Chris Colston

September 14, 2020 01:36:38
Chris Colston
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Chris Colston

Sep 14 2020 | 01:36:38


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

Had the pleasure of sitting down with one of Country's brightest young acts, Mr. Chris Colston! Chris is a native of East Texas who has been grinding on the Red Dirt Circuit for a while and is beginning to make the transition to working more in Nashville.

We talk about what he's been up to amid the pandemic, his debut record 'Bombs Away' that dropped in June and how he got his start as an artist and songwriter in the Texas music scene. Chris also shares some of his favorite Koe Wetzel stories, his love for sports and he makes his case to why Whataburger is superior to In N Out and tells us what he orders every-time!

Be sure to follow and check out Chris Colston on Spotify, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Also go listen to his latest project  'Bombs Away'

Song of The Week: 'Five Beers'  by Christ Colston
(written by Bart Butler, Jordan Walker and Brett Tyler)

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:16 What is going on everyone? Welcome back to the In The Round podcast. You got Matt and Boudreau. What up? And I want to tell y'all about some of our good friends over our new friends over at Trailside CBD Emporium. You've heard us talk about 'em before. Our boy Andrew and his team will meet all your CBD, hemp and Delta eight THC needs from oils and gummies to cartridges and flour. They have you covered, the carts are in stock. The bud is currently on back order. And the edibles man, they're flat out dangerous. Y'all go check 'em [email protected] and use the promo code ITR at checkout. That's trailside Promo code ITR 20% off your purchase. You can also find them at trailside CBD on Instagram and on Facebook. So, Boudreaux, we got our first live Texas guest today. Yeah. And this is awesome. This was a last minute thing. We got our boy, Chris Colson with us Sey. How you doing? Speaker 2 00:01:07 What's going on man? I'm glad to be here, dude. I'm great. This is Speaker 1 00:01:10 My, this is our first time hanging with you in Nashville. We usually get to see you when we're on the road out in Texas. Speaker 2 00:01:15 Yeah, I know. It's great. Uh, I've been coming up to Nashville a lot lately. I've been able to see like all my buddies, like Musk Island and all those guys from, you know, cuz I don't get to see them until they come to Texas. Yeah, right. So it's nice when I actually get to come up here and chill. And it's cool from being from Texas and having friends in a completely different state to make Nashville feel like home as well. Speaker 1 00:01:33 Yeah. And in a, and in a pretty completely different scene. Something I've noticed coming, originally I'm from, I'm from New York, so I'm not, I'm definitely not southern, but there's a diff I've noticed there's a difference between Texas and Nashville Yeah. In term, in terms of music and you're that perfect crossover. Yeah. Which is what's so cool and seeing, cuz there's the cowboys that have crossed over and stuff in a way. Right. But how, how has that been for you here in Nashville? Speaker 2 00:01:58 It's been good. Um, you know, my whole goal was, you know, I've been playing in Texas for a while, part of the Texas scene with the, the Randy Rogers and the Donah Hughes and the Josh Abbots and stuff. And those are the guys that paved the way for us. And, um, there's only been a few that have really said, Hey, let's, let's do something. Let's, let's go to Nashville. Let's, let's, let's try to go and do this thing, you know, outside of what we're doing here. And it's been really cool, you know, pat Green did it and Granger Smith did it. And it, you know, it worked well for those guys. So I'm, I'm excited to be a part of that group, you know, to try to, to try to really do something. You know, Speaker 1 00:02:33 Your live show's a lot of fun. Well, I enjoy, I enjoy You're, you're a guy. When I, when I see that you're, you're on the bill with us. It's, it's always a fun time. And, and you, your merch guy is one of my best buds now. And, and I've, I've become, I've become, we've become close with your crew and everything. So kind of kind of going back, how'd you get your start with doing this whole music thing? Cause I, I know obviously country music in Texas is a big thing. Yeah. How'd you, how'd you get your start coming from? Uh, is it Lindell, Texas? Lindel Speaker 2 00:02:58 Linde? Yeah. So Linde is a little small east Texas town in the northeast part of Texas, close to, uh, Louisiana, right in between, it's about an hour and a half in between Dallas and Shreveport, Louisiana, right off I 20. And, uh, man, um, dude, it's kind of a long story. Um, but I'm glad we got this time to tell this story. So Yeah. You, you tell any story you want, we're here for it. So basically, when I was, when I turned seven, my stepdad was a big drummer, you know, he, he drummed all the time. He drummed, you know, just in the East Texas area and had some opportunities to play with some, some rock and roll bands back in the day in the seventies, you know, and, and, uh, so he has been a part of my life since I was two years old. Speaker 2 00:03:38 And when I turned seven, you know, just like a dad wants to play their kid to play baseball, or their dad wants to play a kid to play football or something, he wanted me to play drums. So I'm like, cool, let's give it a shot. So I started taking drum lessons when I was seven. And, uh, I played drums for, I was seven all the way through high school. I was on drum line and all that jazz. And then I was like, I think I was 16 or 17, and my real dad played guitar and he was teaching me chords and stuff. I was like, I really like this. And then my mom, she was like, you know what, let's, I'm gonna sign you up for guitar lessons. Let's do guitar lessons, you know, and are you okay with that? I'm like, yeah, I, I love it. Speaker 2 00:04:18 I wanna try something different, you know? And so I started taking lessons in Minola, Texas from a guy named John Defour and John Defour taught Casey, Casey Musk Graves and Miranda Lambert songwriting. Oh, wow. Yeah. And it's a little bitty old town just north of Lyndale, Minola, Texas. And he, they started coming to him when they were younger as well, teaching songwriting. And, and, uh, so it was one of those things that's like, well, hopefully this works out. This could be really, really cool. So I started taking lessons. So then John de four figured out, Hey, why don't you try to sing one, you know, I was like, well, I've never really sang before. My dad sings, you know, and I sang, he's like, told my mom, he's like, do you know your kid can sing <laugh>? You know? And, uh, he was like, my mom was like, uh, no, I didn't. Speaker 2 00:05:05 He's like, well, you need to come into a lesson and listen. So she did. So then there's this thing in Texas that I like this story because not a lot of people, if you're not from Texas, know what this is. So there's a scene in Texas, and it's called the Opry Circuit. And so what the Opry Circuit is, it's buildings, it's vin like venues that someone individually owns in different cities in Texas. And there's actually a couple outside of Texas. Um, and what it is, is an Opry. They have a house band. It's usually some, you know, some older people, some old geezers that have been playing guitar and drums or whole life and wanna play music every Saturday night. And basically what it is, it's an opportunity for kids to get on stage for the first time and sing a song in front of an actual crowd to get comfortable with a stage. Speaker 2 00:05:56 It's a really, really neat thing. So my mom signed me up for the Glade Water Opry, and it is in the middle of nowhere, Texas, and a little in a little east Texas town. Um, and so basically what you do is you go in on a Saturday and they have a Saturday night show every, every single Saturday. But during the day before that show, they have auditions for anyone that wants to come and try to sing. Yeah. You pick a song off of a list that the band knows and the, you know, you go and you try out and you sing it, and it's literally a lady sitting there and she, you play and she tells you, yeah, come back on August 13th and you're gonna have your first show. And that's a huge deal, you know, when you're 16 years old and you've never done that before. Speaker 2 00:06:41 And so I got up there and I think, I wanna say the first song was in Color by Jamie Johnson. Yeah. And I was like, yeah, I'm gonna do this. You know, so I get my cowboy hat on and my starch shirt and I go up and I sing this song. The lady's like, he's great, you gotta come back. So then you got your first show booked, right? Then the day comes and you invite all your family, all your homies from school, everybody comes out and there's a tip jar when you play. Dude, I made $200 in $1 bills that night. Nice <laugh>. And I was the mo I was like, that was the moment though. I was like, I can make money playing music I'll never forget. And, uh, it was the coolest moment. So I did the op opera circuit for a while, and then after that I started my own band when I kind of outgrew the circuit and when it was becoming one of those things, okay, we need to kind of really start doing this for real. And I got out of the Opry circuit, started a band, started touring, met some great musicians in Texas, and it just kind of took off from there. Now I'm here sitting with you guys. Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:46 Something I want to ask you, cuz obviously somebody who, a mutual crew and friend that we know is, is a guy by the name of Co Wetzel. Yeah. And he's somebody that I think has kind of reshaped the, the Texas scene in a way. And he, he does his thing. How'd you first get to know him and Dre and that whole crew? Speaker 2 00:08:02 Dude, this is, oh, here comes another story. Okay. I'll try to keep this one normal Speaker 1 00:08:06 Story. Tom, with Chris. Hey dude, we love it. Tell story. Listen, Speaker 3 00:08:09 Songwriters are storytellers, but this one you just don't have to make in three minutes. Speaker 2 00:08:12 Right? Yeah. This, you go, this is cool because I haven't really told this story to a whole lot of people. So, um, okay. So, you know, I'm outta the Opry circuit. I'm playing a gig. Alright. So now I'm outta the Opry circuit. I'm playing gigs. I'm almost outta high school. No, I'm outta high school. I'm outta high school by now. How old Speaker 1 00:08:31 Are you right now, by the way? Speaker 2 00:08:32 I'm 24. Speaker 1 00:08:33 Okay, very cool. Speaker 2 00:08:34 Nice. Yeah, I'm 24 now, so I'm outta high school. Um, let's see, I'm 19. And so I'm, my parents are like, okay, if you're gonna do music, you don't have to go to college. We're not gonna force that up on you, but if you're gonna do this, that's really awesome. Yeah. Oh dude, if you don't, I I do not know what I would do without my parents' support. Cuz you know, some musicians don't have that. Yeah. You know, um, they're like, if you're gonna do this, you're gonna do it and you're not gonna quote unquote halfass it. You're gonna go hard and you're gonna make something of yourself. I'm like, all right, let's, then I'm in, don't have to go to college school's. Not my thing. So I'm stoked. And so I'm trying to make money doing gigs. And so I get this residency at this place in Tyler, Texas, and it's called Republic Ice House. And it's right across the street from the University of Texas at Tyler. And they book me to host an open mic every Tuesday night for 200 bucks. So, dude, I'm making 200 every Tuesday. So, you know, you do the math 200 Tuesdays, dude. I, dude, you know what I mean, for the month. 800 bucks, dude, at this point, you know, I'm living on my own stuff like that. Speaker 3 00:09:42 And that's a lease rent, Speaker 2 00:09:43 Dude. I'm supporting myself at, at 19 years old. At 19. Yeah. You know, and so I'm like, this is great. You know? So anyway, I got this, uh, got this residency and it's going well. I'm hosting open mics. Um, I've got some buddies from around town that are talented. They're making a deal where people start showing up, becoming a thing. And I'm playing one night and there's this guy, a friend of mine, his name is Davis Allen, and he manages, Davis manages Reed, south Hall Band, and, uh, Cody West. Big fan of those guys. Okay, cool. Yeah. Yeah. And Cody West. So Davis is part of a company that, that manages those guys and along with co now. Um, and so Davis was playing music at the time. Well, Davis, he's like, Hey, I wanna get on your residency. And he was in Stephenville, which is three hours away. Speaker 2 00:10:31 So I'm like, yeah, dude, come down. Well, we play this show and I get done and this guy walks up to me, he's like, Hey, what's up dude? I'm Dre <laugh>. And uh, I'm like, I'm like this. Yeah know, everybody just automatically laughs with you here, Dre. So he's like, dude, Andre, man, I really like that song that you played. And I can't remember which one he liked, but he's like, dude, uh, I like what you're doing. Need to get you open up for, for our buddy co sometime. I'm like, cool man. Heck yeah. I didn't know who co was, you know what I mean? I was like, yeah, dude, I'll open at opening the show for somebody. Let's do it. I don't, you know, at that point I've been doing the residency a long time. I was ready to kind of get outta that and try to do something else. Speaker 2 00:11:09 And, uh, he's like, open for everybody. Kill. I'm like, sweet. Here's my phone number. Well, dude, it had to been a year goes by, you know, and I don't, I don't hear from him, you know, I got his, I got his, I have his phone number. Yeah. And, um, I get his phone number and I text him every once in a while, you know, I'm like, Hey, what's up dudes? This is Chris. It's checking in. Yada yada year goes by, you know, so I don't hear anything and I'm kind of getting down, I'm playing the same gigs. And then I get another gig at a crawfish stand and I'm playing a gig at a crawfish stand. A crawfish stand that is some Texas ass shit. Circle M crawfish in Big Sandy, Texas that Speaker 3 00:11:46 Doesn't understand how big crawfish is. Especially Louisiana and yeah, Texas. Like I'm from Alabama originally, like south part and like, it's big down there at times, but like Texas and Louisiana, like, Speaker 2 00:11:57 It's a culture, it's a thing. It's a big thing. Big crawfish guy. And so I got this gig and it's for four hours, $200 and a bucket of beer. And that's what I'm doing. This, I'm, that's what I'm doing this show for is $200 and a bucket of beer. And I'm kind of down, you know, there's not a whole lot of people there. I'm making money, but it's not really, you know, it's just the same gig over and over again. Right. I get a text from Dre and he goes, Hey, uh, we want to, we want to come and do this show with you at your, at Republic Ice House with Co. I'm like, yeah, let's do it. So we do, we do this gig, you know, so CO comes in, this is right, right. When he dropped noise complaint, Jesus. I mean, yeah. Right, right. Speaker 2 00:12:45 When, so that's, it's when the train started rolling, that's, I