Brian Fuller

February 10, 2020 00:53:33
Brian Fuller
Outside The Round w/ Matt Burrill
Brian Fuller

Feb 10 2020 | 00:53:33


Hosted By

Matt Burrill

Show Notes

Great hang with our buddy Brian Fuller. Enjoyed some of Matt's New York bagels, played with Brian's puppy Cobalt and learned lots about our talented buddy! 

Brian tells us his story of moving from Georgia to Nashville in March of 2019 and how music runs very deep in his family roots. We talk road life with the signature late night Waffle House stops, the crazy story of Brian playing his '1st gig' and why he's taking a brief break from touring to focus on releasing new music in 2020. 

Brian also tells the story of becoming good buddies with fellow Georgia boy Jon Langston and about the time his guitar player got hit on stage with a box of Kraft Mac N Cheese! 

Y'all are gonna enjoy this one with one of our favorites, enjoy this fun episode with Brian Fuller!  

Song Of The Week: 'My Honey' - Brian Fuller

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:15 That right there is the sound of a Prime New York style breakfast sandwich. What's going on y'all? This is the, in the Round podcast. You got Matt and Tyler hanging out. Tyler's got a mouthful. And we have got one of our good buddies, a guy that's played our writers round a couple times. Um, a guy that we've become really good buddies with, and a guy that's brought his dog with him today. It's Mr. Brian full of Brian. How you doing, buddy? What's up guys? Doing well, man. Speaker 2 00:00:35 Thanks for having me, Speaker 1 00:00:36 Dude. Of course. Very glad we're able to, able to make this happen and stuff. And, uh, you're the first recording we've done in 2020. Yeah. So you're the first guy coming over. Oh, dude. Yeah, absolutely. And, um, we've got a special treat for you that'll be popping in in a little while. Okay. Um, chef, chef Dave. Chef Dave Hangley of, um, of Tabernacle. Dirty Dangs. Dirty Dangles of Tabernacle, New Jersey. He's, um, he used to work in a deli, so bagels and bacon and eggs and pork roll and sausage and cheese and all that stuff. So, Speaker 2 00:01:03 What'd you call it? You said it was a an everything bagel. Speaker 1 00:01:06 It's an everything bagel. Yeah. So it's got, it's got a little salt on there, a little garlic, a little onion, like a little bit of ev literally getting everything. It's my Speaker 2 00:01:12 First everything bagel Tyler Speaker 1 00:01:13 Eats the salt bagels, which for me just scream. That's a lot. That's a lot of sodium. I don't know if I can do the salt bagel, especially all that bacon on there, but Bora, I like salty Butra likes it salty, you know, there Speaker 2 00:01:22 You go. Have to be in a special mood. Like, they'll, they'll, they'll be weeks where I go and I'm just like, man, I just really want bagel with cream cheese. And I'll go to the store and just buy like a whole roll. And like the last two or three won't ever get eaten. They'll just sit in my refrigerator for like two or Speaker 1 00:01:36 Three weeks for me. I smuggle like two dozen bagels down. When I go up to New York, I go to the bakery, I go and grab them. You can literally pull them up. It makes it seem like it's illegal to bring 'em down here. <laugh>. Well, I bring, I got the goods. I I do got the goods. I bring like two. I'm still figuring out how to get pizza down here. We're, we're working on that, but like two, three dozen bagels. I, I mastered that and I, I freaking bring them down in like whether I'm flying or whatever, but it helps to drive cause you can put more in Speaker 2 00:01:59 The car. So if you're flying, where do you put Speaker 1 00:02:00 'em? I check a bag just for the bagels. That's Speaker 2 00:02:03 Only for him. Is they like, I thought bagels had to be cold though. Speaker 1 00:02:06 No, you actually want 'em to be fresh so when they're fresh, they're soft. Like, these ones are starting to harden up a little bit. So, uh, we, we Speaker 2 00:02:12 Gotta make sure we eat them. See, that shows you how much I know about bagels. Speaker 1 00:02:14 Well, you're from South Georgia, so you know about barbecue. Like I've, I've been introduced to so many different kinds of foods being down here for a little while now. Like Papa Willis, who's been staying with us. Ethan's dad, he cooked up a shrimp boil the other night and Speaker 2 00:02:26 I A low comfort bowl. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:02:27 Yeah. And I had never had that, so I was like, holy. Was Speaker 2 00:02:30 Was it the full though Country boil though? Speaker 1 00:02:32 It was a, it was, it was. It had corn, it had shrimp, it had a whole bunch of stuff. Low country Speaker 2 00:02:36 And like sausage and potatoes and stuff. Oh dude, it was so funny. You've never had one of those? Speaker 1 00:02:40 No, we don't do that up Speaker 2 00:02:40 North, man. It's not our thing. I don't think I ever wanna go up there. Speaker 1 00:02:43 I don't blame you, man. There's a reason I moved. It's great and all, all of my friends and family up there, but down here, dude, um, the food is definitely great. So you're from South Georgia? Speaker 2 00:02:52 Yeah, man, I grew up in a, in a little town, probably about 30 minutes outside of Savannah. Okay. It's called, uh, um, um, not Statesboro, I wanted to say Statesboro. It is, uh, Springfield, Georgia. Okay. Yeah. We've literally got maybe two gas stations and a huddle house. Speaker 1 00:03:08 You're a huddle house town. That's how I know you're really out there. Speaker 2 00:03:11 Yeah, well see, we've got two huddle houses. So we, they just built one, or didn't just build one, but they opened a new one, um, maybe like 10 miles up the road from where I'm from. So now we got two and then we got a Waffle House on the edge of town. So I'll go to, I'll, I'll drive the extra 15 miles to go to Waffle House. Speaker 1 00:03:28 Yeah. That, yeah. I feel the same way. I've been to a huddle house a couple times. I've been the one, the one that I've been to the most is probably the one out near sliding ride in Martin, Tennessee. Yeah. Which, that one, that, that's an interesting spot. They're Speaker 2 00:03:38 Just not that great man. No, you, Speaker 1 00:03:39 Especially, especially if you have a Waffle House Speaker 2 00:03:41 Accessible. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:03:42 Exactly. What's your Waffle House go to? You're more about this guy Speaker 2 00:03:44 Or, oh man. So I was tell you a little backstory. I was on the road one weekend and the guy that I was, I was opening for Langston and his dad took me, we went late. Everybody's gotta go to Waffle House, you know, at 2:00 AM That's just the thing to do. Yeah. And never before had had it. And he was, he ordered hash browns all the way. And I was like, what is that? And he's like, oh, just get it. It's great, man. It's, it's got like chili and onions and uh, gravy and hot sauce and jalapeno. It's like all this stuff all over the house. It's Speaker 3 00:04:17 All the ac all the extra how I get mine, like, uh, smother than chunks. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:22 That's how I get Speaker 2 00:04:22 Mine. It's the same exact Speaker 3 00:04:23 Thing. It's everything on that menu. Speaker 2 00:04:25 Yeah. And man, that's like, that's Speaker 1 00:04:27 An experience Speaker 2 00:04:27 At my two, like 2:00 AM if I've been drinking and we go to Waffle House, that's like always my go-to ever since then. But keeping it simple, man, probably just like a waffle, like the all-star breakfast. Okay. Like scrambled eggs dip your, your, your toast in the, in the remainders of the scrambled eggs. Yes. Oh, I mean in the, not scrambled eggs, the, uh, what is it? Sunnyside up? Yeah, I think Yeah. Sunny Side up. Yeah. Look at me. Sound retarded. Speaker 1 00:04:51 <laugh>. No, you're good, Speaker 2 00:04:52 But not. Yeah, that's, that's my go-to man every time. Speaker 1 00:04:55 Yeah, dude, A waffle house is a, is a fucking staple and I love it. That's like we were talking about. That's what we do when we're on the road. Our late nights are not going out the bars and doing real stupid shit. If anything, I get a little toasty and, and we, I go, I show up to the Waffle House and, and things happen. But Speaker 2 00:05:10 Dude, that, that ended up being like, Speaker 3 00:05:12 Honestly the most dangerous thing is when we have to hit the road and instead of Waffle House, we stop at a 2:00 AM Love Speaker 2 00:05:19 Oh man. Speaker 1 00:05:21 Highway or a flying Jay, do Speaker 2 00:05:23 You I walk up and down the aisles and I'm just like, yep, I want this. Speaker 3 00:05:27 We stare at granola for 30 minutes. Speaker 1 00:05:29 Oh. Oh, here we go. Speaking of staring at things for 30 minutes. Speaker 2 00:05:32 Oh, y'all almost Speaker 1 00:05:32 Dropped it. So, right. So right here, what you're about to have Brian Fuller, that is a, um, and shout out to Dave Hangley, uh, one of our good buddies. You're welcome. Oh, hey Dave, I love you buddy. And Coda and Ethan and Papa Willis. Um, they're great people. They, um, they all live with, they are best buds and they're part of this group. Yes, yes. So how are you gonna eat this? It's a big fucking thing. Tyler's documenting this. Thank God. Take a bite. Go for it. I know. Here we go. Pitter patter. Oh, look at that crunch. Oh, bro. Oh, fuck ya. Dude. This is the best thing we've ever done on this podcast. Speaker 2 00:06:05 This is so much better than I was gonna stop at Hardee's on the Speaker 1 00:06:09 Way. Oh, fuck that. We got bagel. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:06:11 Fuck Hardee's. Seriously, this Speaker 3 00:06:15 Is the, I've never been a fan of Hardee's breakfast. In fact, the only thing I'm really a fan of at Hardee's is just their chicken tenders. Their buttermilk tenders are like the creamiest. Speaker 2 00:06:25 Well, next time you go ma'am, get the blueberry, uh, muffin and the same blueberry Speaker 1 00:06:31 Biscuit. Yeah, it sounds like a blueberry biscuit. Speaker 2 00:06:32 Biscuit. It's pretty much the same thing. It's just like the Walmart brand. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:06:35 Oh, okay. Hey, Speaker 2 00:06:36 It's so good. Speaker 1 00:06:37 Hey, get Dave. Dave, come here real quick. Dave. I wanna say I have a lot of this stuff. Oh, Cobal here today we got a dog right by the bagel. Thank you for you guys. Thank you. This is a fucking great sandwich. I feel like I'm back home. Even on a cinnamon raisin bagel. You make a cinnamon raisin bagel. Breakfast sandwich. Tastes good. Make it all tastes, dude. It's cuz he got the maple. Oh, now Brian's got the puppy. Oh. Tell us the story of the pup. When, where'd you get the puppy? Speaker 2 00:07:02 So Cobalt here. I got him. I was actually, I've been wanting a dog for months and I was at Tyler Chambers farm in Douglas, Georgia. Okay. And I was hunting and I was talking, I was talking to my girlfriend and she's actually the one that talked me into it. Like, she, she was like, you, you, you should just get one. Like, I was sending her pictures of him. She was like, you should just, you should just get a puppy. Yeah. So, uh, December 20th is, I think when I picked him up, I actually drove 10 hours to get him. I was down in Georgia at my parents' house and he was in Carrollton, Georgia, which is about four hours away Speaker 1 00:07:45 The home of our buddy Noah Hicks. Right. The Speaker 2 00:07:46 Home of Noah Hicks <laugh>. And I drove, actually when I went to go meet him for the first time, me and Noah went to Zaxby's. A little shout out to Noah. Yeah. Um, but anyways, yeah. So I drove up the day Mor or the morning of December 20th, and I picked him up, drove right back down to Georgia or back to mom's house. And, um, yeah man, he's, he's very rambunctious. He's outsmarts me sometimes. Like he's getting so smart. Speaker 1 00:08:11 He ain't afraid of nothing. We've got Cooper here. Yeah. Who's a big Aussie doodle. How much do you think Cooper weighs? He is what, close to a hundred pounds? Speaker 3 00:08:17 Yeah, probably 85 to 185 Speaker 1 00:08:20 To a hundred pounds. And you got those little tiny, little tiny cobal guy running around and he's, he's, he's jumping on Cooper getting after Speaker 2 00:08:27 It. Yeah. He's not, he's not big. Paint a picture. He's like maybe eight or nine pounds. Yeah. At the most right now. Speaker 1 00:08:33 Yeah. He's, he's adorable dude. I he's about the I Speaker 3 00:08:36 Love your dog. Like, Speaker 2 00:08:37 You can follow him if anybody wants to follow him on Instagram too. This is my, my girlfriend's gonna love that. I gave him a shout out. She, we made him an Instagram pages. I think it's the cobalt of the six 15, I think. Speaker 3 00:08:49 Nice. Speaker 2 00:08:49 So yeah, go follow him. He's, he's cute Speaker 3 00:08:52 To, to put him size perspective, he's about as tall as a work boot right now. Speaker 2 00:08:56 Oh yeah. That's perfect. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He could, he could fit in my boots. In fact, he gets in my boots just about every morning before I let him out. He crawls up in there. Speaker 1 00:09:04 God, he's Speaker 3 00:09:04 Fucking But you're not going today. You're not going anywhere. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:06 Oh yeah. You're staying right there, man. I'm, Speaker 3 00:09:08 I'm staying here. And you're not. Speaker 1 00:09:09 He's freaking cute. You're not going. But congrats on the dog bed. Hey now, thank you man. Congrats on all the music that you've got going on. You had to write this morning. You're I did. You're Speaker 2 00:09:17 Doing Jacob Speaker 1 00:09:18 Lutz. Yeah. Shout our buddy Jacob Lutz. Um, good freaking dude. That was the first time you sat down with him, right? Speaker 2 00:09:23 Yeah, so I actually, me and Jacob played a writer's round a few months ago and, um, we talked after for a little bit, like, yeah, man, let's, you know, get together. And, and as you know, Nashville writers do like Yeah, we should get a write sometimes. Yeah. And, um, he ran into me the other night when I played the, in the round, uh, writer's round and yeah. He's like, dude, uh, you know, I've been so busy. I finally got a day open and it happened to be today. And that was the first time he a super cool dude. I mean, he's very kindhearted. His his melodies are off the chain. Yeah. And like, I mean, even lyrically, man, we, I mean we wrote the song. It took us probably like an hour and a half, two hours to write the song once we got on. I mean, yeah. We got off on different topics here and there, but he's an awesome dude, an awesome talent all the way around. I'm, I'm a huge fan of it. Yeah, you Speaker 1 00:10:11 Can take it on their butt, man. You Oh, I, I go dig in man. You hungry. Get, get the hell in there. Me and me and t ta boudro. You liking yours? Speaker 3 00:10:17 Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:18 Boudreaux can't have eggs, which I feel bad cuz the egg is a huge part of this cuz it is a breakfast sandwich. What do you think that everything, bagels got all the fricking flavors. Dude, it, Speaker 2 00:10:27 I'm a big fan of garlic. Oh, Speaker 1 00:10:28 So you love that shit? Yeah. Oh yeah. That's great. That's right up your alley. Oh, dude. And it's so big. These are like the jumbo size. These ain't your, your Thomas Kroger style bagels. This is like, you're going into like niac hop bagels up in New York and you're going in there and you're getting I'm, Speaker 2 00:10:43 I'm seriously gonna need you to bring me some, I'll Speaker 1 00:10:45 Add you to the list. There you go. You're on the list. He, he Speaker 3 00:10:47 Has about 40 that he smuggles home every time Right about Speaker 1 00:10:51 Now. Dude, I, I smuggle those home. Like I said, if I can once, once we get, oh, what's up Cobol? How you know, buddy? We'll get the, the pizza. If I can get the, the Italian sandwiches, the freaking Italian Wio, delis, all that stuff, but not about food, man. So for you. Yeah. I'm moving on. Moving on. So you come from Georgia. Yep. Georgia is a spot, kind of like, there's a few states where now the Carolinas are in the conversation, but country music is alive and well in Georgia. And there's so many of you guys and girls that are coming out of coming outta the peach state that are, that are doing this thing for you. Growing up, when did music become a big thing for you? And when did you think, Hey, I can do this thing? Speaker 2 00:11:25 Man, growing up, I, music's always been my mom sings my uncle's a drummer. Um, and just growing up around my mom singing, I never, I never really knew that singing was a thing. It's gonna be, it's when I get to it, it's a very funny story, you guys, you know? Love it. Yeah. But I started out playing the drums. My uncle was a drummer and I, I'd sit out there in the shed with him all the time and just beat on the drums. Yeah. There's, there's videos of me when I was like, not even a year old, beating on paint cans. And so it's always been a part of my life. And I picked up the guitar when I was about seven. And like I said, singing wasn't a thing for me. It was just, and neither was writing at the time. I was just, I was watching like slash you know, guns N Roses. And Speaker 1 00:12:07 By the way, real quick, the velvet, the uh, velvet revolver that you put up on your