Lauren Weintraub

December 09, 2022 00:58:17
Lauren Weintraub
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Lauren Weintraub

Dec 09 2022 | 00:58:17


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

On  episode 104 Matt and Sweet Boy are joined by Lauren Weintraub. Lauren is a longtime friend of ITR and we're very excited to finally have her on for an episode!


For more on Lauren visit her website and be sure to check out her new project 'This Is Your Brain On Love'

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:13 What is going on everybody? Welcome back to the In The Round podcast. It's Your Boy Map, episode 1 0 4. Got my good friend Miss Lauren Wine Tribe on today. Now I've known Lauren for about four years. She just put out a badass brand new project call. This is Your Brain on Love. Um, songs that are true stories. The girl speaks from the heart and has a really good way with words and she's just an incredible human. Very excited for y'all to get to know her. We even talk about building her rider on here, which was really cool. So we had a lot of fun with our girl Lauren Wine Tribe. But before we get to that, gotta tell y'all about our friends that help us do this damn thing. Speaking of friends, shout out to Matt McIlwain, the sweet boy behind the camera, packing him some Copenhagen pouches. Speaker 1 00:00:58 Looking good back there. Chat out to our friends, whale Tail Media, Saxon Studios and our boy Mitch Wallace with the Digital Marketing Agency. All three of them help you out in facets of the music business here in Nashville, Tennessee. Whale Tail Media, they crush it. If you're getting hitched, you need videos, you need photos, any of that kinda shit, uh, be sure to check them out. Whale Tail Media. Whale Tail Weddings. They are the best in the business. Speaking of best in the business, Grady Saxon with Saxon Studios, Grady and our friends out in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, they are crushing it on the studio game. You need a great place to record for a really good price. Go and see our friends at Saxon Studios. You can check them out. Just search Saxon Studios. Also our friend Mitch Wallace with T D M A D Digital Marketing Agency. Speaker 1 00:01:41 Content, content, content. So important these days. Mitch Wallace and his team of experts are here to help. And then last, but still not least, our friends from Pickle Jar, the world's biggest tip jar. How can Pickle Jar help you? If you're a music fan, they give you exclusive access to live streams from all over the country, but especially here in Nashville, Tennessee. And if you're an artist out there, a musician, you're looking to have a big tip jar. They have the world's biggest tip jar. So download the Pickle Jar app, use promo code it R at checkout. And uh, yeah, go ahead and do that. Support our friends at Pickle Jar. Also be sure to rate like, subscribe the podcast. Now we're gonna get into it. This is episode 1 0 4 with our girl Miss Lauren Weintraub. Speaker 1 00:02:24 Lauren Weintraub, thanks for coming on joining us. Thanks. We've been trying to do this, I think for a while now. Like, like over a year. Over a year. Like going back towards, towards Covid because you were one of the first people I got to watch do a writer's round and like perform in town back in 2018 at Little Crazy Little Bell Court taps like your, your freshman or sophomore year in college with some of our mutual friends, SJ McDonald, I think Kendall Skeet was running around at that time. And it's cool to see how everything's kind of progressed. Yeah. So, yeah. How's life treating you? You just busy as all hell or what? Busy. Thanks Speaker 2 00:02:58 For having me. I'm glad we made it work. Yeah, you too. I told you I like woke up in Chicago yesterday and tomorrow I'm going to New York, but like I wouldn't rather have it any other way. So Speaker 1 00:03:06 Yeah. How many, how many shows do you think you've done this year? Do you have a count? Oh my gosh. How many? Speaker 2 00:03:11 Definitely the most in a long time this year. Cause of Covid, but I don't know. Definitely like getting up there this year. Speaker 1 00:03:18 Like you think like close to a hundred Speaker 2 00:03:20 Maybe Speaker 1 00:03:20 Between the fest, Speaker 2 00:03:21 Between rounds and festivals and Speaker 1 00:03:24 It might be over a hundred like showcases. Right. And this and that and the shit here in Nashville. And you get, you've gotta go on tour. North Country people like pop people. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, you gotta do like rock stuff. You got to go to the iHeart Awards out in LA Classic. You've gotta do like a lot of cool shit. And how old are you now? You're what? 2024. Speaker 2 00:03:40 I just turned 24. No shit. Speaker 1 00:03:41 Happy birthday. Thanks. Killing it. So thanks. So at 24, do you get to do all this, all this shit crazy. Pretty wild. Do you like ever like pinch yourself? Like what the fuck is going on? Speaker 2 00:03:51 Literally yesterday someone asked me, they were like, is your career like going how you thought it would? And I was like, I mean, it's going how I dreamed it would. Yeah. Like I never thought things would happen this quickly. It's like, you know, it's, you just sometimes have to like take a step back and you're like, this is everything. My 15 year old self. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:07 Dreamed. I feel like it's not even that it happened so quickly. Because you have been in town, you said that's true. You've been in town for five years and like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you were posting on like, you, I remember the um, the whiskey jam acoustic videos back in the day. Yes. Of like, earth is flat. Like I've, I've been a fan of yours for a while. Like you're, you have that that thing where like, because I do, I host the rounds at Live Oak and whatever, right. And like there's certain writers and artists where they'll play and the room, no matter how loud and how many people are there shuts the fuck up because it just, what the, what the writer or the artist is saying or singing is just captivating. Yeah. And you've had that since I've known you for the last four years. Little Bell Court taps was all, all drunk and rowdy at the Nashville tour stop on a Sunday night. That was back in the OG days and Oh yeah. That was the spot to play when you were under 20 years. Under Speaker 2 00:04:50 21. I know. I couldn't even drink. I would just go like, why are all these people drunk at a Sunday night? Now I understand Speaker 1 00:04:55 <laugh> now you get it. Yeah. Yeah. But like you're, you've like, it's, you have put in years of doing it, but I feel like the, the you've, you've learned how to do the social media thing, like crush it for sure. Speaker 2 00:05:06 Yeah. It's social media is like a whole job. Speaker 1 00:05:09 I saw your, uh, thing, your story about the drafts. Speaker 2 00:05:12 The drafts, the drafts you have. I have a lot of TikTok drafts. Speaker 1 00:05:15 What's it up? Have you knocked Speaker 2 00:05:16 The It's like 300 something. I need to go through it. It's almost slowing down my app. Like I go to post something and my app's like, fuck you <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:05:23 You just have 'em. Yeah. So what is, so do you have like a schedule or does your team make a schedule for you on how often you post on like how, or does it just like fuck it? I feel like look, I feel like sitting there on my phone all day. Like Speaker 2 00:05:35 Yeah, I mean I'm the sole runner of all my social media right Speaker 1 00:05:39 Now. That's important. That's awesome. Speaker 2 00:05:40 Which feels good cuz it feels like it's like coming from my voice, but it's definitely stressful. But I think like it's important to be consistent, but I don't have a schedule. And it's funny cuz I have like 360 whatever drafts, but like the OCD in me is like, I can't post any of them <laugh>. Like that's crazy. I need to like go through them and be like, okay, these are postal, let's just post them. Speaker 1 00:06:01 Like it'd be, I mean I'd imagine that some of 'em are probably just multiple takes of a video of that you ended up using the same things. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:06:06 <laugh>, I need to, I need to do a little clean out. Speaker 1 00:06:08 When did you start doing the TikTok thing? Was it really Covid o then when everybody else was kind of jumping on it, you were like, fuck it. I can't, I can't go out and do shows. Exactly. I can't go out and write. And at that point you had signed a, Speaker 2 00:06:20 A publishing deal. Speaker 1 00:06:21 Yeah. So you had shit kind of working and then 20, 20 hits Speaker 2 00:06:25 And I was like, what is happening? Yeah. I clearly remember being on my like apartment floor just like, I can't play shows. Like, cuz playing shows is my favorite thing to do. Yeah. You probably could tell that from earlier on. Like, it's just what I love to do. And I called my friend Josh Byrd, who's like my mentor, my songwriter, co-writer, like everything. And he was like, bro, first of all, calm the fuck down. Second of all, you just gotta figure out a way to connect with people without being in their face. And so I had like sat on the app for so long, I was like, this is a dumb app where people get on there and do stupid dances. And then he was like, no, just figure out a way to like, be authentic on it. And that's when everything changed. So it was, it was early 2021 when I started posting on there. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:06 What was like, what was the first song that really took off? So Speaker 2 00:07:09 For a while I was just doing little covers in 2020 and then like, Speaker 1 00:07:13 Treating it like YouTube back in the day. Right. Or like, or like Vine Speaker 2 00:07:16 Or Vine? Speaker 1 00:07:16 Vine, yes. The Speaker 2 00:07:17 Throwback. I was a Viner. Speaker 1 00:07:18 Were you mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 2 00:07:19 I'm sure. Um, but yeah, I finally posted my first original song in January of 2021 and that was, she's mine. And I just like put my phone down cause I was like, oh this is just gonna get 400 views, like every other video I've posted on this app. And then I was at my friend's house three hours later I hadn't even opened it and I have my notifications turned off cuz it makes me crazy. Yeah. And I opened the app and it's like, you have 50,000 new followers. And I was like, what the fuck? Like what? And that was the moment I was like, I should never have been shitting on this app. Like this app can change my life. Speaker 1 00:07:52 Yeah. It's just figuring out the right way to use it. Totally. And that's something that I've seen a lot of people do and there are people that play more into the personality side of it. There are people that Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's people that are, that are writers and, and get that stuff out there. But it's also knowing how to connect with your demo, which like absolutely you post shit that anybody can relate to. Like your songs you write, you write songs that people can relate to. So then when you share those songs, you, you find a way to Right to do it. Like the um, like the new one. Um, over, over, over, Speaker 2 00:08:20 Over Speaker 1 00:08:21 Here. Yeah. Like that shit's, that shit's rock. Yeah. It's it's rocking. That's the one that you said is the uh, the mix of uh, misery Business and picture burn. Picture Burn. Yeah. And people, people love that shit. Yeah. And like you've, you've figured out, do you think you've figured out the algorithm or do you think it changes every fucking day? Cause I feel like Speaker 2 00:08:38 It's, so, I think it changes. Speaker 1 00:08:39 Have you been shadow banned before? Um, Speaker 2 00:08:41 I think so. I mean people Speaker 1 00:08:42 Are like, I feel like anybody has at least once. Cuz then your videos will go from like a hundred K or like 50 K down to like 2000. Totally. And there's no rhyme or reason to it. Speaker 2 00:08:50 Yeah. I actually like got super down about it once. Cause I was like, I feel like I got this app down to a science and then one day it changed on me and I was like, oh, shadow banned. And everyone was like, dude, you know what, you have a roof over your head and you have food in your stomach and like being shadow banned is not that big of a deal. Yeah. And I was like, you're right. So I just try to like, you know, take it for what it is and know that like anything that comes from it is just adding to what I already have. It can't hurt. Speaker 1 00:09:15 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:15 Unless you like get canceled. But I try not to get canceled. Speaker 1 00:09:18 No <laugh>. I guess you're definitely gotta watch that. Um, but you um, and it seems like it's translated well with like the streams and just totally. People coming to shows and mm-hmm. <affirmative> Instagram. Like it's, that's what's big too, is like mm-hmm. <affirmative> watching it translate to other platforms. Tickets. Yeah. Tickets. Exactly. So what was your first show, like post TikTok stuff? Do you remember the, the first one where you were like, damn shit has changed? Speaker 2 00:09:43 Honestly, there was a lot of opening shows and that was a moment where I started to see it cuz I opened for like Chris Lane in the summer and I would see girls here and there in the crowd knowing the words to my songs. And I was like, that's weird. But about three weeks ago I played my first headline shows and that's when I was like, holy fucking shit, <laugh>. Like, cuz for so long these are just people behind a screen. Yeah. They don't feel real even though they are real. And then I sold out these shows and there's these girls like screaming and guys screaming my lyrics back to me. And I was like, that's when I realized it was a real thing. Speaker 1 00:10:16 Yeah. And where was that? Was that first headline show in Boston? Boston Speaker 2 00:10:19 And New York. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:20 So tho and those are two cities. So you're, are you from like the, the Greater Boston area? You a little bit outside of it. Cause a lot of folks, like I tell people I'm from the city Right. But I'm like, I'm from the burbs like 30, 40 minutes outside. Speaker 2 00:10:32 Yeah. I'm from Sudbury, which is like 25 minutes outside of the city. Speaker 1 00:10:36 Yeah. And where was the venue in Boston that you played? Speaker 2 00:10:38 Cafe 9 39. Speaker 1 00:10:39 Oh, sick. Speaker 2 00:10:40 Okay. Which is on like the campus of Berkeley. Speaker 1 00:10:42 Yeah. Yeah. Which is a big thing for you being a, being like a music student to be around them and then for a crowd to come out to that, that's a lot of very musical people. Like, you get, get the respect of Totally. That's ultimate respect of your peers right there. Speaker 2 00:10:56 Oh my God. They had me speak at Berkeley the day before to songwriting students and I was like, this is so scary. Like <laugh>, like I'm not, I don't know, no one knows anything. Like people just act like they know what they're talking about. So I was like, I'm just gonna tell you what I know, but it's not like facts. Like Speaker 1 00:11:11 Yeah. I'm not like some OG that's been doing this for 25, 30 years. Speaker 2 00:11:15 No, I'm 24 and just trying to figure it out and it's like, I guess it's working. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:11:19 Yeah. What did you tell them? Do you remember? Did you like kind of black? I, I've given speeches, Speaker 2 00:11:23 Should I Speaker 1 00:11:24 Black out? You're like, well I've given speeches to like, I've given speeches to like students before, like and Black Out podcast black. Yeah. I don't remember what the fuck I said. I got through it, but I don't remember. Speaker 2 00:11:33 Yeah. The only time I've ever blacked out on stage was when I was on America's Got Talent I black, I for sure blacked out. I remember nothing. I didn't know Speaker 1 00:11:40 You did that. Speaker 2 00:11:41 Oh yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:11:42 What was that? The early days? Speaker 2 00:11:44 That was 2018. Speaker 1 00:11:46 Oh shit. So that was right around the, right around the time that I first met you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. What was that? What was that? What was that shit like? It Speaker 2 00:11:52 Was crazy. Um, Simon Cowell hated me. Speaker 1 00:11:55 Really? Speaker 2 00:11:55 Yeah. So one day I can't wait to just be like, he, he Speaker 1 00:11:58 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:11:59 He was like, he was like, you're boring and you sound like every other girl on YouTube Speaker 1 00:12:02 Write, write a song called Simon Says or something like that and just shut up trouble. Hey, that idea is copyrighted with the, the Lauren Tro. Simon says Speaker 2 00:12:10 No, but to be real, like at the time he wasn't wrong. Yeah. But to be fair, like they had told me, they were like, you're gonna wear this and you're gonna sing this. And by the time I got on stage, I kind of just felt like a, a TV character. Yeah. So, um, it was good advice in the sense that like, it, he was basically saying be your authentic self. Yeah. Even though the show wasn't really letting me, but it was good advice going Speaker 1 00:12:30 Forward. So Yeah. And that's something that I feel like you do. Like you are very authentically Lauren. Thanks Mora. Thanks. I try like you are the, like from from from your, your outfits that you wear, the shit that you post. Like you are, you are you. Thanks. You're not trying to conform to anything and I think you, you have a team behind you that's really cool and letting you be yourself, which is so important. Speaker 2 00:12:50 I'm so grateful for every person on my team. I played Whiskey Jam the other night and they all were there and I was like, wow. Every single person in this room on my team, like, they just get it. And they're not trying to make me be something I'm not, they're not trying to make me sing something I don't wanna sing or say like they know what I'm about and they're here for it. And that's probably, I mean, one of the biggest gifts cuz it's not always like that. Speaker 1 00:13:12 No, not, not at all. Speaker 2 00:13:13 Usually not like that. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:13:14 Not at all. Especially in, in the two kind of realms that I see because you're not just totally like, like you do, you have stuff that's kind of in that country realm. You have stuff that's in the pop realm and then you've got the like over, over over her Over me. Right. Speaker 2 00:13:27 Over her over here. Which is like rock over her over here. Which rock country. Speaker 1 00:13:30 Yeah. That fits in like the, that like rock, like Olivia, Rodrigo totally like that, that style of stuff that's coming out mm-hmm. <affirmative> and all those worlds. It's very much, there's usually someone at the top being like totally, Hey Lauren, you should do this. Hey you should say we got this song for you. And it's like, no, I can write my own songs. That's like been your biggest strength. Totally. Is knowing what you want. Say. Totally. Speaker 2 00:13:50 And it's cool cuz like even a lot of the adults on my team, like, they will voice their opinions and that's why I'm so grateful for them. Like, I never wanna get to a point where people are just kissing my ass. Speaker 1 00:13:59 Yeah. Just yes man. Speaker 2 00:14:00 Yeah. I don't like Yes Speaker 1 00:14:01 Men. Yes, yes, yes. Men are horrible, Speaker 2 00:14:03 But they're also like, take this with a grain of salt. Like at the end of the day, you're the 24 year old, like you're, and you're, you like, take this and then take from it what you want. And that's, I'm really grateful that the people on my team are like that. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:14:15 That's awesome. Um, now for, for you too, um, are a lot of your songs about personal experience? Oh, all of them. Pretty much All of them. Speaker 2 00:14:24 All of them? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:14:26 So you've had some, some rough luck in the love department, Speaker 2 00:14:29 I guess. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:14:29 Like just some shitty, Speaker 2 00:14:31 Some shitty relationships. Speaker 1 00:14:33 I don't know how a guy could be shitty to you. Like, you're fucking ador. They're nice, you're cool as fuck. You're fun. Like I don't, I don't know how like, like what are you finding these douche bags? Speaker 2 00:14:43 Clearly I need to have better taste in men. Speaker 1 00:14:45 But where do you, where do you find them? Speaker 2 00:14:47 I mean Speaker 1 00:14:47 Like, is this, is this like Speaker 2 00:14:49 Every guy I've dated has been like in the music industry. So that's, maybe Speaker 1 00:14:53 That's the problem. Yeah. You shouldn't where you gotta find you like a lawyer or a doctor Totally. Find you like, like up, like up towards other talks. Like musicians can be, can be tough. Like I see it, I see it at being out in the road with a band. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, like there, there's some wild shit that goes on and stuff's crazy. What's the wildest thing you've seen on the road? Speaker 2 00:15:08 Oh, just in general. Speaker 1 00:15:09 Just in general. Cuz like what? Cause So, so talk about Plug a little bit who you've been out with. So you've done did, you did the run with Chris Lane, you did some stuff for Priscilla, right? Speaker 2 00:15:18 Oh, I love Priscilla. Dude. Speaker 1 00:15:19 She's awesome. Speaker 2 00:15:20 Priscilla is my girl. Yeah. Like she's so cool. She's Speaker 1 00:15:23 A vibe. Like she's very much again authentically her. She is 110%. That's what Speaker 2 00:15:27 Priscilla Speaker 1 00:15:28 I love about her fucking block. Speaker 2 00:15:29 Yeah. Like she's not trying to be someone else. Yeah. And you like know what she believes in and stands for and that's what I love about her. Um, yeah. Who else did we go out with this summer? We randomly opened, well we did a show with Fillmore and then it was me, Fillmore and Bone Thugs in Harmony, which was very random Speaker 1 00:15:45 Bone Thugs in Harmony. Do you don't post in Harmony. Yeah. I think I saw you post a picture of that. It was really weird post something where like you were just hanging with these rappers and I'm like, look at Lauren, go look at Little Red Go Speaker 2 00:15:54 <laugh>. Um, and then we did like some festivals, like we did Country Fest in Wisconsin and then next year there's some exciting stuff hopefully coming So Speaker 1 00:16:02 Wisconsin fucks doesn't it? Like they, Wisconsin Speaker 2 00:16:04 Was Speaker 1 00:16:05 Crazy. They love their music. We've done Mac Wayne, we've done what, two festivals out there? Yeah. Didn't we do Country Fest too? No, we did Country Boom and we did Yeah. Country on the River County Line Country. We did something out there. Yeah. It was a jco I think. Oh yeah. And they're, and they're just like, up in the Midwest, they're, they Speaker 2 00:16:22 Go crazy. Speaker 1 00:16:22 They're wild. They like have bush light in their veins. Totally Bush light and van and ranch dressing Speaker 2 00:16:27 Totally in their veins. Totally. There's like guys and crop tops. There's like, like I'm like, what is going on? This is the best thing I've ever seen in my life. Speaker 1 00:16:34 Yeah. And they're so support and they're like as, as drunk and wild as they get. They are paying attention to you when you are on stage. Totally. They're giving you 110%. Speaker 2 00:16:43 Totally. That's what I loved about Wisconsin. Wisconsin Country fans. Fuck. They're Speaker 1 00:16:47 Amazing. Yeah. So we go. So have you, where's like, so you're doing like the headlining stuff right now? Is it, so you're talking about like Mercury Lounge? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and like Yeah. Places like that. Like those kind of like those, those rooms that are more intimate. Yes. I don't wanna say smaller because they're not, I mean they they are smaller rooms but, but they're intimate rooms. It's like Speaker 2 00:17:05 Two 50. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:17:05 Yeah. It's rooms where they're gonna really pay attention to you and listen. Exactly. Yeah. And like you're getting to go. So Boston, New York, what other cities do you have coming up? Headline. I'm sure you have stuff. Speaker 2 00:17:16 York. I'm not really headlining. I'm doing some opening shows right now. So I'm opening for this girl, Andy in New York and LA and then I'm going on the road with Alexandra Kay. Speaker 1 00:17:24 Oh, that'll be cool. Speaker 2 00:17:25 Yeah. In um, Memphis and somewhere in Alabama. Speaker 1 00:17:29 <laugh>. Have you been to Alabama before? I Speaker 2 00:17:31 Have. I've not played in Alabama. I've, I've gone to Alabama to write with, um, John Paul White, if you know who that is. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But I've never played in Alabama. Speaker 1 00:17:39 So Alabama is another animal and I'm excited for you to I'm looking at McElroy cuz he is very much a proud, I'm like an honorary alabamian because of who I've worked with between Musen Iron and Trey. Right. Because Trey's from Birmingham, Musca nine guys are from Mobile. So I've been to every little tiny podunk town in Alabama. Incredible. And it's like coming from New York, you talk about culture shock. Oh you haven't lived until you've been in, like you've been in Boaz. Alabama. Alabama, deep Alabama. And you ask the people, you're at the merge, Tim, and you're like, Hey, what do y'all do for fun around here? Like we fat our chickens or shit like that. And it's like you, you get, you get, you eat chicken gizzards and oak, like you know where chicken gizzards are? Yeah, Speaker 2 00:18:17 I do. You do. But I've never eaten them. Speaker 1 00:18:19 I got told that they were a southern delicacy. I got tricked in Mississippi at a gas station. And Speaker 2 00:18:25 You ate it. Speaker 1 00:18:25 They told me it was a de like, Bri, you got it, you got, you gotta try the chicken gi your delicacy, you gotta try the chicken geezers. And then they made me go first and then after they waited till they waited till I walked out back to the van, the order, they all got chicken tenders and fries. Speaker 2 00:18:39 Oh my god. Speaker 1 00:18:40 All the normal shit. And they just, that's Speaker 2 00:18:41 Mean. Speaker 1 00:18:42 Yeah. But I mean it's just, it was the old lady behind the camera was like, baby, you sure you want these gizzards <laugh>? Yeah. I can handle 'em. Give me the gizzards. Speaker 2 00:18:52 You having no idea what it Speaker 1 00:18:53 Is. No idea what they are. Speaker 2 00:18:54 Oh my God. Speaker 1 00:18:55 It was, it was quite the, quite the experience. I'm excited. Have you been, how many states have you been to? Speaker 2 00:19:01 It's, it's increased this year. We've driven through a lot of states. We've driven through a lot of cornfields. Speaker 1 00:19:06 Oh, Kansas and Iowa are so much fun to drive through, aren't they? Oh, it's just, just exhilarating <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:19:11 Yep. Um, we played, where do we play this year? Let's see. Wisconsin, Nebraska, um, New York. Speaker 1 00:19:19 Laville. What about you say La Nashville. You say it like they do in letter. Kenny La la la <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:19:26 Um, Nebraska was interesting. Speaker 1 00:19:27 Where in Nebraska were you? We've done Nebraska a few times. Speaker 2 00:19:30 Omaha. Speaker 1 00:19:31 Oh, we've done Omaha. Was it, um, did you do Bardo? Yeah. Oh shit. That's, Speaker 2 00:19:35 That's where the Bone Thug show was. Speaker 1 00:19:37 You did Bardo with Bone Thugs and a Harmony. Yes. With the like next to the Bentley dealership. Speaker 2 00:19:43 Yes. Next to the Bentley dealership. Speaker 1 00:19:45 Do you remember that place Mcil? We did. We did that. I do We did that with Priscilla. Yeah. Priscilla Block opened for us on that one. Wow. So it was a Trey Lewis Priscilla Block show next to a Bentley dealership at a tiny little whiskey bar. Sounds Speaker 2 00:19:56 Accurate. Speaker 1 00:19:56 It's just you Speaker 2 00:19:58 So random. Speaker 1 00:19:59 Did you know what you were walking into when you Speaker 2 00:20:00 Absolutely no idea. Speaker 1 00:20:01 You just were like, oh, this cap. We were just like, oh, it's this cap room bone thugs in harmony. Let's see how it goes. And then you walk in, it's like a Speaker 2 00:20:06 Parking lot Speaker 1 00:20:07 <laugh>. Yeah, it's like, it's like a parking lot and then it's like a badass like Bentley Speaker 2 00:20:11 Dealership. Speaker 1 00:20:11 Yeah, Bentley dealership. But high end, like super high-end whiskey bar. Oh Speaker 2 00:20:15 Yeah. Crazy. And Fillmore's so good. Yeah. Yeah. That was a weird day. <laugh>. But yeah, I'm trying to think of the weirdest thing that's happened on the road. Like, I don't know. We've definitely have Speaker 1 00:20:26 You broke down? Speaker 2 00:20:28 We haven't broke down. We've definitely walked into some weird like, oh, I know what it is. This isn't that weird. But one time we went to a Denny's and we were like, Speaker 1 00:20:36 Oh, you never go in a Denny's. No. Rule number one. Rule Speaker 2 00:20:39 Number one, never Aden's, don't go a Denny's. And we were at that point where like we'd been driving for seven hours and we were all kind of pissed off at each other. <laugh>. Yeah. Like we love each other, but we were just annoyed. And our food took 90 minutes to come at this. Denny's Speaker 1 00:20:51 Was was it a Denny's like attached to a love or Speaker 2 00:20:53 It was, Speaker 1 00:20:53 Yeah. Was it in Nebraska? Speaker 2 00:20:55 It was in Nebraska. Speaker 1 00:20:56 We might have been to that same one. I think that's where Chad, we had a lighting guy, Chad. It was a little, he was a character and he ordered pot. He ordered spaghetti and meatballs at a Denny's. Okay. And it took like 10 hours. That's what I what I'm saying. Yeah. I think we that Denny's, you walk outta Denny's and it's like you're covered. You feel like you're just covered in syrup. Totally. It just feels sticky. Yep. It's like where's the diner that we have back home? Like back home at such good diners, such Speaker 2 00:21:20 Good diner. Speaker 1 00:21:21 I don't even take Waffle House over at Denny's or Dare I say ihop. Ihop. I'll do a 3:00 AM I'll take ihop IHOP if I need to. I've seen some wild shit in ihop. Speaker 2 00:21:28 So I'm gonna say IHOP might be better than Waffle House. Speaker 1 00:21:32 I mean, IHOP has a better menu. Does. It's a bigger, it's a bigger menu. I think I, I'll take like, I've personally mean doing from up there, coming from North. I love, love the diners. We don't have Speaker 2 00:21:41 Waffle House. Speaker 1 00:21:42 Yeah. Cause we have diners. We have diners that are like the size of the bi menus, the size of the Bible. And you can just get whatever the fuck you want. Anytime you want. That's what I'm saying. I can get a cheeseburger and I can get pancakes at the same fucking time. Anytime I want big ass chicken par, chicken parm dinner and waffles. Speaker 2 00:21:57 Boom, baby Speaker 1 00:21:58 Together. Boom. Speaker 2 00:21:59 I will say though, outside of that, Denny's, the gas was like 180 9. Crazy. One $1 and 89 cents. Speaker 1 00:22:07 Yeah. You'll find it might have been out near the reservations. Cause out there you have reservations. Incredible stuff too, where they don't, there there's no taxes on Speaker 2 00:22:13 You. And when you're filling up a van, that's like your