Austin Snell

January 27, 2023 01:04:04
Austin Snell
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Austin Snell

Jan 27 2023 | 01:04:04


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

Rising Country Artist, Austin Snell, joins Burrill and Sweet Boy to share his story and talk about his new single 'Get There First' 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:17 And y'all are good to go. Speaker 2 00:00:19 We wearing headphones. Speaker 3 00:00:20 Well, if you wanna wear headphones you can, if you don't, I dunno if I needed them or not. It's all good. No, they, they fuck with your ears a little bit. You know, I haven't been wearing 'em in the last few episodes, but dude, how the hell you been doing Speaker 2 00:00:29 Making it brother? Staying busy. Speaker 3 00:00:30 How's busy? How's 2023 getting started for you? I know we got a song coming out soon. We were up in, up in New York City. Speaker 2 00:00:38 Yeah, we're wild back of the woods. Yeah. We got a new song coming out January 27th. Get there first. Um, if you haven't go pre save it. Um, and we were at PBR this past weekend. Speaker 3 00:00:48 So your first, Speaker 2 00:00:48 First pbr, first time in New York. First rodeo. Speaker 3 00:00:52 All in. All in one. At Madison Square Garden. At Speaker 2 00:00:54 Madison Square Garden. Like Speaker 3 00:00:55 The, the arena they call it the, the mecca is what they call that up there. I Speaker 2 00:00:59 Wanna see a boxing match there, Speaker 3 00:01:00 Dude. A bo box that's wanna saying ufc. Cuz I remember when they were, UFC wasn't like, they weren't, it was like illegal in some places. Like back in the days of like pride and all that stuff. I've had buddies go to like boxing things there. I mean I've been there for, Speaker 2 00:01:13 Do they have underground, like, boxing and stuff in New York? Oh, I'm sure. Because I'm pretty sure we walk past one. Speaker 3 00:01:17 Yeah, I'm sure Speaker 2 00:01:18 They do. Like they had a fight card and everything out front, dude. Oh yeah. And it was like, dude, dude, it was like in the back of an alley. Like it went into Speaker 3 00:01:23 An alley. If you're looking for like sketchy shit, like New York City's got it dude. There's a, you go to Canal Street in Chinatown and shit. You're not go to Canal Street in Chinatown. They got like Gucci bags and stuff. Stuffer went guc there, GCI bags. We went there and you go down there can, there you can haggle the guy down from a hundred bucks to like 20 bucks on a, on a, on a fake Rolex. Speaker 2 00:01:39 We went there. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:01:40 Get some, get all kinds of food. I mean you have every culture like in the world, living in that like 13 mile little group of islands. Yeah. That's pretty crazy. What airport did you guys fly into? Speaker 2 00:01:48 LaGuardia. Speaker 3 00:01:48 LaGuardia. LaGuardia, Speaker 2 00:01:50 Okay. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:01:50 Where is that? Yeah, that's in the heart of the shit, like Speaker 2 00:01:53 Yeah. That's closer to the city, right? Yeah. That's Cause JFK is the other one. Speaker 3 00:01:56 JFK is a little more out towards like Long Island. I fly into Newark, which is on the Jersey side cuz that's like easier for me to get to the servants and I don't get touch the city. Yeah. But, um, did, did, um, what was like the, what was the rudest thing you saw somebody do? Like what was your rudest experience? Speaker 2 00:02:13 Uh, Speaker 3 00:02:13 Cause everybody's got like whole shit. We're in, we're in New York City that, that checks out. This, that Speaker 2 00:02:17 Kind. I don't think it was a huge rude moment, but like, people just honking the horns in traffic and like, we went to a CVS and like in the south you grew up just like apologizing for stuff, I guess was like normal. So we were at CVS and we got up to the register and like, we forgot some stuff that we needed. So I was like, sorry, we don't, we don't know what we want until we get up to the register and they're like, why are you apologizing? I'm like, I don't know. <laugh>. It's like what we do? Speaker 3 00:02:39 No, Speaker 2 00:02:39 You're, they're like, you're not from around here, are you? I was like, no. No Speaker 3 00:02:42 Ma'am. Speaker 2 00:02:42 <laugh>, how can you tell <laugh>? Speaker 3 00:02:44 So where, where in Georgia are you from? Dublin. Dublin. Dublin. Uh, Speaker 2 00:02:47 Like 45 minutes south of Macon. Speaker 3 00:02:49 Do you guys have a I know Dublin because you, I think you guys have a loves or a Bucky. You guys have a loves there, right? Have loves. Yeah. You guys have a loves there. See? I know. Pretty much where every loves along. 75, 85. Speaker 2 00:03:00 Yeah. Well, everybody drives past Dublin if you drive through Georgia. Yeah. Most people. Speaker 3 00:03:04 Um, so that's like, is it south? South of Atlanta? Speaker 2 00:03:06 South Speaker 3 00:03:07 South of Atlanta. Okay. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:03:09 And it's a growing city. It used to not be nothing when I was growing up, but now it's got, we got a bar there now. You Speaker 3 00:03:13 Guys have a bar there? What? We have Speaker 2 00:03:15 A bar. We have two bars. You have two bars. Bars. One one of them's a rooftop bar. They do shows and stuff there. No. Speaker 3 00:03:19 So it wasn't a dry county, was it? Like, was that, was that the reason it didn't have a bar? Was it Speaker 2 00:03:22 Just the population? No, it was just, it was just was a population thing I think. But it's growing. I think it's one of the fastest growing cities like in the south. I wanna say. That's a Speaker 3 00:03:30 Big deal. Let's Speaker 2 00:03:31 Do it. Yeah. It's Speaker 3 00:03:31 Because all my, all my Yankee brethren are getting the hell outta Dodge and coming down south, man. No, no taxes. Good place to be. Beautiful, beautiful women. Lots of freedom. All that stuff, man. And um, so you've been in Nashville. What? You, you moved during Covid or like right around? Speaker 2 00:03:45 It was after, uh, I moved May of this past year. Speaker 3 00:03:48 You've only, you haven't even been here a full year yet. Nope. Well, Speaker 2 00:03:50 Fuck. Nope. Say you're, may, May 6th say Speaker 3 00:03:52 You're doing pretty good for yourself, bro. We're Speaker 2 00:03:54 Doing all right. We're keeping ourselves busy at least. Were Speaker 3 00:03:56 You, did you get wild the night before with it being Cinco with it being Cinco de Mayo? Like do you remember your last Speaker 2 00:04:01 Of May? No, because Speaker 3 00:04:03 It was like May 5th. That's, that's Cinco de Mayo. That's a big party Speaker 2 00:04:05 Day. Yeah, no, I had like a huge process of getting here. Like I obviously got outta the Air Force in 2020, moved back home and was instantly like I got a job to like save up for Nashville. Yeah. Was my goal. Like I was gonna save up, move to Nashville and it wasn't supposed to be a year. I was supposed to get out and like save up for a few months and move here. Um, ended up having to have a back surgery, uh, found out about it literally a week after I signed my lease to move to Nashville. Geez. And so that set me back a few months and my roommates were complete randoms and like covered my rent until I could make it here. And so like by the time it came for me to move here, I was like, dude, just get me to Nashville. I don't care like anything else, just get me there. So yeah. Um, you know I missed out on Cinco de Mayo. I just showed up. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:04:47 Cuz Sigo de Mayos. No. What you gotta do the, the real way to do the Nashville Cinco de Mayo isn't in Nashville. It's the Key West Songwriters Festival. And Speaker 2 00:04:56 I learned that that's what it was. Everybody was getting back from that when I showed Speaker 3 00:04:58 Up. Yes. Because your whole crew, dear Boys and those boys, I was, I was with them on one of the two Speaker 2 00:05:03 From what I hear, they had a time out there dude. So Speaker 3 00:05:06 Key West songwriters Fest. I went down You're good buddies with um, our boy Nikki T Yeah. And Ray Rowdy, um, Nick and, and Kurt and all and Charlie and all those guys. So Nick's gone down the last couple years. This past year was my first year going. Usually I can't go cuz of touring and all that stuff. But Trey played it last year. We were able to go down and I remember seeing P Paxton and I remember seeing Paxton like, and it's funny when you see guys usually you used to see 'em in the late hours of the night. Early hours of the morning at Red Door or like at Cookout. Yeah. But you see like Paxton and Brennan and those guys at like five 30 in the morning at D Nna still a little, a little toasty from the night before. Speaker 2 00:05:40 You get to see the progression throughout the day, bro. Speaker 3 00:05:41 Yeah. On those connecting. I think they, I think we had the same flight and I remember them telling me like, yeah, we got this big house, it's gonna be awesome. Y'all gotta come and party. And then we get down there, the house was like 40 minutes, like an hour. It was like on a whole separate island away Really? And the the, yeah the boys, the boys booked this whole big house and I was like, damn. And then I remember one of those first nights they were all, we were all out. Everybody was getting all fucked up, having a good time. And I was like, boys, how y'all doing? They're like, man, we're fucked up. We don't how we're getting home. I was like, oh boy, y'all are doing Key West the rat way. Breaking it in first year. It's, it's a fun time bro. It's like going to winners or losers or, or red door but at a beach. Speaker 2 00:06:24 And for how long is it? It's like a, Speaker 3 00:06:25 Some people do, Nicky t wants to do the whole, wants to do an extended week this year. I don't know if I could do's like two weeks. Yeah. I don't know if I could do two weeks. I mean I just smoked the shit ton of cigar back then. I'm we're as of right now, as of recording this podcast, we'll see if I'm still there. I'm three weeks off cigarettes, which is a big deal for me. Cuz I was two packs a day. I lived at the, Speaker 2 00:06:44 That was the same Speaker 3 00:06:44 Way I lived at the smoking section at Live Oak and fucking the patio at Red Door. But like, dude, I was just, I was, I was, I was inverted on being gone smoking everything. Like I was just high as high as hell. Speaker 2 00:06:56 Yeah. When I was in the military, that was the only way we got breaks was to smoke cigarettes. Oh. Like you can't, like, you can't just go take a break while you're working. It's like, I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette. Yeah. So that's like, I started smoking shit Speaker 3 00:07:06 And it, and it becomes like a social thing amongst you and, and the guys and girls over there on base with you. Like, let's have a sig and and talk about our problems or catch up or get a little Exactly. Get a little five minute break from the shit. What kind of packs were you smoking? Speaker 2 00:07:19 Uh, marble lights. Speaker 3 00:07:20 That's what I was too. I was a diet Marlboro. Speaker 2 00:07:22 I was on, I was on American Spirits for a little while. Speaker 3 00:07:23 That's such American spirits are such a commitment because they take so fucking long. Like I, we had skis and Eric Van Houghton on not too long ago. Yeah. And skis is a big endorser of of SIGs. And he said what people, what he says when people bubu SIGs from at Tin Roof, he's like, man, it's an American spirit. Like you're gonna be outta here for a while. And they're like, yeah man. And then like midway through you see them just fucking struggling trying to get through an American spirit. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:45 That was my shit though. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:07:46 It's good to be off it though. Speaker 2 00:07:47 I switched to dip and then did that and uh, they wouldn't always let you get a break if you were dipping. They'd be like, just fuck it. Just dip while you're working. You know? So I was like, alright, I'm going back to cigarettes, dude. I'm going back to cigarettes. That's Speaker 3 00:08:01 Kind of miserable for dip while you work. It is. When I used to cut grass or work for like my town, like grounds department or whatever. Yeah. We used to dip on the mower. It's kind of hard to drive the mower with the sink. And I did it a couple times, but it was a little, little dicey. Um, but these little vape things are what I've been, what I've been doing now and all that shit. Speaker 2 00:08:18 That's what we're working on now. Yeah. It's getting off that. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:08:21 It's, it's uh, it's a process man. And this town, it's, it's such a party. And what was like your initial thought when you, when you got here? Like what was your initial take on Nashville? Man? Speaker 2 00:08:31 Well I was ready to get busy when I got here. Um, cause it'd just been such a long time with me planning to get here. Um, and so that's actually how I met my camp, that I'm part of all my boys and, uh, a buddy that had followed me on socials for a while. Um, I posted on my socials, like I just moved to Nashville or whatever. Yeah. And he was like, Hey brother, we're writing this week if you wanna come by. I was like, I've never co-written before. And I was like, all right, cool. I showed up and it was Christian, Kenny and uh, this other guy and just hit it off with them. So that's kind of how I got involved with them was just a random Right. My first week here. Speaker 3 00:09:02 That's how it works sometimes. And then, and then it's like, hey, we got some buddies playing at Live Oak or the local Yeah. Or wanna go get a beer at Red Door. Yeah. And then you, you become family man. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:11 But a lot, I think a lot of people, they travel back and forth here for a while before they move here. Speaker 3 00:09:16 Depending where you're from. That's very much the Georgia Alabama way Speaker 2 00:09:20 To do it. Yeah. And I didn't do that. Like I, I visited once. I visited once and got like a tour from a buddy that I knew. Speaker 3 00:09:27 And that's not, that doesn't give you the full scope scope of the Speaker 2 00:09:29 City at all. I didn't go to Red Door. I didn't go to Speaker 3 00:09:31 Did didn't take you to Broadway? Speaker 2 00:09:34 No, I didn't go to Broadway. Where the hell did they take you? Well, I went, so my parents came up here with me when I visited. Okay. And so that we went to Broadway, but we didn't do Broadway. We didn't do Broadway. We didn't do Broadway. We were just all on Broadway. But, uh, yeah. Speaker 3 00:09:43 Are you a Broadway guy at all? No. Speaker 2 00:09:45 No. I all call Broadway. Speaker 3 00:09:47 It's funny cuz I have friends that are, that were very big on like, we're, we're not Broadway guys. Well, Speaker 2 00:09:53 Well see what happens is, is I'll go to Broadway and then I'll instantly be reminded on why I don't go to Broadway. And so I won't go for another like two months and then like on a frisky night at Red Door, be like, fuck it, we're going Speaker 3 00:10:05 To Broadway. Speaker 2 00:10:05 I know the whole thing. Well exactly Speaker 3 00:10:07 When your crew is saying let's go to Broadway, it's a tall motherfucker from Mississippi that's like, let's go to Broadway. Everybody, Speaker 2 00:10:13 That's your boy Paxton. Speaker 3 00:10:14 Paxton Loves. That's Speaker 2 00:10:15 Your Speaker 3 00:10:16 Broadway. Yeah, he's a, he's, he's a Broadway menace. Speaker 3 00:10:20 He is him and him and the boys. They love it. I used to work security down there. So for me it's like, I've seen it from that scope and it's like I don't drink anymore. So it's like you can't get fucked up there. But I have friends that are, that are like doing a lot of shit in the music world. And they prefer going to Broadway over going to Midtown because then they avoid the, Hey man, we should write some time. Hey man, how you been? Well, well, you know, I've been on the road. Like there's all all that little, that little networking side of it. It's kind of, if you enjoy that, if you, if you enjoy that kind of thing. Speaker 2 00:10:49 I think that's why Red Door was built right. For, it was supposed to be a networking bar for musicians. Right? Speaker 3 00:10:53 Yeah. Dude. There's people that have like written hits having lunch at Red Door. Now did you ever, were you at Red Speaker 2 00:10:59 Door when they, the Darth Brooks song, right? Yeah. Friends in, was it that I Speaker 3 00:11:02 It might have been, it might have been Friends in Love Speaker 2 00:11:04 Wrote on a Napkin. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:11:05 Friends and Lowe was in a napkin. There's a bunch, I think there's a couple like Trace Atkins songs from like back in the day. Like, I mean Toby Keith talks about it and I love this bar. We got winners, we got losers, you know, we got winners and we got losers. Yeah. And it's, and it's a and it's a wild, it's a wild time. Were you here when Red Door had food? Speaker 2 00:11:22 I got here, they had food for about a month Speaker 3 00:11:25 And then they built this whole little platform. We have no idea what's going in there. And Speaker 2 00:11:29 Yeah, I heard it was like a, like a, they had to get approval to do it or something. Yeah, it's Speaker 3 00:11:34 Just space. I'm like, you have, I'm like, we're packed out here on the patio. Let us, let us go in there and shit. So you move up here. Uh, well actually let's talk about the, the military stuff. So how many years were you, were you out there and so you were born in Georgia. Were you doing the military stuff in Kentucky as well? Speaker 2 00:11:50 No, so I left Georgia my sophomore year of high school and we moved to Kentucky. That's where I graduated high school. Okay. So as soon as I got outta high school, I went into the military. Speaker 3 00:12:00 So no allegiance to the Wildcats or Louisville Cardinal or dogs through Speaker 2 00:12:04 And through at. I watched more basketball in Kentucky cuz they have, you know, it's a big basketball state, but I'm not a wild cat fan by any means. Speaker 3 00:12:11 Where in Kentucky were you? Speaker 2 00:12:13 Um, we were like 20 minutes from Louisville. Speaker 3 00:12:14 Okay. Speaker 2 00:12:15 Yeah, it was, it was cool. I didn't really like it that much, but Speaker 3 00:12:18 It's not, that's why Speaker 2 00:12:19 I wanted to get outta there. Speaker 3 00:12:20 Yeah. Yeah. And that's, and I feel like there's such a pride thing being from Georgia, like Georgia guys and new Georgia girls love, no matter where in the city, Georgia's got very different places. Like they do the folks down south in Statesboro and Valdosta and Tifton are different's. Bunch of folks out there different than the folks up, up in Rome. You know, Speaker 2 00:12:36 Take a trip to R Georgia, dude. Oh dude, there's some country people in Rent Georgia. Speaker 3 00:12:40 Yeah, I've seen, we've seen some shit there. So you, how old were you when you got out to got out to Cali? Speaker 2 00:12:46 Mm, I was 19. Damn. Yeah, I graduated, um, in 2016 and, uh, had a birthday while I was in basic training for the Air Force. So I turned 19. What's, Speaker 3 00:12:58 What's a basic training birthday? Like Speaker 2 00:13:00 Horrible. Speaker 3 00:13:01 Did they give you anything? Speaker 2 00:13:02 Yeah, actually <laugh> actually, so on my birthday, so we were about to graduate. I graduated around like Thanksgiving time. Uh, and so I had my birthday and we were just screwing off in the barracks or whatever during basic training. It was right before graduation. And I was an element leader and it was like, I was in charge of like five guys, like in my basic training flight. I don't know how they pick 'em, but I was, and uh, on my birthday I was slap boxing somebody in the bathroom, <laugh>. And the empty I walks in and just rips me a new one and fires me. And so I wouldn't the, the leader no more. But, but yeah, so I was slap boxing on my birthday. That's what my birthday was like. Speaker 3 00:13:37 There you go. Go dogs. That's some Georgia shit right there. So, Speaker 2 00:13:40 But yeah, no, I was, I did, uh, so my follow on training after basic was like two or three months. So I went out to Wichita Falls, Texas, which was a shit hole. There was nothing but a strip club out there that they wouldn't let us go to. Speaker 3 00:13:56 Well that, that seems like there's a lot of the, the strip clubs are a big thing around military bases. Yeah. And my experience is going around the country. Yeah. If there's a military base around, there's, there's a very trashy club you can go to and some things you get there might might stay with you for a while. You know, you see some shit out there. Speaker 2 00:14:12 That's why they didn't want us going <laugh>. Yeah. But, uh, um, yeah, we went from there to Charleston, South Carolina. That's where I did my follow on, follow on training. And that's actually where I started playing music was in Charleston. So I was 19 years old just learning how to play guitar. Speaker 3 00:14:29 What in, what inspires that? Why, why in Charleston? Why, why that moment? At at cheering? Speaker 2 00:14:34 At cheering, I was so, I've always been like a night owl. I've always stayed up really late, which is not good when you have to get up at 4:00 AM the next morning, but nope, Speaker 3 00:14:40 Not at all. Speaker 2 00:14:40 <laugh>. Um, I had a, I had a roommate, um, so it was my bed and his bed was like, right, like from that wall to here. And, uh, I was watching ed hearing videos of him, like doing his little