story, dude, I fucking love that song. I'm telling you. Any, anything by those guys, the two thousands Hard Rock is my shit. So with Speaker 2 00:12:18 You, that was was was the first song that I'd heard from them. And like when, whenever slash moved over to them, I was like, oh, they're no Guns N Roses. And then I started listening to Southern Music and I was like, oh yeah, maybe they are. Well they're not Guns N Roses, but they've, you know, they're slash definitely fits in. Speaker 1 00:12:33 So Rock is a big influence for you. Oh yeah. So he grew up rocking. Speaker 2 00:12:35 I grew up, man, like listening to Joe Satani, which is a, he's a famous guitar player. Oh yeah. Um, slash Eric Clapton was always a, a good one for me. Um, jet, I don't, you know, you guys know Jet Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:48 Or you gonna Be My Girl, right? Yeah, Speaker 2 00:12:50 Yeah. Um, just all, all that stuff, man. It was a big influence on, on who I am as an artist and as a musician. And then short story, long story short, when I was probably in seventh grade, maybe, I can't remember, I was in middle school. I got in a fight with a, with a guy, his name was Tanner Allgood, I still remember his name. <laugh>. Um, I got in a fight with this, this kid, and I got suspended for the, it was at the very end of the school year. And I got suspended for the rest of the year. And my mom was livid. Like as soon as didn't even make it out, the school building. She took my phone, I was take, taking everything from her. She's like, your TV's gone. This is gone. And I was like, this man, this sucks. And I got home and the only thing I had was my guitar. Speaker 2 00:13:34 And she would go to work during the day and she came home early from work and I was sitting in my room playing and singing Like it, singing was just kind of a thing that I kept to myself. And they were playing, my mom was singing at a, um, a music festival that was in town that, or that weekend or whatever. And she as kind of tied some of my punishment or, you know, she was like, you're singing at this festival, so pick three songs you wanna sing, you're singing at the festival. And I was like, oh God. Like I can't do this. This is, I mean, so I, for like, the next week, my, like I said, my, my uncle was a drummer, so my mom had my uncle come over and we practiced and I sang three songs. It was, uh, my kind of Crazy by Brantley Gilbert, um, in Color by Jamie Johnson. And I honestly can't remember the third song, but, um, that was it for me. After that, man, it was, I I was sold. I was like, this is, this is what I wanna do. Sorry, I keep burping. No, Speaker 1 00:14:26 You're good. We got, we can get you, we can get you some water or something. We good. That was, we got that for you. But dude, that's badass. Speaker 2 00:14:31 Yeah. It was just, man, it was, it was one, like I said, music was always a part of my life. And start now what I wanted to, I wanted to be a league guitar player. Yeah. That's what I wanted to do. I put all my time. I would sit in my room for hours and hours and hours and my grandparents, I mean, I feel so bad for the male, I can't imagine how much money I took from them as a kid, or they didn't take from him, but they gave, you know, put in to, to me doing it, man, they, I'd find something cool on the internet. I'm like, oh, I need this. And they were like, done. Got it. So I mean, they as a kid, man, they, my grandparents and my whole family, my mom, my dad, everybody, you know, saw the, the drive I had and the love I had for it. Speaker 2 00:15:09 And they just did everything they could to make sure, you know, if I was happy doing it. Yeah. And then when I discovered the singing thing, I mean, I was terrible. If you listen to videos of me when I was like 12, 13, 14 years old, I mean, I, I just hadn't found my voice yet. Yeah. And then, uh, but songwriting came about probably when I was like, I think I wrote my first song when I was like 15. And I mean, I love country music moving to Effingham cuz I, I lived in Richmond Hill and then we moved to Effingham. And Effingham is literally, there's just nothing out there. I mean, it's growing, but at the time there was nothing Speaker 1 00:15:45 B Fing. Yeah. I Speaker 2 00:15:45 Mean, there's nothing out there. Yeah. And so, you know, the cliche thing is, you know, the, the boots blue jeans and, you know, dirt roads riding four wheelers and mud bogging. And that's just the stuff I grew up doing. So that's the stuff I started writing about. And then when I was like 18, I started coming to Nashville, 17, 18 years old. And I just saw the how big the industry is and and how much, how many different avenues you could go down. Yeah. And, uh, I think that I've, I've finally grown into my voice a little bit and, and the artist that I want to be. Yeah. And, um, we're, uh, we're working on a, a new ep. Speaker 1 00:16:28 Oh, fuck yeah. Speaker 2 00:16:29 So yeah, Speaker 1 00:16:29 Like that's so good to hear, man. Oh yeah, man. Hell yeah. Speaker 2 00:16:31 I'm super excited about it. Speaker 1 00:16:33 So when did you full-time move here Speaker 2 00:16:35 Janu, or not January, um, May 4th I think. No, I'm sorry, March, March 4th was Speaker 1 00:16:42 When I of this past year. Speaker 2 00:16:43 Yep. Speaker 1 00:16:44 Holy Speaker 2 00:16:44 Shit. Haven't even been here a year yet. Speaker 1 00:16:46 Damn. And you're about to put out an ep. You're doing all this stuff, dude, that's crazy. When Speaker 2 00:16:50 I first got here, man, I just, I wrote and wrote and wrote. And another thing is, is I, I found a new love. Oh yeah, dude. He'll, he'll Speaker 1 00:16:56 Bite on everything. He'll, Speaker 2 00:16:57 He'll grab a hold of you and, and, and bring you down with him. Um, he actually tore a hole in my pants this morning. Really? And a pair of my good sweatpants, <laugh>. But, um, yeah man, I I, I got up here and I just started writing as much as I could. Speaker 1 00:17:11 Grinding. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:17:11 Oh yeah, dude. And I found a whole new love for, for songwriting and I'm able to write by myself a lot better now. And I, I think that that's really kind of helped me grow into the artist that I want to be. And um, that was, that was one of my things this year. I kind of wanted to take a little bit of time off, off the road and Yeah. And just focus 110% on. So Speaker 1 00:17:31 For you, so for you on the road, I'm assuming you're doing a lot of the college, a lot of you George boys Statesboro at Statesboro is Speaker 2 00:17:38 A big one. Dude. The blue room. Speaker 1 00:17:39 Yeah, the blue room. We're gonna, we're gonna be going there. What's that like, what's the blue room like to Speaker 2 00:17:44 It's insane, man. I mean it, seriously, I started out playing in Statesboro at a, at a place called Nats Landon. Shout out Al Chapman Okay. If he, if he's listening. But, um, Al gave me my start, man. I was, you know, 16, 17 years old going to this bar. And he, I'd get up there with the acoustic, you know, just acoustic little cover night. And I'd, and I'd built my fan base, you know, right there in the, in the Statesboro area. Yeah. Because I lived there and I just played the circuit down there. And through Al I've met a lot of people and I've, I've, through playing at the blue, blue room, it's opened up a lot of, a lot of doors. So, I mean, Statesboro honestly is, is is where I, I I grew into the, the artist thing and I was like, I, this is something that I could actually do. Yeah. Like it's, it, it could become a reality one day. And Speaker 1 00:18:28 Yeah, it's important to have those places and, and to get those chances from those club owners. Oh yeah. Especially when you're first starting out in Statesboro. That's Georgia Southern. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Okay, cool. Every, Speaker 2 00:18:37 Every time I go back, man, I'd without fail. Every time I sing, I've, I've put out a song of two, two or three years ago called Buzzing Like You and Amanda. Every time I can, I can stop singing and they got it. Like it is one of the coolest feelings, but it's one of the only places that I can go to right now. Cause I'm still up and Speaker 1 00:18:52 Yeah, you're up still growing. So for you being out on the road, so is it really just, is a lot of those, is it a lot of that Georgia circuit? Are you going down the Florida, are you going north? You going west? Man, Speaker 2 00:19:01 We've been, we've been all the way up to Michigan, SAIO St. Marie, Michigan, all the way down to, oh shit, Florida. I can't remember the town that we, dude, Speaker 1 00:19:08 That's Speaker 2 00:19:09 Dope. This, this past year. I can't remember the town in Florida we went to, but it was super cool. But yeah, we've been saio St. Marie Michigan was one of the coolest places I've ever been to. Yeah. Like it was right there on the edge of Canada and we, we went paddleboarding on um, lake Superior. Yeah. Which was super, I think, I think that's the lake, Speaker 1 00:19:24 The Great Lakes and the Finger Lakes and everything that's up there in New York, Michigan, Ohio. Yeah. Like it's gorgeous. Michigan's awesome. Especially during the Speaker 2 00:19:31 Summer. Yeah. We, we've been all over the place, man. I'm, and that's, that's one of the big things is me wanting to put out a EP this year because I want be an artist. That's what I wanna do. Yeah. And you know, if you don't have music out, you can play, you know, you can play these original songs. Speaker 1 00:19:44 Yes. I love your dog dude. Thank you man. Your dog. He's the coolest fucking guy. Love. I'll Speaker 3 00:19:48 Start it off 2019 with the pod cats. Yeah. Maybe it's 2020. We're having the pod dogs. There Speaker 1 00:19:54 You go. Yeah. Now every, every episode we have to have people that have dogs. Tell Speaker 2 00:19:57 Him tell him to bring it over. Speaker 1 00:19:58 Yeah. Bring a dog over. We'll see how jealous with Cooper. Cooper did really good by the way. He did. He, Speaker 2 00:20:02 He's Speaker 1 00:20:02 For Cooper being an 85 to a hundred pound dog and running around with this little guy. He's um, he's awesome. So, but Speaker 3 00:20:09 It was funny cuz Cooper literally would like not even try and your dog would just kind of Speaker 1 00:20:13 Fly who dog jump up your dog's jumping up. He was climbing the mountain that his Cooper takes. Speaker 2 00:20:17 He's fearless. He's seriously fearless. Speaker 3 00:20:18 He rode Cooper for me. It wasn't an eight second ride, but you know, it was a good start. He's Speaker 2 00:20:22 No bull rider, that's Speaker 1 00:20:24 For sure. Yeah. Yeah. So mi so going up there. So is there a favorite place that you've been where you've been like, that was a good show. That's a market I want to get back to going to Michigan. Michigan for sure. Okay. I, I wa Speaker 2 00:20:34 Maybe it wasn't, we played in, it was like a little country club we played in, but I think the experience as far as experiences and the coolest places I've ever been to, cuz we actually drove up there. Speaker 1 00:20:44 Yeah. Dude, road life. That is the thing, isn't it ma'am? Now you go in full band, you go how? Okay. Speaker 2 00:20:50 Yep. We've got a, a Yukon van, whatever you wanna call it. Oh yeah. And trailer and, um, my guys are, my guys are great dude. They're super supportive. In fact, the the van and trailer that we've, that we take on the road with us is actually belongs to my bass player. Oh no. Shit. And when I brought him on full time, he was like, yeah dude, this, we got it. We can take, we can take it, we can use it as much as you want. So I just, you know, pay for expenses as far as gas and Yeah. You know, repairs if, if if ever needed. And he's, um, my whole team did that. In fact, only on the way over here, man, my, my guitar player called me, his name's Riley. And um, or one of my guitar players. And he was like, Hey man, can I, can I take over your website for you? Because he's a, he majored in, um, some kind of technical field or something when he went to college. Okay, nice. And he was like, yeah dude, I'll take it over. And Speaker 1 00:21:39 That's great when you got a team that can help you out on stage, help you out on the road. Now they're trying to help you out with day to day. Like Speaker 2 00:21:45 Yeah man. And Speaker 1 00:21:45 It's when you can work as a group like that. And it's, Speaker 2 00:21:48 The coolest thing about it is man is like, they're, they're, I don't, I treat 'em like a family, you know? Yeah. And I think that's the most important part to keeping loyal people around because you know, even when you're down and even when I called 'em, I called 'em, it's actually been about a month ago, I called 'em and I was like, Hey, I'm gonna take some time off the road. I'm gonna write, I want you guys to be a part of it, so come up here and let's get in the studio. Let's, you know. Yeah. And everybody engage in it cuz it's something they're playing every night too. I don't want 'em to get up there and be bored with what they're Speaker 1 00:22:13 Playing. Yeah. And if, and if they're musicians, like gigs are gig. Like you gotta keep gigging, uh Yeah. To make your, to make your living and stuff. Exactly. Whether, whether that's downtown or going out doing one-offs or filling in for somebody like you need that and stuff. So, and, Speaker 2 00:22:25 And they're all, I mean, you know, they're, they're picking up other gigs too, but, you know, they stay a hundred percent loyal to me and Yeah. You know, there's been times where they've already had shows booked and they've had to call 'em up, you know, last minute like, Hey, I can't come, you know, I'm, we're going out with Brian. So Speaker 1 00:22:40 Yeah. That's huge to have, dude. So for you, 2020 now you're getting ready to do an EP you said, right? Yep. Is that for this year or is that looking forward to next year. I Speaker 2 00:22:48 Would really love to put it out at the end of this year. Okay. Closer or the middle. It just depends on, on when we can get in there and, and, and pick the right songs. Cause I, I the biggest part of like, especially when I first moved up here, I was just so eager to put more music out. Yeah. And we just went, we went down the wrong avenues numerous times on songs that we thought would work and we never put 'em out. But after listening to 'em so many times, I'm like, man, this is, this isn't it? Yeah. And um, being Chambers wrote a song called Somewhere in a Small Town and that one's about to come out. Speaker 1 00:23:18 I love that. Yeah. And then I love My Honey. Those are like, oh yeah. The two, when I, that's Speaker 2 00:23:23 The one I'm gonna play on here today is my Speaker 1 00:23:24 Yeah. Dude, I fucking love those songs. Like they honest to God Like You. And do you write with the Georgia guys too? Yeah. Some of those guys that you're writing with. You mentioned Tyler, you mentioned Tyler Chambers. He's a great buddy of ours. Wrote Speaker 2 00:23:35 Tyler. I wrote, uh, somewhere in a small town with Tyler. I wrote My Honey by myself. My honey's probably my favorite song that I've written Yeah. As of right now. Speaker 1 00:23:42 And and is that something that's inspired from your girl, loving from your dog loving girlfriend? Speaker 2 00:23:47 Like Yeah, I mean she, I man I, you know, when you, when you getting into a new relationship, man, you've, you got those, you know, I guess you call it cupcake phase, whatever you call it, but man, she just, she's great and, and she's, she inspires me to be better, you know, every day. And, um, it, it was such an easy song to write. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, you, you've got, you have all the right feelings about somebody. It just, you know, I just really feel like it, you sit down and it just kind of spills outta you. And the My Honey thing, the the title came up is I was literally sitting at home one day and I had this guitar riff on the guitar or thing I was picking on the guitar. And, um, I love peanut butter and honey sandwiches, Speaker 1 00:24:32 Peanut Butter and Honey. Yeah. You got, have you heard of that? Is that a southern thing? Have you had peanut butter and honey sandwiches? I Speaker 3 00:24:38 Mean, I don't like peanut butter or jelly and the combination of both is terrible, Speaker 1 00:24:42 But honey, but, Speaker 3 00:24:44 But I've never really Speaker 2 00:24:45 Saw that. You should try it. Speaker 1 00:24:46 Peanut butter and a honey, Speaker 2 00:24:47 It's super weird because for some reason the honey makes the bread crunchy so you bite into it and it's, it tastes like Speaker 1 00:24:54 It, it's a crunchy guy. Well Speaker 2 00:24:56 It, it's just, it's the weird thing. I don't know if it's the sugar and, and the bread. I don't know what it is. Yeah. But yeah, I, I was sitting at my, I've got like a little countertop bar thing and I'd left the honey out on my countertop. I had just made a peanut butter honey sandwich and I was sitting there, I was like, honey. And it just, I, I wrote the song and maybe like 20, 30 minutes. So. Speaker 1 00:25:18 That's awesome. They're just Speaker 2 00:25:19 One of those ones that, that that came to me pretty easily. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:21 Sometimes they, they gotta just come to you quick, huh? Oh yeah. They, Speaker 2 00:25:23 It hits you sometimes. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:25 That's badass. Speaker 2 00:25:25 Yeah. Somewhere in small towns one we're about to put out and my honey will definitely be on the, on the EP that's coming up. That's awesome. And um, we've got a bunch of other really cool songs, man, that's cool. That we've gotta pick from. So yeah, I'm excited. Speaker 1 00:25:36 Yeah, that's, that's awesome man. Yeah, man. I mean it's, I'm excited for what you've got coming up 2020 a big year for so many and for you to get to the point now of putting out songs like My Honey and songs, like somewhere in a small town where you're writing with your buddies and you're putting out songs that you really believe in and you'll be back out in the road before too long. And Well, Speaker 2 00:25:56 Man, I, the whole reason, the point of taking the break is just so that I could get out there and when I play these songs they have, they can immediately go look at 'em. Cuz people now, man, they're so glued to their phones and, which I mean, I, I'm guilty of it too. Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:26:12 But, um, yeah, me ab absolutely, I feel that Speaker 2 00:26:14 As soon as, you know, as soon as they leave, especially drunk college kids, you know, people that are out drinking, having a good time, if they like a song, they're gonna go look it up right then and there, and then the next morning like, oh yeah, I forgot about this. Or, but if they can't look it up, it's not like right at their fingertips, they're gonna forget about it. And I just think that, you know, I could, I could put these songs out and then by the end of the year, once people have had time to listen to 'em and learn 'em and you know, they, if they familiar, I'm, I'm not even gonna try to say that man. <laugh>, I get stumped up on words sometimes, but it's just like, get, get familiar with these or these songs, um, then I can go back out and I can play 'em and, and make new fans if Yeah. The people that aren't. And then just keep the fans that I've, I've built already. Speaker 1 00:26:58 Yeah. Just keep the thing growing. Now for you, you talk about Spotify, who are some, um, if you were to, if you were to say, I know your phone's over there, but it's for you, thinking off the top of your head, some people that you're playing on Spotify a lot right now. Oh man. Who are some people, new people, old classics. What are you jamming to? Whether that be country rock, literally, whatever. Speaker 2 00:27:14 Oh man, I've been, I was listening to Jet Today. We brought up Jet while ago. I was listening to them. Um, trying to think. There's a song that I, it's, it's by, um, Julia Michaels and I can't remember the other guy's name, but it's called, um, if the World Was Ending. I think I've been jamming that for the past couple days. Okay. Kit and Bryant's always a good one. Speaker 1 00:27:35 Yeah, dude. Yeah. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:27:36 He's super talented. Speaker 1 00:27:37 I get on, I get on those Ken and Bryant kicks every now and then. Speaker 2 00:27:40 Gary and Charlie's new ep, mu Muscatine's new EP that, I mean, that boys is is so good, man. Yeah. Whales showed me the music video for it before they had released it. Yeah. And I was like, Speaker 1 00:27:50 Damn, yo, buying a, buying a truck for 500 bucks and then just fucking, fucking destroyed. Speaker 2 00:27:55 That's what he told me. Whales was like, I was so nervous, man. Cuz like you only get one shot, you light a truck on fire, you can like, oh, mess that up. Gotta go buy a new one real quick. Speaker 3 00:28:03 Like Yeah, like the, uh, I think it was the Batman that they had Joker in, uh, whenever he's like sitting there trying to blow up the hospital. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, Heath Ledger is, he like, keeps pressing that button and all. So the button was for the explosion, but there was something like wrong with it, so he kept pressing it and all and he just like walks away and all of a sudden it blows up. And that's like his actual reaction, what you see in the movie, Speaker 2 00:28:30 He just like turns around. Right. I can't remember. He was like, Speaker 3 00:28:32 Yeah, like he, it legit scared of me. Like turned around and then he kept walking. But they were like, we were so lucky that he stayed in character for that because we had one shot at that. Speaker 2 00:28:41 Yeah. I mean, once, once that's gone, I mean, it, it takes forever to, to re especially I guess in a movie to rebuild something like that. I mean, of the truck, you, I guess you could just go buy a new one, but still like nobody wants to spend another eight, five, $800 on another truck to Speaker 1 00:28:56 Burn. Oh yeah. No dude. But yeah, that, that was pretty, that was pretty crazy. And Wells is a good fucking dude too, isn't it? Oh Speaker 2 00:29:02 Dude, man. Uh, what Speaker 1 00:29:04 A guy. I love that dude. See I've been, have you been out with him before? Like if you've gone, have you gone out and partied with Wells? Speaker 2 00:29:09 I wouldn't really call it partying. We went out and drank, but we weren't like out getting Speaker 1 00:29:13 Crazy. Okay. So after our, um, after our show in, um, in Mobile Wells was with us and it was our last headlined show for the year and it's where, where Gary and Chuck are from and stuff. But we went out to a couple of the bars and we had wells with us. Wells can, Wells can party. Well, we have a, we have a good, we have a good time. Well, Speaker 2 00:29:30 I can definitely tell it though man, cuz Yeah. Every time that we do go out drinking and I'm like, all right man, I like, I'll see you later. It's like 10 30, which I, man, I go in early. I mean, I, I don't like to stay out too, too late. But Wales, the few times that we have been out together, he's like getting to that point and you can just tell he's like ready to cut loose and, but like, he's such a cool dude though, man. Yeah. He's such a good, a good guy. Like we went and did um, Tyler's music video thing or like he was doing some little promo stuff. Yeah. And he took a couple pictures of me and Noah while we, because we were all just hanging out there and like, just, he catches you off guard and is ends up being this really cool picture. Yeah. Or whatever. He's just, he's, he's a super talented dude and, and I'm excited for, for his future man. Especially, I wish he would move up here. Speaker 1 00:30:14 I can't wait. Yeah. We gotta start a fucking campaign of getting fucking whales moved to Nashville. I Speaker 2 00:30:20 Don't know why he hasn't yet. I know he is got a girlfriend back home I think. But I Speaker 1 00:30:23 Mean, I think, I think he's got, I think it's the old Speaker 3 00:30:25 Lady. He also has the company back Speaker 1 00:30:26 Home and he's got the company based back home as well. Okay. So all the whale tail stuff. He's got other projects where he, he does like Speaker 3 00:30:32 A lot, a lot of weddings and stuff. Well hey, Speaker 2 00:30:34 I guess if you're making the travel money, I mean, you know, Speaker 1 00:30:36 But hey all you guys and girls out there listening, all you artists, singer, songwriters, pub publicists, whatever. If you're looking at, you know, somebody that needs content out there, get whale some more work here. Whales Tales. Get it. Yeah. Whales Tales. Let's get him. He's got, he's got hats and shit too, which I haven't gotten one of those yet, but I've seen you. Speaker 2 00:30:52 I don't have any of Speaker 1 00:30:52 It. Yeah. What the fuck? Yeah, we whales. What the fuck? We're Speaker 2 00:30:55 Out here giving you a shout out man. And you're like, you ain't hooking us up, Speaker 1 00:30:59 But Wells you gotta we we we're ready for him to move to Nashville cuz he's a good fucking dude. Now for you with social media stuff, you're really kind of still in the early stages of this being in Nashville now for, for less than a year. And what's the social media like for you mean whether it be on Instagram? Are you a Twitter guy? Facebook? Speaker 2 00:31:14 Oh, I think I have maybe a hundred followers on Twitter. I don't, I I cannot tell you the last time I tweeted. Like I, I just, I don't get it. But Speaker 3 00:31:22 You are on Twitter? Speaker 2 00:31:23 I am on Twitter. No, a hundred percent. Yeah. I have a Twitter. What's Speaker 3 00:31:25 What's your name there? Speaker 2 00:31:27 I, Speaker 1 00:31:27 Uh, Ty Tyler likes to tweet, likes to pull Speaker 2 00:31:30 Up. I don't even know B Fuller. Maybe I could, I can get my phone and tell you Speaker 1 00:31:35 Ba Fuller. It's gonna be like Ba Fuller 69 69 something Speaker 2 00:31:39 Like, I mean, I'm, I