That's what I'm, I'm that too. McElroy can tell you when I'm driving the van, uh, with the guys with, I'm going through them big. Like I get the share size but I'm not, I'm only sharing 'em with myself. Speaker 2 00:46:33 Oh. I get the one like you can get at Target for like $15 and it's like this huge, you got big. Oh big. And I have like one of those like cylinders, like those glass cylinders that you like put the top on and you can just put like, you know, food in it. And there's one that's dedicated to peanut m and ms in my house. Shit. And I'm one of those, like my family was in town this past weekend and my sister, I went and got groceries and she was trying to put stuff up. She was trying to help me and be nice but she poured a bunch of pretzels in there and I'm like, listen, I love you but you need to pour that shit out cause I'm kind of pissed right now. But yeah, peanut m and ms, that's my go-to. And then I used to be a big diet coke drinker. Love Diet Coke. Speaker 1 00:47:12 I thought that's a southern thing. It just sounds right for a southern man to say Diet Coke. Speaker 2 00:47:15 Diet Coke, diet coke. Have you ever heard somebody's Meemaw say it? Oh yeah, let me get a Diet Coke honey. You know, that's how my grandma, my grandma got me hooked on it. Took Speaker 1 00:47:23 A light on the ice. Light on the ice. Speaker 2 00:47:26 And so Diet coke was big, but I've got off of it, which is Speaker 1 00:47:29 Good. Getting off the soda's important. It Speaker 2 00:47:31 Is good. It is. And it was one of those things, I just woke up one morning, I'm like, you know what, I don't want to drink Diet Coke today. And I didn't. And I lost like seven pounds from not drinking Diet Coke. Which you would think that, you know, diet Coke's gonna help you lose weight. But it was, I don't know. Somebody told me there was like aspartame and stuff in that middle weird shit. Speaker 1 00:47:48 Yeah. You a tobacco guy at all? Oh Speaker 2 00:47:50 Hell yeah. Speaker 1 00:47:51 Yeah. I was a big SIGs guy for a long time. We're recently off. We're still nicotine guys. I used to call this my car cigarette cause I wouldn't, I couldn't smoke. Sometimes I would smoke in the van when the guys were all fucked up, passed out. Like, oh I can stink a Marlboro a light while driving the van. But now since I've been off 'em for a month, I'm like, God, I smelt like that for six years. Speaker 2 00:48:10 I'm not, I don't smoke a ton of cigarettes now when I get drunk I'll smoke a Speaker 1 00:48:14 Cigarette. Oh, drunk cigarettes or drunk that those don't count Speaker 2 00:48:16 Drunk. I that that is a, those don't count. I wrote a song called Drunk Cigs Don't Count. And I have a line and the song called um, anybody Wanna Smoke 'em Marl Bro. And cuz I do right now. Cuz drunk Sicks don't count. That's totally gotta, I mean I used to say that all the time in college and so, but I mean the amount of times that I just ripped a heater off of somebody's mom that was in town for parents weekend, dude that's, I've got, I've got multiple, multiple pictures of me just ripping one off. Like, hey, 10 Melinda over here. Speaker 1 00:48:43 Yeah. Hey Linda, let me, let me get that. Speaker 2 00:48:45 I mean, but no, so I'm a, my dad did um, grizzly wintergreen pouches my entire life and then I got older and then our neighbors were, you know, they were doing Damn Levi Garrett. And my, I had a football coach shout out to him. Jay Bracewell. He was, I mean he's this big larger than life guy. He was the, we called him Water Boy but he was like kind of the manager. He was like 50 years old as a water boy. But he would keep in his back pocket this gallon size Ziploc bag of like chewing gum bubble gun and um, what's the ones that come in the yellow? I don't know. Is it double bubble? Hubba Bubba. Hubba Bubba. And he would also keep down in there his bag of Levi Garrett chewing the back and he'd start sweating cuz I mean it's the summer in Georgia and all that shit would go well like get together. Speaker 2 00:49:35 So I'm, you know, we're all 13 years old chewing bubble gum before practice buzzed off our ass at 13 <laugh>. And I mean, I think that's why everybody I went in high school with us, damn. You know, we all chew tobacco cuz we started at 13 chewing bubble gum and we used, that's how we got our damn nicotine fixed. And I think he found out cause some people couldn't handle it and they threw up and he started keeping them in separate. Hey, there's some of us that want you to keep 'em the same bag Jay <laugh>. But yeah, I'm a, I'm a, now I'm a Copenhagen Mint long cut. Speaker 1 00:50:06 That's, I was for me, Copenhagen, I remember when Copenhagen Mint first came out because I went to college in New Jersey. We didn't have the, the the tobacco access and the pricing. It was like, so we were, we were dipping a lot of stokers in college. We'd get them big tubs and split 'em amongst everybody and just people pulling out looks like fucking brownie, brownie mix. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like it's just fucking long. I mean you can, you can see the shine of the little glass pieces that are in it. Them $10, them $10 stoker tubs. Yeah. I'm a co I'm See Trey is like a fruity dipper. He dips skull peach. It's skull cherry. It's skull cherry tastes like damn cough medicine. But I, I got into it recently from just being out with him McElroy's a dedicated Copenhagen Min pouches and before that he was Skull extra min with that extra nicotine in it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> you ever done the, the Gaps, ever seen those? So it's like a pouch, but it's like, it's like this big, like, it's like a circle almost. Like, it's like, it looks very, feels like a, it's like wide, what does it matter? It gaps or wide cut or something weird? I think Grizzly or Copenhagen do it, but Speaker 2 00:51:08 I haven't done that one. That And I like, I love to smoke cigars. Speaker 1 00:51:12 I love Oh, you biggar Brodo bro. I've house. I've actually got, um, got my travel humidor in my backpack so I can, so there's a company that, um, you gotta play. Um, we gotta get you on, uh, rowdy on the Row at Live Oak. So Crowned Heads, cigars, it's raised, raised, Speaker 2 00:51:27 Rowdy. Yeah. Yeah. I've got some of those in my house. I plug Speaker 1 00:51:31 So Crown. So yeah, I'm, so me and uh, Nicky t runs raised rowdy where I call him Uncle Nick. We're like family and we go over to smoker's Abby usually once or twice a week. Nick has a locker over there that he splits with, with our buddy Kurt. And um, we go over there and smoke cigars like all the time. Like I got a humidor of about about probably 30, 40 sticks. My dad for Christmas sent me down a, sent me down a box, sent me down a thing of cigars. I sent him up a box of cigars from Tennessee. He sent me down a box from New Hampshire. Like, uh, cigars for me are like, I smoked cigars my dad before I was drinking beer. Speaker 2 00:52:01 Yeah, no, I was smoking cigars when I was like 15, 16 ago. Which was crazy. But yeah, I mean, and we used to, before that when we couldn't get our nicotine fixed, we would go to like, I had a friend, I won't name 'em because his parents are devout Christians, but the dad used praise used to. Right. The dad used to smoke cigars and so we'd go to the humid door and we'd like take 'em out and we didn't know how to damn light that shit cuz we were, you know, teenagers and we didn't know what a cigar was really. And we would chew the end off of it and we'd suck the tobacco juice out of it. Which was, that's the bottom of the bottom. Speaker 1 00:52:32 That's Yeah. That's terrible. That's the millville millville Speaker 2 00:52:36 Teenager. That's white trash heinous stuff that we used to do. But you know, it is what it is. But no, I love, I love a cigar. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:52:41 Well let's, let's grab a cigar sometime for sure. Dude. That'd I'd love to smoke a CI cigar. That'd be, that'd be badass, man. I, I'm a big, big fan of that. So, so for this year you got the Meg Moroni tour. You've got, I'm sure you've got got quite a bit of music coming out. Yeah. Sounds like you, you got some stuff in the tank. When are we, when are we thinking some, some new music could be on Speaker 2 00:52:57 The way. We got one coming out in February. It's called After all. Um, Jonathan Singleton is producing it. Dude, Speaker 1 00:53:04 Congrats dude. That's go, that's huge. Speaker 2 00:53:07 Jonathan is awesome. I Speaker 1 00:53:08 Dunno if you realize how big Jonathan is. The man. Speaker 2 00:53:10 He's, he's Speaker 1 00:53:10 Talk about just an absolute legend, just incredible human and musical guy. Speaker 2 00:53:15 Yeah, he's, he's awesome. Um, but yeah, so after all, and then we've got some other stuff. We're gonna put out some more stuff before tour. It's just kinda got to the point that we're trying to pick, you know, the best song. Yeah. What we wanna go play on tour. And then after that we got some more stuff coming out during the summer and let's go. We got a little duet that we wrote that we're trying to lock down a duet partner with. So Oh yeah. You know, it's, it's gonna be a, a big year, but it's kind those one of those things That's funny cuz you know, we have everything kind of planned up until the end of April and then it's like God only knows where it's gonna go. You Speaker 1 00:53:46 Know, or something could pop up just because like, this industry is so unpredictable where good things can just pop up. Oh yeah. Outta nowhere dude. But hey, keep doing what you're fucking doing, man. I'm glad, glad we got to do this podcast and look forward to smoking a cigar, having you on the round and kicking it with you here in town, man. Let's, let's do it. And congrats. I'm moving up here