like loop pedal thing and like making fool songs like that. And I was like, bro, that's badass. So I literally had $405 in my bank account, 400 on a Martin <laugh>, learned how to play guitar and then, uh, was just gonna learn covers. Just to play covers. And, uh, got bored and started writing songs. So that's kinda how that started. And then after that I got stationed in Cali, so that's where I did my full enlistment. Damn. Yep. Speaker 3 00:15:17 Been literally like every time zone, like bouncing all over the damn place and Absolutely. And um, what, what were those initial covers you were learning? Were you trying to do the, the Edge she shit? Or were you like doing Speaker 2 00:15:28 Yeah, I learned some cheering. Um, simple Man was the first song I ever learned on guitar. Um, shout out Marty Schwartz on YouTube. Yeah. I dunno if you know Marty Schwartz is Yeah, yeah, yeah. He does like tutorials and shit on YouTube. Um, yeah. Simple man. Yeah. Was Speaker 3 00:15:43 YouTube a big thing for you too, when you were, I'm sure it had to be when you guys were in like, training and like, when you were in the military, like, um, did they give you like cable TV in the barracks or are you like watching shit on your phone? You Speaker 2 00:15:54 Could buy a TV and like buy wifi and buy cable, but I mean, we weren't making enough money for that. Like, they literally, I mean they, so they provided food, right. So you don't really have to buy food theoretically. But, um, I think we were making like, I making like $500 every two weeks when I was in training. Yeah. So I didn't have money to spend on a fucking tv. Speaker 3 00:16:15 Well, I didn't know if you were like, watching shit on your phone. Like what? Speaker 2 00:16:17 Yeah. On, on my phone. That's what, that's what I was watching stuff on my phone. Speaker 3 00:16:19 So what, so what were you, what, what are like, what were like some of the go-tos? Were you like Speaker 2 00:16:23 On YouTube? Speaker 3 00:16:24 Yeah, on YouTube, fucking Netflix, any of that shit. Mm. Like, cause I remember Speaker 2 00:16:28 I'm not, Speaker 3 00:16:29 I remember like at that, like, I'm trying to think of like what around that time was like, because I feel like that'd be a thing of like bunch of like, you guys would watch the same kind of like watch like binge something on Netflix. Like do something Not really when you're not working and shit. Speaker 2 00:16:43 Not really. I didn't like my roommate, so we didn't talk a whole lot. Oh damn. Um, so I don't know. We, I didn't watch a lot of tv. I mean, unless it was late at night and I just watching something on YouTube, I was watching probably a podcast of some sort. You're Speaker 3 00:16:56 A big Joe Rogan guy. Huge. Speaker 2 00:16:57 Yeah. You huge. Yeah. Joe Rogan. I watched, uh, Sean Ryan, I don't know if you've heard of his, I haven't heard. He like interviews a bunch of like, uh, like special ops guys. Like Speaker 3 00:17:08 Dude, the wildest Joe Rogan. I, one of the Wilder Joe Rogans I remember was the, the ones that he's done with David Goggins. Oh dude. Dude. Goggins fucking animal. Speaker 2 00:17:17 Different breed. Speaker 3 00:17:18 Yeah. Like legit Speaker 2 00:17:20 Animal in all, in all aspects of life. Just a different dude. Speaker 3 00:17:23 Like <laugh>. Yeah. And it's, it's the, Speaker 2 00:17:26 You seen the video of him like bench pressing and the dude's yelling at him and he is like, who's gonna lift the boats? And he's just screaming at his himself. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, I am. Speaker 3 00:17:34 Yeah. He's he's an absolutely, he's wild, absolute animal. So how does all the, how, so obviously the last like probably what, like six, seven months have just been pretty wild for you moving here and then talk about the, uh, the quote unquote the the hit or the the first hit for you. Excuse the Mess. How does that all come to be? The music video, by the way was very well done. That's cool. Speaker 2 00:17:54 I'm gonna go and Speaker 3 00:17:55 Did that. Enjoyed, enjoyed watching that video. And I love that you had Presley knocking on the door too. I thought that was a, that was a cool little cameo and Speaker 2 00:18:01 Yeah. Um, yeah, the last six months have been kind of a blur really. Um, yeah. I mean the song happened, uh, at Presley's house. Um, I had had the idea in my phone for shit probably two or three years just excused. Like, I have, like, I keep a list of titles, you know, how it, how it goes. Yeah. Um, and just had forgotten about that title. And I met up with Christian at, uh, his house and we were like, what are we gonna write today? And I was like, feeling something different. I was like, dude, let's write something like completely off the wall, like something. Cause I had just written country songs up to that point. I was like, if nobody likes it, nobody has to hear it. And so we show up to, uh, Presley's house and uh, he had, Christian had the little like rock lick going on the guitar and I had that title and it kind of just happened. Speaker 2 00:18:50 But, um, there was another guy supposed to put that song out cause I posted on TikTok of just me and a guitar. Didn't really think anything of it. Cause that's what I had always done with just the songs that I had written. And, uh, it hit like a million views in like the first couple days. I was like, all right, well this is something serious <laugh>. And, uh, somebody actually hit me up, A huge artist hit me up and he was like, Hey, I'm gonna cut this song. And so he had it on hold for the longest time. Yeah. Sat on hold for like three weeks while this song was just blowing up on my Speaker 3 00:19:21 TikTok, which as a, as a writer, that's, that's a tough decision to make. Like, we've had Jordan Fletcher on here before and he had that song me on that was a hold for Luke Bryan. Yeah. And he ended up, he ended up cutting it and getting a record deal off it. And Yeah. Jordan's out there doing his thing. Speaker 2 00:19:35 Yeah. And so that's kind of how it happened for me. Like, I, I knew it was a different sound that nobody was really, really doing. I mean, Hardy's doing the Rock thing, but just lyrically it was so different and, uh, it felt the most authentic I had felt as a songwriter to that point. And so I had to call him. I was like, Hey brother, you're not getting that song. I'm cutting the song. He understood and it was cool. But, um, yeah. So that ended up, we put that out and um, I think Grant, what are we at 10? I think it's over 10. It's like 15 million. Speaker 3 00:20:05 Yeah, I know the numbers on it. It goes up like, yeah, it goes up significantly week. It's ridiculous by week, day by day. And Speaker 2 00:20:11 Yeah. And so, and uh, that landed me my first publishing deal. Yeah. Um, and, uh, artist development deal. And so now I'm writing songs, getting paid for it. Speaker 3 00:20:21 Yeah. Which that's gotta be to, from what you were from being doing the military thing to going back to Georgia, having to do the back surgery, working a job that you're doing to help get you Yeah. To Nashville to now getting paid to do what you fucking love. Yeah. That's pretty damn cool, man. Yeah. That's, that's pretty wild how it's been. How the world works out like that. Speaker 2 00:20:41 It's been, it's been wild. I don't know. Like I said, it's all blur. Like all like, when it starts happening, it's shit. It's like stuff happens so fast and you don't have time to keep up with it. And like, it's always what's next. It's never like what's behind you. And like, people ask me all the time, like, how did, how do you, have you processed everything that's happened? I was like, not really, dude. Like, it's just everything is always moving forward. Well, Speaker 3 00:21:00 It's kind of good. It's kind of good that you haven't processed it because it means that the wheels are still fucking going with you. Yeah. And like for sure you, you don't even have the time to, you'd rather you don't want to be reminiscing less than a year after the shit happens. You've got even more shit in the tank coming, coming and going. What was like the wildest call that you got around that time? Speaker 2 00:21:18 The most wild call, like Speaker 3 00:21:19 Wild like call or like, oh shit, this person wants to talk or this or that. Speaker 2 00:21:24 Uh, I think it was just the publishing deal. I mean, that whole thing happened so randomly. Like I, me and Grant joke about it, my manager, uh, I was like, the day before I got offered my publishing deal, I was supposed to start a job at Amazon as a delivery driver. Really? I'd already taken my test. No shit. I passed my test that day. Like, I literally, I think I went from my test at Amazon to the meeting I had at River House. Wow. And uh, so that was just surreal because I was like outta money. Like I had like, the little bit I had saved up before I moved here was gone. And, uh, yeah. It was so broke. And then I show up in there and they're like, Hey, we're gonna, when you are, whenever you're ready, we're ready to sign you. I was like, holy shit. And like it was just off of one song. Yeah. So you just never know what can happen Speaker 3 00:22:11 In a short amount of time. And the crew over there at, um, over that river house too, man, it's, it's, it's a very family kind of environment. It is. At least from what I know, from what I know over there. Obviously we've, I've got got some friends over in that, in that family as well. And, um, it's kind of, it's kind of nice to not necessarily like you're, you're gonna be able to do what, what you want to do and they're gonna listen to your songs as opposed to some other places where there's a ton of stuff going on Right. Where you're just another writer, you know? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:39 And you can put all of your focus into your work, you know? Yeah. Instead of like working a job and like having to write songs on the side, you're now able to do it like fully. Like I can put all of my focus on like writing the best songs I can. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:22:51 Have you written with anyone yet where you're like, oh shit, I'm writing with so-and-so. Is that, is that moment happened yet? Speaker 2 00:22:57 Definitely. Well the first one was Ray Fulcher. Oh, cool. Yeah. Wrote with him. Um, and that was kind of full circle because he kind of made me wanna start writing songs in the first place. Um, Speaker 3 00:23:07 Which song was it, Speaker 2 00:23:09 Uh, Speaker 3 00:23:10 That inspired you to wanna write songs? Speaker 2 00:23:13 Yeah, he made me wanna start writing songs. That's what, Speaker 3 00:23:15 So, well that's what I'm saying. Like what Ray Fulcher song was like what, why, why Ray Fulcher for the, for the wanting to write besides him being a Georgia guy hit songwriter all around. Speaker 2 00:23:23 Great. Yeah. I think it was just the whole Luke project. Um, cause I found out that he had written, you know, majority of the songs on there with Luke. Yeah. And, uh, I got away with you as a banger. Yeah. He was on that. And so, Speaker 3 00:23:35 And and you think about the early Musk and Iron blood blind songs too. He wrote CB Radio with Gary and Charlie. That was like their first co-write in Nashville was with Ray Fulcher. Like, so Yeah. Speaker 2 00:23:43 Finally got a write with him and I wrote with uh, breaking Benjamin the other week. You wrote Speaker 3 00:23:47 With, you wrote with Benjamin. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:23:49 Dude. Well, their guitar player. But Speaker 3 00:23:51 Still, what, what was that like? Speaker 2 00:23:53 It was awesome. It was surreal. Like I grew up listening to kind of breaking Benjamin. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:23:57 I know you're a big, you're a big butt rock advocate. Huge. Like I am. Um, and Sweet, sweet Boy is like, we, we Jim a lot of nickel back on the road when we're, when we're out there. Um, but the thing that, that, that day when you go in the, when you go over to Presley's and you're like, let's write something different, it's a little rocking and you're like, this is definitely different to now fast forward you're right. Right. With the fucking guitar player from Breaking Benjamin. Speaker 2 00:24:20 Yeah. I mean you go from like not really knowing what this is to now, this is your sound. Yeah. You know, and it's so wild. What, Speaker 3 00:24:26 What is your sound? Speaker 2 00:24:27 I think it's that, I mean, I think, I mean obviously I grew up on the Rock stuff. That's like the first music I remember hearing. Um, I tell the story all the time of like my dad listening to CDs back when people listen to CDs. We would go on road trips cause I used to race go-karts when I was really young. And uh, I mean he had a Three Doors down cd, a Nickelback cd, um, creed. And then he had an Allen Jackson cd. So like that's the four CDs that got rotated in the truck when we were on road trips. And so that's what I grew up on. Which, Speaker 3 00:24:56 Which nickel was it on the All the right reasons? Speaker 2 00:24:59 Nickelback, Speaker 3 00:25:00 Cd, the Speaker 2 00:25:00 One with Speaker 3 00:25:01 The one with Animals Follow You? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:25:03 The one with Kryptonite and all that. Oh, Speaker 3 00:25:04 It was for the Three Doors Down one, which you remember which Nickelback one. It was because one of my first CD purchases ever was the Nickelback, uh, the one with the car on it. It was the um, I think it was all the right reasons that a photograph on it. Speaker 2 00:25:15 Oh, the yellow and orange like flame. Speaker 3 00:25:18 Oh, you were, you were even before I even was the fucking, that was um, like how you remind me. Yeah. And like the shit like that. Yeah, yeah, Speaker 2 00:25:25 Yeah. Cook Tonight and all that stuff and Yeah. Here without you all that. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:25:29 Trees with arms wide open. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:25:31 <laugh>. Yeah. So yeah, that's what I grew up on and that like, I tell people, like, it just makes sense that that was like what ended up being like, predominantly my sound was the rock. Yeah. And so, I don't know. Yeah. We're pushing to that right now. Um, but I still love writing just country music, you know. Speaker 3 00:25:48 Yeah. Dude, that's, that's cool that you get to be versatile and be able to write really whatever, whatever you want. Cuz you've rewind a few years ago and guys that were here in Nashville that were, that were country artists, country writers wouldn't be allowed to touch rock or hiphop or pop. Yeah. And now it's like Speaker 2 00:26:03 There's Speaker 3 00:26:03 A, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Speaker 2 00:26:05 Yeah. There's a lane for it. And I want to kind of, I don't know. I mean, a goal of mine is to kind of remain genre less. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:26:10 Way. Just be Austin fucking Snell. Speaker 2 00:26:12 Just be you. Like, if I write a song and I like it and I sound okay singing it, then I wanna put that song out. You know, if it's something that I relate to and I feel when I when I sing it, then fuck it. Why Speaker 3 00:26:22 Not? How, how have the, um, have you had a chance to go out and do a lot of live shows yet? Or is that really something that you guys, I Speaker 2 00:26:28 Think it's 2023 thing. Yeah. We're gonna hit, we're gonna hit some shows pretty hard. Have, Speaker 3 00:26:32 Have you done some stuff with like, do you have a band in place? Like you have like your guys. Yeah. So tell me about the band, break Them Down, how many guys you got in there and Yeah. So break, break it down a little bit for Speaker 2 00:26:41 Me. So right now we have, it's me, uh, lead Wade Davis who's playing for me know Wade. Speaker 3 00:26:47 You got Wade. I call him The Weasel bro. I love that kid. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:49 Wade is, Speaker 3 00:26:51 Hey, what I'm impressed the most about this kid, and I hope I don't get him in trouble with his university for it, but the fact that that kid goes to school and does the student thing Yeah. But is getting the real like, musician education experience being on, on the road with guys like, you guys, like anybody really in that crew, right? Like he's getting that experience. He's gonna end up with a degree and fucking years on the road, he's gonna be a, he's a savage Speaker 2 00:27:14 Savage. He's just a good guitar player in general. He's a good, Speaker 3 00:27:16 Good guitar player and he's a fun dude to be around. You see different, you see Wade like, I'm getting ready to leave Red Door at like one 30 in the morning and I'm about to walk out the door and I see Wade stumbling there. I'm like, all right, I'm gonna give this another 10 minutes and at least see what Wade's got to say. What, what, what's going on? Yeah. So you got Wade and who else you got in there? Speaker 2 00:27:32 Uh, Nathan. Um, Devin. Uh, so Devin, my drummer, uh, so we played our first whiskey jam, um, when was it? Last, last couple months ago. Played our first whiskey jam and I had a guy that was supposed to come out and drum cause I wanted to play full band cause we had all the rock songs. Yeah. I wasn't gonna go up there and play acoustic. No. Um, and so had a drummer locked in and the drummer texted me, I think it was three days before Whiskey Jam and told me he was like, Hey bro, I'm sick. I can't make it. Whatever. I understood. And uh, he had a fill in, ended up being Devin. And Devin is just, this dude like has tattoos from head to toe, like has the long hair. I don't know if you were at the whiskey gym We played, but I Speaker 3 00:28:12 Don't know if I was Speaker 2 00:28:13 Um, has the long hair and is the nicest dude you'll ever meet in your life. Like, Speaker 3 00:28:19 But when he's behind he, Speaker 2 00:28:20 But when he's behind the drums, I'll have to show you some videos. Speaker 3 00:28:22 He's a fucking monster. Speaker 2 00:28:23 Huh? He's an animal like super animated, like does windmills with his hair and shit and it's like the most crazy thing you'll ever see in your life. Speaker 3 00:28:29 That's how you make, that's how you make the, the, that's how you do the country rock. That's how you do Yeah. Your thing. Yeah. You, you're playing songs that are lyrically deep like country songs that are rocking. Yeah. And you got a guy back there going 200 miles per hour on the drums. Speaker 2 00:28:42 Oh dude. Yeah. I mean if you're gonna do country rock, Speaker 3 00:28:44 Fucking country, country rock, get fucking get after Speaker 2 00:28:47 Do it. You gotta go pretty heavy rock in my opinion. But yeah, I think we're, uh, 2023 is gonna be a big live show year for us. Um, got some shows locked in, some tour dates and uh, some festivals coming up. So we've already announced tailgates and Tall Boys will be in Illinois in June, which I'm Speaker 3 00:29:05 Super excited about. You're gonna have a blast up there. I think the guy's name up there is Wayne. I think it's Wayne. Um, cuz the people that put that on also on a club in Peoria, Illinois. Okay. West Peoria called Cruisin. And Wayne, I, I believe it's Wayne, I'm sorry if it's wrong, whoever runs Tailgates and Tallboys, but they are, we've never done the tailgates and tallboys, but we've done the show at Cruisin with, with Trey. They are a fun time. They're very welcoming. And the videos that I've seen of tailgates and tall boys, the Midwest knows how to fucking throw down. Boy heard. They know. They know how to throw down. They buy the shit outta your merch. They listen to all the, I mean, they're gonna have no choice but to listen. Cause y'all gonna be rocking out so loud. It's kind of hard to talk over. Yeah, we Snell show <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:29:46 We're gonna try to be as loud as possible, as loud as they'll let us be, but um, yeah, we're super excited. I'm, I'm super excited to get more music out. Yeah. Um, like I said, we got this next one coming out and we gotta, we got a few in the tank behind it, I Speaker 3 00:29:59 Gotta say too. And, and it's definitely something that's unorthodox within country. Uh, a cover of a song that was put out years earlier by a female. But you fucking nailed it, bro. Thank you man. Wasted all these tears, man. Thank you. Speaker 2 00:30:12 Yeah. It's what went Speaker 3 00:30:13 Into, what went in into to doing that? Was it just like you had put out a cover on, on the socials when it went out? Or was it just like, I've always fucked with the song or like why that one? Cause it, it was badass Speaker 2 00:30:23 Dude. Yeah. So when I, I mean, so I've been on TikTok for a little bit. Um, and so when I do my covers on TikTok, I try to do stuff that other people aren't really doing since you, you gotta stand out, you gotta stand out somehow, you know? And I wanted to have, you know, as little competition as possible, you know. Um, so I posted that cover, um, and I remember listening to that song back when it came out in like 2013 and, uh, posted it and didn't I, it didn't blow up until I posted the, um, snippet of it Used a mess. I posted the cover of Cassy Pope in like February I think, and it got like 2000 likes. And then the Excuse the Mess song started blowing up and then that cover ended up having like 50,000 videos made using the sound from that. Whoa. And so, I mean obviously I went to the, to the, you know, the publishing label. I was like, hey, like this is something that we probably need to look at, you know? Yeah. And so, um, we went in and recorded it and uh, was supposed to be just acoustic, showed up at the studio and the dude that