think I made it when I was Twitter was like one of the I got it. Oh, you did? Okay. What is it interest I'm interested in? Didn't know it. Speaker 3 00:31:49 Ba Fuller music. Speaker 2 00:31:50 Okay. Yeah. See something like that. Music, Speaker 3 00:31:51 You single myself out. Now Speaker 2 00:31:53 See that's, that's how long it's been since I've tweeted. I put, I put myself out in September of two years ago. Speaker 1 00:31:59 2018. Speaker 3 00:32:00 Yeah. You've been here since February of 2013. Speaker 2 00:32:03 Yeah. So like, I, I don't, I don't get, you see how many followers I got, like I don't get on it to 306. Speaker 3 00:32:08 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:32:09 Like, I don't get on there to attain it at all. Speaker 1 00:32:11 Is there anything, now did you ever, were you ever, have you only used it for music purposes or have you gone on there like Speaker 2 00:32:17 Yeah, that, that was the only reason I ever made it, man. Okay. And, and I, Speaker 3 00:32:19 There's some good tweets. Speaker 2 00:32:21 Instagram, Speaker 3 00:32:22 Well, we'll see. There's no telling. Speaker 1 00:32:24 Okay. Yeah. Cause Tyler, Tyler will do some digging. But for you now with Instagram, you got, you get a lot of those analytics back and for you, I mean, are you the kind of guy that's posting a lot of original stuff on there? You doing some cover videos? Speaker 2 00:32:35 That's where it's really all I post, man. Like I, Instagram and Facebook are, I, i is where most of my following is and I pay attention to Instagram a lot. Like I've got the whole business page set up to where you can look and see, you know, good times to post and stuff like that. And it's, it's such a cool tool, man. I've met, so I've got a friend of mine, he lives in California. I've never met the dude a day in my life, but we're like, we can talk on the phone forever just through Instagram. Yeah. He, he used to be a singer. I think he still does sing and write or something, but he lives out in California. He's a photographer. And, um, we just became friends through Instagram and he showed his friends my music and, and vice versa. And, um, it's just such a cool tool to to to promote yourself, promote what you're doing, your business. Yeah. And, and, and any, not even just for artists or musicians. I mean, you know, if you've got a a story you open up, you know, throw it up on Instagram, put your, your retail and or your inventory on there. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:33:33 Put whatever. Yeah, exactly. No, there's all, all kinds of stuff. Hey, get that last piece of bacon there bro. Do the honors. Fucking get it. There you go. Provide 'em food and stuff. No. Oh dude, that bacon fucking really good. Speaker 2 00:33:44 Yeah. Honestly, man, I, I need to come over here at least once a week for a podcast. Well, they Speaker 3 00:33:48 Didn't, they fucking So how do you like your bacon though? Because I like my bacon chewy. Speaker 2 00:33:52 I like it like both ways. I, I Speaker 3 00:33:56 I I hate crisp bacon. Speaker 1 00:33:58 See, for whatever reason, I guess I don't know how Papa Willis made it, but he made it where it's like crispy but then he bite into it and then it gets like, it's so much fucking grease. I Speaker 3 00:34:07 Mean like, I kind of want, I mean, I know you can't do it, but I want my bacon like medium rare, not well done. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:34:15 Man. Yeah. I don't know if you wanna do Speaker 1 00:34:16 That, that or, or do bacon, bacon Speaker 2 00:34:17 Steak. I tell you one thing, when I lived in Statesboro, there was this guy, I can't remember what his name was, but I watched him, I'm not even kidding. Eat half a pack of raw bacon. Speaker 1 00:34:26 Raw bacon, Speaker 2 00:34:27 Raw bacon like cut the pack, said that's not, and just started, he's like, my granddaddy used to do this all the time. And I was like, there ain't no way. Is he still alive? Speaker 1 00:34:37 <laugh>? Yeah. No, that'll, that'll that'll take your life. Yeah, that doesn't Speaker 3 00:34:40 Fly Speaker 1 00:34:40 Here. Yeah dude, that's, that's something. Wow. The, Speaker 2 00:34:43 The best, the best part about it was, was there was a girl there that was like interested in him and she was like, oh, I've done it for too. And just, and first time in my whole entire life watched two people eat raw bacon and one of 'em was influenced by the Speaker 1 00:34:55 Other, what was the guy's name? Speaker 2 00:34:57 Oh man. I honestly couldn't even tell you. Speaker 1 00:34:59 Is it Bubba or Jeff Row? Speaker 2 00:35:01 No, I mean, if I had to take a guess, I think it was like Keith. Oh Speaker 1 00:35:03 Honestly Speaker 2 00:35:03 That's Keith. Speaker 1 00:35:04 It just sounds like one I'm being serious. Like, just sounds like one of those Speaker 2 00:35:07 That's that's that's what, that's my best guess. I think his name is Keith. Speaker 1 00:35:10 Oh man. Speaker 3 00:35:11 Damn. So we have a Brian Fuller, uh, Twitter account. Speaker 1 00:35:15 Oh God. Yeah. So Tyler likes to do a little digging and there is a troll account out there. We can't unveil the name of the troll in the round. Has an official account now. Yeah, we finally got one. Tyler finally fucking made an account. Um, I don't really do Twitter. No, but um, there is a Twitter troll out there and maybe one day if you do have Twitter still on your phone, which you probably don't even, oh, Speaker 2 00:35:35 I'm gonna, it I do, I keep it on there because I know I would really love to get back in like, okay, keep all my social media up to Speaker 1 00:35:41 Date. Well, you put some post with it posts up there, you might see a Twitter troll that comments on there and likes and just saying you might find our one in Tyler, six or seven. He has seven aliases where he goes on. He really went after Old Town Road and he goes after Big 10 football a lot being a football guy. He really goes after Big Speaker 3 00:35:58 10 football. Oh. And uh, and I went after this past week, I went after, uh, Kansas City Football cuz you know, Titans and all. And uh, that got interesting for a couple hours, but so Speaker 1 00:36:07 What, so what do we got on there with Brian Fuller Speaker 3 00:36:09 Camp? So Brian Fuller likes to tweet about food. Speaker 1 00:36:12 Okay. Speaker 2 00:36:12 Yeah. I mean especially Speaker 1 00:36:14 It's all two years. This is all, yeah, no, this is Speaker 3 00:36:16 2019. Speaker 1 00:36:17 Okay. Speaker 3 00:36:18 When you're so hungry, you just start mixing stuff together to see if it tastes good or not. Speaker 2 00:36:23 Uh, I do do that a lot, man. Speaker 3 00:36:24 But wait, then there's another, I come home late at night sometimes and take at least one bite of everything in my fridge. Speaker 2 00:36:31 I do. If it's Speaker 1 00:36:31 A late, if it's a late night and you're not hitting cookout, you can. I, I, Speaker 2 00:36:36 Dude, so weird. Speaker 1 00:36:38 What do you, what do you keep in the fridge? What are your essentials? Oh Speaker 2 00:36:40 Man, I, I'm big fan of hummus and carrots. Really? Yeah. I love hummus and carrots. Um, salsa and chips. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:36:49 Chips and salsa. Fus, pickles. Speaker 2 00:36:50 Staples. I gotta have my pickles, man. I'm just, I love pickles. Um, you Speaker 1 00:36:53 Gotta go up to New York then. I know you said you don't wanna, I know you said about, we were talking about North before. Speaker 2 00:36:58 I'm, I'm gonna have to go. Hey. Speaker 1 00:36:59 Yeah. At some point bagels and the fucking kosher size dope pickles that are like this big ones fucking big. Oh dude. The big ones. You gotta like, Speaker 2 00:37:06 I love pickle juice. Speaker 1 00:37:07 You gotta love the big ones, right? Speaker 2 00:37:08 I can, I can. Speaker 1 00:37:11 I know Bojo loves him, bitch. All right, so what do you got on there? What else? I'm, Speaker 3 00:37:14 I'm trying, are you digging? Speaker 1 00:37:15 Yeah. Yeah. Don't Speaker 2 00:37:17 Embarrass me. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:37:17 No, that, I mean, we found some that are really funny. What was the, I think it was the Jody chap episode. Jody. There's some people that really go in on Twitter and like they drunk tweet. So we were pulling drunk tweets up from people. I don't think you have any drunk tweets on there. Speaker 2 00:37:31 No, Speaker 1 00:37:31 No, no. Whereas we've got some people that are like drunk tweeters Speaker 2 00:37:34 Now if you got on my Snapchat, like my Snapchat. So Speaker 1 00:37:37 Snapchat's a big thing for you. Speaker 2 00:37:38 Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:37:39 So you're, are you the guy where you're going out with the boys and like the night just going and like the story just gets wild kind of thing? Speaker 2 00:37:46 Uh, sometimes I see like, I, I don't go out as much as I used to, but I just, I mean, if it's cool if I think people should see it. If I'm like, Hey, I'm doing, I'm like snowboarding somewhere. I, I don't know what, whatever would be cool to go. Speaker 1 00:38:01 You snow, do you snowboard? Speaker 2 00:38:03 Uh, I really want to go. I've never been, I that was just a random Speaker 1 00:38:05 K kind of hard to snowboard in South Georgia, right? Speaker 2 00:38:08 Yeah. I mean if, if it snows and if it snows in south, I mean it could snow for maybe like 10 minutes and there's such schools down. Speaker 1 00:38:16 Yeah. What's what's the, what's a lot of snow to you? Speaker 2 00:38:19 Uh, Speaker 1 00:38:19 What's your definition of Holy shit? It's snow <laugh> Speaker 2 00:38:23 Man. I don't, it's cuz living up here like it's, it's, it's still changed. Speaker 1 00:38:28 Doesn't you guys get like two inches here and all hell breaks loose. It's a fucking apocalypse. I had seven. Yes. Speaker 3 00:38:32 Cause all the hills Speaker 1 00:38:33 I had, I had seven inches of snow the other day in New York and I drove from New York to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. No problem. Speaker 2 00:38:38 See, I've been in New York before. Like, I, I've been, I I went to New Jersey when I was a kid. Oh, really? No shit. Yeah, we went to new around Christmas time. Okay. So it was, I saw a lot of snow. Yeah. <laugh> and I mean, yeah. And South Georgia like a a inch of snow. People are, you would think the world's ending. But I mean, here I'm just, it starts snowing. I, it wouldn't surprise me if it was three foot, six foot, whatever. Like, I'm just like all now if I'm like snowed in and I can't leave my house, I'm like, all right. Shit. This is a lot of snow. Yeah. Like, yeah, but I mean, I don't know man. I mean, snow. I think it's cool. I love snow. Yeah. Cobalt. He got the snowed the other day. Oh. Speaker 1 00:39:12 He looks like he'd have a lot of fun Speaker 2 00:39:14 Out there, man. Go check his Instagram account out. He has, I got Speaker 3 00:39:16 A picture plug in it twice. Speaker 2 00:39:18 Go. I got, I got a picture on there's Speaker 1 00:39:20 Just plugging it for Ms. Ashley, huh? Yeah, she's, Speaker 3 00:39:22 So I have the last tweet this from 2018 and this is a good one. Okay. Oh God. Someone threw a full box of craft mac and cheese on stage last night and I just want to know who brings a box of mac and cheese to the bar. Speaker 2 00:39:35 They did. Speaker 1 00:39:36 All right. So what show was this? And Speaker 2 00:39:38 I was in, oh man, where I, where was I at Knoxville. I was in Knoxville, Tennessee at Uptown Bar. Speaker 1 00:39:45 Great town. Oh Speaker 2 00:39:46 Dude, it's so much fun. One of the coolest places we're like one of the best places I've ever played. The crowd is always so much fun. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:39:51 Oh, the East Tennessee knows how to throw down, that's for sure. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:39:54 But yeah, dude, this, it was so funny because we get stuff thrown up there all the time. Yeah. I mean, people throw stuff at us all of the time and anything from hats, boots, I mean shirts, everything. A lot of clothing. Wink, wink, <laugh> and, um, <laugh>? No, this, my guitar player got hit in the head with a box of Mac and Cheese <laugh>. And it was one of those things like, it, it hit him and we all turned around and looked and we're just like, was that mac and cheese? Speaker 3 00:40:28 Did he make the uh, the uh, sound that whenever you miss a note on Guitar Hero, like the Chick Speaker 2 00:40:35 <laugh>? Well it, when it hit him in the head, I don't think none of us really initially noticed what it was. We were just like, ah, somebody hit, Cory got hit with something because they throw a lot of beer cans and like cups and stuff. In fact, I, one of the things that I like to do is I always like spray the crowd with beer. Yeah. And I got in trouble for it that one night I was up there, they were like, Hey, when you did that, like 12 other people thought it was okay and a fight broke out. I was like, oh my bad. So they told us not to do it anymore. But anyways, we like, it would just, it was funny cuz I noticed him get hit with something. Yeah. And I looked over at him and kind of laughed and he was like, it's mac and Cheese <laugh>. And I was like, what Speaker 1 00:41:09 Score dinner tonight? But Speaker 2 00:41:10 That's the thing is who brings, who brings a box of mac and cheese to the bar? Speaker 1 00:41:14 Maybe there was like a food drive event. I don't fucking know. Speaker 2 00:41:17 The the best thing is, is I guess for all the ladies out there that, you know, go home with other fellas from the bar if you don't know if he's gonna have food or not, throw a box of mac and cheese in your purse. Yeah. And just, hey, when you get there, make it. Speaker 3 00:41:31 And if you're like the band, throw Speaker 1 00:41:32 It at the band. Yeah dude. Speaker 2 00:41:34 Throw it at this bands great. Free free. Give them Speaker 1 00:41:36 Food. Free food is the best food. Absolutely. Oh absolutely. Where did, um, so, so for you with the live show and stuff, so did you go to a lot of concerts growing up and stuff? Like were you, were you an active music intake at going to live shows and whatnot? Speaker 2 00:41:49 I actually didn't man, the first concert ever went to my mom took me to see Keith Thur in Jacksonville, Florida. And I think that I honestly enjoy going to shows like my show more than I enjoy going to like a big arena or something like that. Like going to see Muscular on Bloodline or going to see, you know, Jordan Fletcher, Ashlyn Craft or you know, somebody like that and or John Langston John puts on a great show. It's just so much you, it's almost you're able to interact more cuz the room, you're not in a, an arena or a stadium and you're able to get a little bit closer and it's, it's, it's, it's, I think it's just more fun for me. But growing up, man, I, I, I watched him on YouTube. Okay. I mean, I, Speaker 1 00:42:32 So John Langston sounds like a guy that you're pretty, that you look he's another Georgia guy. Yeah, I, he's another guy that sprays people with beer on stage. Yeah. He's another guy that brings the party Crown Royal and, and, and all that stuff. Oh yeah, he drink, he's, we've seen him drink, bottle drink, um, bottles of Crown Royal Station. Oh, I have too. So John Langston, is that a, is that a guy that's a guy for you that you look up to kinda thing? Speaker 2 00:42:53 Yeah, man, John John's a good buddy of mine, man. I, I actually met John a couple of years ago. I was at, um, a fraternity party in Statesboro of all places. I was playing a little acoustic thing up there and actually me and John, two weekends, sorry, two weekends after that we had had a, a date scheduled and I was opening up for him in Hardy v, South Carolina at a place called the Music Vault. And I saw, I saw him at the fraternity party and I was like, man, that looks just like Langston. And I'd never met him to that point. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:43:26 But you had watched as you Yeah, but I know who he was. Speaker 2 00:43:28 I, I'd been a fan of his music and I was like, man, that looks just like Langston. So I plugged the show while I was sitting up there playing. I was like, so yeah, next weekend me and John Langston are gonna be in Hardy, South Carolina if you guys want tickets. I got something. And as soon as I said his name, I saw him look over at me and I was like, I knew it was him, <laugh>. But he was, dude, he's super cool guy, man. He walked up after I got done that day and super nice. We talked for like 30 minutes and he's, I mean he's helped me out as much as he could, as as, I mean he's brought me on shows Yeah. With him. Um, um, Speaker 1 00:43:56 And for you, that's a guy to, to really look up to if you're playing this, I call it the s e sec circuit. Yeah. When you're playing every fucking college town south of Virginia, where it's, where it is. S e C country. Yeah. Where you're going into Auburn, you're playing Skybar, you're going into Tuscaloosa, you're going into Athens, you're going into Gainesville, you're going into like Starkville, Mississippi, Knoxville place like that. John built a career Yeah. From doing that. I Speaker 2 00:44:18 Mean the do the, these places like, like Zydeco and, and what used to be the gin, it's called Terminal South now