dream. Speaker 1 00:22:15 Yeah. Was it, is it like one of them white 15 passengers? Speaker 2 00:22:18 Yep. Yep. Speaker 1 00:22:19 Yep. Did you guys keep candy with you? Yep. Speaker 2 00:22:21 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:22:23 That's funny. That's awesome. Of Speaker 2 00:22:25 Course for us, Speaker 1 00:22:27 <laugh>, who usually does the driving? Do you get behind Speaker 2 00:22:29 The road? I drive. So I always start. Do Speaker 1 00:22:30 You have like a little booster seat? Speaker 2 00:22:32 No, <laugh>, but I do put it all the way up. I feel like Speaker 1 00:22:34 Kind of have to, Speaker 2 00:22:35 I'm not, I don't know. Vans are very top heavy though. They are. There were some moments where my band was like, you almost just killed us for sure. Speaker 1 00:22:42 Were you pulling a trailer? Speaker 2 00:22:44 No, thank God. Okay. Um, we just back lined a drum kit usually, but, um, I'll drive for like the first five hours and then I'll be like, all right, which one are you motherfuckers wants to get on the wheel? Speaker 1 00:22:55 And then what's, what's your crew look like? Like do you have a TM out with you? Do you have a No, Speaker 2 00:22:59 Not yet. I Speaker 1 00:23:00 Mean, so it's just you and what? Drums? Speaker 2 00:23:02 Drums, guitar. And I have this amazing girl who plays bass and synth and all these things. Speaker 1 00:23:08 Piano oh six. So like a utility? Yeah, Speaker 2 00:23:10 She's great. She's incredible. So Speaker 1 00:23:11 It's just the four Speaker 2 00:23:12 Of y'all and tracks. Yeah, she just, the four of us and sometimes the photographer, but no Tor manager yet. So stay tuned. Speaker 1 00:23:19 But you don't, but do you guys like get Wild and Party or is it not like cra I feel like it's not super crazy. Speaker 2 00:23:25 I'm pretty weird about my voice. Like if I play a show, I don't wanna go yell at a bar for four hours afterwards unless it's like a Friday and I wanna celebrate or whatever. But normally I'm like lame and I just watch the headliner and like go to Speaker 1 00:23:36 Have you had fun? Have you had like fun in a city where like you have gone out and Speaker 2 00:23:40 For sure. I mean, definitely New York and then in Nebraska we, we had fun that night for sure. Speaker 1 00:23:46 Omaha with Bone Thugs, with Speaker 2 00:23:47 Bone Thugs, <laugh>, my, yeah, it was crazy. I have a lot of stories from that night that I won't tell. But yeah, Speaker 1 00:23:55 She's mine followed by a Bone Thug song. Like just your vibe and it Speaker 2 00:23:58 Was so random. Speaker 1 00:23:59 Were they cool? Speaker 2 00:24:00 They were cool. Yeah. I mean we didn't really talk to them a lot. They kind of kept in their green room. Um, but you know, their show was good. Speaker 1 00:24:08 Yeah. Which Green room did y'all have there? Did y'all have the big, the big room at Speaker 2 00:24:12 The bar? So me and Philmore were in that room and then the Bone Thugs came and requested that we leave that room so they could have that room. Speaker 1 00:24:18 Oh, so you guys were in like that side? We were Speaker 2 00:24:20 In the closet basically. Oh, Speaker 1 00:24:21 In the closet. Oh no, that's bad. Speaker 2 00:24:23 But they gave us so much free food, so we didn't complain. Speaker 1 00:24:26 Where's the best catering been? Speaker 2 00:24:28 Um, honestly, Bardo Speaker 1 00:24:30 Catering Matters Speaker 2 00:24:31 Or Bardo, however you say it. No, that food was fire. Fire. Yeah. We, we had like, they had these burgers, these sliders. We must have gotten like 12 of them. Speaker 1 00:24:40 Just Gwen ahead. Just, just for like, we're getting all these like Speaker 2 00:24:43 After a show I'm like, I will eat so much food. Speaker 1 00:24:45 Yeah, I'm trying, I'm trying to be a better tour man. I'm trying to make myself the best tour manager I can be. Let, let's go make Speaker 2 00:24:51 Sure my guys Speaker 1 00:24:51 Make sure my guys don't die. Go to jail, go missing. Which I usually don't have to. They're good dogs. Almost did not too long ago. Oh yeah, we were in south. I still got a scar from that fence. Speaker 2 00:24:59 <laugh>. Oh, you hopped a fence. Speaker 1 00:25:02 Yeah. I ain't gonna sight where it's a little, little, little, little wild on the, on the, the Trey Lewis single again. Dick down in Dallas store to see a lot Speaker 2 00:25:10 Of shit. I can Speaker 1 00:25:11 Imagine. But, um, one thing I want to try to get better at is the post-show food. Okay. Like just making sure the venue has food for us after the show. Right. Because that to me is when you're ravenous that's when you guys want to eat the most is when you get done playing offstage. Speaker 2 00:25:24 Yeah, offstage. I don't eat a lot before I go on stage. Yeah. Like I'll eat something, but I don't wanna be like eating so much food before I go on stage. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:30 Yeah. What's the, what would be, what's your go-to snack when you stop at a Loves? Speaker 2 00:25:34 Oh my God. What's Speaker 1 00:25:35 Your go-to snack? Speaker 2 00:25:36 I'm pretty lame. Like I go Okay. Someone recently, I think it was my drummer or my guitar player, it was my guitar player, Matt. He was like, you have to try beef jerky. I had never had beef jerky and how I like it Speaker 1 00:25:46 And loves has a like, big wall, almost like a big section of Speaker 2 00:25:50 Just like, I don't hate it, so I'll I'll get that. Or like fruit granola bar. I try to keep it a little healthy on the road. Speaker 1 00:25:55 Okay. My problem is I'll get a little hazy. Right. And I'll get in, especially now that I don't have to do as much driving with the, with the bus situation. And I'll go in there like, I've been stoned at a loves at two in the morning. Speaker 2 00:26:07 Do you buy the whole loves? I Speaker 1 00:26:09 Mean, if I could, I would. Um, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a, I'm a big peanut m and Ms. Guy. Oh. I get the share size. Oh, interesting. Peanut m and ms And then I drink a lot of the cold brew coffees. Of course cold brew. To me it's like cold brew coffee and nicotine or like I drink when I was driving. Oh yeah. <laugh> Good Speaker 2 00:26:27 For Speaker 1 00:26:27 You. In the right say in the left hand coffee in the right hand. Which hands on the wheel. <laugh> in the band. Yeah. Um, it's uh, have you been to Bucky's yet? Speaker 2 00:26:36 No, I've never been to Bucky's. Speaker 1 00:26:38 Where's the show in Alabama? You're playing, is it in Birmingham? Speaker 2 00:26:41 Um, it is in Birmingham. Speaker 1 00:26:43 Is it at Zydeco? Speaker 2 00:26:44 It is at Zydeco. Speaker 1 00:26:45 No shit. Yeah. That should be your first ber. Okay. So when you go down there, you're actually gonna pass a Bucky's on the way down there. So Speaker 2 00:26:52 Should I go to Bucky's? Speaker 1 00:26:53 So Bucky's is like, loves but the size of Walmart, it's super clean. Truckers aren't allowed. They pay their employees like 20 bucks an hour. It's like the cleanest bathrooms ever. You can get jeans fucking like furniture, um, fresh barbecue jerky and a slaughter pe in the same place. Oh my God. It'll change your life. Speaker 2 00:27:11 Okay, I'm going to Bucky's. Speaker 1 00:27:12 Yes. It'll change your life. They have one in Leeds, which is just outside of Birmingham. It's the one in Huntsville Open yet. Matt, Speaker 3 00:27:17 I don't think it's on open yet, but you get to Birmingham and it'll be like off of I 20. It's not far from uh, Tica. Damn. Speaker 1 00:27:25 Then Tica is cool. That's, that place has a lot of history. Cool. It's like a, it's like a low ceiling, like rock club sick. And it's just like, I love that it's, it's got like a feel to it where you're like, some shit's gone down in this place. Like some cool shit like, like rock stuff. Country stuff. Right. Rap stuff. They've done like, like frats have rented it out. It's like a wild set. It's a fun time. Speaker 2 00:27:45 Oh, I'm excited. Speaker 1 00:27:46 So, and the, the crew that works there, we know, we know very well. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:27:49 If you see, if you see Lane Flournoy, he might, Speaker 1 00:27:52 If you see Lane, tell him you Speaker 3 00:27:53 Know us. Speaker 1 00:27:53 Yeah. Just tell him, tell him. Speaker 2 00:27:55 Said hello. Oh my Speaker 1 00:27:55 God. He's, he's, he's seen, uh, seen us do some stuff. So I gotta ask, um, to, um, the song Boston? Yeah. Was there really a guy in Texas? Speaker 2 00:28:06 Of course. Yeah. There was. Speaker 1 00:28:07 Was he here? Speaker 2 00:28:08 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:28:10 Did you have, so did you go to Texas? I did. But he never went to Boston with you? Speaker 2 00:28:14 No, he was supposed to, but then we broke Speaker 1 00:28:16 Up and then he was an asshole. Speaker 2 00:28:18 Yeah. What'd he do? Um, you know, just wasn't, wasn't the best boyfriend Speaker 1 00:28:24 B bullshit musician stuff. Speaker 2 00:28:26 Yeah. It was just like, well I was a freshman at Belmont and I had gone home for the summer, so I was, I was chilling in Boston. Speaker 1 00:28:31 Oh. So these are, so you have, so some of these songs that are coming out you've written Speaker 2 00:28:34 Oh yeah. You, Boston we wrote You've like three years ago. And then the newest one on the EP we wrote probably five months ago. So this is fully like a description of my last three years in Speaker 1 00:28:44 Nashville. Do you like doing that with your projects where it's like the, the like a chapter where then the fans can connected and then you'll be able to look back and be like, this was my life from 2019 to 2022. Totally. Like this was when I was getting outta school and signing my deal. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and Covid. Mm-hmm. And all of that stuff. Speaker 2 00:29:01 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like, I'm very big on journaling and to me it's the same thing. It's like a lot of people are like, people don't care about albums anymore. But I think it's, it's cool. Like, I think it's cool to put out a project because it's very much a stamp in time. Yeah. Of what was going on. Speaker 1 00:29:14 When did you write Fuck the Snow? Cause that's one of my favorites. No, I like that song a lot. That's Speaker 2 00:29:18 About the same dude. Um, and Speaker 1 00:29:20 That and is and that's about, is that about that one snowstorm when everybody Yes. When everybody was on Clubhouse? Yes. For like a week. Yes. Speaker 2 00:29:26 <laugh>. Literally. Yes. Speaker 1 00:29:28 <laugh>. You remember that? Speaker 2 00:29:29 Oh, I remember Speaker 1 00:29:30 Dude. It was, it was well. Yeah. Cause you, cause I remember you putting up that song and being like, God damn Lauren, Speaker 2 00:29:35 God damn. Yep. Yep. It's a good one. It's a good one. Speaker 1 00:29:40 Isn't it funny too how they deal with snow down here? Oh, Speaker 2 00:29:42 It's like a joke. Isn't Speaker 1 00:29:43 It just ridiculous. Speaker 2 00:29:44 It snows like an inch and whole town shuts down. Speaker 1 00:29:47 I've never seen someone freak out so much over two inches. They're Speaker 2 00:29:50 Like, call the police. I'm like Bro, we used to have to go to school in a foot of snow. Yeah, me too. Like they would only cancel school if it was a nor'easter coming. Speaker 1 00:29:58 Yeah. And it was like a, like a hurricane of snow. Speaker 2 00:30:01 Right. Like you can't see to get to school. Yeah. Otherwise they were like, oh fuck you. You're going to Speaker 1 00:30:05 School. Yeah. A little bit of ice. We'll put some salt and sand on it. Totally. Speaker 2 00:30:08 You're fine. Here. It's like an inch of snow. We don't do anything for Speaker 1 00:30:11 First. There was that one time like 20, what was that? That was like February of 21 I think. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> January of 21. Speaker 2 00:30:18 Yep, yep, yep. February, Speaker 1 00:30:19 February of 21 was when it, and then yeah it was like, that was shut down for like a week. Speaker 2 00:30:24 It was around Valentine's Day. Speaker 1 00:30:25 It was around Val. Oh. So that fucked the snow song. That's some real shit. Speaker 2 00:30:29 Some real shit. Baby. Speaker 1 00:30:30 Who'd you write? Was that a solo right? Or was that Speaker 2 00:30:32 I wrote, so I wrote it like in my car. I remember the JP Sacks album had just come out or EP and I was like feeling really inspired. So I wrote this verse chorus in my car and then I put it on Instagram and my friend Will Stone, um, was like, did you finish that? Cuz like, I wanna write a second verse. So he, I've never done that before, but he just wrote a second verse and then the song was done. It was kind of cool. Um, so yeah. Speaker 1 00:30:54 Yeah. That's awesome. I know that. I've heard that. And I think I've met Will cuz I also back in going back bef BC before Covid BC that's what I say BC like that's funny. My life looking back like 2019 and so different early 2020s. So different from now. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:31:10 It's weird to think about Speaker 1 00:31:11 Honestly. Like, but look, but one of the last, you know, one of the last episodes was that I did like before Covid who I've been around Sam Varga. Speaker 2 00:31:18 Oh my, my boy Speaker 1 00:31:20 I had Sam Varga on was St. Patrick's Day and I used to host this. My buddy Tyler. Yeah. He called Boudreaux and um, he um, he was a big like whiskey bourbon guy. And Sam as you know, Speaker 2 00:31:30 Big whiskey guy. Big Speaker 1 00:31:31 One of the biggest whiskey guys you'll ever meet. Proud Proud Kentuckian. Yeah, for sure. And an endorser of all things Fine in whiskey. Um, and him and Tyler just were drinking whiskey. But I remember him talking about Will Stone and Will. Yeah. Kayleigh Same. Will Yeah. Love him. Yeah. And like do you, have you found that, um, like you're, I feel like the Nashville too, we have all is like a class almost. Yeah. Like it's like classes, which for you, Belmont, I mean you go into Belmont, you literally were in a class literally, but also like, there's like a class of like friends and like a crew that you have. And it's so important I think to have that. I, for you, who were some of those initial people? Speaker 2 00:32:08 So I always say that like, it's funny, I think some of the songs on this project were written with people who I consider my heroes. And then other ones are written with the people I've been writing with since I moved here. Um, and those people would be Josh Byrd, who I talked about earlier. Yeah. Um, Kristen Hale, will Stone, I mean I love Will Sam was one of those people. Sam Varga. Kristen Merlin, um, Joseph Patton. Those were kind of all the people that I was like writing with in the beginning. Were, I'm trying to think if Speaker 1 00:32:34 I'm leaving out. Were those, were those Belmont kids or were those just people that you, that you had met from being out? They Speaker 2 00:32:38 Were just people I'd met honestly, like at Belmont. Um, sj, McDonald's and I, yeah, we'd read a lot. Chris Rudiger. Speaker 1 00:32:45 Um, yeah, another, another Proud Mass Hole. Chris Rudiger we love. Speaker 2 00:32:48 Yeah. Yeah. But a lot of them were just random people I'd met. Speaker 1 00:32:52 And how were you, how were you meeting them in town if you're not able to like say go to Live Oak or back then Frisky. I know back then Frisky Frogs or Losers or Red Door because you're, Speaker 2 00:33:01 I know, I think I would get, I couldn't go to Red Door, but I think Frisky Frogs would gimme like Xs Speaker 1 00:33:06 Frisky frogs. They didn't give a fuck actually. Yeah. Looking back they had that dirty, nasty couch. Exactly. Remember that? It was before your time. McElroy. They had a old Live Oak when it was Frisky frogs. They had a couch in front of the stage. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And you would just see kids getting after it on that couch. And I was like, what the Speaker 2 00:33:20 Fuck? I remember that. Speaker 1 00:33:22 And they served, they used to serve alligator. Oh my God. They served the alligator there and it's like, there's no alligators around here. Where the fuck they Speaker 2 00:33:27 Get alligator. You're like shooting me back into that couch. I remember people sitting on that couch and I was like, that's a Speaker 1 00:33:32 Little weird. I remember sitting on that couch watching. I think it was, why not We, it was before I had my round. Yeah. I think it was, why not Wednesday or something? One of the OG rounds over there. It was when it was Live Oak, but they had just put the they, but they still had the couch there. Oh. I remember sitting on that couch next to, I think it was Priscilla. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and somebody else. Like this is going back 20 18, 20 19. Like it's wild to think, think back to the bars back then. Frisky Frogs was a shit show. Speaker 2 00:33:56 Shit show. But I would just go and get X's on my hands and then just network and just meet people. Yeah. Yeah. Just meet Speaker 1 00:34:01 People. How important is the networking thing? Speaker 2 00:34:03 Important? I would, I was crazy. I would go out every night and it, I wasn't even like I was drinking cause I couldn't drink. I never had a fake or anything. So I would literally go to these bars like every night, get my little water and then watch whoever was singing. And like, if I liked somebody I would just go talk to 'em. Which is crazy cuz I, I was kind of shy in high school and then I moved here and it was like, you just gotta figure it out. You gotta figure out how to talk to a wall basically. So I did. Speaker 1 00:34:26 But it's also finding people that are like-minded. Like other For sure, for sure. Like other, like other music people and stuff. Speaker 2 00:34:32 Yeah, for Speaker 1 00:34:33 Sure. That, that's gotta be cool. Like, were there a lot, lot of music people with you growing up? Like, were there, were you the only one that was like, did you always wanna do the music thing or always Was baby Lauren wanting to do other stuff too? So Speaker 2 00:34:45 I'm a triplet. Did you know that? Speaker 1 00:34:47 I did not know that. There's Speaker 2 00:34:48 Three of us, but they're boys, so. Speaker 1 00:34:50 Okay. Fraternal. I actually have a brother and sister that are fraternal twins that are younger, two years younger than me. No way. So I get the whole twin, twin telepathy thing. Like they, my brother and sister have it. Speaker 2 00:35:01 So my parents like put me in whatever they were doing. So soccer, karate, and I was just fucking Speaker 1 00:35:06 Terrible Speaker 2 00:35:06 Karate. Oh yeah. I was, I was like karate kid and I was terrible. Like, there was a moment when I was trying tee-ball and I was out in the outfield and a baseball flew probably a centimeter from my nose. And my dad was like, we are not doing this. Like, she's gonna get like a mangled ass face. So they pulled me out and they put me in dance and then dance led to theater. And theater led to songwriting. So I always knew I wanted to be on stage, but it wasn't until I wrote my first song that I was like, oh, this is what I Speaker 1 00:35:32 Wanna do. What were the early like plays or musicals they put you in? Cause Annie Speaker 2 00:35:35 Obviously Speaker 1 00:35:36 Annie. Oh yeah, yeah. Oh, so you Yeah. Speaker 2 00:35:38 Yeah, Annie. I played Annie like five times. Really? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Um, what else was I in The Sound of Music? Uh, little Night Music. Yep. A lot of, A lot of plays. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:35:50 Do you miss that at all? I Speaker 2 00:35:51 Do sometimes. Like I saw, um, Bruce Springsteen, Bruce Springsteen's Broadway show and that made me get the itch to like, go back into theater. So maybe one day, you Speaker 1 00:36:01 Know, when you go up to New York, do you try to like I do. I If you have time Speaker 2 00:36:04 To I'll see shows. Yeah. I just saw Waitress for like the fifth time. So good. I love Broadway. I think it, there's a magic to it that reminds me of Live Per, I mean, it's still live performance. Yeah. It's just a different vibe. So maybe one day I'll like write a musical or some shit. That Speaker 1 00:36:19 Would be cool. Take all those, take all those Speaker 2 00:36:21 Sarahs did it. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:36:22 Turn, turn the turn. This, this last ap Your, your Brain on Love Speaker 2 00:36:25 Into a musical. Yeah, maybe. That'd be, that'd be fun. Fuck it. Speaker 1 00:36:29 That'd be dope. See, I, I always took New York City for granted being that it was so close. And I used to joke about, like, I used to actually say like, I want, I, I don't like the city because it's just so there's all the traffic costs, like 20 bucks in tax and tolls to get in there. Like as a kid grew up in a grown up in the suburbs, I was like, I wish the city would just float away and like leave me the Yankees and Madison Square Garden and heard Chinatown and Little Italy and that would, that'd be it. The good parts. Yeah, that'd be it. And but now that I've moved away, like it's, I learned to learn to, uh, appreciate it more. Like I, yeah, I got to see the Lion King on Bravo when I was in the fifth grade. That, Speaker 2 00:37:04 That's like, that's a privilege. That was Speaker 1 00:37:06 A fifth grade field trip. That's incredible. Small bus and got us to do all that like Yeah. Do you, do you feel that way about, about home at all? Like, do you, do you go back to Boston a lot or do you, did you kind of enjoy getting away from it? Or what are, like what's your relationship like with I love Speaker 2 00:37:20 Boston, north Boston. Yeah. I miss it all the time. I, I try to go back as much as I can, which right now is like, you know, every four months or so, but, um, yeah, like growing up by the water. Incredible. I miss the ocean here. Do you? A Speaker 1 00:37:32 Big seafood gal. Speaker 2 00:37:33 Big seafood gal. Um, so I do, I miss it. Um, but I love Nashville. Speaker 1 00:37:38 All right. So some New England questions. What's the wildest New England state of Speaker 2 00:37:42 The five? The Speaker 1 00:37:42 Wildest like we're the folks of the wildest, cuz you got, like, you live for your die folks. You got your mass holes, you got your tree. People in Vermont, you got your maniacs or Mainers, whatever you want to call it. You got the Snoots in Connecticut. Speaker 2 00:37:55 You got Rhode Islands. I, I met some pretty weird people in Rhode Island. Speaker 1 00:37:57 <laugh> Rhode Island, Speaker 2 00:37:59 But Speaker 1 00:38:00 Which is the smallest one. Which is what's funny. I, it's like, know, it's like the size of Middle Tennessee. Speaker 2 00:38:04 Yeah. But mass holes are pretty crazy. Like, we're pretty crazy people. Speaker 1 00:38:09 What, what, what, what's the, how does someone say like Macklin, who's never been up there, how would you describe a mass hole? What are like the pillars of, okay. Like, it's like being a redneck, but like, like if some, if you were to sell, like, if someone were to say like, like how someone would describe red. How would someone describe a asshole? Speaker 2 00:38:24 Okay. I think like comes off as mean, like resting bitch face, but so nice at heart. Like if you're judging it by its cover, you're like, wow, they're so mean. And then you get to know that person and you're like, wait, they, they're so warm at heart, you know? Yeah. And terrible drivers. Oh, the worst. Well actually not terrible. Just like very aggressive. Speaker 1 00:38:48 Very aggressive. Well you kind of have to be like when you're getting outta Logan Airport and those highways are Oh and those old roads. It's a man's like, you make a wrong turn in Boston, you're fucked. You're, you're Speaker 2 00:38:56 Literally your mirror. Your mirror will just be Speaker 1 00:38:58 Off. Yeah. You're going the wrong way for like 20. You got another 20 minutes until you can fix that wrong turn. Speaker 2 00:39:03 Totally <laugh>. Yep. It was an interesting place to learn how to drive, that's for sure. Would Speaker 1 00:39:07 You say you're pretty good driver? Speaker 2 00:39:08 I would say I'm a pretty good driver. But when I learned how to drive, like Massachusetts highways don't have merge lanes or anything. No. Like there's a ramp and that's fucking it. And so when I moved here, I didn't drive on the highway for like a year cause I was terrified. And then I drove on the highway for the first time because I had to right in Franklin. And I was like, I'm gonna take Franklin Road all the way to Franklin. And I was like, that's really dumb. Like, just try to get on the highway. So I did. And there was Merge Lane for like half a mile. You just take your sweet fucking time to get over. I'm like, what the hell? Now I drive on the highway, but when I go back to Boston and drive on the highway, I get ptsd. I'm like, Speaker 1 00:39:44 That's how I feel like going through the, going through the Lincoln Tunnel or going over the GW or the major vegan, it's like West Side Highway way in New York City. Speaker 2 00:39:51 Close your eyes and merge and hope for the best. Like, I don't know. Scary. Speaker 1 00:39:55 What was your first car? Speaker 2 00:39:56 A mini Cooper Still Speaker 1 00:39:57 Have it. Oh yeah. You, I do remember seeing the Mini Cooper. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yep. What year is that? Speaker 2 00:40:02 So I leased that one and I leased my one now. So it's technically a different car. Speaker 1 00:40:06 Oh, you're just, you're just dedicated to the, to the brand of Minnie Speaker 2 00:40:09 Cooper. I, it's my dream sponsorship. Yeah. Really shout out Minnie Cooper. Yeah. I'm manifesting it. Speaker 1 00:40:13 What other dream sponsors? Um, would be like, what would be your favorite? Shit? Speaker 2 00:40:17 Probably like Converse or, Speaker 1 00:40:19 Yeah. You're a big, you're a big sneaker. Speaker 2 00:40:21 Big sneaker head. Sneaker Head. Head. Yeah. Or like Hendrix. I love gin Speaker 1 00:40:25 <laugh>. I is that what's, is that what's on the rider? Is that Speaker 2 00:40:29 Near Laker? I don't. Okay. I don't have a rider. You guys, Speaker 1 00:40:31 You don't have a rider. Speaker 2 00:40:31 Will you help me make a rider? Speaker 1 00:40:32 Yeah. You don't, you don't have a rider. Speaker 2 00:40:34 I feel like I even just need a rider with like water. Like water and like chips Maybe Speaker 1 00:40:39 I'll literally, if I'll, I'll format it. Cause I, that's what I do. I know is Speaker 2 00:40:43 Like I, I need a writer. Speaker 1 00:40:45 Like Speaker 2 00:40:45 What do you, I guess it's time for that. Speaker 1 00:40:47 Yeah. Like do they feed you? Speaker 2 00:40:49 Well I keep getting these emails from venues that are like, we have a hundred dollars budget or whatever and I don't ask for anything and I'm like, this is dumb. I should be asking for things. Speaker 1 00:40:57 So whatever bottle, especially when it's just you. I Speaker 2 00:40:59 Know I could just like be stocking up here. Are Speaker 1 00:41:02 They at least giving you the a hundred bucks? Speaker 2 00:41:04 No, I'm missing out. Like, this is what I'm Speaker 1 00:41:06 Saying. So where's the money going? Speaker 2 00:41:07 It's just not being used. Okay. Because I'm so low maintenance when it comes to that. Okay. Speaker 1 00:41:11 So some, some advice here for you, for you, for you, Lauren, I'm gonna help you out. It is gonna, and this, this is gonna help you out in New York City, um, for these, these next shows you got coming up. Right? Right, right. So what you can either do is you can either have them use the a hundred dollars towards like a few things or Speaker 2 00:41:25 Just take it, Speaker 1 00:41:25 Or you can, you can say, hey, I'll take a buyout. They'll give you the a hundred bucks and you'll sell 'em. You'll get everything you need with that a hundred dollars you guys. And then as you get bigger, Speaker 2 00:41:33 This is why I need a tour manager. Speaker 1 00:41:35 Hospitality budgets can get upwards of, you'll, you can be looking at a couple, couple hundred bucks for certain levels. Speaker 2 00:41:40 Is that like hotels and stuff Speaker 1 00:41:41 Though? Sometimes they take care of the hotels. Right? Right. Sometimes they take care of the hotels. Like for us, for Trey, it's, which is funny cuz Rey's 15 years sober, he doesn't drink, smoke, nothing. Right? Speaker 2 00:41:50 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:41:50 But these boys may up, but yeah, you see all the booze over there. That's all leftover stuff from the road. From the road. Yeah. They just give us booze. Um, they get a bottle of liquor. Um, a case of beer, two cases of water. Trey gets a can of skull cherry long cut. We get, um, meals or buyout of $20 each for 10 or 11 people, depending on our crew size. We get batteries, we get tropical Red Bull. And um, is That's smart. We get stage towels. Speaker 2 00:42:17 Wow. Speaker 1 00:42:18 Like that's, that's the thing. And, and that's not a lot. Like there's some people that are like Speaker 2 00:42:21 Blue M and ms. Yes. Speaker 1 00:42:22 Blue m and Ms. Fiji water room temp Speaker 2 00:42:24 <laugh>. I'll never forget when I was like 14. I opened for Shawn Kingston. So randomly you got Speaker 1 00:42:29 To open for Shawn Speaker 2 00:42:29 Kingston. That was fucking random. And his writer was like, like my friend showed it to me cuz he booked the show. Yeah. And it was like blue m and ms, like 18 chicken wings, pink lemonade, yellow lemonade, cold cuts. Speaker 3 00:42:40 Hey, you know the story of why they do, why they do like the blue M Andm. Speaker 2 00:42:43 See if they, if you read it, you Speaker 1 00:42:45 Actually read it. Yeah. Yeah. 18 chicken wings. Speaker 2 00:42:46 It was like 18 chicken wings. And then it was like, candles, tablecloth. It was like bizarre. It was very bizarre. Speaker 1 00:42:52 Well, what do you, what do you want? So bottle, what's your favorite? Speaker 2 00:42:55 I just want some water. And it's funny, like I don't really drink before I go on stage. I'll drink after. Speaker 1 00:42:59 But you know what you can do with all that? Gin? Speaker 2 00:43:01 Stockpile it. Speaker 1 00:43:02 Stockpile it. And then you have Speaker 2 00:43:04 I'm set for life. Speaker 1 00:43:05 Yeah. Honestly mean, look at all that fucking flicker over there that the guys have. Speaker 2 00:43:09 Yeah. Anytime you want to go out, you wanna pregame, you just Speaker 1 00:43:11 Have Oh, they come here and Yeah, they come. We just come here and then, and then Midtowns right there. And they go to Live Oak and red door and all that shit. Speaker 2 00:43:17 All right. I need to get my shit together. Speaker 1 00:43:19 So Case of water. Speaker 2 00:43:20 Case of water. Like some snacks for sure. What, Speaker 1 00:43:23 What kind, what are, what are Speaker 2 00:43:24 We're looking at that Speaker 1 00:43:25 Beef jerky Speaker 2 00:43:26 I want before I go on stage. Probably like one of those veggie things, you know, Speaker 1 00:43:30 Little veggie tray. Little Speaker 2 00:43:31 Veggie tray, <laugh> and then like chips. Speaker 1 00:43:34 And then like one of the little, like, like the fa like the box of the, with Speaker 2 00:43:38 The ranch dressing. Oh, the, for the chips? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:43:40 Like one Speaker 2 00:43:40 Cape Cod chips. Speaker 1 00:43:42 Okay. Now Cape Chip's gonna be tough cuz that is just a regional Well that's tough. That's a regional thing. That's, that's like me asking for stoke. Like, like we get stoked cold brew coffee on there too. Ah. Usually I go through one of those whole big bottles in a day on. I'm, I'm store manager. I dot trays. I do. You gotta stay awake. I day-to-day stuff, I handle the merch stuff. I'll drive, sometimes I do radio stuff. I do, Speaker 2 00:44:03 You do everything. Speaker 1 00:44:04 I do quite a bit when it comes to the stage stuff. The nick from, uh, who's actually, you know Nick Gorman? Yeah. Yeah. Production guy. So he's out in the road with our production manager at Front House. Okay. So Nick and and Sweet boy over there take care of all the staging stuff, but nice. All the other logistical shit I gotta take care of. But like, stoked Cold Brew coffee, they won't have in some of these podunk towns. Right. And they'll go and get the frozen Frappuccino Starbucks thing. Starbucks things, which are still cool. But yeah, just very high in sugar. Yeah. Some people ask for all kinds of weird shit though. Really? Like, I've seen, like, I've seen like, like drugs on there. I've seen like what People asking for that. Oh yeah. Drugs. Speaker 2 00:44:39 Oh my god. Speaker 1 00:44:40 That's crazy. Um, people like weird shit. People. Yeah. Like, like, oh, okay. I'm, yeah. You get what? I you get shit catching. I'm catching now. Doesn't get anything that I've, anything that we've done. Like we don't, to me it's like you ask if you ask a venue for that, that's just fucked up. So you gotta keep it. It's kinda weird. You gotta keep it in like a moderation. Speaker 2 00:44:58 Yeah. The Bone Thugs were definitely asking for some weird things for sure. Now that I think about it. What Speaker 1 00:45:03 Are you seeing? Speaker 2 00:45:03 Yeah, I'm not gonna disclose what I was seeing Speaker 1 00:45:05 <laugh>, but, so a bottle of Hendrix. Speaker 2 00:45:10 Bottle of hens. Speaker 1 00:45:11 Yeah. Bottle of Hendrix. Just Speaker 2 00:45:13 Some water. Water snacks. That's it for Speaker 1 00:45:15 Now. Snacks and Veggie truck because Speaker 2 00:45:16 It's just me. Yeah. And, and this summer hopefully it'll be my band. So then we can Speaker 1 00:45:20 Ask, then you can ask what the band wants. Right. Speaker 2 00:45:22 Right. Speaker 1 00:45:22 Which, what do you think they would want? Speaker 2 00:45:24 Um, I think probably beer. Speaker 1 00:45:26 Just beer and whiskey. Speaker 2 00:45:27 Yeah, Speaker 1 00:45:28 Just beer. Just beer and whiskey. Beer Speaker 2 00:45:30 And whiskey and a lot of food. Like Speaker 1 00:45:33 Yeah. Which, which again, you could ask for the meals and have them either give you money to go out and get something or Wow. They'll feed you. Speaker 2 00:45:39 Wow. Uh, I'm learning so much. Speaker 1 00:45:43 I'm here to help you. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:45:45 Thanks Matt. Speaker 1 00:45:47 So what's, so what do you got coming up for? Like, the rest? So the, so the eps out? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:45:50 Yeah. Eps Speaker 1 00:45:51 Out. Um, congrats on that by the way. Thanks. Thanks. It's a big, I know that's a, that's a big deal for you. A lot of those songs you've had out as, as singles. But it's cool to see 'em as like a collection cuz they are a timestamp. And then you got the shows coming up with Andy. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:46:02 <affirmative>, New York, LA and then shows with Alexandra in Memphis and Deco. Speaker 1 00:46:08 Where's, where's the show in Memphis? Is it at the Speaker 2 00:46:10 Bluff? No. Speaker 1 00:46:12 1883 Lounge. Inglewood Speaker 2 00:46:13 Hall. No. I'll have to look it up. Okay. Speaker 1 00:46:15 Because I've been through Memphis too. Have you been to Memphis? Speaker 2 00:46:18 No, I've never been to Memphis. Okay. Speaker 1 00:46:20 So like every other city. Yeah. Places you go, places you don't go. Okay. Are you in the barbecue? Yeah. Barbecue. There's stupid. Good. Really? Some of the best I've ever had. Okay. Sick. Very good. Sick. And then if you get a chance to, again, it's just have people with you. Don't go down there by yourself. For sure. Beale Street. Beale Street is cool. I'll Speaker 2 00:46:37 Have my mom with me on that run actually. Speaker 1 00:46:39 Oh, sick. So sick. Sweet. The family goes out with you sometimes. Speaker 2 00:46:41 Sometimes like, they came to Wisconsin cause they wanted to see what Wisconsin was like, which I'm glad they did. That was, we played the main stage, which is wild. I had like three runways. I was like strutting. It was crazy. Um, but yeah, it'll just be me and my mom and my mini Cooper driving to Alabama. Can't wait. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:46:58 You definitely have to stop at Bucky's and, and Bucky's and get, and get content of you and your mom. Okay, great. At Bucky's. Great. Speaker 2 00:47:06 I made a video of my dad once on the road and it got like a million views. It was like him doing all the like dad things, you know, like with the Home Depot song on it. It was like dad being a dad, it was like him like standing in the airport with his hands on his hips, like talking to strangers. <laugh>, he got a million views. So maybe I need to do this to my mom too. Speaker 1 00:47:24 Yeah. What, how, what's the, how are like your mom, your mom and dad? So like your dad. That sounds like very much like, um, are they like New England style parents too? Or like Yeah. Your mom has, has her kind of stuff. Your dad is your, is your dad bald? Every New England man I know is bald. Every New England man I know is bald. Speaker 2 00:47:41 Really? My dad's not bald. Speaker 1 00:47:42 No. Like my dad lives in New Hampshire. No, my Speaker 2 00:47:44 Dad's not bald. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:47:45 Bald fat and bald. My, my girlfriend's dad bald, my pop my grandfather bald. All my uncle's up there bald. Speaker 2 00:47:51 No, my parents, Speaker 1 00:47:52 Uh, I got, I got this curly ass like poodle hair, but Speaker 2 00:47:54 No, you got good hair. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:47:55 New Yorker, Guido. Speaker 2 00:47:57 Shit. I love my parents. They're, they're like very independent. They raised me to be very independent. Like, you know, tough love, good tough love, good tough love. Like I very much know how to do things on my own now because of that, which I'm very grateful for. So, Speaker 1 00:48:11 Yeah, that was big. Then where do your brother, where do you uh, your brothers live? Speaker 2 00:48:14 Boston. Speaker 1 00:48:15 Yeah. So the whole family's just up there Speaker 2 00:48:16 Except for me. Yeah. <laugh>. That's crazy. Speaker 1 00:48:20 That's awesome though. For real. And uh, so for next year they're, they're gonna be announcing, so you have the runs coming up with Alexandra. Speaker 2 00:48:27 Yeah. And then after that, you know, Christmas and then next year we're looking at some exciting things maybe. So stay tuned. Awesome. Speaker 1 00:48:34 Yeah. Well we can't wait to stay tuned and uh, see what, see what you end up getting into and uh, actually forgot. I forgot to do the Nashville questions and then that way I always ask like some Nashville questions. Um, favorite bar? Favorite bar in town. Speaker 2 00:48:45 Attaboy Speaker 1 00:48:47 You, you into that East Nashville shit. Okay, Speaker 2 00:48:49 Well Attaboy if I wanna like break the bank, but like lately for fun, uptown Speaker 1 00:48:56 Uptown's. Have you been to Uptown Mc Wayne? Is that the, that's the arcade bar, right? Or Speaker 2 00:49:00 Lakeside? Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Oh, Speaker 1 00:49:02 So you're right. Right. That Speaker 2 00:49:03 I love all three of those Speaker 1 00:49:04 Bars. And then, and I'm sure you love the Beast too. Speaker 2 00:49:06 I do love the Beast. Yeah. Like a good night. I'll see a show at the Beast, put my name in at Attaboy, wait three hours cuz it takes fucking three hours. Scanner. Go to Lakeside, go to Uptown and then go to Attaboy <laugh>. It's like an ideal night. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:49:19 That's funny. And they're all right next to each Speaker 2 00:49:21 Other. Yeah. They're literally, you could Speaker 1 00:49:23 Hit 'em off. I went, I went to Attaboy once with a, with a girl and I was like taking her around on a date. Right. And I was like, you know what, I don't cause I don't drink anymore so it's like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I got a fucking like mocktail Speaker 2 00:49:35 $15. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:49:37 I got a $15 mocktail. I didn't even put any booze in it. Yeah. And it's like, you just tell you don't order like a drink that you tell 'em what you like. Yeah. And then they make it for Speaker 2 00:49:45 You. Right. Which I love. I think that's so cool. Yeah. But it is expensive. Speaker 1 00:49:48 If Mc Wayne went there, he'd be like, I like Fireball <laugh>. And he just form a glass fireball. $25 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:49:55 I went there once with a guy and he was like, I like Yeager. And they were like, we don't have that <laugh>. He was like, how about beer? They were like, no, we don't have that either. Speaker 1 00:50:04 <laugh>. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. Um, favorite um, you bake in the Mexican food? Speaker 2 00:50:10 I do love Mexican Speaker 1 00:50:11 Food. What's your, what's your your your go-to? Cause there's so many. Were you surprised with how many Mexican restaurants there were here? Yes. I did not expect there to be that many. In Speaker 2 00:50:18 Nashville. Yes. Um, Cinco de Mayo, Speaker 1 00:50:20 You like Cinco or Speaker 2 00:50:21 Rose Pepper Speaker 1 00:50:22 Cinco has the that good Margarita Press. Speaker 2 00:50:24 Cincos really good. Speaker 1 00:50:26 Cincos really good. I like Los Palmas. Los Palm Palmas is my Palmas. Cilantros is where I go. Cilantros I haven't been to yet. It's pretty good. But I've heard a lot of people talk about, I've heard a lot of people talk about Rose Pepper. Speaker 2 00:50:34 I like Cilantros better than Rose Pepper. Really hot take. Okay. Hot Speaker 1 00:50:38 Take. I'll have to go and check it out. We got the hot takes over here. <laugh>, miss Hot Takes. Um, favorite. Um, so you said you like going to the east. What about like, do you go outta Midtown at all Speaker 2 00:50:49 Or? Yeah. Oh Speaker 1 00:50:50 Yeah. You like red, you have your red door nights. Speaker 2 00:50:52 I've had my red door nights. I had a lot of red door nights between the age of like 21 and 23 and it has dwindled. But I was there the other night and I was like damn, I do kind of miss this. Speaker 1 00:51:02 Yeah. You miss waiting 30 minutes for a drink. Yeah. <laugh> 30 minutes for a drink. Speaker 2 00:51:08 It takes like gasoline that gets me drunk in four seconds. Flat. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:51:11 And hearing and hearing the same artist like for like 10 songs in a row on the jukebox. Speaker 2 00:51:15 Yeah. Fun fact. No. Um, my, in my song, me Over You. There's a line that's like my hair smelling like cigarettes. Speaker 1 00:51:21 Is that about Red Door? It's Speaker 2 00:51:21 Very much about Red Door. Speaker 1 00:51:22 Sick. Well I might've contributed to your hair smelling like cigarettes, Speaker 2 00:51:25 So I think you Speaker 1 00:51:26 Probably did it. So I'm sorry about that. I've, I've, I've, it's, it's tough too cause I've been like quitting smoking. I've, I called the, I have these little vape things, these little used altos and my, my girlfriend got 'em for me and she's like, she's like, I don't want a boyfriend that smoke smokings yucky. And I'm like, alright, well she's from Massachusetts. She's a asshole. She's very opinionated for sure. Like when you describe mass hole, like rough, Speaker 2 00:51:47 Like opinionated. Speaker 1 00:51:48 Yeah. But like very sweet and loving on the inside. Right. Tough love. But but that hard shell on the outside. That is highly crack. Yeah. I call these my car cigarettes cause I definitely don't smoke in the car, but like when I'm at Red Door, I, it's hard not to. Speaker 2 00:52:02 I can, I, I don't smoke, but I can imagine if I did and I was drunk, I would really want a cigarette. Speaker 1 00:52:06 Yeah. And it's like I don't even drink anymore. So it's like I gotta do something with myself. Yeah. I've been kicked outta red door twice. You why? I don't even drink. I've been kicked outta red door twice. Speaker 2 00:52:13 Wait, why were you kicked out? Speaker 1 00:52:14 No, Clayton man. I do. So Clayton, man, this was bad. That's when I first met Trey Mackwell. I don't know if you know this story. Um, it was back when we were playing kickball and stuff like that. So I was at Dogwood with some people watching around and then went over to Red Door. It was Clayton's like birthday. He had just turned 21. His ID was real. And ah, so I was, they were telling him that it was fake and I weren't letting him in. I used to be a, when I first moved to town, I was a bouncer, bouncer Broadway for Speaker 2 00:52:40 A year. You'd be a good Speaker 1 00:52:41 Bouncer. I was a door guy for a year at Whiskey Row, at Dirks Bentley's bar. So I've, I've checked, I've checked probably close to a hundred thousand IDs right. In a year. Right. So I like, I can know when The fools, that's fake. So it pisses me off on the bouncers are like, yeah, this is fake. Speaker 2 00:52:53 It's it's Speaker 1 00:52:53 Real. I motherfucker it's real. So they ended up letting him in and then he kept mouthing to 'em and they kept mouthing him. I kept mouthing to them. My New Yorker came out and whatever. And um, they kicked you off? They kicked me out. They were telling me that I was too drunk and I must surprise you today tattooed. I was like, motherfucker, I've been sober Speaker 2 00:53:11 Since 2016, Speaker 1 00:53:12 Bitch since 2016. And I just like, and I like did something to my whole table, like fucking left and went out. That little side thing. Made a scene. Then the second time, you know Willie Jones? No. Has partied with him before? Speaker 2 00:53:24 I don't think so. Maybe Speaker 1 00:53:25 Willie, he has a show on Apple Music country. Speaker 2 00:53:27 Oh, okay. I know who Willie Speaker 1 00:53:28 Is. He's black guy, but he's from Louisiana and I think lived in LA does like kinda like breathing where it's like that mix of like that new wave stuff. Right. And I was with him one night and it was after my round at Live Oak when we had our Delta eight sponsorship. We used to get everybody high as fuck. That was part of the, in the round brand. Nice, nice. Um, missed those days. And uh, we were smoking on the patio and uh, they came over and we're like, yeah, you can't be doing that here. And I was like, we do literally there's somebody over there doing it. And what, that's crazy too. I picked that smoke smoking pot and whatever back backing up Clayton. Man, that's so funny. Clayton will text me randomly sometimes. Remember that time it would be like, Hey, wanna go kick, wanna go get kicked out at Red Door <laugh> Speaker 2 00:54:05 One time they took my ID and I've never had a fake, it's always been real. Yeah. And they took my, I I was inside for like 30 minutes and they came and found me and they were like, can we take your ID for 10 minutes for research? And I was like, research, like, what the fuck? I'm like, maybe they wanted to know what a real ma mass ID looks like. Yeah. I don't know. And then they gave it back and I was like weird. Very weird. Speaker 1 00:54:26 Yeah. And it's something that you look for with the fakes. The trick, one of the tricks is the Massachusetts id, there's like different like holograms, like the colors will be a little bit different. Right, right. But also you look at the height and you for it to be a misrep. So like when say say you were 19 and you were, you were feeling a little wild and you had, you found another, another redhead with your same color eyes or whatever. Right. But you would look, you look at the height. I've confiscated IDs from kids before where it's like the kid will be like my size. It'll say he's like six, five. Be like, this ain't you bud. Like if it's said that like, so like they're seeing that it's your height. Right. It's literally your face. Like it's all Yeah. It's fake you And they're like motherfucker, they're thinking that it's fake. Like that's, that's gotta, I mean you're gonna age very well. Yeah. Like you're, you've got, you're gonna look, you're gonna get I'd for a very long time. Speaker 2 00:55:11 Forever. Oh my God. Where was, I went to Opry Mills the other day and for some reason on the weekends, I guess they give everyone who's under 18 like a wristband. Speaker 1 00:55:20 <laugh>. What, what? At the mall, Speaker 2 00:55:21 The lady stops me at the door and she goes, oh hang on, I need to give you a wristband. And I was like, ma'am, today is my 24th birthday Speaker 1 00:55:29 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:55:29 And she was like, oh okay. Speaker 1 00:55:32 They idd just for going into the Speaker 2 00:55:34 Mall I guess on the weekends. I don't know what, I don't know. Maybe it's getting crazy at offer your meals on the weekends. So Speaker 1 00:55:38 It's wild. Do you, were you a big mall kid growing up? Speaker 2 00:55:40 I was, yeah. Now I kind of hate the mall, but growing up I love the mall cuz it was like all there was to do go to the native Speaker 1 00:55:45 Mall. Fuck the mall. Stupid mall <laugh>. But um, yeah. But yeah. Um, I, uh, I appreciate you coming on and, and hanging and spending some of your Thanks for having me. Busy week CMA week. Been fun. It's Speaker 2 00:55:58 Gonna be Speaker 1 00:55:58 Good. Been pretty surreal for you doing It's been good being shown, being involved in all these Speaker 2 00:56:03 Toed around Speaker 1 00:56:04 Parties and this and that. Does it, does it get, does that get weird? Speaker 2 00:56:07 No, it's just fun. It's tiring. Like tonight, um, I have somewhere I need to be kind of starting at six, but I think I'm gonna go around seven 30 cuz if I'm out from six to midnight, I'm gonna die. Like, that's way too long for me to be out. My social battery goes <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:56:23 Yeah. Yeah. I I feel that like those long, those long days can wear you down. You going to the awards tonight? Speaker 2 00:56:29 No, not, not not this year. Maybe next Speaker 1 00:56:31 Year. But you, but you're doing like awards, like, like parties Speaker 2 00:56:33 Show parties after parties, the whole thing. Speaker 1 00:56:35 Do they make you play and stuff too? No. So it's just, just hanging just for fun. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:56:39 Just drinks. Drinks. Good time. Speaker 1 00:56:42 Just gin. Speaker 2 00:56:43 Just gin. Me and my gin <laugh>. All right guys. I'm a grandma. It's fine. Speaker 1 00:56:48 Hey, nothing wrong with gin <laugh>. I used to, when I was in alcohol, when I was, before I got into the recovery, I used to drink a lot of jungle juice and uh, T C N J, the College of New Jersey, which was next door. I went, I went to Ryder Small College. I, they had the, we had, we had a music school, Westminster Choir. Oh yeah. College or something. The Chinese ended up buying, it's a weird story. Um, China just bought the college. I don't know. Wow. But, um, yeah, weird shit. But, um, we used to go to T C N J and Party and they would always have the jungle juice. Mm. But their jungle juice was very gin based. So I've dabbled, I used to dabble in the gin. It ain't for the faint Speaker 2 00:57:18 Of heart. No, no it's not. Speaker 1 00:57:20 It's real taste, real palate yet. Yeah. Well, you enjoy your gin tonight. Thanks, man. I'm proud to call you a friend and very excited to, uh, very excited to see what, what you've got coming up. Congrats on the EP and thank you all the big shit coming your way. You've, you've earned it and worked super fucking hard. Thanks. You're the best. We appreciate Speaker 2 00:57:35 You. Best fucking love you. I can't reach your hand. Speaker 1 00:57:37 Reach out. Speaker 2 00:57:38 All right, Speaker 1 00:57:38 We got it. Awesome guys. We'll, um, thank you for checking out another episode of the In the Round podcast. Be sure to check out our girl Lauren Wine Tribe EP your brain on love. She's coming around to some, some cities, got some new stuff coming out for next year. Be sure to follow her along, uh, Lauren Wine Tribe on all the socials. Um, shout out as always to our sponsors, whale Tale Media, Saxon Studios, our boy Mitch Wallace with the Digital Marketing Agency and our friends at Pickle Jar Live. Shout out to the sweet boy behind the camera. Y'all take it easy. Be sure to rate, subscribe, like tell your mama and them, tell whoever, uh, check out the podcast and appreciate you guys listening or watching. Have a great day. This has been the In The Round Podcast.

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Episode Cover

SJ McDonald

Matt and Tyler are joined by singer-songwriter SJ McDonald, a young lady who stays very busy in Music City. A gifted songwriter and vocalist,...


Episode 131

July 14, 2023 01:14:26
Episode Cover

Landon Smith

On Episode 131 Matt is joined by rising artist, Landon Smith. At just 19 years old, Landon has generated a lot of buzz here...