recorded it had the whole track built out. Um, and so yeah. Recorded it, put it out and it's doing really well. Course Speaker 3 00:31:35 Us. I'm glad you did it like a full track. Yeah. Because acoustic stuff's cool, but like you said, like with your, with your sound, it's, Speaker 2 00:31:42 It's, and I think that's gonna set the tone for what we're doing too because like I told you earlier, I don't want to just do like, obviously the Rock, um, sound is, you know, what we're pushing as a overall, you know, perspective, but we're also gonna do the slower songs and the, the more country songs And, um, I don't wanna be limited, like I told you, I don't, yeah. I don't wanna be, you know, I wanna be genre less and just kind of put out what I think Sounds good. So what Speaker 3 00:32:05 Do you, what do you think of the term of the, the term that's out there that, that farm emo term where it's like the Sad Boy Rock Country Farm E Emo, I've heard people call it Farm Emo <laugh>. That's what I, I've heard this term a lot lately and I, and I've heard everything being categorized as that from, from Zack Bryan to Bailey to, I mean like, like your cover waste, all these tears like, like it's guys in country music, singing, singing like, like emotion filled stuff, but it being fucking rocking. Yeah. Like a fucking, like, like that, that kind of vibe. Being in country music right now is pretty, pretty wild. And you're seeing it with tech, like co wezel for example. He has that song Drunk Driving. That's a fucking, that's a song that you could have heard with fucking butt rock or emo band put out like 10, 15 years ago. And, and it, and it did well in the, in the Texas country market. Yeah. And Speaker 2 00:32:53 Rock. I don't know, I think it's something about like, I mean, I don't know why certain things work and don't work, but I think it's something to do with how authentic it comes off. You know, like, I mean, just my song for example, like, don't mind the bottles on the shelf, the pills on the floor that's super in your face. There's no, there's nothing clever about that line really. But it's so real and so authentic. Like it's so in your face I think. And that's what people I think are gravitate, gravitating towards. Yeah. It's just something that like they can relate to and it's like, you don't have to think about it. Like it's just, that's what it means. Like what you see is what it means. Yeah. And so I think that's kind of what we've been trying to touch on. Speaker 3 00:33:29 Yeah. It paints, it paints a fucking heavy image. Yeah. And cuz there are are people that really do go through like depression, like mental illness, like all that stuff. It's not country music doesn't have to just be you sitting with a, with a hot, hot blonde hair, blue eyed Yeah. Chick with fucking Daisy Duke sitting in the bed of a pickup truck, going to a high school football game, you know? And Speaker 2 00:33:49 That's the stuff I stay away from. Yeah. Well that's from Speaker 3 00:33:51 A songwriter. That's, it's the, it's the, and that stuff that's stuff's cool, but it's like talking about the real shit. And I think that's one of the things that like TikTok really likes and the people on TikTok really like is mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they relate and they, they feel those, those lyrics as you guys are writing them and singing them and shit, what's been like a wild thing? Like you probably, I'm sure you've gotten some pretty wild messages, especially putting out the songs that you have so far Yeah. Of people relating to stuff and it really hitting home for, and what have been, have there been any of those kind of crazy messages and Oh, Speaker 2 00:34:18 They're, they're everywhere. I mean, it's baff, I mean it still happens, but it's, it's baffling that people are willing to share so much about their lives to somebody they don't know. Like, just to me. Like they'll spill their whole heart out. Like, but something in particular is people are starting like to get tattoos, so excuse the mess. Really? Speaker 3 00:34:35 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:35 Like people will send me like dms and like tag me in TikTok. Any, Speaker 3 00:34:38 Any of the wines in particular, Speaker 2 00:34:40 Just excuse the mess I'm a wreck. Speaker 3 00:34:42 Yeah. I mean, Speaker 2 00:34:43 Which is kind of a badass tattoo like that is, I I would never get it on myself cause it's my song. But I mean there was one lady that um, got it on her thigh and it just said, excuse the mess, I'm a wreck. And it like was, you could see it through the hole in her jeans and it was badass. Wow. Super sick. Speaker 3 00:34:58 That is cool. How many, how many TAs do you got? Because I know you got, you got the neck piece, the Speaker 2 00:35:01 Handpiece? Yeah, I just got this one. Uh, that was impulse. Speaker 3 00:35:06 Impulse Literally Speaker 2 00:35:07 Just woke up. Speaker 3 00:35:08 Talk about when impulse, like recently. Speaker 2 00:35:10 Recently. So yeah, I'm an, an impulsive tattoo getter. Like I, how are you? Like I don't think about my tattoos very much. Like these I thought about, um, but this, I woke up one morning and I was like, I want hand tap. And then just looked up on, I think it was Pinterest or whatever, just hand tats and like this looked cool so I was like, fuck it, I'm gonna go get 'em off on my hand. But I have this one, I have these on my fingers that say you'll be okay and it's like a, like a mental message to myself. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:35:36 That's Speaker 2 00:35:37 Cool. So I can like just look at it if ever, you know, need to. I have a verse on my arm right here and then I have one on my, like front of my leg, the whole front of my cat. Speaker 3 00:35:47 So you got quite a few? Speaker 2 00:35:48 Yeah. And then I gave myself two tattoos. Speaker 3 00:35:50 You gave yourself two tattoos Was Speaker 2 00:35:52 So I bought, so I wanted tattoos. This was back when I was working construction after the Air Force and I wanted leg tats. Didn't have the money cause I was saving up for Nashville <laugh>. Yeah. So I was like, fuck it dude, I'm gonna buy a tattoo machine and I'm gonna tattoo myself. And so I drew a smiley face right here. It's like a melting smiley face. And I had a lie to my mom and tell her that it had a meaning, but it doesn't, I just thought it looked cool. So it's like a super bad tattoo. Like you could see the shaky like lines and shit. <laugh>. It is so bad. And then I have another one right here of like a girl with her like hand over her face. So yeah. That's cool. Give myself tattoos sometimes. Speaker 3 00:36:24 I mean, I, I don't know if you've seen, um, Cohen Hardy have brought tattoo guns out with them Yeah. On the bus before. And I'm glad that we don't do that with, with our, with our crew with Trey because our, I think if we had a tattoo gun on the road, shit would be all over the place. Like Speaker 2 00:36:40 Those tattoos would be impressive. I think. Speaker 3 00:36:42 Well, well they'd be just all over. Like what, what would you like? I mean I think mine would be maybe getting a smiley face on someone. Just cuz that seems to be like the easiest. Cause if I tried to do something like I can't draw to begin with, like I, Speaker 2 00:36:54 I can draw a little bit. So I, I drew. So Speaker 3 00:36:56 If you can draw a little bit, then yeah, then that, that'll help you. Speaker 2 00:36:59 But drawing and tattooing yourself are completely different. Like, especially when you're doing it to yourself. Like when I was like first started, like I'm I okay with needles, but like yeah, if I'm about to stab myself of the needle, I couldn't do it. Like I, my hand was shaking so bad and I was just like, that's why the line's so shaky. But like, Speaker 3 00:37:16 So is the eye like a, like a minus sign almost where it's like, oh shit, well Speaker 2 00:37:20 It's a melting smiley face so it turned out okay cuz the lines don't have to be perfect. Yeah. And so it was just like, it's kind of shaky and the eyes are really bad, but it's cool. Speaker 3 00:37:28 That's funny dude. So, so for this year, so getting out there doing a lot of live shows, what kind of co do you guys have like covers that you'll mix in too? Like Speaker 2 00:37:37 Yeah. Um, we'll do the cover that we put out. Yeah, we'll do the Cassy cover and then, I don't know, I wanna do some three doors down covers. Speaker 3 00:37:45 I was gonna say you just like, I'm, I'm excited to, I want to get to see you on one of those opening slots or you doing your, your damn thing playing a fucking like come home brother two thousands rock cover, you and your boys just fucking rock. And it's cool because you could do come country covers, you can do rock cover, you can really do whatever, like Speaker 2 00:38:04 Versatile. That's what we're gonna do. We don't do it all. We just got locked in for a show, um, in July that is 60 minutes. So obviously we don't have enough originals for 60 Minutes. Yeah. So we're gonna have to fill up some covers and maybe some songs that aren't out yet. But yeah, we're gonna do some rock covers. We're gonna do some country covers. Jason Aldean's one of my favorite country singers, so we'll do some, some Aldean probably, but I don't know. We'll Speaker 3 00:38:24 See Aldeen stuff you can make very rocking too because that's like what alde what Alde does. Like the Alde, Brantley Gilbert, like that heavier kinda shit. Mm-hmm <affirmative> definitely fits in. Yeah, definitely fits in that, um, that wheelhouse for you. Um, for you, what's your favorite bar in town? You like going to Couple Nashville questions. Quick Speaker 2 00:38:45 Red Door. You gotta say Red Door. That's where I know the most people, you know, um, a specific night. Like you can't, like I can't go to Red Door on the weekend cuz like, I feel like Red Door's a weird bar, but it's, it's when you hit it on the right night, it's good. Speaker 3 00:38:59 It sucks you in like a black hole or at least it does for me. And like I said, I don't even drink, I'm six years sober so I don't even, I don't even go to the bar. I go to the bar to, I go to see Ronnie at the bar to get a soda water with Lime. You. That's my order every time. But it's like, even though I'm not drinking though, I'm not, I'm not fucked up. I'm just there. Yeah. Like you get on that pat that back patio at Red Door, bro. You can, you'll, you'll get there at like 1145, you'll fucking blink or turn around. It's two 30 in the morning and those red lights are turning orange and then eventually yellow and they're telling you to get the fuck outta there. Speaker 2 00:39:29 Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. No, probably red door though. Like I you have to hit it on the right night though. Cause I feel like on the last couple times I've been on weekends, it's been like people that you don't know, just random people I guess, which is the people that aren't in music. Like they're off on the weekends, so they go to the bar people Speaker 3 00:39:43 That are off and it's the tourist man. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's, it's a fucking big ass tourist city. You see a lot of, a lot of wild, uh, Speaker 2 00:39:48 Yeah, but you hit, you hit Red Door on a weekday, like a Thursday or something. That's cool. Speaker 3 00:39:53 Yeah, I like, I like Monday and Tuesday Red Door. See for me it's like, well I'm usually not even here on Thursdays with being out on the road. So the early in the week. And it's kind of, that's what's kind of wild too, is having the, the schedules that, that we have being in music, right. Like that we can, we can stay out till two 30 in the morning and it, and it's, and it's networking, you know, it's like this is our, our conference is going to Red Door on a Tuesday night till two 30 in the morning. That's our, that's our networking. Like those are like our office Speaker 2 00:40:21 Hours. That's where you catch up with everybody and like what everybody's been doing, you know? Yeah. That's Speaker 3 00:40:24 How you get your rights booked and that's how you fucking honestly, initially Speaker 2 00:40:27 Well yeah, when I first moved here, that's how I got my rights. Yeah. It's like you go a red door and like somebody that you've seen on TikTok or wherever is there and you're like, what's up dude, I've been following you for a while. Let's write together. Speaker 3 00:40:37 Has that been kind of weird where people were now from, you haven't even been here a whole year yet and there's people here in town though, they're like, oh shit, that's Austin. Yeah. Like is that, is that, is that is odd That weird for you at first? Still kinda weird. It's Speaker 2 00:40:48 A little odd. It's easier to get rides for sure. <laugh>? No, no. I'm not the guy that, well not so much the guy that's like, please let me ride with you. Yeah. Like, I just need to fill up my schedule. Um, it's cool though. It's cool. Speaker 3 00:40:59 Yeah. That's how kind I feel too with doing the Cause I, like I said, I started out downtown bouncing, so it's like I wasn't in the music scene my first year here Really? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then it's like you, you start doing stuff in town and it's such like, there's so, it's such like a tight community where it is, it is a big city, but Speaker 2 00:41:15 It's small. It's the biggest smallest town ever. Like, it's so wild how tight knit Nashville is. Cause it's such a, like a huge city, but everybody's in the same business, so like everybody knows everybody. Yeah. Which is a good and a bad thing. Speaker 3 00:41:29 Yeah. Yeah. You gotta Speaker 2 00:41:30 Gotta be, it can be, it can be a little dicey sometimes, but Yeah. Speaker 3 00:41:33 But at the same time too, you have like, you have your crews and all of that. Yeah. And I think one of the keys to coming here is finding that group of guys or girls that, that you bo that you have that like-minded thing with. Yeah. And, and writing and, and putting out music and, and the guy and, um, Jake partial another guy to talk about. Like, so I remember Jake before Covid, I forget how we had met, but I remember like kicking it with him like 20 18, 20 19. And now to see him working with like a lot of the guys in your crew. It's cool to see all that too. Like guys that have been in town for a minute, like taking something you guys under their wing, you know? Speaker 2 00:42:13 Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, he's he's doing label work now. Yeah. Which is super cool. Like, I love to see like, people do well. Like, that's probably one of the coolest things is to see, like, for me at least, to see people are around me that I like, am really close with do well as well. Um, but yeah, he's killing it dude. He's killing it. And he kills all the rock stuff. He loves rock music. And so he, when we went in and like, when it came time for me to record a song, like, because I met Jake, um, because I wanted to get a demo done of like a song that I wrote. Um, but when it came time to, and I met him and like, he talked about how much he loved rock and stuff, and he showed me some of his stuff that he had did for, uh, for Lakeview. Speaker 3 00:42:50 Oh, dude. And I, I fucking love those boys. Speaker 2 00:42:52 They're so cool. Yeah. Coolest dudes ever Speaker 3 00:42:54 Cool dudes in their fucking song, bro. Son. Son of, what is it? Son of Speaker 2 00:42:57 A son of a, Speaker 3 00:42:58 Yeah. Yeah. Son of a hitch. Son of a bitch. They fucking, they're fucking heavy. Speaker 2 00:43:02 So when it came time to like find somebody to record excuse a mess, I was like, it's no question. That's gonna be Jake. So he killed it. And uh, yeah, man, he's gonna continue to do our stuff for sure. Speaker 3 00:43:11 Hell yeah, dude. I love hearing that for sure. I love hearing that. That's badass. Um, favorite spot. Favorite spot to, um, eat at in town. So there's a lot of fucking food options. And if you're from a place in Georgia that just got its first two bars, I would imagine you didn't have like, the most amount of restaurants where you grew up, but you've lived all over the place. So. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:30 Well, LA's got some good food. I will say. Speaker 3 00:43:32 LA do la does have, yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:34 Um, I Speaker 3 00:43:35 Don't know. You talking la like California or you're talking the na you know the Nashville, you know the Nashville la So there's four LA's, there's Los Angeles, there's Louisiana, there's Lower Alabama. Okay. And there's Lower Antioch, bro. Lower Antioch. You get some fucking don't Mexican food in the Nashville LA Yeah. You get them taco trucks on Murphysboro Pi and shit, Speaker 2 00:43:53 Bro, brother. The, the taco trucks in Los Angeles are Oh, Speaker 3 00:43:56 I'm sure they're ridiculous. Speaker 2 00:43:57 Insane. But you have to hit those in lower Antioch. You Speaker 3 00:44:00 Gotta go down there. You can find Ryan Nelson doing a, doing a, doing a redneck. Do you have a Ryan Nelson story yet? Have you partied with him yet? Speaker 2 00:44:07 I haven't partied with him. No. I wrote with him and he's just a, he's a character, bro. Speaker 3 00:44:11 He's, you look, you look up Florida man in the dictionary. It's Ryan fucking Nelson. Speaker 2 00:44:15 That dude, he is Florida. He he is Ryan Nelson is Florida. Speaker 3 00:44:18 Yeah. We did a, we did a show. We did, we, we had Ryan out with us a lot last year and 20 or two years ago. No, 2021 where shit got fucking crazy. And yeah, Ryan's just, and he's just been in town forever and he's like, calls himself the drunk uncle of Music Row. Yeah. Since he's just been here for a while now. But, but yeah, you go to Lower Antioch. There's, there's, there's some stuff down there. Where in, where in town have you, have you been in the same spot since you moved here? Speaker 2 00:44:44 Uh, yeah. So I started out, yeah, I'm still in Hermitage. Um, okay. Speaker 3 00:44:47 Hey, to the Herm, let's go. There's, we got all the spot, we got a lot of people in Hermitage. Speaker 2 00:44:52 Everybody's there. Like, that's one of the main things was like, why I stayed there is because the guys that I met, like Christian Presley, well, not Presley, but like Kenny and all those guys, like, they all live in Hermitage. And so Speaker 3 00:45:03 Yeah. I'm, I'm over in Hermitage. Trey's over in Hermitage, L's over in Speaker 2 00:45:06 Hermitage. Nick Tea's Hermitage, Speaker 3 00:45:06 Nick t's in Hermitage. Sweet Boys in Hermitage. We're all in Hermitage. Okay. So you know about, you know about the Rusty Nail then? Speaker 2 00:45:13 Unfortunately. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:45:14 Unfortunately. So the Rusty Nail, bro, we, we've been talking about No, we're gonna pitch this idea to you real quick. We're what? We're trying to, we're trying to, so me and Nikki t so, um, our buddy Sean, who's the sound guy over there, you know, me and Nikki t do our Yeah, we do our, we do our rounds over at Live Oak. Shawn's been trying forever. He's like, man, you gotta come over, do something at the nail. You gotta come over, do a round at the nail. We want to get you at the nail. I'm like, dude, I love when I was smoking SIGs. I'm like, bro, they got one of the best smoking sections in Nashville, that indoor area. Right. Basically SIGs inside, they got the beach volleyball out there, get drinks for like two bucks. Like, like the nail's Not a bad place to go if you live in Hermitage. Yeah. But we were talking about doing something, just trying it once. So, sweet boy Matt McElwain, we were talking about doing McElwain Monday. Speaker 2 00:45:58 What'd you call him? Sweet boy. We Speaker 3 00:45:59 Call him Sweet Boy. It's, it's an inside Jesse. Speaker 4 00:46:02 Yeah. It's become a thing here in Nashville. Speaker 3 00:46:03 It's like, it's like, man, he's all fucked up. What's wrong? Oh, he's a real sweet boy. You know, he's, he's a sweet boy. Speaker 4 00:46:08 <laugh>. That's the, every time I sit down with a girl. Yeah. He's a real sweet boy. Speaker 2 00:46:12 He's a real sweet Speaker 4 00:46:13 Boy. That's, it's turning into a thing now. Speaker 3 00:46:16 It's m it's M Wayne, you know, he's, he runs on Miller Light Fireball and Bad Decisions. That's what he does. It's what he's been doing for 32 years. Speaker 2 00:46:23 He owns it. The, Speaker 3 00:46:24 Um, so yeah. Who he does. That's what I'm saying. Sweet boy. So we wanna Dom Mondays and have it be like, just do one round at the nail and just see how it fucking around. Just, just arou just the night of music. Of like, make it like a raise rowdy, like in the round, like McIlwain Mondays and just do some, just blow out. Speaker 4 00:46:42 I've got enough enough people right now that wanna do it and Speaker 3 00:46:44 We'd have him hosting it. And because what he does, like within the round, I bring him up on stage to do a shot with like one round one or sometimes two rounds a night. And he's up there doing green tee shots and like, it's, it's, no, we call him our dd our drunk drummer, you know, like he's our wild, he's our, he's our wild card. He's part of the brand. So we were talking about doing that. That's our plan for the Rusty Nail is to Dom Mondays and then just have our, have our boys come out and just hang out. Not even play, but just have our friends come out and just get wild and like get the Rusty Nail. Like it's biggest night in Speaker 4 00:47:13 Business. Yeah. It'll be Speaker 3 00:47:14 That May have ever seen, Speaker 4 00:47:15 I said, already said, if I do it or, or like we're, we're gonna do it. <laugh>, um, back when at this point we're we're, it is gotta