and then like Skybar Yeah. And places like that. These are all places that people that are where I'm at right now played coming up. Yeah. And um, it's, it's, it's super cool to, to watch them come from that and to, you know, what they're doing now cuz like Langston's on the, the whiskey glasses Road road thing now. Yeah. And he was on Luke Bryan's tour last year. Speaker 1 00:44:48 John John's 20, 20 19 was a big year for John. Yeah. It was huge. Speaker 2 00:44:51 Absolutely. And I'm, I'm, but Speaker 1 00:44:52 But he started out on that circuit Speaker 2 00:44:54 Yeah. On the same circuit that, that we all have like, and it's, it's this and I think it's a, a Georgia thing man. Yep. It's just this south, the southeast region. Speaker 1 00:45:00 It's some something in the water for y'all where guys likes Windell John. Yeah. Brantley Gilbert. I remember being a, being a being, um, up in New York and I'm a huge Brantley Gilbert fan, as you could probably tell with that flag right there. The Stone Cold Country by the grace of God hanging out. But I remember watching videos of him playing shows at, um, at Bill's or whatever, wild Bills, whatever. Yep. Wild Bills playing at, um, Georgia, Billy Speaker 2 00:45:22 Bob's or something like Speaker 1 00:45:23 That. Wild Bills, Georgia, the, uh, Georgia Theater. Seeing shows there like, like watching B artists that ended up being really huge and they're playing that circuit. There's something to be said for music in Georgia and Oh yeah. In Alabama and Mississippi and a lot of those places. So it's cool to see you doing, uh, going on that circuit and stuff, dude. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:45:41 It's a, it's a lot of fun too, man. It's a lot of fun to see the history you going in these places. And one of the coolest places I've ever played was Eddie's attic. Speaker 1 00:45:48 Oh Speaker 2 00:45:49 Dude. And dude walking into the room, into that room and just the history. I mean, it's not a very big room. I think it holds like 180 people, Speaker 1 00:45:55 But that's what's so fucking cool about it. Speaker 2 00:45:57 Yeah. And John Mayer's played there. Yeah. Like, I've sat on the same stage John Mayer did. If Speaker 1 00:46:00 You're a fucking songwriter, like that's a spot you have to play at some point in your life. Oh yeah, it Speaker 2 00:46:05 Was, it was the coolest. I've, I've played there three times in the past year and a half, two years, I think the Speaker 1 00:46:11 First time I, I mean, help Channing Wilson put out a live album there exactly like people put out live records like that is, I haven't been there yet, but I've heard nothing but good things. It's Speaker 2 00:46:18 Super cool man. It really is. It's, it's one of those places that you go in and it's like you can just, you can just feel all the, like all the great people that have been there. Yeah. And then they've got, they've got it posted everywhere. They got pictures as soon as you walk up the stairs, all the people that have come in posters and stuff. And it's just super cool to see the history and, and such a small, you know, cuz it's not an arena, it's not a stadium, it's not anything like that, but it's, it holds more value than most of those places ever, ever will Speaker 1 00:46:44 Singer songwriters, which is so fucking cool. And that's why we started doing this podcast, man. Now where can people find you for all your music stuff and what can people for 2020 now, what can people be looking, looking forward to for these next, say like couple months before the record comes out, before the EP drops and where can people find you for all the updates? Speaker 2 00:47:03 Um, on my Instagram or my Facebook. And I guess now I'm gonna have to get back into Twitter <laugh>. Uh, Speaker 1 00:47:08 Definitely will. Speaker 2 00:47:10 I'm gonna you back. You Speaker 1 00:47:11 Don't get caught by the troll, Speaker 2 00:47:12 But it's, it's all, it's all the same man Brian Fuller music for, for the most part. I've got a website, Brian Fuller music. Um, we're actually about to revamp the website and, and kind of get some of the old stuff off of there and, and, and make it look new and Speaker 1 00:47:25 Any idea when you're back out on the road. Speaker 2 00:47:27 Hopefully by the end of the year, I mean before the end, I would really, I mean we're gonna be playing shows periodically through the year Okay. Because I, I, I love it too much to quit. Speaker 1 00:47:35 So that'll be website, Instagram, yeah. All that. So you guys, I highly recommend, I haven't gotten to see you full band yet and I can't wait to fucking see you full, full band dude. Cause I've seen you at the writers rounds and all that. You guys make sure you check out Brian Fuller fucking badass dude. Another guy waving the flag for the great state of Georgia, especially Statesboro, you South Georgia Boys. There there's something to be said for y'all. Now you're gonna play something in the water so we always Yeah. Something in the water. I like how you put the New York on there. I fucking love it. I'll do it for you. Yeah dude. Hell yeah. So, um, we always wrap this thing up with, um, with our guest playing the song for us. You said you were gonna play My honey. Yeah man. So for you, just real quick, I know you talked about it earlier, that song for you, when did you come up with the idea? And Speaker 2 00:48:12 Like I said, I, it was when me and Ashley started dating, it was initially this, the idea that I'd had behind it was God took his time on you. And it just kind of more, like I said, I was sitting there picking one afternoon or one night or whatever and I'd had that song title on my head and I just kept trying to mess with it a little bit. Yeah. And then I looked at the, the, the jar of honey on my, on my counter and I was like, mama honey. Yeah. And it just stuck. And now I just wrote off of that which, and then I like the more the more soulful like John Mayer kind of vibes and I definitely feel like it, it, it kind of has, it's got a little bit of both. It's got, you know, it's country, you know, it's my honey, you know, that's some down south shit right there. So, but it's also got the the melodic feel of of something. Yeah. It's Speaker 1 00:48:58 Easy listed and it's smooth and it really gets the message across, which is, which is dope. Dude. Speaker 2 00:49:03 I'm glad you like it man. Oh Speaker 1 00:49:04 Dude, we fucking love it. So yeah, we, we really enjoy it man. Thank you. So, um, so man, thanks for hanging out. Um, you while you go grab that guitar Tyler first recording of 2020 third episode of 2020, man, the year it's fucking, it's starting to, starting to move along buddy. And uh, January has passed. Now we're into February. We got some more writers rounds coming up. Y'all make sure you follow us at Map Brill at just a wandering, not just a wandering, just a wandering Tyler. Um, and make sure you follow at in the round podcasts. Make sure you follow Brian, all of his stuff. And also in the round on Facebook we're gonna be revamping the YouTube page, hopefully getting a website up there for you all soon. And um, and yeah, we're gonna have a bunch of cool things coming up and we're on Twitter, which is really cool. Speaker 1 00:49:46 Tyler's gonna be handling this Yeah. In the round pod pod. Yeah. Almost as delicious as a Tide pod. You know, we're right there. We're right there, there. Oh, Twitter has the whole like I know character limit. I know, I know. It's a pain in the Pocket. Podcast was too long. That's why you're running it. Not me. Cause it's a pain in the nuts. I don't like getting kicked in the nuts all day. So anyway. But um, you guys make sure you jump on, check that out and uh, make sure you subscribe, review rate and uh, let us know what you guys think of all these episodes. Now without further ado, it's our man Georgia's own Brian Fuller with my Honey. Y'all been listening to the In the Round podcast. Speaker 2 00:50:28 She's a sun rain. When the sun's too high, Speaker 4 00:50:32 The Speaker 2 00:50:33 Sunshine when the rain won't stop. The reason Melody, Speaker 4 00:50:41 She's a glass of wine Speaker 2 00:50:42 When the Speaker 4 00:50:44 Fuzzy Speaker 2 00:50:45 Socks cause of feet, different Speaker 0 00:50:53 Candle's. Speaker 2 00:50:54 Special. Beautiful. Speaker 4 00:51:06 So I Speaker 2 00:51:37 Can tell with took his time. Speaker 4 00:51:40 I think he Speaker 2 00:51:42 Had me in mind. Everything I didn't know for. She's special. Kinda Speaker 4 00:51:52 Beautiful to find something. Bye honey. Bye honey. I think I finally found a hard worth calling home. Don't something. Bye honey.

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