too, dude. The you, the hardest part is, is getting here and then once you get here, you, you get your feet going and if you really wanna do this thing, the opportunities are endless. So, oh, Speaker 2 00:54:13 It's been, it's been fun. Thank you for Speaker 1 00:54:14 Having me. Hey, shout out to your manager and man behind the camera. Yeah. Real quick. How'd you meet Jake? Speaker 2 00:54:19 I, Speaker 1 00:54:19 He got aga guy as well. I Speaker 2 00:54:20 Got an Instagram DM from him. I had posted some stuff on TikTok and he had seen it and he was like, Hey, let's go get, you know, drinks one night when I moved to Athens. And so we had tried to, and then, you know, something, it fell through and then something came up and I think it was probably like five months later, both of us underage in a bar in Athens and having a drink. And it's kind of been, we were literally finishing each other's sentences the night we met each other and I'm like, okay, this is good, this is good. So we kind of took off from there and my uncle, um, Barry managed me for a couple months and then he was like, all right, so I'm gonna let you kinda go do your thing. And the first phone call I made was to Jake. And I'm like, what are you doing? And he is like, nothing. I'm like, okay, so you're my new manager kind of. And I have a song that's gotta come out in like two weeks, so let's do it. And so we just, after that, we just took off. So it's been a foot race since then, so Speaker 1 00:55:16 Hell yeah. Dude, it's important to have, um, have good people in your corner. Oh, it is. I'm excited to see what you two are gonna be doing here. It's fun. Speaker 2 00:55:22 Um, it's fun having somebody your age too, that you can go Speaker 1 00:55:25 Someone your age. That was, that you guys met having a beer in Athens and now you're up here in Nashville doing the damn thing. It's, it's exciting and a lot of cool stuff coming in your future, Speaker 2 00:55:34 Literally living the dream. Speaker 1 00:55:36 Where can people go to find you on all the, all the socials and all that shit? Speaker 2 00:55:39 So it's real Logan Crosby Speaker 1 00:55:41 Because there's fake Are there, do you have fake accounts out there? Fake ones started popping Speaker 2 00:55:44 Up yet. I had a couple ones and then now I've got like this one account on TikTok. It's like Logan Crosby, that's all it is. And they edit all these different, like they make these edits. Don't know. It's real weird, but I follow em cause why not? You know? Speaker 1 00:55:57 Yeah. I've recently started getting fake appar real accounts. Mm-hmm. They're DMing people and all my Speaker 2 00:56:02 Friends back. Oh, that was a big thing Speaker 1 00:56:03 Back. That's just starting, that's just starting for me now. It's like, dude, I'm not, shit, I'm, I'm like, I'm, I don't a podcast. I'm not Speaker 2 00:56:09 Nothing. No, don't saying you ain't shit. Well Speaker 1 00:56:11 Not that, but I'm saying, why would you make a fake account of me like you're not getting anything? Speaker 2 00:56:15 Well, that's what I said when I was like, when I had like 20,000 followers on TikTok, I'm like, was somebody making a fake account of me? And then people send Speaker 1 00:56:21 Waste to Speaker 2 00:56:22 Waste time. Then it, it started getting bigger and then like, it was the Instagrams and it was like, you know, the only real Logan Crosby DMing somebody and everything's misspelled and it's like, if you want to get tickets to my show, wire me a thousand dollars. And I'm like, so that's not happening. So Speaker 1 00:56:36 Yeah. We've seen that happen with Trey too that asking for money for Meet and Greeds and it's like, no, we do have free meet and greet. Speaker 2 00:56:41 Yeah, that's the thing is like, ain't no, don't pay me no damn. Look, Speaker 1 00:56:45 Look for, look for the check mark guys. Yeah, that's the thing. You'll, you'll know if it's Logan, but the real Logan Crosby, um, on all the accounts, um, music's on Spotify, apple Music, uh, YouTube, big tour coming up with our girl Meg Marone and uh, look forward to hanging out with you more in Nashville. Buddy sir. Appreciate you coming on. Uh, thank you guys for watching the In The Round podcast. Uh, shout out to our friends at Whale Tale Media, uh, Saxon Studios, uh, our boy Mitch Wallace with the Digital Marketing Agency and of course our friends at Pickle Jar Live. Use promo code I t r when signing up Pickle Jar Live the world's biggest tip jar. Be sure to check out our boy Logan Crosby. Go see him on the road, go check out the music and, uh, support him. We love him here at In The Round podcast. Happy to have him. And, uh, be sure to like rate subscribe the podcast on, uh, apple, uh, Spotify and YouTube. Till next time, for Sweet Boy Behind the Camera, y'all have a good one. This has been the In The Round Podcast.

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