happen. Um, I said I'm pulling every card out on the first, on the first round. I do, I'm getting everybody I know <laugh> that is like, got a big song. Like I, I already know. I know I could, I could fill five rounds Speaker 3 00:47:37 And middle of light, the middle of light's getting there, getting there four of like Speaker 4 00:47:40 Four of like four, uh, four people per round of five rounds. Speaker 3 00:47:45 Yeah. So, yeah. So sweet boards we're, we're trying to get So like the Rusty, you know, like Hermitage has some fun what I'm getting at. Yeah. Hermitage has like some fun to it as well. Guess like, it's a great, to me it's like one of the best areas to Speaker 2 00:47:56 Live. Yeah. I mean, it's just far enough away from the city. Yes. To where like, I can stay away if I need to. Yeah. And then get here if I have to. You Speaker 3 00:48:01 Got a 24 dude. Speaker 2 00:48:02 Do a, do a freaking, uh, like a, like a raised, rowdy like karaoke night Speaker 3 00:48:06 Dude. Well, we've talked about doing that too. That would be too. Cause at Key West last year they had karaoke. It turned into Trey Lewis hosting Karaoke Night and him being like the karaoke dj roasting people as they were growing up. It was like, he was a, like, he was the, like he was the DJ at like a, or the, like the DJ at the Titty Club, the way he was talking on the microphone. It was pretty wild. But yeah, raise rowdy karaoke Night Up the day would be wild ba basically we, we just want to do something like dive bar degenerate slightly outside of town, you know? And I feel like Hermitage is a great spot too. I mean, you got, we got a Whataburger out there now. We got a 24 hour. The Speaker 2 00:48:38 Whataburger was good for me for a while. Speaker 3 00:48:41 Was bad for you in that you were get Speaker 2 00:48:43 It. Yeah. Just four times. Just Speaker 3 00:48:45 Whataburger or that you were sitting in the fucking wine for Cuz dude, those lines Speaker 2 00:48:50 Both. Yeah. It was the only thing open like super Speaker 3 00:48:52 Late. You have to be excited about this Speaker 4 00:48:55 Mentioned Speaker 3 00:48:56 Guy. You're not excited about it. You don't like it. Speaker 2 00:48:58 Not an in and out guy really. At all time Speaker 3 00:49:01 In California. Not in New. Okay. Speaker 2 00:49:03 I'm, well, I'm the same way with Whataburger too though. I think Whataburger was overrated. I think it's good. I think I'll eat it Speaker 3 00:49:08 Then. What the fuck were you doing there all the time? It was Speaker 2 00:49:10 Open Brother <laugh>. That's what I was doing. Speaker 3 00:49:15 That's Speaker 2 00:49:15 What I was doing. Dude. I was getting food. The only food in Hermitage at one o'clock in the morning. Speaker 3 00:49:20 McDonald's is open too. I know the guy. But dude, I'm, I end up, I end Speaker 2 00:49:24 Up, I don't even drive on that side of Hermitage though. Really? Speaker 3 00:49:27 Yeah. Yeah. See that's, unless Speaker 2 00:49:28 I'm going You ever been to Shooters? Speaker 3 00:49:30 Yes, I've been to Shooters. Shooters Speaker 2 00:49:31 As well. Speaker 3 00:49:31 I've been, oh, I, we had, we've had some ni you know, they do, they do mid, they do, um, micro wrestling at shooters? No, they don't like midget wrestling. Yeah. No, they don't. They do midget wrestling at shooters, Speaker 2 00:49:39 Bro. Shawn was talking about doing it. Rusty Nail Speaker 3 00:49:41 Midget wrestling at the Rusty Nail. All right. We're definitely all right. Live oak. I love you. But we're all, we're still doing our shit at Live Oak. But if they're, dude, could you imagine he got a Speaker 2 00:49:51 Micro wrestling Speaker 3 00:49:52 One one night. We just, we just do, we have a round and then after the round, it's fucking mic. Where would they do it Speaker 2 00:49:59 At Rusty now? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:50:00 Where, where would they set up the stage? Like in that bar set up? Where do you do it outside in the, Speaker 2 00:50:04 On the, in the sand. Dude. <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:50:08 Same. I was thinking the same thing. Speaker 3 00:50:10 You get a little, you get a little fellow jump off the building for Speaker 4 00:50:12 Probably be funnier for them playing volleyball. Speaker 3 00:50:14 Oh, dude. Oh, they'd have to lower the net, bro. Speaker 2 00:50:17 They just play like that. I think it better. Speaker 4 00:50:19 No, they hit it under the net. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:50:21 That shouldn't be, that shouldn't be wildness. Speaker 2 00:50:23 Every shot is the shot of their life, dude. Like, they have, Speaker 3 00:50:26 Someone gets one gets fuck and it's just, oh fuck <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:50:32 There's plenty of room rusting out. Oh, Speaker 3 00:50:34 Dude. Yeah. We're we're gonna, we're gonna have some fun over there. And there's that little, there's that little section. Hermit is interesting too because you've got the, the communities like behind the Valvoline mm-hmm. <affirmative> by the Kroger. Yeah. Brandon was telling me a couple weeks ago, someone got ahold of, got ahold of something and then kind of wore of the, or um, what is it? Um, lorded the Flies and inserted their dominance and was like firing off rounds in the, in the little village behind Valvoline not too long ago. Yeah. Shits they're, they're getting wild over there. But anyway, rusty, now we love you. No free ads, but we wanna be a part of your micro wrestling and McElroy Mondays and we're gonna have a blast. Um, what's something you wish you could have told yourself? So fi how old are you right now? Speaker 2 00:51:16 25. You're Speaker 3 00:51:17 25. So you start writing songs six years ago you said? Speaker 2 00:51:22 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:51:22 So six years ago, you're wa you're, you're sitting there thinking about like, just starting to do it. What's something you wish you could have told yourself? Mm, well, no, you know what? I'll make it even easier. What's something that you would've, that you would tell yourself like on, on May 6th, 2022 that you're, you're, you're on that drive coming up, I would assume by yourself coming up here. Speaker 2 00:51:43 My parents helped Speaker 3 00:51:44 You. Your parents came up with you. Okay. Yeah. But you're coming up here like making one of the biggest, one of the bigger leaps that someone can make moving to a new city, to pursue a dream with absolutely nothing guaranteed. What's something you would want to tell that Austin Snow last year? Speaker 2 00:51:59 Mm. Don't try to copy somebody. Like try your very best to, whenever you write a song, write how you feel. Yeah. I feel like there's a lot of people that they have somebody they listen to and like, obviously I have my influences, but to try your best to just write how you feel and not try to copy a sound. Cuz that's when I found like the most joy in writing songs is when I can go into a room or write by myself, I still write by myself. Um, is to just write what I feel that day. Yeah. And not like, oh, I wanna write a song like Jason Aldean today. Like, I wanna, I wanna write an Aldean song or like a, like I wanna write a Morgan song today. Just write, you know. So probably that, which I learned that pretty, pretty quick I think. But yeah, probably that. Speaker 3 00:52:47 Hell yeah, dude. Um, what would your, what would your dream, so if you were going to, um, going to like a stadium show at like, say Nissan or I guess for your Georgia folks, Sanford Stadium or, or Mercedes-Benz. That fucking Mercedes-Benz. But I haven't driven by it, but it just looks like what the Falcons play just looks stupid big. Like I'm crazy building, whatever. But if you were to go and see like all these big tours are getting announced right now, like on the, and the big rock festivals and all that stuff. Five, five artists. What's like your dream as a concertgoer? As a concertgoer be rock, rock country. Speaker 2 00:53:19 But I'm not playing. I'm just going to watch. If Speaker 3 00:53:20 You wanna put yourself on there, you can, but, but you're, but you're going, you're going to watch, like what would you pay Taylor Swift ticket prices for? Speaker 2 00:53:27 Oh Lord. Uh, ac DC's gotta be one. Um, Speaker 3 00:53:37 You, you don't have to do headliner opener. You could just do Okay. However many, I mean, if you, if you have one that's a clear headliner. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:53:43 Well, prime ac dc would be badass. Uh, Speaker 3 00:53:47 Before, before Or af Like before, after the lead singer died. Speaker 2 00:53:52 Before. Speaker 3 00:53:53 Before. Okay. Yeah. You like that highway to hell? Yes. 30 dudes done dirt cheap in your face. Yes. Angus in the fucking kilt. Speaker 2 00:54:00 Yeah. I wanna see them, uh, post Malone. Speaker 3 00:54:05 Okay, I see Post Malone. I like where this is going. Speaker 2 00:54:07 I wanna see Post Malone. Uh, I wanna see three doors down. Um, just cuz that's what I love. Speaker 3 00:54:15 It's not my Speaker 2 00:54:16 Time. Yeah. I, I wanna see, I prevail still. I missed their concert here. Okay. Uh, Speaker 3 00:54:24 Why'd you miss it, Speaker 2 00:54:26 Ma'am? Speaker 3 00:54:27 Oh, no. All Speaker 2 00:54:27 Right. Grant, you want to join the podcast Speaker 3 00:54:29 Grant? I'm not, I'm not trying to throw anybody under the bus. Someone Speaker 2 00:54:32 Who works as someone who also works for an artist. I don't. I was supposed to get tickets and like, we missed the date pretty much is what happened. Okay. We missed the date. It happens. We thought it was a different day than it was. It Speaker 3 00:54:40 Happens. They're not going, they'll be Speaker 2 00:54:41 They'll be back. They'll be back around. Yes. Yeah. I wanna see, I prevail. Where Speaker 3 00:54:44 Was, where was the show? Speaker 2 00:54:45 It was at the Speaker 5 00:54:47 Marathon. Speaker 3 00:54:48 Oh, at Marathon. That's a cool room to see a rock show in. Yep. It's a cool, okay, so IPR prevail. There's, there's Speaker 2 00:54:53 Four. Four, there's four. Dang. Who else Speaker 3 00:54:57 So far? We got AC DC Post Malone. Yeah, I prevail and fucking three doors down. Speaker 2 00:55:02 Dang. Uh, Speaker 3 00:55:03 It's a monster festival you're putting together. Speaker 2 00:55:09 Alan Jackson, dude. Okay. Just like, yeah. Alan Jackson, Speaker 3 00:55:12 Prime, prime, aj. Speaker 2 00:55:13 Yeah, for sure. For sure. Yeah. In no particular order. Speaker 3 00:55:17 No particular order. They can play however they want. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:55:19 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:55:20 Just imagine the transition of Alan Jackson closing out his set and then post coming on there and then I'd prevent, that'd be Speaker 2 00:55:25 Good. Stick. Yeah. I don't wanna do a collab with Post Malone. Speaker 3 00:55:28 Do you, Speaker 2 00:55:29 Have you heard the one with he like him and, uh, Ozzy Osborne? No, Speaker 3 00:55:33 I haven't need to look that Speaker 2 00:55:34 Up. Speaker 3 00:55:35 I just love Ozzy Osborne speaking, let alone singing. Like, I just love, do you remember the, when they used to have the, when he had his TV show on mtv, did you ever watch that? The Osbourne's TV show where he had like, Speaker 2 00:55:47 I've Speaker 3 00:55:47 Seen clips of it. It was like one of the early reality TV shows on mtv. Yeah. I've seen clips when MTV was starting to become the, the, the, the dumpster that it is now and no more Head Bangers Ball or Beavis and butter, any of like the music related things. But they, like He Ozzy was, or the even the Motley Crew movie, like how they portray Ozzy just eating the bat and doing crazy shit. Speaker 2 00:56:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I Speaker 3 00:56:09 Haven't seen that though. What, what that show? What was the collab? Was it a, was it a Speaker 2 00:56:13 It was a, I mean it was like a, like rap hip hopish beat, but it had Ozzy singing rock on it. Oh shit. It was badass. I'll show you. Speaker 3 00:56:22 Are you a big Jelly Roll guy? Speaker 2 00:56:23 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. I like, yeah, I like, uh, son of a Sinner. Yeah. Song's badass. Speaker 3 00:56:29 Yeah. He's Speaker 2 00:56:30 A bad badass singer. And just like what he's like standing for and like Yeah. He just seems like a super genuine guy. So just him as a person, not only his music, but just he seems like he's just got it. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:56:40 It's a, it's a real, it's a real fucking story of like Yeah. Coming from coming from pushing in Antioch to Right. Growing up and doing what he's doing now. Yeah. So what are, what are your, what are your big, big goals for 2023? So we got a lot of music coming. We're getting out there. The world is gonna get to see the, actually no, real quick, before we get to that, we got a really good mutual friend and she had been telling me about you for years. Our girl Sarah up in New Hampshire, bro. So talk about that. Cause that was, Sarah was one of the first people, like I met Sarah over the, through the internet. Like, like you did? Yes. Um, and we would just DM back and forth or whatever. She'd comment on my Facebook post, I comment on hers and just her being a big music lover and I remember her saying, be on the lookout for this kid, Austin Snell. Like be on the lookout. He just got outta the military's coming dude. Like, so how Well talk about that a Speaker 2 00:57:29 Little bit. Yeah. So first off, I just got the chance to meet her like at the Raised reality. Yeah. Yeah. One of the last rounds. Speaker 3 00:57:37 The rock, the um, the Rock, the Rocking Dead or whatever it was. Speaker 2 00:57:39 I think so. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Um, just met her. And that Speaker 3 00:57:43 Was your first time actually meeting her Speaker 2 00:57:45 In person. Wow. Yep. I'd never even spoke to her. Like we'd just been through text and like email. Um, but yeah, she was literally the first, the first person that was involved in music at all to find my stuff and like support it. And so Ray Rowdy did the whole article about me, um, that would've been in 2019 Speaker 3 00:58:08 Wow. BC before Covid. Speaker 2 00:58:10 Yep. So yeah, she's such a great person and like is such a believer in what I'm doing and Speaker 3 00:58:16 Has been and how wild and how wild is it that she's, uh, she's a woman that's, that's at a different stage in life than we are being in our twenties. She lives in fucking New Hampshire. Like Yeah. Like that someone, you know, spart and a part of the country you never been to that you never would've met is Yeah. One of your first big supporters because of the way the internet works. Speaker 2 00:58:34 Yeah. It's so wild. I don't know. It's crazy. Like the time that we live in, like you're so connected. Like so Well, you know, even with like TikTok and social media and like, you can post a song and have like, you can be in a point where nobody knows who you are and listen to your music, to everybody knows who you are in literally a day. Speaker 3 00:58:53 And you could walk in a room and not know who anybody is, but people know who you are because they were just, they were just taking a shit on the toilet, scrolling on TikTok and there's literally, yeah, there's you singing Yeah. Speaker 2 00:59:03 Red Marks on the knees and all. Yeah. Oh Speaker 3 00:59:05 Dude. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:59:06 Like yeah. It's just wild man. Yeah. It's so wild how fast things can happen and, and how accessible music is now. Speaker 3 00:59:15 Yeah. So 2023 music shows my goals. Yeah. What are or or goals? Uh, if you have multiple of Speaker 2 00:59:21 Them. Yeah. Um, dang, Speaker 3 00:59:25 I know I put you on the spot. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:59:29 I don't know. I think just, damn. Uh, I don't know. I Well Speaker 3 00:59:35 What are some things, what are some things that you had planned for 2023? Speaker 2 00:59:38 Yeah, just shows more songs. Um, we're gonna stay pretty busy with shows this year. I'm super excited cause I've never really done full band stuff like Whiskey Jam Yeah. Is like one of the only full band gigs I did or have done. Um, so I'm so excited to get these rock songs on the road Yeah. And play full band and have the whole production behind it and like Yeah. It's gonna be wild. Yeah. I'm Speaker 3 01:00:03 So excited for I'm, I'm excited for you to and I'm excited to see all that. And I'm also excited for this new single coming, which this episode talk We're, we're recording this and, and the podcast future cuz we're over. I see. I used to do live radio, so it was like whenever I would say something would go over the airwaves and it'd be done after I said it. But now with the way podcast stuff works, this episode will be coming out the week that the single drops and the week that we have our in the round whiskey jam takeover on that Monday night, the 23rd, which thank you and advance for playing. Um, thanks for having me. The, um, so talk about the new single, um, what's it all about? Who'd you write it with? Yes. Why? Why this song? Yeah. Speaker 2 01:00:40 It's called Get There First. Um, rock. Speaker 3 01:00:43 I wrote Rock, another rocking song. Speaker 2 01:00:44 It's rock as Hell. Yeah. Um, wrote it with Kenny Whitmeyer and uh, hunter Chastain. Hell yeah. Um, I'm sure you know who Hunter is. Speaker 3 01:00:52 Oh, we're very familiar with both of those Speaker 2 01:00:53 Boys. Uh, so yeah, wrote it with those two boys and um, we were, this is the second like rock song that we had ever written. Um, cuz like I said, I'd never written rock songs before. I just had always listened to that music. I didn't really think it fit in a country setting, but now that it does, um, well Speaker 3 01:01:12 Those have to fit in country. It fits for Speaker 2 01:01:14 You. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:01:15 What you want to do. Speaker 2 01:01:16 Right. And so that was the second of like this kind of sound that we, we did. And, uh, I don't know, I just love the song. It's about, you know, fighting for yourself and like being better and conquering, you know, your mental state in a way, I guess would be the easiest way to sum it up. But Speaker 3 01:01:34 Yeah, I can't wait for you to get out on the road and do those, um, whether it's headlining stuff, opening stuff, festival stuff. And for you, if you end up doing like the, like the, like going out, most people do the, the, after the show, they go over to the, or after their set, they'll go over to the merch table, say hey to people, take some pictures, have that fan interaction. I can't wait for you to, with how much do you talk about interpersonal like, struggles for if the, whether they're actually your struggles or something you've seen somebody go through whatever. I, that kind of shit cuts so deep with people that I can't wait for you to experience meeting the fans that have been listening to your shit. Of course. And come to a show and are like they, you see the, you see those tattoos in person. You, you, you see people singing back Excuse the mess. Yeah. And they're, they're singing about the shit they're going through, bro. Of course. I'm very excited. You got a lot of cool shit coming man. I'm, I'm proud, proud of you and happy to call your friend and appreciate you coming on here. Any anything else you wanna I don't think so. You want, you want to say any, any questions for myself or sweet boy? I think he's like three 30. He's two Miller Lights in. He's going light today. I Speaker 2 01:02:35 Don't know how sweet you feeling today? Sweet boy. Speaker 3 01:02:37 How, how sweet you feeling Mac when? Oh those ain't even opened yet. <laugh>. He's got 'em on deck. Speaker 2 01:02:43 <laugh>. No, I think I'm good man. So Speaker 3 01:02:45 What are, what are the socials? Where can people find you all that fun Speaker 2 01:02:48 Shit? Yeah, you can find me on Austin Snell music on everything I believe. And then YouTube is just Austin Snell Spotify's Austin Speaker 3 01:02:54 Snell. And talk about the single One more time. Plug that name for it. Speaker 2 01:02:56 Austin Snell. Speaker 3 01:02:57 No, the single, the single. Speaker 2 01:02:58 Oh. Get there first. Get there first. Yeah. January 27th. Speaker 3 01:03:01 Hell yeah. Get there first. January 27th. Our boy Austin Snell. Be sure to follow him on all the socials if you're on TikTok, which everybody is. I I did my first TikTok Live today by the way. No shit. I tried it and so I used to do Facebook Lives all the time back in the day when I was doing radio stuff. Yeah. I was on like a soccer mom radio station where we'd like talk about like, like play like Bruno Mars and lots of Bon Jovi cuz it was in New Jersey. So lots of Bon Jovi Charlie put and Springsteen cuz they're all Jersey guys. But I did my first TikTok live today. And that shit's It's shit's wild though. Were actually a decent amount of little pe decent amount of people in there. So if you're on TikTok, use the sound. Um, and spread the, spread the good word. Spread the good word of our boy Austin Snow. Also give a shout out to our sponsors, our good friends Whale Tale Media, Saxon Studios, our boy Mitch Wallace with the Digital Marketing Agency. And our friends at Pickle Jar use promo code I t R when signing up Pickle Jar of the world's biggest tip jar. And, uh, you guys can watch all kinds of content on that app. Uh, shout out to Sweet Boy behind the camera, our boy Austin Snow for joining us. This has been the In The Round Podcast.

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