mean this is very, this is January, I wanna say of 17 or something like that. I can't remember the year. And he's like, I got co coming in. And so now this time I know who CO is, you know, I've been hearing Twitter and all this, and this is the thing. I'm like, dude, I have a chance to song Swap with this guy in Tyler where I'm from. We're gonna pack this place out. And the whole plan was, was to get him co to come in and we were gonna pack this place out so that we could go play Cowboys. And Cowboys is the big club, you know, but we had to prove to ourselves, this is before CO's with a booking agency. Yeah. This is before he's signed to Table Deal. Deal is, this is the church fan days. Speaker 2 00:13:26 This is before the church fan days. Oh wow. Oh wow. This is when co shows up in his Ford F-150 with a brand new trailer on the back. <laugh>. And so co shows up, dude, and the weeks preparing this, I've made flyers. I've personally walked on the campus, I've hung up flyers everywhere trying to get Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Gotta come. Well, people know who CO is. So this thing is, this is gonna take off. And the deal was we were gonna make a hundred dollars a piece plus 30% of bar sales. Oh, that's, that's great. Matter of fact, I think it was 20%, you know, so we were like a hundred bucks, whatever, we're gonna pack this place out, we're gonna get into cowboys, we're gonna do this thing. So Coach shows up, I get all the sound equipment outta my Toyota pickup. I run it all myself, set it up. Speaker 2 00:14:18 And we packed this damn thing out, dude. And of course everyone knows who CO is and you know, I'm just the other guy, song swapping kind of thing, except my family and friends that are there. So we do it, it gets rowdy. I mean, it, it, it gets, it's awesome. You know, if you've ever been to a co show, if people don't know it's, you need to go see one cuz it'll blow your mind and bring a helmet. Yeah. Bring a helmet. Yeah. And, uh, and Shing guards and a lot of Tylenol. Yeah. And so anyway, so we do this show, right? This is the first time in my life I think that I've ever smelled marijuana. <laugh>, <laugh>, you know, the whole place is just, you know, it's great. And they bring the party. I'm like, this is nuts. You know, this is awesome. Speaker 2 00:15:04 So at the end of the night, me and co made like $350 a piece, which was back then. Yeah. I mean to make 350 bucks an acoustic show. That was 20 minutes from my house. Oh, we're rolling in it. Yeah. You know, so CO was like, dude, he came up to me at the end of the night, gave him his money, dude, I appreciate you. We gotta do this again. I'm like, awesome. So then he's like, let's set up, you know, a couple months goes by Dre's like, we need to do that again. We gotta do this again. So I had this other place in Ben Wheeler, Texas at a place called Moore Store. And that was the first venue that me personally, our band had sold out. It was just kind of the spot to go to. And so I set up this show and it's me, co. Speaker 2 00:15:49 And a band that's called Shotgun Rider. And they were really big in Texas. Yeah. Oh yeah. I'm familiar with that. Yeah. Yeah. And so I set up the song Swap, same kind of deal. We're all gonna split the money. Right. It's Wednesday night, CO's really, really growing Now I wanna say he's about to sign his, um, uh, booking, booking agency, pack it out damn near, sold out, you know, on a Wednesday end. I'll never forget we were done with the show. And this is the kind of the defining moment of me and co and, and in my eyes, we get done with the show or on stage, people were lining up in front of the stage to take pictures, you know, and there's a line for Shotgun Rider and there's a line for co and then it's in front of me is my fiance and her friend <laugh>, you know, just, just two of us. Speaker 2 00:16:40 And I, so I set my guitar, I'm like, all right, I'm gonna take pictures. And eventually some other people trickled over and took pictures with him as well. They had to get their co pictures and their shotgun pictures. Well, I'll never forget, I sat down, my guitar turned around and Co did too. And we both started to walk and he stopped. I could see. And he just kind of grabbed me around the neck and turned around facing the back wall away from everybody. He said, Hey, he said, I really like what you're doing and I really appreciate this. He said, if you ever need anything, you just gimme a call and I really like what you're doing. And I was like, I really, really appreciate it. You know? So we took pictures, we had some beers, yada yada. We selt marijuana again the first time, <laugh> the second time. Speaker 2 00:17:26 And after that it was just kind of took off. And so a couple months goes by, well now I'm looking for a booking agency and read 11 booking agency. I'm still with them. And this is who co eventually signs out. Now he's really selling, he's tearing it up. He's selling out venues. He's becoming like, who, who's co we, everybody's talking about it, you know. Well, and I don't know if he would tell this story. You know, I've never brought it up to him. It's one of those things he just did Under the radar. Kinda one of those things. Well, I hear later on that basically I'm opening up these shows now for him. He's asking me to open shows, asking me over shows and Red Island's, like, who's this guy that's opening up for you and stuff like that Speaker 1 00:18:07 Outside of your bubble of East Texas? Yes. You're going, you're doing, you're, you're, you're touring with 'em at this point in Speaker 2 00:18:12 A way. Yeah. Yeah. Ca in a way. Yeah. Not all the time, but if they need an opener acoustic for a couple hundred bucks, I'm your guy. Speaker 1 00:18:18 You're driving whatever. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:18:19 I'm going to whatever dude, I'm canceling. Whatever I got going on, I'm gonna be at this show. You know? And so, um, basically I had a song come out called Gone. And it was our first song to a million streams. It was the, it was the shit. It's Speaker 1 00:18:34 A smash shit. Speaker 2 00:18:35 I appreciate it. Yeah. We Speaker 1 00:18:36 Love you. We love Speaker 2 00:18:36 It. Thank you. And it was one of those things that's like, this is, this is a good song. And so, and, and CO's always liked that song. And so he said, basically I heard from Dre or somebody, I can't remember who was Ko never told me this, but they sat down and he sat down the phone with that song and said, you need to sign this guy. So not, not too long after that, I signed with Red 11, my first booking agency. You know, it's just crazy. Really. You really helped me out. And that's, that's the, I'm pretty sure that's what Dre had told me, the, the story. It was kind of how it all went down and just took off. Then he, then I've been, now I've been to New York City, I've been twice, you know, I've been all over the country with them, you know, and they've become some of the best friends that I've ever had. And now CO and Dre are gonna be in my wedding in April. Oh yeah. Dude. So, you know, ain't that crazy. Yeah. How that starts. That's all about relationships, man. Yeah, dude, I'm really fortunate to have CO and Dre, their whole crew. Red 11, you know, um, Jeb and Andrew at Red 11, all those guys, man, they've been really, really good to me. So, dude, Speaker 1 00:19:40 And, and it's so cool because something you hear in Nashville, you hear a lot with Georgia and, and with, there's a lot of writers, obviously from Georgia, a lot of artists that come outta Georgia. And it's kind of like the guys that have been doing it for a while bring up the younger guys. Right. And that's in a sense what what CO is doing with you. And it's so cool to see that going on. Yeah. Go going on in Texas and stuff. And uh, damn dude, that's, that's a hell of a hell of a little journey right there. It Speaker 2 00:20:00 Is. It's, it's a crazy journey. And there was, I remember there's another defining moment when Dre texted me asking me to open for CO in the Stockyards in Fort Worth. Speaker 1 00:20:08 That's a big deal. Oh yeah. That's a big deal. Speaker 2 00:20:10 Holy crap, dude. Matter of fact, I was at that crawfish gig. Yeah. And he texted me and I was, remember I told you I was 200 bucks in a bucket of beer for four hours. Dre's like, Hey, we need to come open an hour acoustic for 200 bucks. Is that okay? I said, shit, is that okay? Easy money, I'm coming right now. You know, and I'll never forget the show. I can't remember if the venue didn't have their liquor license or whatever it was, but in the show it was capacity of like four or 500 people. Maybe 400. The show was free alcohol. $20 to get in. $20 to get in. Oh man. Free beer. Free beer. I'll kid you not, this doesn't happen, you know? No, it doesn't, does this does not happen free. And they were, you know, of course the alcohol was in cups, you know about Yay. Big Speaker 1 00:20:58 Little Dixie cups. Yeah. Little, Speaker 2 00:20:59 Yeah. Little tiny ones. But you know, you go, I mean the bar was slammed. You could, I'm telling you dude, there was a line wrapped around this building around the block the entire night, like completely around the block. I do. I guarantee you there was 800, 900 people in there, you could not move. And I'm opening up acoustic. I'm like, this is the greatest day ever. Speaker 1 00:21:22 Yeah. Now you were talking about New York City. Where'd you go up there? Cause that's my neck of the woods. I had no idea. You've been to New York stuff? Speaker 2 00:21:27 Yeah. Twice. And the only reason I've gone was opening for co Wetzel. Wow. Speaker 1 00:21:30 I didn't even know co I didn't even know Cos played in New York City. Speaker 2 00:21:33 Yeah, we played, the first show we played was in Manhattan. Speaker 1 00:21:36 Was it Mercury Lounge? Yes, Speaker 2 00:21:38 It was. Speaker 1 00:21:38 How, how interesting is that place? Because what they do to, I don't know if you've been up there, Bora? I haven't yet. They rotate where like, there's, there's different shows at different times kind of thing. So like, as soon as the show ends, there's another show that sets up and they do shows all the way through kind of like Broadway. But they're ticketed shows with the national acts. Well, kinda like whenever we played, uh, the Intersection and the Stash. Yeah. But it's all one room. This is all one little tiny room. And what's the capacity in there? You think? Like 200 people tops. Speaker 2 00:22:05 Oh, maybe. Dude, it's tiny. Speaker 1 00:22:06 It's a tiny little thing. You gotta you gotta go through the bar. Loading's a bitch park in the van's. Gotta be a bitch. Like, right. Speaker 2 00:22:11 I mean, not, not that this, this house downstairs that we're in right now is tiny, but the whole venue is the size of this downstairs. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:17 The whole area is like this size of this, this, this, um, your living room basically pretty much is the studio and stuff. Did you go to the deli that was right there? That Cat's Deli? Yes. Dude. I know it's, I know it's like 20 bucks for a sandwich, but the sandwich is like the size of your head. The pastrami and stuff. Yes, dude. It's ridiculous. They used to film Seinfeld in there. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:22:36 It was great. And that was my first New York experience. And so, God, I've got so many stories to tell about that, but Speaker 1 00:22:42 <laugh>. Yeah. Did you, yeah. Did you guys go, did you guys go go out to the clubs and stuff? Cause I'm wondering, no, I'm wondering what, what the co wetzel crew is like in a place like New York City. Speaker 2 00:22:50 Well they did, and I don't think they ever went to sleep but me. I was worn out. The New York City thing was a, as much for me, coming from where I'm from, it was a little overwhelming the first time. Speaker 1 00:23:00 It was a little overwhelming for Speaker 2 00:23:01 Me too. It was, oh God, you know, this is, there's, you know, you know, three in the morning is like noon here. Yeah. You know, it's, it never sleeps. The city that never sleeps. And Speaker 1 00:23:11 With Time Square it's all lit up that you don't even know what time it is. Like, you could be in a, in a building near Times Square and you look out and it's like, it's, it's one in the afternoon almost like the Sun's out. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:23:20 And so we went there and the second time we went was in Brooklyn at the Knitting Factory. Speaker 1 00:23:26 Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. And Speaker 2 00:23:27 That was, and that was awesome. That was, that was a really, really cool show. Were Speaker 1 00:23:31 You surprised with how the fans were Yes. In New York coming from Texas? Speaker 2 00:23:35 Yeah. I mean, you know, these were, you know, these were not. Okay. So the weird thing was, is like, you go from listening and seeing co to 5,000 people, 10,000 people. And then you go and you're playing a 300 cap room in New York and it's packed out in New York. Yeah. You know what I mean? And it's like, dudes music is going everywhere Speaker 1 00:23:56 And the people know the words to the songs. Oh dude, they're, they're singing. Can someone take me to Taco Bell? Right. They're they're they're belting it out. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:02 And I'll tell you, the interesting thing is, and they'll tell you this too, is when you're back home in Texas, he's a thing Now he's just yelling at everybody's getting wild. Well, we Speaker 3 00:24:09 Gotta experience him a couple times in Oklahoma the first time. And then the second time was Bomb Factory in Dallas. And that was for me Insanity <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:17 Yeah. And we, it was one of those things was where, like, the funny thing was for me is when you're watching them play for five, 10,000 people, everybody's going wild. Yeah. Rowdy screaming in New York, everybody's standing there looking cuz they've never seen it before. They see it on social media. So like, they're excited but they don't know what to do. You know what I mean? Cuz they're so pumped now. That was the first time. Now the second and third time now it starts to get, when they come back, it's starting to get hype, you know. So it was kind of interesting to see that. But yeah, he's taken me, they've taken me everywhere. Dude, Virginia Beach from New York City Speaker 3 00:24:52 Played Virginia Beach. Speaker 1 00:24:53 That Freedom Fest. Speaker 2 00:24:54 No, it was a venue. Oh man. Speaker 3 00:24:57 It was Isn't that's where we were supposed to play this year in Virginia Beach. Speaker 2 00:25:03 I can't remember the name. I can't remember the name. Speaker 1 00:25:05 Like a lounge or like the Elevation Club or something. That's it. Yeah. The Speaker 2 00:25:07 Elevation. Yeah. Elevation 27 or something. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:25:09 That's it. That's where we were supposed to play this year. Speaker 2 00:25:11 Yeah. And dude, that right there, that was one of the coolest moments for us. Cuz all we all we had was an eep out. Right. They had it packed, packed out. I mean, and we get on stage and when we got on stage, people went nuts because people had known our EP and they'd been listening to it for a year, but we'd never been up there. So we had people singing all the songs to our little five song ep and it was, it was live. It was, it was crazy. So that was a cool moment for us. And you know, it was just one of those things, man. Just really thankful for those guys that take me everywhere and develop a friendship. Um, you know, we're about to do a hunting trip pretty soon. That'll Speaker 1 00:25:52 Be fun. Y'all go into, what are y'all hunting? Cuz I know they kill everything. Speaker 2 00:25:55 So that's another cool thing is we have the relationship and kinda similarities. We love to hunt and fish. We're from the same area in East Texas. That was a way of life growing up. Yeah. So we're going to Amarillo, Texas at Cadillac Creek Outfitters and we're hunting sandhill cranes and we're hunting duck. And I think Canadian geese Speaker 3 00:26:17 Kill those Canadian geese. Man, Speaker 1 00:26:18 Things are bashed. Right. Those geese are painting ass. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:21 And apparently they say the sandhill cranes are in the rib eye in the sky. They say that they're so good and they look like they, they say they're prehistoric looking like they look like a dinosaur, you know, like a pterodactyl or some shit Speaker 1 00:26:32 ER's. Gotta look that up. Yeah. Do it. That, that's awesome. And you were talking about having that, having that little EP out. You got a bit more than that little EP out now. June 26th, the big day for you. Yeah. Man, congrats on that release. Thank you for Yeah. And, um, how's, how's that? How's the music gonna see? Oh, that, that that's what it looks like. Like a Speaker 3 00:26:46 Small, like imu Crazy. Speaker 2 00:26:47 Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah. Isn't it beautiful though? Speaker 1 00:26:50 The ribeye in the sky? Can you Speaker 2 00:26:51 Imagine, imagine shooting one of those outta the sky, you know, it's like shooting down an airplane. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:26:56 You know, you better hope that it's not landing here. You because Yeah, Speaker 2 00:26:59 Yeah, exactly. That's Speaker 3 00:27:00 Awesome. But talk about Sky Darts. Speaker 1 00:27:01 Talk about the record. How, what was that process like and how's that all been Speaker 2 00:27:04 For you? It's changed my life, you know? Speaker 3 00:27:06 It's a good record, man. I thank you. Ive thoroughly enjoy that record. Speaker 1 00:27:08 We, we've, we've been bumping it here. Thank Speaker 2 00:27:10 You man. It's, it changed my life. It, it's, uh, there's a, there's a lot of big things in place for it right now. We had a song, so basically what I did, the whole, you're asking about the process about it is basically what I did was people were waiting on a full album for me. You know, they heard, they heard these singles, they were bumping it. But you know how people's attention spans get nowadays, just like with Muon, they're releasing music after music, after music. Cuz people always want more. You know, it's not like back in the day where you buy a record, like a Led Zeppelin record or, or a, uh, Eagles record. And you listen to it for years until you get to finally see 'em. Now it's just like, we want more. We wanna hear another one, hear another one. So it's Speaker 3 00:27:51 So open too with like Spotify and Apple Music and all that kind of stuff. Like you can do whatever you Speaker 2 00:27:54 Want. Yeah. That's the great thing about it. And so basically what I did, I was like, I need, I need something. I need some songs because I was songwriting then. But I'm from Texas. And to be honest with you, a lot back in Texas, we don't really co-write a whole lot with people in Texas. I don't know why it's not a Speaker 1 00:28:10 Thing. And I've noticed that with co where like if you look at the song credits, which is something I do a lot in Spotify, look at, I look at, oh, who, who was, who was writing on this song? Yeah. With co it's just, it just says Co wetzel. Speaker 2 00:28:20 He only writes, um, with he only do writes by himself. And that's just his thing. Yeah. That's, that's what works for him. Matters Speaker 1 00:28:27 Respect. And, and it's a common, it's a common respect. It's a common thing in Texas. Right. So I think to do that, like I'm sure Reed does that. Like there's a lot of guys that do Speaker 2 00:28:33 That mm-hmm. <affirmative> that most of them do. Well, Speaker 3 00:28:35 Small towns, it's cuz even like where I'm from in Alabama and stuff like, you know, we all write, I might write with my buddy Nick every now and then, but it's like me and him and that's it. Yeah. Like nobody else does it. So you gotta write by Speaker 2 00:28:45 Yourself. Right. And so basically it's one of those things that I was like, I really, since I can't co-write, I need to get some songs, some really, really good song somehow some way because I need a record that's gonna kind of help give us a bump and get us some more notoriety. Right. Especially what I did with my producer back home. His name is Phillip Mosley. He produces all of Colby Cooper's music. Speaker 1 00:29:10 Other guy, you and Colby. I'll tell you what. Yeah. The next generation of Texas music. Maybe, maybe maybe call it the, the, um, the, the pk the postcode generation. Y'all are a lot of fun to watch. And Colby's another guy speaking on him real quick, not to sidetrack from the record talk, but is he a guy that you've gotten to know and stuff? Speaker 2 00:29:28 Oh dude. Yeah. You know what's crazy is Colby, a couple of years ago was opening shows for me to nobody, you know, we were headlining, we were trying to get these headlining dates and we didn't have anybody showing up, you know what I mean? We were, cuz like I said, there was a break in time for a long period. We didn't have any music out. So people were kind of eh, you know, come we in a sense, you know, nobody was really paying attention to us. And Colby was open. I'll never forget, you know, I'll never forget when I met him, you know, he was 18, 19 and he was opening shows for us. And now he is taking off, you know, he's killing it, man. He's packing out rooms. It's, to be honest with you, it's kind of a similar situation of when we were watching co you know, kind of blow up. Speaker 2 00:30:05 He's really, really doing well for himself. And, um, so I got to know him and yes, we're, we're buddies. We don't get to hang out all the time. Like, I wish just because everybody's schedules are busy, you know, he's got a little girl, he is got another one on the way. And, um, and of course with the whole quarantine, everything happening, you know, everybody kinda shuts down. But Colby's a great, great kid and he's, dude he is, he's really killing it and I'm so happy for him. And so it was one of those things with Philip producer, I'm talking about Philip had the connections in Nashville with, um, publishing companies and producers and stuff. So he got me hooked up talking with, uh, Warner Chapel and Warner Publishing Company is then Combustion is another, uh, yeah, combustion is another publishing company. Well, he's like, Hey, I got this Rs need to pitch some songs. Well, they pitched me these songs. Well the first song in that batch that they pitched me was First Dirt Road. And that was a song that we cut in last November and it really did well Speaker 1 00:31:01 For us. And, and who was, and who was on that one again? Speaker 2 00:31:04 Um, let's see, that was Josh Phillips and, uh, Brett. Tyler and Bart Butler. Speaker 1 00:31:09 Yeah. And, and Bart, Bart Butler. For people who don't know you talk about a, a Texas a Texas guy too, if I'm not mistaken. I think I've, I think so. I'm not sure I, I know he, I think he's been around, um, been around that scene and stuff. Another guy already, I forget if it's you or Colby that works a lot. You work with Jordan Walker and like Randy Montana and those guys. Yeah. Yeah. So what's, what's your relationship been like with those days? Speaker 2 00:31:29 So I haven't got to meet Randy yet, um, but I cut on that album, basically I cut, I wanna say three of Randy Speaker 1 00:31:37 Montana's, we bet Randy on the podcast. It was when we were doing it was when we were up in Delaware during quarantine. We've been all over the place doing all this covid shit. And we did, we unfortunately only were able to do it over over Skype or Zoom. I forget exactly how we did it, but, um, but you talk about a heavy hitter in town and a guy that's that knows how to write a damn song. Oh. And a guy who knows how to work and groom artists. Like he's, he's working a lot with Luke and, and Riley and Parker and all those guys. Right. And now you're, you're on that list. That's, that's badass, Speaker 2 00:32:04 Right? Yeah. Um, I actually forgot to mention too, before it was to go back on that before it was Phillip helping me out with the connections. Actually the guy that got me with the Warner people was Randy Rogers. Oh wow. Because Randy Rogers was my manager for about six months or so. Speaker 1 00:32:21 Ow Damn. Speaker 2 00:32:22 It was the craziest experience ever. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:32:26 I'm telling you, dude, this is, it's, it's like a story. Like when you look back, it's a like, I'll never forget if you guys have seen the Eagles documentary on Netflix. I have not yet. You have to, you have to watch it. There's a moment in there where Joe Walsh says, we never expected to be what we were gonna be that quick. He said, when you're living your life, you realize that in the moment it seems like a bunch of random events just crashing together that are happening. And then you look back on your life and you say, and you realize it was a perfectly crafted novel. Yeah. And that was so cool to me. You know, and that's kinda what's happened with me. Just relationships bumping into people, you know, like meeting co meeting Colby, meeting Philip, who then in turns, you know, then one day I'm filling up my van with gas going on a gig and a, my text message goes off, said, Hey Chris, this is Randy Rogers, I'd like to talk to you about management. Speaker 2 00:33:20 What <laugh> like what? And so that relationship got built from Parker McCollum. Parker McCollum told Randy, there's this kid, you know, he's talented. I think he should help him out. Randy text me. So Randy becomes a manager. Randy sets me up with the Warner thing and then Philip up with his connections with Combustion and Warner as well combined. And so basically we got, um, Randy knew I wanted to do the Nashville thing and all that. And uh, so he kind of helped facilitate me and try to find other management stuff like that for Nashville. And so now I'm with a management agency in Nashville called the A mg and they manage, uh, Chris Young and Brad Paisley. Yeah. Yeah. So crazy dude. It is just nuts. Excuse me. I Speaker 1 00:34:06 Think five years ago you were playing, playing this Ice House place. It's a whole hosting open Speaker 2 00:34:11 Nights. It's actually really fun talking about all this again, because I'm starting to remember stuff that I've kind of forgotten about, you know? And so life Speaker 1 00:34:18 Moves so fast, fast. You don't get to live in the moment you, yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:21 Yeah. And so anyway, so I got all these songs for this record and there's this song in there from, um, it was written by, um, Jordan Walker and a couple other guys, and it's called Five Beers. Yeah, yeah. Dude, <laugh>. And so The Line, and actually Five Beers was the last song that I decided to put on the album. Really? Like, it was like, I had already picked all the other ones. We needed one more. We need something up tempo, something fun, something Party. Cuz I never had a party song, kind of. I listened to it a couple times, like, I think we gotta cut this. And Phillip's like, I think you need to cut that song. So we cut it and then that's the song right now, that's gonna be our quickest song to a million streams. I think it hits 600,000 today. It's been out for two months. Speaker 2 00:35:09 So it's cool, you know, and that's, those are honestly compared to other artists, those are small numbers, but for us, that's our stepping stone that's really, really helping us, you know? Yeah. 600, 7,000, 600, 7,000, almost 608. Yeah. And I think it, it's gets streamed like 14,000 times a day or something like that, which is dumb. Yeah. You know what I mean? For me, I've never really dreamed of ever having anything like that before. Yeah. So it's really happened us out in that record. Anyway, I recorded a sound emporium in Nashville Great studio. And that was my first time. This, this is my first experience. I wanna say this is my first experience flying to Nashville or like coming Wow. Was going to sound Emporium. Yeah. I wow. Hard life, right? <laugh>. Yeah. And so anyway, we get there. Phil was like, we're gonna have all these, um, Nashville session players play on this and they're gonna go through it two times. It's gonna blow your mind. I'm like, okay, I trust you. You're the producer. Right? So we got Saul, Phil Cox to play guitar, and for those that don't know who Saul is, he's did all of the guitar work for all of Luke Combs records. Uh, he's done a million other records. I, I think he's done Dustin Lynch and, um, he's the first Speaker 1 00:36:21 Call guy Speaker 2 00:36:21 Here in town. Yeah. Sam Hunt, all the, yeah, he's done all the, the parts. And then, um, uh, Jacob Laury played bass on it, and then the drummer for Aaron Watson, Nate Coon played drums. Uh, who else was it? There's a couple other guys. Um, I wanna say it was Billy Ray Cyrus's Keys player, uh, I wanna say his name is Yeah. Will. And he did Keys. And then Spence Peppered is from Na, Nacodoches, Texas, east Texas guy. He did all the acoustic stuff on that. Um, anyway, it was nuts. And they knocked out a whole record in a day. Like, this is nuts. You know, I've never experienced Speaker 1 00:36:59 It. That's how it works in Nashville. That's how it's gotta work because there's so much going on. Speaker 2 00:37:02 It's the best money investment and you're gonna ever spend. It's just to get the best of the best and just do it if you can. If you know, if it's, you know, if you're fortunate enough to be able to, to be able to do that financially so well. Speaker 1 00:37:13 So how old, so this had to be pretty recent. So you were over 21 when your first time coming here, right? Yes. Did you get to experience downtown and experience, what was your first Nashville experience like and how does it compare to your guys' music? City of Austin, Texas? Speaker 2 00:37:27 Yeah, it's, um, in my, my personal view of it, actually now I'm thinking back. I remember my stories are jumping everywhere. My first experience in Nashville was coming with, uh, my now fiance. Uh, we came up on a trip. Our parents had bought us a trip to go to Memphis and Nashville for Christmas. Instead of buying us things, they wanted us to do experiences, which I think is a fantastic, that's awesome too. Speaker 1 00:37:51 That's the way to be. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:37:52 Yeah. So we came to Nashville not knowing anybody. We don't, we don't know where to go. All we know is Broadway, you know, I mean, you know, Broadway, that's where the music is, right? Right. So we go and we, and we, we sat and had drinks, I think at the same bar pretty much every night and listen to these guys play. And that was my first time. I'm like, this is cool. Like, I gotta come back. And then since then I've, you know, I pretty much fly up here, you know, once a month at least. And I love it. So it's Nashville's great comparison to Austin. Um, Speaker 1 00:38:20 Austin's a place I haven't been yet. I've been wanting to go and I know we were gonna have a show out there with you and stuff. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:38:25 Yeah. It's, it's cool. Um, Austin's a really, it's a really neat, interesting, you know, uh, keep Austin Weird is kind of their, uh, slogan. It's, it's, if you like the, the downtown, kind of similar to Nashville, how they have the music row and they have the Broadway, they have that as well. It's called Sixth Street, which is real famous and there's 150 bands going at one time at Right. Every bar. It's really, really neat. There's beautiful lakes down there. It's Hill Country. Um, love the Hill Country. Lot of music. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of music going on down there. I wanna say Parker McCollum still lives down there and a lot of Texas guys are based out of there. Um, we're, we're pretty much spread out everywhere, but it's really cool. I, I think, you know, for me, um, it's really similar to Nashville. I think they both have really good characteristics and qualities. So Speaker 3 00:39:10 Austin is pretty much like East Nashville, but just spread. Speaker 1 00:39:15 Okay. That, that makes, that makes sense, that makes sense. With the whole Keep Austin weird. Like keep it creative. Speaker 2 00:39:20 Creative. Yeah. That's the word. Speaker 1 00:39:21 They don't want it to be commercial art. They want it to be artistic and creative, not commercial. Speaker 2 00:39:25 Yeah. Yeah. It's great. Austin's a great, it's, Speaker 3 00:39:27 It's cool because it's also the capital. So there's like Yeah. You know, the state capitals Speaker 1 00:39:30 There and everything. You got Bigass College there. Which college team do you pull for? Speaker 2 00:39:34 Dude? So what's funny is I'm not really a fan of any Texas teams, but the Dallas Mavericks and the Dallas Stars, but my college team is lsu. Speaker 1 00:39:46 Interesting. Okay. But I guess East Texas and Louisiana. Right. Speaker 2 00:39:49 Get we're Yeah, we're right. We're an hour from Louisiana and my fiance, she is from, um, she was born in Louisiana, so her family's a big LSG fan. So obviously when I met her it kinda, it's, it's a Speaker 1 00:39:59 Smart call. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:40:00 It's a good call. It's definitely a safe bet. Um, for sure. It Speaker 1 00:40:03 Worked out, worked out well for you last year, right? Speaker 2 00:40:05 Yeah, exactly. And so I think growing up though too, I was always a big college World Series fan and you know, LSU was dominant. Yeah. You know, growing up, they, I think they have Speaker 3 00:40:14 Texas had their years too though. They Speaker 2 00:40:16 Did too. Texas. Yeah. Texas did, had great years. Um, there's Speaker 3 00:40:19 A lot of time like I didn't really keep up with cause baseball as much, but there was a long time where it was Texas athletes on the cover Speaker 2 00:40:25 Oh yeah. Of Speaker 3 00:40:27 The college baseball games. Right. Speaker 2 00:40:28 And then, you know, when, when even when they had Vince Young when playing, you know, that 2004, 2005 year was my stepdad's a big Texas Longhorn fan. So I remember watching that, but I was a fan of Reggie Bush. And so then Reggie goes to New Orleans Saints, another Louisiana team. That's my favorite football team. I like Reggie Bush. Speaker 1 00:40:48 Who dat, who Dat. Speaker 2 00:40:49 Who Dat. That's right. Who Dat Nation. And so a Speaker 3 00:40:52 Falcons fan and an Alabama fan. So here we go, right? Speaker 2 00:40:54 Yeah. Oh God. He's an Alabama fan. Alabama. Speaker 1 00:40:57 Alabama. He's our crew. Obviously Gary and Charlie both from Alabama. They're big Auburn guys. Right. So they get into it with Boudreau and then Yeah, Speaker 2 00:41:04 I know they're Auburn. And see, I, you know, I've Speaker 3 00:41:06 Never, I mean, I was there during the Soula days. I lost like I've, you know, I was a true fan, like Right. The, I've been to one Alabama game in my life. Yeah. And it was versus Duke in like 2006. Yeah. And we won 17 to 14 on the last second field goal. Right. So like, Speaker 2 00:41:21 So you got hooked. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:41:22 Like we've, we've been there in the bad part. Like I wasn't a fair weather, like when they started winning, like I've been a lifer for Speaker 1 00:41:29 You saved in Alabama. Speaker 2 00:41:30 Yeah. My, my best, my one of my best friends man is a die hard Alabama Crimson Tide fan. And it's, we get into battles all the time. You know, you know how you sit around with your homies and you and you, uh, debate on who's gonna do what this year and who's better. And Speaker 3 00:41:44 How does LSU look to you this year? Speaker 2 00:41:47 I don't know. Speaker 1 00:41:48 I mean, I mean, how, I mean how Speaker 2 00:41:49 Nobody's declaring for the draft. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:41:51 Know. Yeah. How, yeah. How do you repeat last year Yout? You Speaker 2 00:41:54 Can't. Yeah, you can't, you can't, you're not gonna find another Joe Burrow for a while. Maybe. I mean, hopefully not. You know, I don't, to be honest with you, I don't know how anybody's gonna be cuz I mean, are they gonna get to play Speaker 3 00:42:05 <laugh>? Yeah. You Speaker 2 00:42:06 Know, mean mean? Speaker 3 00:42:07 We, we saw I think how Alabama's gonna be with at least their quarterback situation. Yeah. Because he got to play last year and did pretty dang good. Speaker 2 00:42:14 Right? No, Alabama's always gonna be a Speaker 3 00:42:15 Powerhouse Speaker 2 00:42:16 No matter what. I don't know. I'm not sure. Speaker 3 00:42:18 Ls u's, like, I think Coach Ho is going to make it into Speaker 1 00:42:21 Oh, he's gotta hype you up too. I love Coach Ho to, I Speaker 2 00:42:25 Don't even know the guy and I love him. You know what I mean? I feel like he's, he's, he's cool. And Speaker 3 00:42:29 Even whenever y'all had the Mad Hatter down there, Les Miles like Speaker 1 00:42:32 Eating grass. Speaker 3 00:42:33 Yeah. Like, y'all legit. Speaker 2 00:42:33 I love Les Speaker 1 00:42:34 Miles. Speaker 3 00:42:34 Y'all legit. Were like, you know, it was Alabama or LSU every year. Right. Auburn would sneak in every like, right. And Speaker 2 00:42:40 Now you two decades now you got Clemson. That's just like really killingly it, you know, we got, we got a little Clemson boy in the house. Speaker 1 00:42:47 Yeah. We guys, and I'm, I'm a Virginia Tech guy, so I, I like the ACC as well. He likes to lose Speaker 3 00:42:50 A lot. Speaker 2 00:42:51 Well, wasn't, um, wasn't, uh, oh my God. Quarterback Virginia Tech played for the Falcons. Michael Speaker 1 00:42:58 Vick. Michael Vick. We've had very good black mobile quarterbacks. We had Michael Vick, Ty Rodd Taylor. Yeah. Um, Logan Thomas was pretty good for us, but it's been a little while now since, since we lost Frank Beamer, we haven't been able, able to Speaker 2 00:43:09 Quite get Speaker 3 00:43:09 Back. Basically, Matt, cheers for the teams that lose a lot. He's a Giants fan of Virginia, uh, New York Giants, Speaker 1 00:43:16 But also a Yankees fan winning. I am. And you're, are you a big TROs guy? Speaker 2 00:43:21 No, I'm about to tell you for a loop. Speaker 1 00:43:23 Swear. If you're a Red Sox fan, we can't be friends. No more Speaker 2 00:43:26 Die Hard Boston Red Sox fan. Speaker 1 00:43:27 Let's Speaker 2 00:43:29 GOs go. Speaker 1 00:43:30 How and why? Speaker 2 00:43:31 David Ortiz. Okay. Speaker 1 00:43:33 Okay. Speaker 2 00:43:33 I get it. Favorite player of all time in oh four when they came back and beat the Yankees. Yep. Three games to nothing. Speaker 1 00:43:39 I remember, I ha I have a Hoosier daddy shirt from that series. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:43 Yeah. And ooh, that, that burns. Uh, dude, when I was growing up, I was getting into baseball, obviously I was playing ball. Sports were a big deal in my life too, besides music. I played baseball, played basketball. Um, when you had that oh four team, you had, you know, you had Vertech, you had big poppy Johnny Damon. My mom loved Johnny Damon cuz she, she thought he was hot, you know, and all that stuff. You know, you Speaker 3 00:44:04 The cave man. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:44:06 Dude. Manny Ramirez. Speaker 1 00:44:07 I mean, and then you had Pedro Martinez, Kevin, you had Kevin Malar doing the whole cowboy up thing. You had, you had, um, mark Bellhorn. You had just some crack Nixon, just some gritty dudes. Yes. Nixon. It's a, it was a fun team to, uh, fun team. The root for Speaker 2 00:44:21 Yeah, absolutely. It was one, it was one of those things where, and they, it was just, it was a story. It was a Cinderella story and they came back that season. But David Ortiz is my favorite, favorite player of all time. So then when my fiance graduated from, uh, Berkeley School of Music in Boston, we got to go and I got to go to Fenway for the first time. Got to sit on the Green Monster. Oh yeah. Crazy dude. Speaker 3 00:44:41 I went to Fenway last year. I sat right behind bullpens, like 12 rows up. Like it literally on the divider of the bullpens. Oh, that's awesome. And it was the last series of the season. It was like Baltimore versus the Red Sox. Neither of 'em. Yeah. Had a dog in the hunt, but it was such an experience. And then the next day I went to a Bruins game and set second row off the ice, second seat from the bench. Right. And that was crazy too. Speaker 2 00:45:03 Oh dude. I'm a huge diehard hockey fan too. Dallas Star. Speaker 1 00:45:06 Dallas Stars. Okay. So that's interesting though, because you're getting involved in Nashville and the Preds and the Stars have a little bit of history Speaker 3 00:45:12 And they don't get together too much. Oh, Speaker 2 00:45:13 And guess who was at the Winter Classic this year when Dallas beat Nashville. You Speaker 3 00:45:18 I was supposed to be Speaker 2 00:45:18 There. I was there. It was amazing. I have a, Speaker 3 00:45:21 I have a jersey, but I was supposed to be there and just things didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Right. You know, just, you know, it just wasn't feasible for me to go. This time I was in Texas. Yeah. And I was in Houston and all, but it was just like we had, just like, we ended our year on the 28th with co. Yeah. Uh, in Dallas. Yeah. And then I drove, my girlfriend was at the show, and then we went back to Houston. You were Speaker 1 00:45:44 With us the night before. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:45:45 I played with you guys in Ardmore with, with Musson and Co. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:45:48 Yeah, yeah. So we drove back to Houston that night, got into Houston like 4:00 AM and dude, I was just so dead. Oh yeah. I was just like, I'm Speaker 2 00:45:55 Not, not gonna Speaker 1 00:45:55 Do it. Yeah, dude. Um, those, those shows are, are a lot of fun and wild. But the Red Sox, that's I, I'm Speaker 2 00:46:00 A Sox fan. Well, the Reason The Stars and the Mavericks, my half brother works for the Dallas Mavericks in Dallas Star. He's a photographer. Speaker 3 00:46:07 Oh, that's cool man. So he got, Speaker 1 00:46:08 He, he gets a check from Mark Cuban, Speaker 2 00:46:11 Something like that. Yeah. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Pretty Speaker 3 00:46:13 Roundabout. What he has <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:46:15 Yeah. I'm assuming. Finally makes his way down to him. But, uh, this one, I'm, I, he's been there since Dirk was there. So growing up as a kid, you're looking for some sports. Speaker 3 00:46:23 I was a big Dirks fan. Oh dude. Yeah. And I've, I've always been a big Steve Nash fan too. Yes. Speaker 2 00:46:28 Steve Nash. I remember that. I remember those days. Dude. I was a diehard Speaker 1 00:46:30 Jason Terry. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:46:31 Oh, the Jet dude. Am I one of my favorite players ever? Speaker 3 00:46:34 You know, Jason kid too for a while. Yes. We Speaker 2 00:46:35 Had, we had Jason Kid, dude had Michael Finley. We, you know, we had, um, um, Eric Dam Pierre, um, all those guys, man, they were Shawn Marion. So my brother has a picture. Speaker 1 00:46:47 Funny shot. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:46:48 Yeah. My brother has a picture. So my brother actually got a ring when they won in 2011. Oh, wow. And so there's a picture of him and Shawn Marion sticking their rings side by side and is the coolest picture ever. So he would get me coolest. I have Eric DPI's armband that he got me. Just stuff like that. So I remember being a kid, my whole room, one wall, one wall was blue. You remember when those Fathead stickers came out? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I had a Fathead sticker of Dirk full size. And I don't only think, I think his head like, came up on the ceiling. It was so tall. <laugh>, you know, cuz it's him shooting, you know, so it's, it's him extended. So big Mavs fan, big Stars fan. Started in the playoffs right now. So I think they play tonight. So I'm looking forward to Speaker 3 00:47:26 That. Uh, pres went home one and done. So Speaker 1 00:47:28 Did they did so, did, so did the Rangers, but, Speaker 2 00:47:30 Uh, yeah, they did. See, and, and so another thing too, growing up as a kid, it was a big deal to be able to go from East Texas to drive to a Rangers game that was going into Dallas, that was going into the city. So that was a really big deal for us. So I did, I did grow up like in the Rangers, Nolan Ryan and all that. And, um, but man, I just fell in love with socks. Speaker 3 00:47:48 What do you think of the Ranger's new ballpark? Speaker 2 00:47:50 I've been, so lemme tell you. Sorry. You're fine. <laugh>, um, let me try to put this in a way. It is nothing like the original stadium. It is a big, and it's nice, don't get me wrong. It's very nice and it's gonna help, I think with, um, with players because it's so damn hot in Texas. You know, you can't even go to a game in Texas during the summer because it's a hundred something degrees with no wind moving and no one wants to play in that. Yeah. Unless you grew up in it. I've Speaker 3 00:48:24 Heard people explaining the ballpark at Arlin, uh, is basically like, um, you're sitting in an oven. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:48:31 Pretty much. And pretty Speaker 3 00:48:32 Much, and you're baking like hot dogs in the stands. Speaker 2 00:48:34 But the thing is, is with the new ones, um, my fiance's little brother graduated high school this year and he got to graduate on Homeplate in the new stadium. And so Wow. That was pretty cool. Speaker 1 00:48:45 Everything's bigger in Texas that Speaker 3 00:48:46 The graduation, one of the dudes slid in the home plate. Speaker 2 00:48:49 There's one of those, one of those, they had a bunch of Texas high schools that got to do it. But when we went, you're sitting there and it don't get me wrong, it's nice. You're sitting there and it's like sitting in this house. You got air conditioner finally at a ball game. It's just a big industrial building. It's very clean. There's nothing about it. Like walking up to Wrigley Field or Fenway or even the ballpark Arlington. You walk up and you're staring at like, it gives me chills thinking about it. This is a ballpark. You're about to go experience a Speaker 1 00:49:14 Baseball game. That's how I feel that that's how, and I, I get into it with a lot of other Yankee fans, but I grew up in the, the original old one, Yankee one Yankee Stadium. And for me, I remember being in the upper deck and watching Marlon Rivera in the ninth and the stadium freaking shaking. Yeah. And walking up and being like, oh, that's amazing. Seeing, seeing the, they had like a big smokestack there, but they made it look like a Babe Ruth, Louisville Slugger. Yeah. Like all this history, monument Park, all this stuff. New stadium. It's still got some of that, but it ain't the same. And I feel that's not the same. That's why I feel it with Arlington. Speaker 2 00:49:40 It's not the same. And I, I'm, I'm gonna go watch games there. I'm gonna love it. I'm gonna love to watch the Texas Rangers play games. But, Speaker 3 00:49:46 Uh, did you see all the Twitter roasting of the new wall part? They did. Speaker 2 00:49:50 Oh, I'm, no, I didn't, but I'm sure, oh Speaker 3 00:49:51 Dude, there was one they like, they photoshopped it and made it look like a big grill opening. They Speaker 2 00:49:57 Like, oh, I did Speaker 3 00:49:57 See that. And then like, uh, one of 'em, one that I saw is like, they put Joel Stein up there and they're like, Joel Ste eyeing his new church building in 20 years. Oh Speaker 2 00:50:06 No. Speaker 1 00:50:06 <laugh> Ranger's got a guy. You got, uh, Joey Gallo right now, right? Yes. Speaker 2 00:50:10 He's pretty Speaker 1 00:50:11 Good. Love Gallo. Pretty good power hitter. He'd be nice. And he Yankees uniform. I'll tell you what he is. Speaker 2 00:50:14 And I was, and I was a Mitch Morland fan, and then Mitch went to Boston. So I was Speaker 1 00:50:18 Like, oh, perfect. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:50:19 Uh, actually a lot of the Texas guys, Casey Donahue and Randy Rogers and all those guys, they're friends with Brock Holt. Oh Speaker 1 00:50:25 Yeah. And Brock Speaker 2 00:50:26 Holt played with Boston. Now he's with Milwaukee. Yeah. I think with the Brewer's organization. Anyway, big sports guy, you know. Um, I don't even remember what we were talking about before sports. I think we got off on that. Yeah. But I can't remember. It was great though. I loved that. Speaker 1 00:50:39 So speaking of things that we love, there's some things that make going into Texas awesome. For me as a merch guy, I sell a shit ton of merch. Your Texas music fans love supporting artists by buying merchandise. And you've got a lot of cool t-shirts and hats. And I rock the, the Indian Head one. Hey, the, the, the Chris Colson, the, the Texas, Speaker 3 00:50:56 I'm not gonna lie, we So you gave some hats to guys. Yeah. And we have this thing as like, if a hat sit in the van for a few weeks, it's free game. Yeah. And I'm like a, I probably got a hundred hats upstairs. Yeah. So like, I always like grab one. Well, there was your like black one that has your name on it. It's kinda like the trucker hat. And it sat there for like a week and I was like, yes, if it's here next week I'm grabbing it. And then Chuck's like, Hmm, I like this hat. Yeah. Now Chuck Speaker 1 00:51:19 Wears it Speaker 2 00:51:20 Wears all time. Time. Yeah. I see his pictures on Instagram and Speaker 1 00:51:22 Stuff all the time, man. But aside, but aside from, from me being able to sell a shit ton of merch in the great state of Texas, y'all have a couple of things that other places don't have. One of them great food. Well, great food. One of them is Bucky's. Yes. And to me, I didn't know what Bucky's was. I had heard about it and my first out and they were like, just wait till we go to Texas or we stop at a certain place in Alabama and there's, there's Bucky's. And it was, now Boudreaux is probably like the biggest Bucky's fan that I know he is. Oh yeah. Speaker 3 00:51:50 He'll go in there and spend seriously two hours. Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:51:53 He buys everything. He's got Bucky's hats, he's got Bucky's shirts. He's got Bucky's cups. He brings, he brings back Beaver nuggets. Speaker 2 00:52:00 Yeah, I was gonna say, have you had the Bucky's Nuggets the greatest? Speaker 3 00:52:03 Have you had the, I don't know how new they are. They're new to us, but the, um, beaver Twist. Speaker 2 00:52:08 I actually haven't, Speaker 3 00:52:09 So the Beaver twists are literally bugles covered in white chocolate. Oh. Speaker 1 00:52:13 And a can Lord and a can cause everything in Bucky's comes in a can. Oh, that's great. Speaker 3 00:52:16 Literally last time, so I was in Houston like mid-August and when I flew back I literally brought two pounds of brisket with me from Bucky's <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:52:26 He used it as telling meat here. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:52:28 Literally like the guy at, uh, TSA was like, you mind opening your backpack? And I was like, yep. And like I opened it up in the whole airport for a second. Just smelled like Bucky's brisket. Brisket. It was great. Brisket. My backpack still smells like brisket. That's Speaker 1 00:52:39 Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. So are you a Whataburger or in and out guy? Whataburger. Okay. A hundred percent Speaker 2 00:52:44 Hands down. Speaker 1 00:52:45 Okay. Every Texas person that I've talked to about this has said Whataburger. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:52:49 It's the greatest. Uh, and I cannot believe Nashville doesn't have one because we're, we're Speaker 3 00:52:54 The worst. Okay. We had one, we had one and it shut down in like the nineties. And now that they're talking about bringing one, we actually just had one open near Ardmore, Alabama, which is like the state line. Right. So there's one now about an hour, hour and a half away from us. And Speaker 1 00:53:08 Me and me and Boudreaux are probably gonna take a trip just to go to Whataburger. So before we're drive an hour and a half for us. Yes. Speaker 3 00:53:12 So before, so I'm from a part of like Alabama, north Florida, that's like, I live like right on the Alabama Florida line. Okay. And it's like, there are Whataburgers there. Right. The first Whataburgers outside the state of Texas, were in the part of like, Florida that I live in and all right. So it's like, it's great. And now we also have a Buckys down in Orange Beach, Alabama, which isn't too far. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:53:32 Yeah. I went by, I went through that one the other day. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:53:35 It's totally like Texas too, you know, like whatever. But yeah, yeah, yeah. Instead of like, that's the thing when Muscadine the Red Clay country, that's where they like kind of got that from and stuff. But like, you know, I grew up on a Whataburger. So when I was in college here in town, I would literally on a Saturday or something, leave early in the morning, drive to Birmingham, which is about three hours, get Whataburger right around lunchtime, go chill in Birmingham for a few hours, and then get it for dinner and head back to town. Speaker 2 00:54:03 <laugh>. That is dedication right there. Speaker 3 00:54:06 Yeah. That's, that's like my Whataburger. Love that. Speaker 1 00:54:08 We, we get, we get into, into arguments over Inn Out and Whataburger's not an argument. Our, in our band. Exactly. Our, in our band group chat, because Zoltan our drummer, he's from California. So he's Speaker 2 00:54:18 A, he's an inn out Speaker 1 00:54:19 Guy. He's an out guy. And then Justin, our bass player also in and Out guy. I think Weston is a recent recovering vegan, we'll call it a recovering vegan. Cause he wa he was a vegan. Yeah. But now he, he's, he's come, he's come to his senses and can eat burgers again. I don't Speaker 3 00:54:32 Think he's had Whataburger yet. He's only had in and Out. Yeah. He Speaker 1 00:54:34 Liked it. But for me, I mean, Whataburgers so good. The honey, I call it the honey boo boo biscuit because I was, I was, um, I, I got, I had the, the smell of marijuana the first time I had it. And I didn't know it was the honey butter chicken biscuit. And the guy, the guys put it on their Instagram story and were like, oh, it's our ya our new Yankee, uh, mech guy. What do you think of that? I'm like, oh, it's the honey boo boo biscuit. Oh yeah. And yeah, that's what, if Speaker 3 00:54:53 You look in my fridge, there's at least one, if not two or three bottles of honey butter Whataburger. Speaker 2 00:54:59 Dude, let me show you this. All right. I know the, the listeners can't see this, but I'm about to show you. So I got a text message yesterday from my fiance. She said, I picked something up for you. Whataburger ketchup. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:55:10 Dude. And you go buy all whataburger ca all Whataburger condiments and H e b. Yes. Yes, Speaker 2 00:55:17 Yes. That right there is heaven in a bottle. Is Speaker 1 00:55:19 It real? Is it really that different from other ketchup? Yes. Speaker 2 00:55:21 100%. Yes. I don't know what it is. It is the best ketchup I've ever had. And you know, people, you know, there's gonna be people out there. Oh, Whataburger's terrible. Well, whatever. You know what I mean? Like, you're wrong. You're wrong. Speaker 1 00:55:31 I mean, I feel like it's such a Texas staple and I've even, I've even, there was a video clip of Parker playing, playing a song live, I think it was hell of a year that he was playing live. And he's like, I wrote this in a Whataburger parking lot at two in the morning. Like, Whataburger's just such a staple. It's where you guys like even Speaker 2 00:55:45 It's the thing. It's okay. So Speaker 3 00:55:47 24 hours it Speaker 1 00:55:48 Thing house spot been, you're a kid. Late night in Speaker 2 00:55:50 My hometown, my hometown's about 5,000 people. It's a small town I will never forget. Right next to the main gas station everybody goes to. They built a Whataburger and I remember that. I remember the night it opened. It was the first Friday night football game Oh yeah. Of Texas high school football. Right after this place. Dude, we all went talk Speaker 3 00:56:11 About a book written right there. Speaker 2 00:56:13 Oh dude. I had, so I had friends that were on in the band on drill team twirlers and everything. They had a job. They got a job there, right. They left, they had to leave the game and go work in their twirler outfits and in their band uniforms and stuff because they needed so much help. Damn. And it's, it was just, it was just a cool Whataburger's just, it's a staple in Texas. What's what's Speaker 1 00:56:34 Your order? Speaker 2 00:56:35 My favorite order is a number two double meat cheeseburger. I usually get meat and cheese only with a large fry and a big old fat Dr. Pepper. Man. Speaker 3 00:56:43 Dude, we have these same exact order. Are you serious? Number two, plain and dry, large fry, large Dr. Pepper. No, same mine. I, I will say that there are times where I will get, uh, so, uh, when I grew up, I didn't necessarily love burgers. So I grew up loving Whataburger for their chicken strips. Speaker 2 00:57:01 Oh yeah. Number 13, baby. Speaker 1 00:57:03 It's, it's more than just a burger joint. Speaker 2 00:57:04 Gravy. Gravy in Texas toast. What do you mean, dude? Speaker 3 00:57:07 Well see I wouldn't get the gravy. I would get the honey butter. They have it in packets. Speaker 2 00:57:11 Let me put you on something right quick. You're a big plain dry guy like me. Yeah, yeah. You need to get the barbecue chicken strip sandwich Speaker 3 00:57:19 And substitute the barbecue for honey butter. Done it. No. Speaker 2 00:57:22 Oh Speaker 3 00:57:23 No. Oh, okay. Well, sorry. Speaker 2 00:57:24 No, hold on here. Substitute the barbecue sauce plain and dry, just the strips and the cheese and put some gravy on that thing. Speaker 1 00:57:34 I'm a big gravy guy. I would like Speaker 2 00:57:35 Think, do you like gravy? You gravy if you're not a Speaker 3 00:57:37 Gravy guy. So I'm, I'm coming back to gravy in high school. Yeah. I played four sports. Yeah. And before every game they served us country fried steak, which wasn't fried. It was baked Speaker 2 00:57:48 With Speaker 3 00:57:48 That like brown that sucks. Sewer, water, gravy. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:57:51 No, no, no, no, no, no. Speaker 3 00:57:52 And so, like, that ruined me for gravy for a while. But when I was in Texas this last time, or not this last time, but when I moved out or went out there for May, I basically moved out there. I went to this place in Houston that's pretty famous for chicken fried steaks. And if I can find the picture real Speaker 1 00:58:07 Quick, I remember this, this, this thing's like almost the size of Boudreau. It's like a, like Speaker 3 00:58:11 Shit. And they, they call it Texas River bottom gravy is what they call it. But dude, this place Speaker 2 00:58:17 That sounds disgusting, but Speaker 3 00:58:19 No dude, it was like, it was like a brown or gravy and all. But like this place, I was like, you know what, since I'm here, I gotta try it. Speaker 1 00:58:25 Funny you say come back to gravy. It's like a come to Jesus moment. It's your come to gravy moment, you know? Right. You coming back to gravy. Oh yeah. That, Speaker 3 00:58:33 That's said if I need you, Jesus, I need you Speaker 1 00:58:35 Gravy. Yeah. Some other food in Texas that I really liked. My first experience of us being of, of our touring with Gary and Charlie and being in Texas. Yeah. Was, um, was Billy Bob's. That Speaker 3 00:58:46 Was, yeah. That was the first time I ever went to Texas. And Speaker 1 00:58:48 The, the food at Billy Bob's the, when they give you those meal tickets and I'll say something, the mic get me in trouble with those guys. You go, I got, oh, there Speaker 2 00:58:56 <laugh>. Oh my gosh. That is, oh my lord. Speaker 3 00:59:00 This was on, uh, man versus Food. That's how I found this. What a Speaker 2 00:59:04 Plate of food that Speaker 3 00:59:04 Is. And it looks like a redneck yacht club. Yeah. Like legit, like you roll up and it's just like a, it's right. Speaker 1 00:59:09 Yeah. So with Billy Bob's, I somehow ended up, I don't know if everybody ended up Tyler, you can correct me if I'm wrong. I ended up with two meal tickets. So I got two meals at Billy Bob Bob's. Speaker 3 00:59:18 We were supposed to, we were supposed to have two meal tickets. Oh Speaker 1 00:59:20 We were. Okay. Cause I was, was like, what? I was, I was like, ooh, I got two. Yeah, I got two. Yeah dude, they were, they were Billy Bobs and they actually, I third Billy Bob's catering is sick. Speaker 2 00:59:28 So my fiance was in marketing at Billy Bob's. Speaker 1 00:59:31 Oh no shit Speaker 2 00:59:32 For overseas. She worked there for, for a year until we moved back to East Texas recently. So I would go up and eat lunch with her every day at that cafe. Speaker 1 00:59:40 So good. Oh, Speaker 3 00:59:41 It's so great. I got the brisket, I think Bri Speaker 1 00:59:44 Pork Speaker 2 00:59:45 That's got tell the chef there. I can't remember the story, but he's, um, had a really, really successful business or restaurant or something and came to work for Billy Bobs. I'm not mistaken. So Billy Speaker 3 00:59:54 Bob's is really funny cause I was hanging out with like the front of house guy that day and I was like, so what'd you do before Billy Bobs like, how'd you get this gig? And he was like, oh, I was in Saint Clown Poss he's front of house and production manager for like 13 years. And I was like, oh, well this is a scene of Tank. Cool. Speaker 2 01:00:08 Yeah. Speaker 3 01:00:08 Scene changery. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:00:09 No big deal. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:00:10 Yeah. No. And, and Billy have you, have you gotten to do Billy Bobs yet? Speaker 2 01:00:14 Yeah, I played it one time. We opened for a band called The Dirty River Boys. We played at one time. And then the other other times I've been, um, when Peyton worked there, she, uh, she would get tickets for family and stuff. She got my mom to go see Gary Allen for the first time. Uh Oh, nice. She took her little brother to see Parker when Parker sold it out. And then we've been both times that co sold it out. They invited us to come hang out with him, so. Oh Speaker 3 01:00:35 Yeah, dude. Pretty cool. Billy Bob's for me Speaker 2 01:00:38 World's largest honky tonk. It is. Speaker 3 01:00:40 But the whole sitting down front thing. Speaker 1 01:00:42 Yeah. The picnic tables seem like, I mean I was standing at a march table the whole time, but it just, the vibe is a little bit different than anything else. Speaker 2 01:00:48 It is. But sometimes the artists have the o the option to either do a pitch show and take out all the tables or they can do the tables. Speaker 1 01:00:55 Yeah. So CO's shows were a Speaker 2 01:00:56 Pit show. Oh yeah. Those, Speaker 1 01:00:58 You can't put tables that people be standing on. Well I Speaker 3 01:01:00 Remember like, we had the table, we had the tables when we were there and you know, I don't know. That's right. Y'all played there. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And uh, we, um, it was funny cause like I was sitting there and I was at front of the house and it was a point of the set where like it's really down and at front of the house. Like you don't ever not have anything to do, but it's like I've taken care of all my stuff necessarily. Right. And like, it was a breathing moment for me Yeah. Where I'm like chugging a bottle of water and I looked and like some girl was like standing up singing the saw and they're like, security is like, get down, get down or get out. You Speaker 2 01:01:32 Know, Speaker 3 01:01:34 I'm pretty serious about, I Speaker 2 01:01:34 Don't want people to enjoy the experience, man. Yeah. Yeah. I wanna say, I can't remember if this is right or not. I might have to look it up, but I think it's two acres underneath one roof. Speaker 3 01:01:43 Yeah. Speaker 1 01:01:44 Yeah. It's, it's, Speaker 2 01:01:45 There's 5,500 or 6,000 tickets so far. I, I have Speaker 3 01:01:47 A funny, uh, I have a funny Snapchat of Gary or an Instagram story of Gary at Billy Bob's. He's like out back after we loaded the trailer and he like walked over to like the horse pin and he is just like petting a horse. And I was like, I like zoomed in with like, the heart thing is like just a man and his horse. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:02:02 So the, so there's a rodeo that goes on every weekend right next door. Yeah. Um, so actually what's funny about this, when y'all played there, Peyton was there and she FaceTimed me and I got to say hi to Charlie and Gary. She was like, Sam, let's get done. I was on the road. Speaker 3 01:02:17 Didn't you open up for us the next night? Speaker 2 01:02:19 Uh, could have Speaker 3 01:02:19 Because we played Armidale Palace inside. Speaker 2 01:02:22 Yeah. Uh, Speaker 3 01:02:23 I don't know if you opened up for that Speaker 2 01:02:24 One. No, I wasn't on that show. Okay. The only one I played with you guys was the outdoor one there. Speaker 3 01:02:27 Okay, cool. Speaker 2 01:02:29 But, uh, yeah, so I gotta say hi to 'em when they played Billy Balls. It's like, congrats, you know, it's a big deal. World's largest hockey tonk. It's the world renowned place. Speaker 3 01:02:35 I think that was their second time playing it. Okay. Speaker 2 01:02:37 Yeah. Cool. So that was really neat. I gotta say hi to him. So it's pretty cool. Speaker 1 01:02:42 And the comment, that's something I've noticed too, mean you say Billy Bob's the world, the world's largest honky tonk. Something interesting, and this is something I wanted to ask a Texas guy, why it's so cool that to have you here, um, the size of the venues in the Midwest compared to the rest of the country Yeah. Isn't like it. It feels like there's almost like a cap to it. Like, like in Saint Manhattan, Kansas, everybody plays the hat. Yeah, yeah. You know, hundred percent. But like, even like co where he can do a place like the bomb factory where there's 5,000 people, he'll still be playing the hat. Speaker 2 01:03:11 Right? Yeah. Speaker 1 01:03:12 You know, which is what's interesting cuz like every other market right, the, the venues are bigger, but with Texas it's either like the club scene or the stadiums Speaker 2 01:03:19 Or Yeah. Or they're huge outdoor venues. Speaker 1 01:03:21 There's no, there's no real in between. Speaker 2 01:03:22 Yeah. And there's there there's not, I mean there, there's, there's small venues, there's mids side vi midsized venues, and then there's just big ass outdoor venues. Speaker 3 01:03:31 The one I was looking forward to playing with co we were supposed to play it and it's got rescheduled now a couple times is uh, down in Halo taste. Yeah. Floor Speaker 1 01:03:39 Floors country store. Yeah. What's that place like? Speaker 2 01:03:41 Amazing. You guys will love it. It is. Yeah. It's Haloes is a little town outside of San Antonio as you know, and it's hill country. Um, excuse me, it's a hill country. It's an outdoor, um, dude, it's where, I mean George St. Drake, Gary Allen plays there all the time. It's where really the Texas guys, if you to sell out floors, outdoor is a really, really big deal. Um, hills Speaker 3 01:04:07 Old out. Speaker 2 01:04:08 Oh yeah. The guys are gonna love it. It's, it's um, man, it's like an outdoor Texas version of bomb factory, you know what I mean? It's just this big stage with the Texas flag on the back end of it. Speaker 1 01:04:21 Wild. This thing you've seen while on the road with co wetzel with the show we're not talking about afterwards. Speaker 2 01:04:26 If we could discuss Speaker 1 01:04:27 What happens, what happens Speaker 3 01:04:28 Could legally say Speaker 1 01:04:29 On night what what happens on the road stays on the road, but like the crowd wise, what's the wildest thing you've seen out of a co wetzel crowd? Speaker 2 01:04:36 Um, two moments. One, so CO started creating his own music festival. It's called Co Wetzels Incredible Music Festival. Speaker 3 01:04:47 I've heard Speaker 2 01:04:47 Of this. It is the wildest shit you've ever imagined in your life. So Speaker 1 01:04:50 The first, it's it's in Stephenville, correct? Speaker 2 01:04:52 No, no. He, he does 'em all over. The very first one was in my hometown of Lindell, Texas. And my cousin helped coordinate and help kind of get everything situated along with CO's manager, Jeb. Um, so Lindell's 5,000 people. They caused so much ruckus with the city because, and, but it was a great thing. Turned out I love, I love where I'm from. I love the town. They raised way too much Hell about it in my opinion. They put on co wetzels incredible music festival. This stage dude was unbelievable. And it was on this little park area that we have downtown Linde that used to be woods. Like I used to see like deer and hogs come out of this, all these woods, right? Well they mowed it all down, got this stage this day, he has got lasers and smoke and it was like, you're in a spaceship. It was nuts. And 7,000 people, more people than they're in the city of Linde. Were on this one patch of land. People were complaining on the news. We can't even get into our own homes and we're being driven out of where we're living and this is gonna cause so much ruckus in our city. And y'all, you ought so co takes that video clip of that guy in the news interview and plays it before he goes on stage. Wait, Speaker 3 01:06:09 Is this the place that he like said the F bomb Speaker 2 01:06:12 Or something? Oh yeah. You know co he's gonna go, yeah, he's gonna do his thing. He's gonna say and then people complain about it. So now they have a city ordinance against profanity. Yeah. And they'll never have that festival there again. But it was the greatest thing ever cuz when we, we, when we went on stage, that's our hometowns. There was, you know, I don't know, there was probably, I don't know, three to 4,000 people out there and we went on at five o'clock. That's a big show for you. Especially back. Yeah. That was a big show for us. Yeah, it was our biggest night. I think we did in merch too. So that was a really cool deal at the time. And so it was just energy man. It was just all these people packed on this one and I'll find a picture of it and I'll show you guys. Speaker 2 01:06:50 It was just the wildest, so it was co it was Parker and the guys that we both looked up to that was a band back in Texas for a long time called JB and the Moonshine Band. And they were a big deal if you're from East Texas, they were the guys like back of that's what me and Co listened to in high school and all that. And then it was us, it was all East Texas artists pretty much cause Parker's from around Houston. So we kind of considered that. Yeah. You know, east Texas as well. That was wild. And then the second time, believe it or not, was at the second co wetzels, incredible music festival, <laugh>. And it was in Fort Worth, Texas. And it was about 10,000 people. And I just remember standing backstage and left and right. It was Parker was standing there, um, with his girlfriend Halle. Speaker 2 01:07:35 And then I was standing there with my fiance Peyton, and we were just talking and people are getting pulled out of this by cops left and right. Just people fighting, people smoking dope, people, you know, all kinds of just pulling him out left and right. And then co goes on and he starts off, um, he starts the set off with February 28th and people go, oh, he started it off with the, started it off with his big song, one of his, one of his biggest songs. And people just went ape shit. They had a blow up head, a big inflatable of CO's face. And they had the, they had the, they had the Jesus van parked up there. They had a guy, they had the Jesus van on stage. They had a guy walking around on stilts. Um, they had a mime that was walking out. It was crazy as hell. I'm telling you it was absolutely insane. But, and oh, they had a, they had a water slide and a Ferris wheel. I'm not making this shit up. No, I'm starting Speaker 1 01:08:29 To remember everything they Speaker 2 01:08:31 Had. Like, they had a Ferris wheel and a slide. Speaker 1 01:08:33 How many, how many years ago was this? This was Speaker 2 01:08:35 Just, I mean, last year or two years ago, maybe <laugh> and 10,000 people just slip and slide, you know, Ferris wheel mimes, uh, people. But that's what he wanted to create. He that's, you don't hear about that. How many times have y'all ever been to the festival and you've seen that? Speaker 3 01:08:49 Man, I've never been to a, like outside of working, I've never really been to a festival. It Speaker 1 01:08:53 Sounds like a carnival mixed with a festival. Like it's That's exactly right. It's as much a community event as it is a music thing. Right. Speaker 2 01:08:58 It's exactly. Speaker 1 01:08:59 He wants to give his people an experience. Experience of more than just you guys on stage doing it. Speaker 2 01:09:03 Like Yeah, because I still have people to this day when we travel and play Texas. They come up to us goes, man, we saw you at cos music festival, man, we saw you at cos Music Festival. That was the greatest time ever. Hey, yeah. Where'd you see us at on Cos music festival? You know what I mean? He brought so many people together and it helps out the artists, the smaller artists like myself because we got so much notoriety from it and people taking pictures and, Speaker 1 01:09:24 And he connects his fan base and that's something we, we get to experience with Muscatine and stuff, but also with Co Coon Speaker 2 01:09:29 Does a Speaker 1 01:09:29 Good job with it as, as well with, with with the Vines and like the diehards CO's got diehards ands, especially in Texas and there's people that probably came in from all over the country at this point if it's, it's as recent as year or two ago for that festival. Speaker 2 01:09:41 And see, and Colby does the same thing. Colby's got diehard fans, which Speaker 1 01:09:43 I love. Speaker 3 01:09:44 Yeah. Like I would just love CO's Twitter late at night. Oh Speaker 2 01:09:48 It's great. Oh Speaker 3 01:09:49 Yeah. Speaker 1 01:09:49 Are you a big Twitter guy? Speaker 2 01:09:50 I'm a big Twitter guy. I love Twitter. Speaker 1 01:09:52 Oh, here we go. Alright. So Boudreaux Boudreau, we haven't this segment in a long time, so we Speaker 3 01:09:56 Haven't had people that are big Twitter people recently. So here we go. This is the fun. This is my segment that, that I love. Speaker 1 01:10:02 So he try, I don't know, really know how to use Twitter. I have one. It's the, the profile pictures me, um, with a fuck with like a, like a like an old man like hat on or something. But I've never, I never really use it. Tyler, Speaker 3 01:10:12 He's gonna automatically just go deep into Twitter. Speaker 1 01:10:15 Yeah. Tyler Tyler's got a couple of, um, couple of Twitter troll accounts that he uses where he'll go on and pick fights with Big 10 football fans and love Ohio State fans. People, people that think, people that think the cover Me Up was originally a Morgan Wall song, not Jason Isabel song Boudro Goes After and Creep Serves the Pot Savage. Yeah. So he like, he likes to troll people and he gets into it. So I think he's gonna find some funny tweets. Are you a funny Twitter guy or do you use it mostly for music? Speaker 2 01:10:38 Funny. Funny. Speaker 1 01:10:39 Yeah. Okay. Speaker 2 01:10:40 And, and music. I like to be funny. I like to say what I think and see what it does. Yeah, Speaker 1 01:10:44 You're pretty, you're a pretty opinionated guy. Yeah, yeah, Speaker 3 01:10:46 Yeah. I can keep talking for a minute. I'm, I'm deep in here. Speaker 1 01:10:49 It's Speaker 3 01:10:49 Deep in We got a minute. Speaker 1 01:10:51 Yeah man. So, so what was this, Speaker 3 01:10:52 I'm right around the album release time, so there's a lot of retweeting going on right now, Speaker 2 01:10:56 <laugh>, there's a ton of retweets. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:10:57 How, how, how would you say your fan base has been and how has it grown since the, since the record It's Speaker 2 01:11:02 Been really good. And the coolest thing is, is I've been growing fans that aren't from Texas. And that's what's cool. Speaker 1 01:11:07 That's the key to, that's the key. That's the key to what you're trying to do. Speaker 2 01:11:10 Right. And, and and the coolest thing is my, you know, Texas music, they like Texas music, they like Randy Rogers, they like the Donahues, they like the Josh Abbots, the Cos the Speaker 1 01:11:19 Kobes. Oh, trust me as, as a merch guy for somebody who's not from Texas who plays in Texas a lot. Right. I hear all about that. Yeah. Why aren't y'all from Texas? Right? Speaker 2 01:11:27 Yeah. It's, and you know, it's like dude, we're, you know, and that's, it's totally, I I'm so blessed to be able part of that scene because it's, it is separate from Nashville. It's separate from the United States and the world. Yeah. It's its own thing. And it's really cool to be able, especially to get your, your feet planted and your roots started and before you decide if you want to grow somewhere else or if you wanna make a different move, you can. And that's the beauty of it is we have the freedom to do that. And it's just one of those things that it's, it's really cool to be able with this new record, it's getting fans that aren't diehard Texas fans. Because lemme tell you something, whether they, whether they're gonna say it or not, Texas, people like what they like and they try not to, they usually don't stray from that. Speaker 2 01:12:14 But I can guarantee you the same people that listen to Co Wetzel also bump Luke Combs. Yeah. They also bump Morgan Wall. There ain't nobody in Texas that don't sing along to whiskey glasses. You know what I mean? Yeah. So I got Texas fans to kind of accept five beers cuz it's a commercial sounding song. Yeah. Where do you see yourself in five beers? Oh, they're like, this is awesome. You know, so they're, they're, it's great because I feel like Texas is being a little bit more open-minded to songs like that. There's Texas people that love Muske on, I mean, I played with you guys in Houston, there's four, 600 people there that love muskan. Yeah. There's people like all kinds of things for all over the world. And it doesn't have to be one genre. Where's Speaker 3 01:12:50 The, honestly I'll say this. If it wasn't for somebody in Texas, like a Muscadine, I wouldn't be dating the girl I am now. There you go. Because she had a friend that said, Hey Greatest that said, Hey, you should listen to Muscadine. And then she bought a ticket and then found me on Instagram. Yeah. Because Charlie put me on blast or sleeping in the front of the Van <laugh> and next thing you know, like Yeah, we started talking. Look at Charlie Speaker 2 01:13:12 Being a wing man. Yeah. Dude. Speaker 1 01:13:14 Chuck Old, old Chuck the kid and stuff. Oh, Chuck, how'd, how'd you first get to know those guys? Speaker 2 01:13:18 Okay, let me think. Let me think. I had Speaker 1 01:13:20 To go back a little bit because they're in that tree of I, I liked, and again, I know we're talking a lot about CO in this and we, we all love co it's kinda kinda like a little kinda like a little tree almost of like people like, cuz I you've known CO for a while. Yeah. They, they got, they, they're obviously tight with CO as well. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:13:35 Um, man, I wanna say, and I could be wrong and I don't, I don't remember, but I wanna say the first time I met those guys, well I found their music just from social media and stuff like that. And I think through CO and them, they started listening to their stuff. Um, I think the first time I met them personally was in San Marco, Texas. I think this was before you were on with them? Um, or Speaker 3 01:13:58 I was on Speaker 2 01:13:59 Yeah. And before you were. Yeah. Yeah. Um, uh, we played, it was, uh, CO was doing an outdoor show and then it was Muscadine and then Us, I think we opened and then another band. And um, that was where I met Gary and Charlie for the first time. We took a picture and hung out, introduced them to Peyton and fiance Beyonce and everything. And we just kind of kept in contact through like social media and stuff like that. And I really liked their music. I've always liked their music. So, and then, um, we're they, I talked to 'em, they're like, do we need to get you on some shows sometime? And they've always talked about kind of getting me out to the southeast and stuff. And hopefully we'll be able to do that when everything open back up. Yeah, hopefully. So. Um, so that's kind of how I met those guys. Kept in contact with 'em, you know, like I said, hanging out shows, giving 'em hats and stuff like that. And I would send Charlie some songs every once in a while. Hey, what do you think of this? And yada yada. And we conversate back and forth and they're just great people. They're just good guys. And that's what we like, you know? Speaker 1 01:14:49 Yeah. Where, where's the spot in the country you want to go and play that you haven't gotten to play yet? Cause I know you've been, if you've been to New York with co you've been all over the place. Speaker 2 01:14:56 I wanna play Red Rocks in Colorado. Yeah. Red Rock Amphitheater, man. Speaker 3 01:15:00 I was supposed to go to Red Rocks for the first time this year. Yeah. So my biggest artist that I just fanboy over a lot is Jason as well. Oh yeah. Like, that's kind Speaker 2 01:15:08 Of me. That's fantastic man. Speaker 3 01:15:09 Kind of me is like the pinnacle of artists right now, but I was supposed to go out and, uh, see him at Red Rocks with my girl and like, that was August 1st. Speaker 2 01:15:18 Oh dude. I heard it's amazing. I heard it's Speaker 1 01:15:19 Incredible. Yeah. So that's a goal. Yeah. Yeah, man. And, uh, and I mean, red Rocks, that's that's a big, that's a big time venue. And that's, uh, I mean that's one that I've, I've seen even on the New York side of things and stuff, but like, I think the Southeast would really Yeah. Bump your shit. Oh yeah. Oh, I think you, you go into Birmingham, Alabama, you go into Georgia, you go into Georgia Theater, Speaker 2 01:15:40 That's another thing. Yes. Buckhead, we got to open for CO at, um, uh, uh, Starkville, Mississippi, Speaker 1 01:15:46 Rick's cast Faig. Rick Rick. Speaker 2 01:15:49 Rick Rick is an awesome guy. We I love that Speaker 1 01:15:51 Show you, you talk about a Haggard like country place. Yeah. That place is a good time. Oh, I, I love Mississippi. Oh, Speaker 3 01:15:58 You know about that. I Speaker 1 01:15:59 Love me Mississippi. We've had good times out there. That Speaker 2 01:16:02 Was one of, that was one of my favorite shows playing that show. Everybody was just live and it was small and it was, you know, it was intimate, you know, in a sense. And it was just, it was, it was rocking your face for an hour. Speaker 1 01:16:12 Where was the first place you played? Outside of Texas or outside of Texas and Oklahoma and I guess Arkansas, because the Red dirt scene is Texas. Speaker 2 01:16:19 First time I played outside of te Well, first time I really went on an actual like, run like a little legit three or four day run. Speaker 1 01:16:28 Like, you, you and the boys are gone. Yeah. Like see, see You later Speaker 2 01:16:31 Was with was on that run to New York with CO and then we went to, uh, we went to Ohio when we played two shows in Ohio. And then we played, uh, I wanna say we did Cincinnati and Cleveland, and then we did New York City and Washington DC and I was on top of the world. Wow. It was awesome, dude. No, I'm like, dude, I'm doing this. Like, I'm in a, I'm in a van, you know, and I'm with the dudes, you know, of the scene. And, um, that, and then another cool experience for me may not have been the first, but when Whiskey Myers took us out Speaker 1 01:17:01 Yeah. What for a Speaker 2 01:17:02 Weekend. Speaker 1 01:17:03 What, uh, I've heard so many stories about Whiskey Myers and I haven't had a chance to meet those guys. I don't think you have either been great, but Gary and Charlie have done with the Muscadine guys. They, I know they've done some runs with 'em and stuff. Yeah. What are the, what's, what's that show like? Amazing what's going in. And Speaker 2 01:17:17 So you have to realize that when I was talking about JB and those guys, for me personally, when Firewater their record came out, I was, I was in high school Speaker 1 01:17:26 Game. Me too. I was a game changer. Speaker 2 01:17:27 Ballad of a Southern man, all those songs. Whiskey Myers was from 40 minutes south of US Palestine area, um, which is also where Kolby Cooper's from. And so Whiskey Myers was really, honestly for me, the first band that I listened to that was like, these dudes are from a small town like me and they're doing what they want and they're making it. And it was just something about that Southern, I'm a big southern rock guy, so big, uh, they're just, they're one, they're my top five favorite bands all time probably. And so when we got, you know, a couple, we got a run with them, it was like unbelievable. We, we did Lincoln, Nebraska with them. It was sold out. We still talk about the show. I have the poster in my, in my at my house. Awesome. It was Whiskey Myers with Chris Colson. That was a big deal, you know, for me to get to open with these guys that you listened to growing up and the ones that really gave you the drive to play music. So they're awesome guys. Yeah, Speaker 1 01:18:20 Man. And from what I hear, they're live shows just incredible. I was supposed to see them at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Yeah. A few years back. I didn't, I wasn't able to make it to the show. You've gotta see them, but I've heard how many guys are in that band. There's a lot of dudes on stage. Speaker 2 01:18:33 Uh, let's see. So you had, uh, Cody, John Jeffers, um, Cody Tate. So that's three across the front bass player and two drummers with Tony Kent. Uh, so yeah, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, I wanna say six or seven. Yeah. Dang. Crazy. Speaker 1 01:18:52 Yeah. And they, they just give it all Speaker 2 01:18:55 Some of the most incredible musicians that, that you've ever, that you ever seen jds on Speaker 1 01:19:00 Drums. Well, did you get to know him at all? Like, what was the experience like? Speaker 2 01:19:02 Yeah, the coolest thing was, is the last night of the run, they, uh, Tony Kent, uh, who plays, he's kind of, have you seen, he's next to the, the big drum kit and he plays, um, another smaller kit and does like the cowbell routine out on stage and stuff like that. Um, like a badass hype dude for the band, like really gets everybody fired up. And uh, Tony was like, Hey, grab your boys. We're gonna grab some beers on the bus. The last night of the run, he brought us on the bus, their merch guy West gave us all kinds of Whiskey Myers merch, and we got to sit there and hang out with 'em for 20 or 30 minutes. They're like, and Cody was like, we'll do it again man. Thank you guys for being here. And they just, they didn't have to do that. Speaker 2 01:19:38 Yeah. They didn't have to invite us on the bus. They didn't have to be so kind, you know, but they were they East Texas dudes, man. And it was a really cool experience for me because, you know, you got to meet some of your heroes, play a run with them and do the damn thing. And it was really neat. It was a really cool experience. And, and I hope we get to play more shows with 'em and, and, uh, they'll always be one of my favorite bands, whether we don't, whether we do or we don't. So Speaker 1 01:20:03 Hell yeah, man. Well, this, this is, did you find one? I got Twitter. You finally found one, you found some Twitters, you retweet a lot of your fans, don't you? Yeah, Speaker 3 01:20:09 He does. Speaker 1 01:20:10 You do a lot of, you show a lot of love to the community. I Speaker 2 01:20:12 Do. Yeah. I I do it too, you know, obviously to, you know, to get the name out there as well. Speaker 1 01:20:16 Yeah. And it's the, and it's the interaction Sean building that relationship with the fans. Right. Speaker 2 01:20:20 So you've done some digging over here? I'm, I'm kind of Speaker 3 01:20:22 Scared. I still didn't get out 2020, so don't be too scared. Okay. Okay. I didn't go back to the 2016. Oh Lord. Yeah. We didn't go back there but Speaker 2 01:20:30 So much. I need to clean this up is what you're saying. No, Speaker 3 01:20:32 No, no, no. You're good. So first one I wanna talk about is when I get bored, I visit the pantry. Speaker 2 01:20:39 Yeah. Speaker 3 01:20:39 What do you get? Speaker 1 01:20:40 What's your pantry go-to? What's Speaker 3 01:20:42 Your favorite Pop-Tart? Speaker 2 01:20:43 So funny, I actually remember this. Was this during quarantine time? Yes. Had to have been five Speaker 3 01:20:48 18 May 18th. Speaker 2 01:20:48 Yeah. Oh yeah. I was, we're dead in the middle. When I, when I get bored, dude, I, I have this thing, you know, like, I get bored and I'm at the house all day. I want to eat. Yeah. I just like to eat. I like food. Um, I don't know, I go for snacks, man. Big pop-tart guy. Speaker 3 01:21:02 What's your favorite? Speaker 2 01:21:04 So, my favorite Poptart, was it Wildberry Blast? Speaker 1 01:21:08 Okay. The one, the one, the purple one with Speaker 2 01:21:10 The turquoise squiggles. Oh, come on, dude. That's, that's, that's a go-to a big, big chips and salsa guy too. Speaker 3 01:21:16 Okay. What's your favorite salsa? Speaker 2 01:21:18 Julio's. Okay. Mild. Speaker 3 01:21:20 What's your favorite chips? Speaker 2 01:21:22 Julio's. Okay. Julio's chips Speaker 3 01:21:24 As well. So I'm a big, uh, I forget the name Ram, but it's like the Cantinas, the mission. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:21:30 Mission is good. Mission mission's good. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:21:32 All Speaker 1 01:21:32 Right. Be being from New York, we just got Tostitos, like, we're very, there you go. That's a good one. It's a good one. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:21:36 Alright, so 5 20, 20. It's a new tattoo day. What'd you get? Yeah, May 20th. Speaker 1 01:21:46 How many tattoos do you got? Speaker 2 01:21:47 I have three. I've got, so I got a guitar, this was my first one Speaker 1 01:21:50 That, that guitar tattoo is sick. Yeah. That's an Epiphone. Now is that your guitar? Speaker 2 01:21:54 Yes, this is mine. This is an 1951 Epiphone. So it was before Gibson owned them. So it's a real vintage guitar. Um, may of 2020. Yeah. So this was, oh yeah, that was probably the bear that I have on my chest. Ooh. Um, have you guys seen that? No. No. Well know the viewers won't get to see it, but I'll show you guys above my nipple here. Speaker 1 01:22:15 Whoa. Speaker 3 01:22:16 I do remember seeing this actually. Yeah. So Speaker 2 01:22:18 This is, it's in the five beers music video. Yeah. If people wanna see it. Yeah, Speaker 3 01:22:20 Yeah, yeah. I remember seeing that being like, dang, that's like a, that's a cool Speaker 2 01:22:23 Bear. Yeah. So, so my stepdad raised me since I was uh, two and he's, uh, got Native American Indian in him. So we always had this bear symbol around our house growing up. So the bear represents, uh, and everything you face in life. So I put the bear, his symbol, he always had a necklace, it was in the living room, so I kind of, you know, kind of attribute to him. So that's awesome. All my tattoos mean something. Then I've got an arrowhead right here, cuz as a kid we would hunt arrowheads together. Yeah. Stuff like that. So, yeah. That's Speaker 3 01:22:49 Awesome. Okay, so this is a re this is a response to a tweet. Okay. So Eeeeee Apparel said, what song do y'all have on repeat right now? And you replied with, we danced to one song, one song Only Speaker 2 01:23:03 Lady Hops by the Black Eye Peas by Speaker 3 01:23:05 Hawks Black Speaker 2 01:23:05 Eye Peas. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. That was just a funny moment. Just trying to, you, Speaker 1 01:23:09 You know, you, you a big Wolf Ferrell guy. Speaker 2 01:23:12 Yes. 100. Speaker 1 01:23:13 What's what's your favorite Wolf Ferrell movie? Cuz this is where you might have a disagreement. Uh, Speaker 2 01:23:16 You know, stepbrothers is great. Big Talladega nights fan. Yeah. I like Talladega Nights. I think that's probably one of my favorites, but honestly, you've kind of put me on the spot. I'm sure I could think of some more. Speaker 1 01:23:26 He's been in so many, Speaker 2 01:23:27 He's been in so many, he's just funny. It's just so funny to me. Speaker 1 01:23:30 Old school, he's pretty good into old school's, a good one. And his cameo and Wedding Crashers wedding crashes, like, nah, the meatloaf if we need it now. Speaker 3 01:23:37 Also his uh, rolling, um, God, they just made the remake of it or the second of it, uh, Zoolander. Speaker 1 01:23:44 Oh, him and him Mugga. And he's like a fashion designer that's like running Malaysian like slave shops and he's crazy. He's got this little dog, he's got this little dog and he is like, got this Speaker 3 01:23:53 Crazy, he's like the evil evil Speaker 2 01:23:55 One. The other guys. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:23:56 The other guys play. No shit. Play no shit. That's the years in Jimmy. Jimmy. He Speaker 2 01:24:02 Said, I ran a dating service. He was a pimp. I was a pimp. <laugh>. Speaker 3 01:24:06 Alright, last one May or may not be making an appearance in a full blown hazmat suit on Casey Donahue's live feed drinking Corona tune in. Yep. Speaker 1 01:24:16 That happen. That Speaker 2 01:24:17 Actually happened. Where'd Speaker 1 01:24:18 You get the hazmat suit? Isn't Speaker 2 01:24:19 Not so it wasn't a real hazmat suit. Okay. I went to like Home Depot and bought one of those painter suits. <laugh>, you know, that had like the, like had the hood on it, you know. Um, yeah. So that was when Corona the virus, you know, whatever. And the, it was a pinnacle of everybody running outta toilet paper, you know? I remember all that crap. We Speaker 3 01:24:34 Actually don't, we actually went to Delaware and Oh really? Speaker 1 01:24:37 We made, we made it out. Okay. But yes. Oh, Speaker 3 01:24:39 Matt dude, Matt Matt's uh, stepdad is, uh, is like, he works with China. Speaker 1 01:24:46 We had, we had, we had, yeah, so he was, he was getting him products, so he saw the thing start in China and he was like, oh shit, it might come over here. And he had people, he had his employees in China sending him over shit from China, like Oh yeah. In December. So we were stock like ready to go. Oh yeah. Good. Yeah. But, but I get what you're saying with the, with the running outta stuff. Speaker 2 01:25:03 So it, it was crazy time. So Casey started doing, Casey Donahue started doing one of these, uh, like he called us it the Corona happy hour. And it was just a, it's a live stream that he would play hour, hour, 15 minutes and he'd play all of his songs really professionally done. He'd have guests on it every now and then. So I'm really, really good friends with Casey. Um, I met him, he tweeted me one day, heard one of my songs, and we just, he put me on some shows, built a relationship. Um, he's another guy that'll be in the wedding and uh, basically he just asked me to come do it and we wanted it fun, you know, so, um, his wife Melinda had like, um, you know, some hazmat gloves on and there was a, there was a scenery in the back, there was a whitetail deer. They had stuff with a mask over his face, and then they had the toilet paper and then the Corona beer. Anyway, so I came out and did a song and I was in this full suit playing guitar. That's true. But did, did a couple songs. Speaker 3 01:25:53 Speaking of which guitars you play an Epiphone mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I've always noticed that a lot of the guys, you know, that are like a lot of the Texas guys that I've seen are playing like Gibson's and stuff like that. Right. What drove you to Epiphone? Speaker 2 01:26:05 I'm just different. Uh, I like to be different. Um, I, I don't know. You know, I'm not really, which, I haven't played any of like the Masterbuilt series or Epiphone. I'm not like Speaker 3 01:26:13 I have a, I have a Masterbuilt Texan actually upstairs. That's Speaker 2 01:26:15 What this is. This is, this is an old Texan. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:26:17 I have one that just bought really? During quarantine. Oh, okay. They Speaker 2 01:26:20 Just released. I have to, I'm have to get on that. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:26:22 Well I'll bring it down in a minute. Minute. Speaker 2 01:26:23 One of those things, it's just one of those things like, I wanna be different. And this guitar was the guitar that my stepdad took me to a little shop in East Texas. And he, it was my first, it was pretty much my first guitar and it sounds so good. Plugged in. I get so many compliments. Uh, I put, I put some, I put some, uh, what do you call it? Pickup in it and everything and it just cuts through the mix. So, well, Speaker 3 01:26:45 So fun fact, the reason I bought the Texan a I've played some vintage Texans, like some the early ones and they're great sounding guitars. All of 'em are. But like some of the famous people that played 'em, like the Beatles Yeah. Played Texans. Yes. Because they were known so well for like, their balance and Speaker 2 01:27:02 Stuff. And they're, and they're rare. Yeah. They're very rare. And mind, mind being, Speaker 3 01:27:04 The one that I found here in Nashville that I've played is at a guitar, it was at Guitar Center for a while. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But they were asking like $4,500 for it. Yeah. And like, it looked like you had just taken it behind a car and dragged it down the street. Speaker 2 01:27:17 Right. Well, and the thing for me too is, is it's an investment. Anything old that's worth money is gonna go up in value. So I bought mine for like $2,600 and it's worth over five grand now. Are Speaker 1 01:27:27 You a big antique guy? Are you guys going to yard sales and buying old shit because you're gonna clean it up, make it worth a lot? Speaker 2 01:27:32 My mother owned two antique shops growing Speaker 1 01:27:34 Up. The ad name's totally there. It's, it makes total, makes total sense. Whats Speaker 3 01:27:39 Awesome that though, Speaker 2 01:27:39 But she, well she had an an, she had one antique shop and she had booths everywhere else. So, um, yeah, dude, anything old and vintage is usually just made better. Speaker 3 01:27:48 It is. Speaker 2 01:27:48 So that's, that's no really? Yeah. Mean old pickup trucks. I mean, look at 'em. There's no computer in 'em, so all you gotta do is fix what's wrong. They'll keep running. Speaker 3 01:27:56 I mean, I'm looking for a truck right now and I'm looking 95 back. That's Speaker 2 01:27:59 Great. Yeah. Nothing wrong with Speaker 1 01:28:00 That. Yeah, no, that's awesome. Now one thing I, I wanted to bring up too, I mean, thanks again for doing this obviously. Absolutely. Miami play it playing Trump National with our good buddies, Cameron Marlowe and, uh, and, and Mr. Whale tell Medium himself. Wales's Tony. That's right. What was that like? How'd you end up down there? And so, Speaker 2 01:28:18 Uh, long story short, my banker, um, back in east Texas, his name is Justin Armstrong. He owns a bank. Uh, I'm gonna do a plug here if that's okay with you guys. You do? Yeah, that's fine bud. Uh, it's called UBank and it's, uh, bank established, um, in East Texas area. Lufkin and Tyler. And, but they have branches and they're growing, uh, they're, they're going down south as well towards the Beaumont area. He's growing like crazy and he's my banker. He's actually, he gave me the loan, uh, to record the, uh, bombs Away album that we've been talking about. Hell yeah. So basically he created this thing and he's, he wants to, he wants to the banking world to go with musicians and connect with younger people. Cuz what do young people do? When you think of a bank, what do you think? You think suit and tie. Speaker 2 01:29:00 Very going in asking for a loan and you're terrified. Yeah. You know, because these people are just so, you know, they're just, they're suit and tied up and they're very business and, and, and Justin and them, they're very, very business-like people. But you can walk in and find Justin wearing Crocs and everybody, you look around and everybody's our age, you know, he's trying to make the banking world cool for young people, but he also wants to connect it to music. And so basically what it is, is he put together this trip from Miami, um, him and the other, uh, owner of the bank, uh, sh and they wanted to put together a trip, get to know my management company. AMG cut like Cameron Marlowe and, and uh, and Peyton Smith. And uh, he wanted to put together a trip where he could get to know my manager, Rob. They could talk some business, but we'd also have a good time and we could have an experience like no other banking experience has ever been. So he took us deep sea fishing and Wales came down and shot pictures and everything. And we got to play at Trump's golf course at Doral. Speaker 1 01:30:00 What was that like? Cause I've done, I've, I've dabbled on some Trump courses in like New Jersey and New York, but I hear Doral is a whole nother unreal Speaker 2 01:30:06 Ball game. Unreal. It was Speaker 1 01:30:08 Absolutely a good golfer. Speaker 2 01:30:10 I'd like to think I'm a good golfer. I, you know, I'm not, you know, I'll shoot high eighties, nineties, you know what I mean? I'm not, I'm not a professional golfer. Speaker 1 01:30:18 White, white, white tees or black tees. I play white tees. Speaker 2 01:30:22 What about whites and blues? <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:30:24 Whites and blues. Blues. Speaker 3 01:30:25 It's not black as blues, right? Speaker 1 01:30:26 Well there were, there were black tees for a, there's some corr, like I've, Speaker 2 01:30:29 They're different. Speaker 1 01:30:30 Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Blue Speaker 3 01:30:32 Tips are professors. Speaker 2 01:30:32 Well I also just picked up golf though during quarantine, so I just started Speaker 1 01:30:35 Oh, that's how, that's how Speaker 2 01:30:37 I love it. But I'm, I'm, I'm all in, I'm all in on golf, so Speaker 3 01:30:41 I actually just started walking, working in a golf course. Yeah. Like this past week. Yeah. And me and Matt actually this week played our, my, my first round ever. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:30:48 Lost a lot of balls. Was not Speaker 3 01:30:49 Good. Speaker 2 01:30:50 I lose ball. What course is it? Uh, Speaker 3 01:30:52 Cheekwood down in Franklin. Nice. Speaker 2 01:30:54 Yeah. Speaker 1 01:30:54 Um, yeah, there's a lot of courses here. And dude, it's super affordable here. Oh. Like you can, you can, you can like go and play 18 holes for like 25 bucks here. Like it's, it's nothing, uh, with a cart. So, um, if like we, we'll have to do. We'll, we'll definitely have to get out on the links next time you're back here in town cuz. Absolutely. Charlie Muncaster, he has been bitten and is, Speaker 3 01:31:15 Well he got bit first and then he's now biting back at golf. Cause he got bit by a ball first. Speaker 1 01:31:20 Yeah, he got, yeah, he took, he took a, he took a golf ball. Saw that he, yeah, he took a golf ball to the face. Speaker 2 01:31:24 What are the chances first hole gets drilled? We, Speaker 3 01:31:27 He was on a cart too. He was moving. Speaker 1 01:31:29 Yeah, the cart was moving and it found the little thing between the, the screen and the like, the little gap sucks and the ball went through a drive like somebody hit off the tee and shanked it that much. Speaker 2 01:31:39 Yeah, I commented on his Instagram. I said, I'm very proud of you for keeping your eye on the ball though. Speaker 1 01:31:42 Yeah, I saw that. I saw, I think I like that comment. I, hell yeah man. Well, well bro, do you wanna play a song for us? Dude, I'll play you, you cool Speaker 2 01:31:49 Doing that? Speaker 1 01:31:49 Yeah, Speaker 2 01:31:49 I'll play, I'm gonna play you guys a song and I gotta get to the airport, get back to Texas pretty soon, so. Damn. Speaker 1 01:31:53 That's right. Wow. We went a No, Speaker 2 01:31:55 It's great dude. It's, I've enjoyed it and I'm so glad I got to do this with you guys and I haven't seen you guys since I've been on the road, so you guys got something really cool going on here, man. We Speaker 1 01:32:03 Appreciate, we appreciate that bro. Where can people go to find you real quick? Man? Speaker 2 01:32:06 You can go to Spotify, Chris Colston. You can find me on Facebook, uh, Chris Colston, Chris Colston, everything Twitter. Um, hit me up. Send me a message or, or share a song. Listen to the music on Spotify. Do whatever you want, man. Hope you like it. And if you don't, well then you don't <laugh>. If you do, you do. So Speaker 1 01:32:24 Hell yeah. Absolutely. Now while Chris grabs that guitar, want to let you guys know again, wanna tell you about our friends over at Trailside CBD Emporium, our boy Andrew and his team, they will meet all your CBD, hemp and Delta eight THC needs from oils and gummies to carts and flour. They have you covered. The carts are in stock, the but is currently on back order and the edibles are just, well, they're flat out dangerous. Y'all go check 'em [email protected]. Use our promo code i t r for 20% off your purchase. Also, check out our visual graphic creative sponsor. Somebody that Chris knows very well, our friends over at Whale Tail Media. It is whale They do a lot here in the music world in Nashville, but they also do weddings. They do a lot of corporate things. Make sure you jump on, check out our friends at Whale Tale Media. Now that further ado, it's some music from our boy Chris Colson y'all been listening to in the, Speaker 4 01:35:29 I just the night is going go in, see hanging right here. When.

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